A Tiny Offering

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By Lynna Clark

Back to Nehemiah 7:70. The Lord gives us another list of numbers and people. “Some of the family leaders gave gifts for the work.” Then he tells who gave what. Gifts ranged from 19 pounds of gold, which sounds huge, until you get to the 1.3 metric tons given. What beautiful generosity! The Lord also gives details of those who gave useful things like basins and robes for the priests. Cool. This little paragraph, verses 70-72, looks almost like an “Oh, by the way, some people gave.” It came so naturally.

We attended a revival meeting in Charlotte one time when we were so poor that there was nothing in our pockets. And there sure wasn’t anything in the checkbook. The renowned evangelist bellowed from up front, “As the ushers come by, if they notice you don’t put anything in the offering, they will assume you have nothing and they will hand you something to give!” I could have literally crawled under the pew. I was almost sick on my stomach with worry as the ushers approached us. The dude in the beautiful suit had no idea what we were going through. Kinda makes me bitter just recalling the event. People have a way of tainting our hearts when it comes to giving.

Scripture speaks to us about money in a different tone. The Lord already knows what we have, and what we don’t. Remember the story of the little widow who dropped in her last coin? Jesus was so pleased to point her out to His friends, because He knew how poor she was. At that time in history, rich people were assumed to be granted immediate access to Heaven and favor with God. In the story of the rich young ruler, who went away sorrowful, Jesus says, “Sure is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom.” The disciples say, “Well if the rich can’t enter, who can?” It’s then that Jesus points out that the ones who give up houses, friends, riches, etc. are the ones rewarded a hundred times more!

In the story of the guys given money to invest for their boss, the reminder at the end says, “Faithful in little things, ruler over many.” What is the little thing? It’s money. Money is such a big thing to us. It gets us stuff. To the Lord though, it’s a little thing.

“…ruler over many.” Ruler where? What’s He talking about? Do you think He saves us so we can float on clouds? I’m not well versed on prophesy. But I do know He speaks often of the Kingdom. Even in the Lord’s prayer, He tells us to ask for it to come. Maybe we’ll be rulers there? Just a thought.

Money; it’s a test of faithfulness; a trust monitor; an opportunity to bless; a proof of our love; a way to build His kingdom; a tool to reach others. And of course you are familiar with the verse that reveals that the “Love of $$ is the root of all kinds of evil.” So it sounds like we need to pay attention to what is important, lest we end up on the wrong side of money. Some gave a bunch, some gave less, but the people in Nehemiah’s day were wise enough to recognize God’s faithfulness in rebuilding their lives and homes. And they returned a blessing to Him. Are we there yet?

Dear Lord, keep us from turning our hearts off when we are prompted to give. Help us think of money like You do… “such a tiny offering, compared to Calvary.” Help us to know how to use all You have blessed us with to honor You. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.

More: Luke 18:18-30; 1 Timothy 6:10,17-19; Malachi 3:10; Luke19:11-27; Luke 21:1-4