PLEASE Pray for David & Lynna

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By Lynna Clark

Just wanted to let you know that my beloved David has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He started chemo yesterday and so far has done well. Would you make a special effort to pray for him? It would mean so much to us both. I had a whole blog written about how good the Lord is in the time of trouble, but it disappeared. The gist of it was that bad things happen to everyone, whether we serve Jesus or not. But the Lord is wise and has a plan to love us well.

But I bet you know that. So anyway, pray for strength for us both. In the meantime, we will “go in the strength that we have.” from Judges 6:14.

By the way, I’m not on Facebook, but you can leave a message in the comments below. It feels good to know folks are praying.

In His care,
