Serving Others

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By Doug Creamer

            I am enjoying working in the Adult Basic Education program at the community college. We have a great group of students. My colleagues are big-hearted teachers who work hard to encourage, challenge, and motivate our students to achieve success. My supervisor works hard to create a team atmosphere and to provide support for our students.

            My supervisor set up a great activity for us to build unity and to give back to our community. She connected with Habitat for Humanity and signed us up to volunteer. Last Friday morning a group of teachers and students showed up to work. The location had three houses in various stages of development. We were given several options on what to do.

            The project manager is a great guy and was so thankful for our help. One of the houses was ready for some light sanding and painting, and that seemed to be our best option. Several from our group climbed some scaffolding to sand and paint the peak of the house. Others worked on the other side of the house, painting the side and trim. I was in a group that painted the storage shed for the house.

            The storage shed was a nice size, good for a lawnmower and some outside tools. The sides were already painted. We painted the trim. I started by taping off the trim. It’s not hard and it saves a lot of time and keeps the trim paint off the sides. One of my students was working with me and she was painting almost as quickly as I got things taped off. 

Once everything was taped off I picked up a brush and started to paint. I painted all the high places that required a ladder. As soon as we finished the first coat of paint we started working on the second coat. I didn’t think we would finish the whole storage building with two coats, but we did. We pulled the tape off and it looked great…very rewarding and satisfying.

The people working on the house got their parts finished, too. The project supervisor was pleased with our progress. He had another group of high school boys working that morning. Those younger, stronger guys were working on laying the subflooring on a different house.

The Habitat project supervisor told me that there haven’t been as many groups volunteering since COVID hit. There is still plenty of work that needs to be done. Many church and civic groups have volunteered in the past, and he needs people to step up and help again. The need for housing has increased in recent years.

Habitat for Humanity’s mission is seeking to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope. They envision a world where everyone has a decent place to live. President Jimmy Carter has worked with Habitat for many years since he left office. The project supervisor I worked with on Friday has a heart to help people find a home where they can raise their families.

Jesus teaches us by His own example that we should serve one another. Jesus said that He came to serve, not to be served. There are so many ways and opportunities for us to serve people. I think that Jesus not only wants, but I think He expects us to step up and serve others. It is a way of showing the love of God to the lost. People will know that we are Christians by our love and by our good deeds.

It’s also important to help our fellow church members. There are probably people in your church who need a helping hand. It could be something as simple as helping with a household chore, or it could be something big like building a ramp so they can get in and out of their house. For members who are shut in, serving them might be as simple as stopping by for a visit.

We can all do something, and I want to encourage you to find ways that you can help and serve others. Every church I know needs help in the nursery and children’s department. Your warm smile as a greeter could help to make someone’s day. Helping serve the less fortunate through Habitat for Humanity could be the right place for you. My pastor always tells us that God is looking for those who will serve. Look for your opportunity and jump in. The people you serve will appreciate your time and effort, and God will certainly notice you, too.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Roger Barbee

Take a moment and consider these stress-causing issues: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; The Supreme Court leak; Abortion; Political primaries for everything from the United States Senate to county commissioner; Hunter Biden; COVID variants; A seasoned deputy aiding a criminal to escape; Personal problems that affect us all; and feel free to add to my list.

Stress! We live in a world where we are constantly told by headlines “What you need to know.” I don’t know about you, but I resent that statement and avoid reading anything in a newspaper that professes to know what I need to know. The constant clatter of print and talking head news confirms that William A. Percy was correct.

Recently I re-read his autobiography Lanterns on the Levee. While I take issue with certain parts of his story (such as his racist paternalism), his writing is exquisite and a joy to read as it is chock-full of literary allusions. Published in 1941, it is dated in a way, but like all good literature, it carries a message for us these 80 years later. For instance, in writing about his years at Harvard Law school, he tells how students during the early years of the 20th century were restricted in having parties and social evenings. Thus, he writes, “Our chief dissipation was conversation.”  Each night at eleven after studying was finished, a coffee percolator was started in someone’s room and a night of superior talk about various topics was begun. However, Percy writes, “I wonder if this most civilized form of entertainment is fated for extinction by man’s effective mental opiate, the radio?” (italics mine)

Our world, it seems to me, is full of mental opiates: If a television is not blaring so called news that we must know, a machine pipes in unwanted music in public spaces such as airports. Many runners and walkers have the white plugs in their ears that carry music or other clatter directly to their brain. It is all, as someone observed, “A clattering of cymbals.”

Ours is not the first to have problems of a plague, wars, famine, and more. Yet, ours is the first to be able to watch these monsters as they consume us. Instead of taking months for  news to cross the Atlantic it arrives via social media immediately. That marvel causes stress like has never existed. Instead of reading about a death weeks later, we see it happen on a screen as it is played over and over. Stressful for sure, and that stress takes a toll on individuals and cultures. But what to do?

