Main Street Challenge

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By David Freeze

Another Main Street Challenge 5K Success

    Rowan’s only remaining night race had everything a runner could want last Friday evening. Moderate summertime temperatures and decent humidity, plus the post-race favorite refreshments from Pizza Hut, Krispy Kreme and Food Lion and a fast course added to the fun.

    The main event 5K had top performances from Matthew Martin, a 28 year old speedster, who was born in China Grpve and Megan Osborne, who moved to town at 5 years old. Martin was the overall winner in 14 minutes and 55.3 seconds, topping second place Jorge Clemente who posted 15:55.6 and third place Bricen Burleson in 16:22.8.

    Osborne, 19, led the females at 18 minutes, 56.5 seconds, ahead of second place Elise Wrenholt at 19:25.4 and third place Katie Efird at 19:58.0.

    Martin, along with brother Jonathan, have been at the forefront of Rowan County running for more than a decade, led from start to finish and said, “Always love coming home to race and it was a really fun night!”

    Osborne didn’t realize that she was winning and was only looking for a PR (personal record). She had first competed in the race in 2013 and has ran most of them since. She said, “It is one of my favorite races and the community really shines. The course is fast and the weather was great. I have won a couple of local 5Ks and a half-marathon in Hendersonville.”

     John Gillespie of China Grove decided at the last minute that he wanted to enter the race after suffering multiple strokes in recent years. He said, This was my first 5K since 2021, I am glad it was a flat course because I had to put on my knee brace with a mile to go. Thank God I was able to finish it.” Gillespie posted a time of 68 minutes, 25.3 seconds.

     Runners also competed in a 200 yard Tot-Trot and a half-mile fun run. A total of 293 runners completed the 5K. Primary sponsors were the Town of China Grove, The South Rowan Y Service Club, Pizza Hut and Food Lion. Proceeds benefit the South Rowan YMCA scholarship programs.

    Complete results and more information on other upcoming races including the Shiloh Run for Missions 5K on June 29th in Faith can be found at