Ahh… It’s New

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Ahh… a new car! Everyone who got in it would say, “I love the new car smell!” That continued for weeks.
But over time, the comments stopped. Now, a year later, comments are more like, “Yuck. What SMELLS in here?” The new did not last.

We love new, don’t we? New job, new house, new furniture, new phone, new clothes, new STUFF… the list can be endless.
But at some point, the new becomes old. It is not quite as exciting, not quite as effective, and never everlasting.
I have proven that by the number of items that now reside in my attic. Or have been given away — or thrown away.
Wouldn’t it be great if things could stay new?

Well… some things do.

Here is my short list of some NEWs that will never become old:

• A New Creation: If any man be in Christ, he is a NEW creation. Old things are passed away. All things are become NEW. 2 Corinthians 5:17

• New Mercy: The Lord’s mercies are NEW every morning. Great is his faithfulness. Lamentations 2:22-23

• A New Thing: Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a NEW thing. Now, it shall spring forth. Don’t you know it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19
I remember from years ago, my then 10-year-old son asking me as I was leaving for the grocery store, “Mom, can you get me something NEW this time?”

I laughingly asked, “Well, how do I identify it as being NEW?”

His response, “It will be in a shiny package and will have the word NEW on it.” Surprisingly, I found several items to match that description and he savored every bite.

NEW just seemed to make it better.

Read the verses again. Let them sink in to your spirit. How beautiful they are!

Now, imagine those verses wrapped in a shiny package labeled NEW — being hand delivered to you — by the Light of the World — in this world that sometimes may feel a little dark. Savor those promises. They were given to you.
Present promises provided by a personal and present God.

• We are a NEW creation.

• We receive NEW mercies every morning.

• God will do a NEW thing.

Gifts freely given. Receive them.