Are We Moved?

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By Ann Farabee

Poor Samson. His tribe continued to wander in their inherited land, which was yet unconquered. As he was growing up, he was with a warlike tribe that was yearning for a permanent home.

But, when he visited the tribal army camp, his heart was stirred. God began preparing him to be a judge and leader against the Philistines.

Judges 13:25 says it this way — the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times.

I like the sound of that.

So what do we do when the Spirit of the Lord begins to move us at times?

Being moved reminds me of times in a movie theater or in a football stadium when someone wanted me to move.

It is the middle of the movie. My drink and popcorn and pocketbook are in the perfect spots, when someone just has to come down my row, apologetically pushing themselves past me, “Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.” They are stepping on my feet and I am missing the movie.

It is the same in a football stadium, “Excuse me. Excuse me.” It is even worse when they don’t want to pass by you, but they begin to motion for you to move down so they can be on the end of the row.

Judges 13:25 is a great improvement over being moved by a person, because there the Spirit of the Lord began to move Samson. Not to ask Samson to move, but the Spirit of the Lord moved him.

Are we moved by the Spirit of the Lord ? Yes.

We are moved by the Spirit of the Lord as we hide God’s Word in our hearts, when we pray and while worshipping.

That move is not just confined to places or situations we think of as being religious.

The move of the Spirit of the Lord can come anytime, anywhere, and in any form.

The Spirit of the Lord is with us – always. It is with us when we need comfort, hope, anything or nothing.

Judges 3:10 expresses it as a temporary spontaneous increase of spiritual, mental and physical strength. We may see it in extraordinary ways for special assignments the Lord gives us. This will come through seeking the help of the Holy Spirit not only as we face major challenges, but also in our daily lives.

Moved by the Spirit of the Lord? Isn’t that beautiful?

It is a move we never want to be without.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or