A New Adventure

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By Doug Creamer

                We did it! We stepped into a new year. Does it feel different to you? The New Year came in quietly for us, so I believe that we are in for a nice quiet year. I know that there will be ups and downs; every year has them. I am hopeful that we will all have more ups this year, that we will see God working to bring about good things.

                 If the New Year is anything like the way I got to spend the last day of the previous year, then I am in for a treat. I got to spend the day with my younger sister and her family. Her two sons were home, but her daughter had left because she had some New Year’s plans. Ah, to be young again… One of her sons is in high school and he told me about what life is like for a freshman. Her other son is a junior at VMI and he had recently received his class ring. It was beautiful, and he told me about the meaning behind the symbols on the ring. I enjoyed hearing about the adventures in their young lives.

                Later, my sister and I took her dog for a walk. We walked and walked. Every time I thought we were heading for home, the dog took another turn. It was a great walk on a beautiful day. The walk culminated in a few peeks at the beach. We didn’t walk on the beach but we stopped to take in the beauty. The sky was crystal clear and the water was calm and twinkled as the sun reflected off it. We took some pictures, but they don’t capture the beauty and peacefulness. To have the privilege to stand there and take in a few deep breaths brought a sense of refreshment to my spirit.

                The New Year arrived in some different ways for me. I missed a few of the traditional things. But I began with a hunger for God. I quieted myself and listened for His voice. I want to know His heart for me and for the year ahead. God has already seen this year. I wonder what wonderful things He has planned for this year.

                I read the Sermon on the Mount and something jumped off the page to me. Jesus encourages us to ask, seek, and knock. Jesus says that if we ask it will be given to us. Jesus did not mean that we should ask for vacation homes or expensive cars. I think it means that we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for things that we need. Maybe you are struggling financially or you need a physical touch for healing, you should ask. God is our Father who really cares about our needs. Ask Him.

                Jesus tells us plainly that we need to seek. We aren’t supposed to seek fame and fortune. He wants us to seek Him. He wants us to know Him more each day of our lives. If we learned something new about God every day we will still be learning long into eternity. No one knows everything about God. There is always more we need to seek. The good news is that He promises that if we seek Him we will find Him. God is planning to reveal more of Himself to you if you will take on the mission of seeking Him. Seek Him and you will find Him.

                I think when God says we should knock He is implying in two specific ways. If we knock on the door of God’s heart we are going to discover an open door and an open invitation to come in. As I said, He wants us to know Him and His heart for us more and more. I believe the second invitation to knock is related to our hopes and dreams. These are the heavenly dreams God wants you to fulfill in your lifetime. It’s never too late to pursue the things God has placed on your heart. I believe God wants us to knock on the door and allow Him to guide us as we seek to fulfill His purposes. The only way doors will ever open is if we knock.

                I encourage you to ask, seek, and knock this year. You don’t know what kinds of wonderful things God has planned for you this year. The mystery and wonder are waiting just ahead for you. I strongly believe that God has some good things hidden for us that He wants us to seek out. Let’s go; it’s going to be a great adventure.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com