Unplug! Percy and other sages have warned us. Our parents knew of and told us of the dangers of hearing too much. Unplug from the mental opiate machines at least for a while. Stop the noise whether it be something we need to know, a game of snooker or football, a realism show that is likely pre-programed, and more. Stop the noise and sit under a tree or on a bank of a creek or anywhere that has as its “noise” the sound of nature. Let the wind going thorough a tree tell you about its trip to you or hear a bird announce its news or just sit and give yourself permission to not know what is happening in the secular world. Sit with a neighbor and hear about his or her joys. Converse with nature and the dear ones in your life.

Unplug! Even Wordsworth told us that “The world is too much with us; late and soon,”

In the end there is little that we need to know about the secular world for it, too, will pass. But we need to take care of each other and have stimulating, common discussions. After all, we were told to be good stewards of our world, and that includes each other, not just the trees, birds, and such.

We Might Oughta Pray

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By Lynna Clark

Could we fast forward five or so years? Let’s project ourselves into the near future and let’s suppose our country has taken a turn for the worst. Our economy did not recover and our crops have failed due to unusual weather patterns. Food is scarce and we worry about how we will feed our families. The energy crisis has escalated, causing most to be unable to afford fuel. Traveling to work, generating income and even heating our homes are very difficult. The basic necessities of life are no longer readily available.

Would we wish we had prayed for our nation more?

Speaking to a different nation, God observes a terrible time in their economy. They are being destroyed, not by war, but by famine and disease. As their defenses crumble, other nations attack them in their helplessness. In their recent history, God had poured out all manner of blessings on them, only to have them ignore Him and His call to a change of heart.

Therefore He gives this evaluation:

“But you never ask for help from the One who did all this. You never considered the One Who planned this long ago.” –Isaiah 22:11b

“But instead, you dance and play… You say, ‘Let’s feast and drink, for tomorrow we die!’”-Isaiah22:13

Are we wise enough to pray before the same is said of us?
This series was written for our church in September 2012, almost 10 years ago. So no need to read into it any current political leanings. Instead, I hope you’ll enjoy using it as a prayer “springboard” for the next thirty days. Each day we’ll have a short out-take from the book of Nehemiah, followed by a specific prayer for our churches. For if our churches are strong, our nation will follow suit. May the Lord be honored as He hears from us.
“Make the LORD of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life. He is the One you should fear. He is the One Who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe.” –Isaiah 8:13

Surround Me NOT

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By Ann Farabee

Surround me

Hiking mountain trails is – or perhaps I should I say was – one of our favorite things.

If a cruise ship was unavailable, hiking would be at the top of our list.

While hiking with the husband, there were three rules – all created by me.

Rule Number 1: Go in front of me, as needed.

Rule Number 2: Go beside me, as needed.

Rule Number 3: Go behind me, as needed.

Sometimes, I need a guide.

Sometimes, I need someone by my side.

Sometimes, I need a push.

My husband learned to do all three.

A mountain hike can be a bit treacherous, which means there may be insecure footing, insecure support, hidden dangers, hazards, or perils. Exactly!

I reached a point on the trail that was dangerously steep, with not even a tree limb to hold onto. As I stood on a rock, looking down below, the ground was not even visible.

I got scared. I froze. I would just sit here forever. I would not be going moving forward on the trail, nor would I be going back down the trail, because the descent appeared to be just as scary. I remained frozen in position.

There had to be a Plan B.

Words of encouragement surrounded me from those passing by us, as I sat on the rock, afraid to look down.

 Charles suggested that he could stay behind me in case I slipped.

I was skeptical.

He suggested that he go ahead of me, so he could grasp my hand, pulling me forward.

Still skeptical.

Or would it be best if he would just go beside me?


He ended up somehow managing to do all three.

I was then safely on secure ground.

He had gone before me, behind me, and beside me.

 It was not easy for him – but he thought I was worth it.

All I had to do was take his hand.

All I had to do was trust him.

Trust  – is an amazing thing.

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:4

Trust in the Lord with all our heart. Proverbs 3:5

The Lord goes behind us, before us, and lays His hand on us. Psalm 139:5

The Lord our God is with us wherever we go. Joshua 1:9

God thinks we are worth it.

We may as well give up and trust Him completely!

Because we are surrounded…


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By Doug Creamer

            I came home from the grocery store last week to a surprise. My wife said that she had caught something in our house while I was out. I helped put the groceries up and then went out on the back steps to discover what she had caught. It was a large hornet.

            I know a beekeeper and ran it over to him. He confirmed that it was a hornet but wasn’t sure which kind of hornet. He wanted me to take it to the extension office to be checked. He has read stories about how the Asian hornets can wipe out a beehive. It ended up being a common European hornet.

            The hornet isn’t the only critter that found its way into our home. We are currently being visited by ants. When we had cats I understood why ants would come to visit. We had cat food in bowls just waiting for them. Now I don’t understand why ants want to come in our home. We’ve decided that they must be looking for water since it has been so dry lately.

            Whatever the ants are looking for, we don’t want them. I sprayed around the outside of the house. That helped, but there are still some wandering around…like that one! Critters!

