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By Doug Creamer

            I went to the store to buy some Halloween candy and noticed that the Christmas candy was out, also. I don’t think the kids would like to have candy canes for Halloween. There were rows of gifts already out and it’s not even Halloween yet.  When I was a kid Christmas candy or gifts were not out until after Thanksgiving. Things have changed.

            Speaking of change, the leaves have given us a beautiful show this year. The weather seems to be stuck on warm. I saw some scattered frost this morning but it turned out to be a beautiful day. The calendar says that November is arriving soon, but the weather is giving us a nice treat. I just hope it doesn’t pull a trick on us.

            We all know that colder weather is on the way, but I really don’t mind if Mother Nature wants to continue these 60-to-70-degree days. I know that frost will soon arrive and then we will be faced with whatever weather winter brings our way. But I think we have some nice fall days ahead and I plan to enjoy them.

            Some friends have asked for my winter predictions. I have been looking at many websites which put out long-range forecasts and it looks like they all agree on a wet winter. The big question is will there be cold air in place to give us snow. My personal prediction is that we will see some winter weather this year but I am afraid it will be the old Carolina mix of freezing rain, sleet, and snow. It is hard to get pure snow here, but only time will tell what really happens.

            When it comes to predicting winter weather there are so many variables. Sometimes a storm is only a day or two away and we are unsure about what to expect. Sometimes even with our advanced technology forecasts fall apart at the last minute, as most of us know from storms in the past. The storm moves in a slightly different direction, changing everything.

            Making any kind of prediction about weather is challenging. We all know what is happening right now, but what happens tomorrow or next week is up for grabs. The same can be said about our current events. Some of my favorite radio and TV preachers are talking about the end times. They are making predictions about when Jesus might be coming back.

            All the news networks are talking about the war going on in Israel. The unprovoked attack against Israel is unforgivable. What the enemies have done to women and babies is despicable. Israel is more than justified in defending itself and its borders.

            Are the preachers right? Is this war the one that prophets spoke about thousands of years ago? Can we expect Jesus to return for His church soon? The answer to that question is like trying to predict a snowstorm; there are many variables. Every person who has studied end times has a different opinion about what to expect, much like the weather forecasters. The truth is that no one knows for sure.

            We do know that Jesus is returning for the church because the Bible says He will return for us. We can’t live in fear because of the news. We have to put our faith in Jesus and let Him handle all the details. We must persevere in our faith while we wait for Him. We can also be in prayer for the lost and reach out to them as the Spirit leads us.

            It’s important to stay connected to your church family. Many people have not returned to church since the pandemic. Jesus wants us to be in fellowship so we can encourage each other. It is also very important to continue reading your Bible and praying to your Father in Heaven every day. Be a faithful follower and maintain your faith in these troubling times.

            I want to encourage you to stir up your faith, especially if you have allowed it to wane in recent years. Find ways to connect with other believers and encourage each other. Challenge each other to persevere in spite of the news. Live fearless because you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, and you can depend on Him. He has His eye on you! You can trust Him to come back and take you to be with Him. Heaven is far greater than any of us can imagine. It is a place of wonder, beauty, joy, and peace, which is available to all who call upon the name of Jesus.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or