The Voice

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By Ann Farabee

 The Voice – Season 25

Once I get past Gunsmoke, Everybody Loves Raymond, the news, and my soap opera, The Voice is pretty much the only other TV show I watch. But watching The Voice when I personally knew someone competing on the show took it to a whole different level.

This season was much more exciting as I followed the journey of my friends, Josh and Kendra Sanders. Watching him move forward in the competition each week heading straight toward the plans God has for his family was remarkable. I am sure they will continue to run with those plans at approximately 100 miles per hour as they continue to do amazing things for Jesus.

Kendra brings out the best in Josh – and Josh brings out the best in Kendra. Together, they form a beautiful team – and a busy team. While pastoring their church and parenting their children, they somehow managed to add on The Voice, as they continued to answer God’s call for their lives.

It is not often that we are able to see friends on national television sharing their faith and testimony with the viewers – especially on a stage as big as The Voice. But they did. And they shared it beautifully and persistently through their actions and their words.

While attending their wedding years ago, it was evident even then that something special was up! It felt like a God moment that day, solidifying that their love would be a light and a love that would endure forever. Yes, they have faced hardships – but God has been their solid rock to lean on no matter the difficulties they have faced. They have supported each other. They have continued to worship Jesus. They have continued to lean on God’s Word.

 Little did I know, however, that the two of them would become advocates for Jesus weekly on national television during Season 25 of The Voice, as Josh sang to millions of viewers about the power of God and ended up in the TOP 2 of the competition!

As amazing and exciting as this has been, who they are is a couple that is in ministry together, raising their children together, serving Jesus together, and sharing their testimonies of God’s love, mercy, and grace, while spreading it to the world. No doubt but what the world will continue to hear from them!

 Kendra’s Facebook post after the conclusion of The Voice finale said it perfectly, “Proud – that word does not even begin to express how I feel about what Josh has done! It worked out exactly how God planned it according to His will! What a journey! I can’t wait to see what God has planned next!”

I cannot wait to see what God has planned next for them either!

Excuse my incorrect grammar, but it ain’t over yet!

 I looked back at a message Kendra sent me in May 2020.

 Her words were:

 I just want God to use me.

He has, Kendra. He is. He will continue to.

Will you join me in dwelling on Kendra’s words for a moment for your own life?

I just want God to use me.

I just want God to use me.

That speaks directly to my heart. I hope it does to yours!

Ephesians 3:20

Now unto Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.