            I went out in the garage the other day and heard a noise coming from among my wife’s plants that are in the garage for the winter. I went to investigate and the sound moved to another location.  I got a broom and started to rustle the plants, and suddenly a bird took flight. She flew into a window trying to escape, and flew back into the plants. I wanted her out of the garage. I rustled the plants some more and she flew right past my head. We had a little game of chase going on before she discovered her escape route and was gone. The wren has a nest in a flowerpot right next to the garage, so she has become a frequent visitor in the garage. I now check the garage before I close the doors to make sure she isn’t in there. Critters!

            Why do critters want to live in my house and garage? There are plenty of great places to live in the wild, yet they continue to seek refuge in my house. I know I am not alone in dealing with critters; everyone gets some kind of critters. My mother had a couple of snakes find their way into her house last year. Critters!

            When you really think about it, homes are not the only place where critters find their way in. We had all kinds of critters find their way into the schools through the years. Businesses fight the critters too. Critters don’t discriminate; they will even find their way into our churches. While schools, businesses and churches work hard to keep the critters out, churches work equally hard to get visitors…people…in. Every church in Salisbury wants to get visitors. I think our church does a good job at making people feel welcome.

            COVID has chased a lot of people away from church. It seems that some people want to re-engage with church and to get involved once again. All churches need to be ready to welcome visitors back. We need to help people get plugged back into church.

            It is easy to watch church from the comfort of your couch in your PJs. Many churches have added live streaming to make that possible. But that does not allow you to engage and connect with other believers. It is equally hard to encourage one another when you’re not there at church. We need fellowship. We need to lift each other up. We need to carry each other’s burdens. No one was intended to walk the Christian faith alone.

            If you are an active member of your church, I want to encourage you to welcome people and help them feel at home when they visit. If you are watching your service from home, I want to encourage you to consider safely re-engaging with your church again. Take the necessary precautions, but find ways to engage with other believers so you can encourage and be encouraged by each other. Jesus has always wanted everyone in heaven with Him. That means we need to invite the lost to church and help them discover faith in Christ. We can also encourage those who have been away to come back safely. And finally, we need to make sure we keep our own fire of faith burning strong. Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Racism Hidden Behind Grammar

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By Roger Barbee

Readers often respond to the writer of an article or essay they have read. Recently one such reader wrote to a writer about an article printed in the Washington Post Magazine. Printed below is the email as shared by the writer.

                                    Hi Damon:

I like your pieces in the WP magazine but I really stumbled reading your article in tomorrow’s edition.


…although it ain’s a perfect analogy: ain’t? Really poor choice.

…some of them white boys: them? How about ‘those’?

You do good work; don’t try to  sound like you are still in the street.


            The writer shares the reader’s email in which he or she rails about the use of “ain’t” and whips to death that old horse. That is a choice any of us can make, but I see that specific complaint like a charge against a windmill. However, what I find most distressing in the reader’s email is its tone and subtle racism. 

The reader has some knowledge of grammar and punctuation-the correct use of the semi-colon in the last sentence shows this, but he missed a comma in his opening sentence. However, the condescending tone and subtle racist attitude expressed in the reader’s last sentence is startling. The reader might as well have written, “You do good work, boy; don’t try to sound like you are still in the street.”  For one thing, who is the  reader to pronounce to the writer that, “You do good work;”. The writer knows that his work is good, or he wouldn’t be doing it. This clause is pure arrogance on the part of the reader because he or she assumes a superior position and passes a judgement, not an opinion on the work of the writer. But it is the veiled prejudice that steals the show. The last clause exposes the racist attitude of a reader commenting on the written words of a Black writer. The reader shows that he or she thinks that every Black writer must have, at one time, been “in the street.” In other words, if  you are Black you come from an inferior environment, even if, by now, you do good work. How is a writer to respond to such a tone and words?  Shuffle as he looks down and says, “Thank’ ya, Massa.”

But the writer, like any writer, is free to sound any way he or she wishes. However, in doing so, the writer must be willing to suffer any just and fair consequences—such as having a helpful editor make a change or changes. But a racist attack is  never warranted, and this email demonstrates another way of expressing racism, in a sly and sinister manner.

However, the writer does err in one regard. He writes in his splendid and controlled response this: “If you were better at this than I am, you would know, as I do, that the rules of grammar are mostly suggestions. Guardrails to help us corral and curate the mess in our heads into something cohesive.”

I suggest that rules—grammar or otherwise—are rules, not guidelines. In the usage of them or those, the rule concerns case; the difference between nominative and objective case. However, this rule’s distinction, like so many others in our grammar, is being lost through careless writing or editing or both. However, does it matter if the writer gets his message to the reader? Consider this example of the lowly comma and it use: “Let’s eat Grandma.” Let’s eat, Grandma.” Grammar and its cousin punctuation matter for the sole purpose to facilitate effective communication. They are rules to be followed as closely and respectfully as possible so that all readers will find the writing to be a road map to a destination or conclusion.

But the arrogant tone and subtle racism of the reader’s email far outpace the writer’s misuse of case. The use of case is the type of error which is easy to correct, but the ugly tone derived from privilege and its cousin racism is a choice, not a mistake. But unlike the mistakes we make in grammar, it lives and breathes and hurts us all like COVID.

Now, ain’t that the truth.

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