Are You Ready?

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By Doug Creamer

            It’s almost Christmas…are you ready? We have been working on some last-minute details around here. I have a few errands to do and one final run to the grocery store. I always leave the wrapping until the end. Now, where is the baby Jesus? He has to be around here somewhere.

            It is hard to get everything ready on time. I think it takes me longer to do things as I get a little older. I am semi-retired; I should have more time. It seems like there is more to do than there is time to get it all done. Sometimes I sit down by the Christmas tree to catch my breath.

            I have attended a few gatherings this year and I determined ahead of time that I was going to be present in the moment. Sometimes we allow our schedules to drive us and the clock to determine where we need to be. I have purposefully slowed down to be with friends and family. I want to enjoy and remember the moment. I want to live and be present in the moment.

            I think about the craziness of my schedule and how I am inching my way through the list of things that I must get done. Then I begin to consider what it must have been like for Mary, the young mother of Jesus. All the craziness that I am enduring does not compare to what this young mother must have gone through to bring Jesus into the world.

            We have to remember she was only a teenager. I taught teenagers for over thirty years. A number of my students had babies through the years. In my mind, they were children having children. It’s challenging to raise a child today. Can you imagine what it must have been like in Nazareth?

            Can you imagine the challenge that Mary and Joseph faced trying to take a four day journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem because Caesar ordered a census? I am sure they would have preferred to wait for a more convenient time. Can you imagine their desperation, wanting to find a place to have the baby after the long journey? She had the baby in a dark, damp, and smelly cave where animals were put on cold winter nights.

            I imagine Mary struggled as she dealt with people thinking she was a morally lose girl who couldn’t wait for her wedding night. She knew she was a virgin, but who would believe her story? We know Elizabeth believed her, which had to be comforting. We hope that Joseph trusted and believed her, but he may have struggled with doubts of his own.

            I wonder if Mary and Joseph struggled with feelings of failure for the way they welcomed Jesus into the world. The best they could do was a cave? Yet God wanted them to know that He was more than proud of them by sending shepherds to congratulate and welcome His Son into our world.

            Sometimes we might feel like failures. Sometimes we think that maybe we missed God and His plans for our lives. We look around and think that maybe we didn’t accomplish enough for God. We wonder if maybe God might be just a little disappointed for trading His Son for someone like us.

            I want to be perfectly clear…God is absolutely proud to call you His son or daughter. You please Him just by being yourself. You didn’t miss God! Your heart has been in love with Jesus, His Son. Your desire has been to serve Him. You may wonder if you chose the wrong profession, but God needs representatives in EVERY profession to be lights for Him. He needs people where you are to let those walking in darkness see the light of His love. You are that beacon of light. You are that wellspring of hope. You are God’s love to them.

            I imagine that Joseph and Mary worried about every aspect of Jesus’ birth and upbringing, but God was with them, helping them every step of the way. I believe that God is with you, too. I want to encourage you to open your heart to God’s love this Christmas. He still offers peace on earth for you, if you will accept Him. He has answers for all that you are going through in life. It may not be easy…remember, Mary and Joseph didn’t have it easy bringing Jesus into the world…but I promise you He will help you each step of the way.

            Behold…the Savior of the world has come. Welcome Him. Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you this holiday season.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or