A Closer Walk

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By Doug Creamer

            I was out walking the other day thinking about my Sunday school lesson. I wanted to teach about the importance of having a closer walk with God. I started to hum while I was enjoying the beautiful day. After having such a cold spell, it was nice to enjoy some warmer weather. The humming led me to question what song was running through my mind.

            “Just a closer walk with thee…” The words to an old hymn were tumbling around in my head. The refrain from that song was definitely going into my Sunday school lesson. I am still humming that song. I wonder if it is just a really good song or something that we all desire.

            If we truly desire a closer walk with God, then who has to change to make it happen? Has God pulled away from us or have we pulled away from Him? God made a way for us to have a relationship with Him through Jesus His Son. The invitation is available to every human being to have a closer walk with God. This leads to a tough question: If He is available and made the way for us to develop a closer relationship with Him, why don’t we all have a close relationship with Him?

            The choice and responsibility for a closer walk falls on us. God has done His part, now it is up to us. What is keeping us from having a closer walk with Him? My pastor mentioned a few weeks ago that everyone is given the same amount of time, the same 24 hours in a day. We choose how we will spend that time. The difference between someone with a close walk with God and someone who is distant from Him is how each person chooses to spend their time. The song says, “Just a closer walk with thee, grant it Jesus is my plea…” It seems that God has granted it, we just aren’t drawing closer to Him. 

            Each of us must look at how we spend our time. Many years ago I was trying to drive a point home to my students that they had time to pursue interests in their lives if they were willing to give up something else. When I said that to my students I heard God whisper in my spirit, “You have this desire to write, could you give up watching some TV so you can do it?” His question took my breath away in front of my students.

            I pondered that question for several days until I made a decision. It was a small but difficult sacrifice to give up watching shows I liked to pursue my dream to write. That was over 30 years ago and I am so glad I made that choice. I enjoy the creative process of writing my weekly column and wish I could find the time to write more books that are swirling in my head.   We’re all busy, even overwhelmed; how do we add more of God to our lives? Some people’s lives are filled with being a caregiver to children or their aging parents. Some people are like my current students who are going to school, working, and trying to be there for their family. Some people have demanding jobs or are overwhelmed by the challenges of everyday life. There aren’t enough hours in a day to get it all done. Believe me; I understand every one of those and many other situations.

            The question still lingers: do we want a closer walk with Him? How can we make room for Him? How can we change? What can we do to invite Him in more? Could we give up some of our social media time? Could we watch a little less TV? Could we turn off the music for just a little while and make room for Him? Could we say a prayer while we are waiting for the light to turn green? Can we invite God with us while we exercise? Can we choose to talk with Him while we wash the dishes or fold the laundry?

            I want to encourage you to consider how you might make room for God in your life. We want a closer walk with Him and He is waiting for us to invite Him into our daily routines. It will be tough because the enemy to your soul will do everything to stop you from getting closer to God, but it will be a change that you will be glad you made. How do I know that? Because you will have a closer walk with Him!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com