A Busy Week

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By David Freeze

The week just ahead has plenty of running options and I think its going to be fun. At least two well-known Rowan County runners are headed to Boston this weekend for Monday’s running of the 126th Annual Boston Marathon. Both Craige Farmer, long-time Rowan Country Parks and Recreation staffer, and Dr. Matt Storey from Novant Health will line up with around 30,000 friends for the historic Patriot’s Day start in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Most of the runners had to meet strict qualifying standards to get in. This year’s event returns with a normal field of runners after the 2020 event was virtual and the 2021 event was held in the fall with a limited field. It takes about 10,000 volunteers to support the race, which can be seen on the USA Network from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Post will have a follow-up on Farmer and Storey after the event. If anyone else locally is running, please email me at david.freeze@ctc.net

On Thursday morning, Rowan County Special Olympics will hold its adult track and field competition at Catawba College. The event is open to the public at no charge and the spirited competition will be held on the track and football field inside Shuford Stadium. Start time is at 10 a.m. and should be complete by just past noon. Special Olympics competition this year is managed by Rowan County Parks and Recreation.

The Family Crisis Council’s Stomp Out Sexual Assault 5K will be held at Knox Middle School on Saturday morning, April 23, after missing the last two years due to the pandemic. Family Crisis Council Executive Director Renee Bradshaw said, “The purpose of the Stomp Out Sexual Assault 5K is to raise funds for sexual assault services, such as counseling, group sessions, and rape bags when victims are taken to the hospital. We have 24/7 responders for rape victims that do go to the hospital. All proceeds will go to assist the victims of sexual assault. Also, our race is to raise awareness about sexual assault as April is designated as sexual assault awareness month.”

Participants will receive a quality dri-fit commemorative T-shirt, a chance at unique awards covering 14 age groups, and refreshments. A half-mile fun run will be limited to kids, 12 and under, and will be done on the track. The race is also a time for survivors of sexual assault to show their support and that they can heal with the services of Family Crisis Council of Rowan, Inc.

Bradshaw added, “The Family Crisis Council has a 24/7 Crisis line, and a 24-bed emergency shelter for people fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. In 2021, we sheltered 89 women and children, assisted 650 community clients with counseling, group sessions and referral services and assisted a total of 739 clients. In addition, our court program assisted 533 clients with (50b) protective orders.”

Based on Rowan County 911 call logs, the sexual assault rate increased 26% from 179 in 2020 to 226 in 2021. All levels of runners and walkers are encouraged to attend. The Knox/Greenway course is scenic and fast with the finish on the track.

Next up will be the Teens with a Mission 5K at First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury on April 29. For more information on these and other events, go to www.salisburyrowanrunners.org

I’ve been back on the road now for most of this past week. The kidney stones and stents are gone as is the blood infection, confirmed on Thursday. Just after watching the Boston Marathon on Monday, I will have a follow-up visit with Dr. William Brinkley about my blood clot issues following last summer’s southern border bike ride. I’m hoping for the best and just fine with the fact that this coming summer’s ride will not be in extended extreme heat.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

My Favorite

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By Lynna Clark

“He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 KJV
As we left the little church on our wedding day, the organist played the sweet hymn, “Savior like a Shepherd lead us… much we need Thy tender care…”
Though we had picked the song, I had no idea how prophetic it would be. Now forty-eight years later, I have Psalm 23:3 written on a notecard to remind me everyday: He will not only lead me, but strengthen me to do His will.
I used to think my strength was limited when our children were young. But now the older I get, the more I realize how truly weak I am. Yet my soul feels renewed day by day. It’s the quiet knowing that all will be well as I draw on the Lord. He assures me that He will not only strengthen me for the task at hand, but will lead me down a path that will honor His Name. Isn’t that the goal of the heart tuned to the Savior? To point all things back to Him?
Even when I’m the weakest I’ve ever been, HE can still help me walk worthy of His calling. For this wonderful Savior of ours loves it when we lean on Him for the strength to serve. When we’re too weary to take another step, He will hold our hand.
“He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths bringing honor to His Name.” -Psalm 23:3 NLT
Oh! How sweet is that?

He is the Author

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By Doug Creamer

He is the Author

            I was lucky to be able to spend some time with my family on Easter day. The food was excellent and the weather cooperated. We spent the day outside, catching up with each other. It was so good to see my parents and siblings and to spend time talking with them. It was nice to take a deep breath and slow down.

            I haven’t seen my nephew who lives in Puerto Rico for a couple of years. He loves the island life. He teaches surfing and kiteboarding. To see his smile and to hear him talk about life on Puerto Rico was great. My favorite story was hearing about the time he was kiteboarding and came within a few feet of a whale that was flapping his tail on the water.

            One of my nieces lives out west as a midwife. She radiated joy. She shared a few stories and told me a little about her boyfriend. She listened as I shared a few stories of my own. Another niece was there with a new baby. She and her husband were glowing new parents. They talked about their new little one, their new home, and asked for some advice about gardening.

            The best part of the day was the Easter egg hunt. A bunch of us scattered eggs across the yard. Then the eighty-plus crowd and the few small children were allowed to begin collecting eggs. Later, the rest of the adults joined in. The eggs contained candy and fake money. The money could be used to “buy” prizes. It was so fun to watch the “seniors” take their money to the tables and get their prizes. I think they were as excited as the kids. The laughter and memories of those few minutes was priceless.

            COVID has stolen so many of these kinds of family moments from us. It is good to find ways to gather, especially outside, where we can safely be together and share these kinds of family moments. The Fourth of July is another one of those family moments where we can gather outside and re-connect. Families and friends need these opportunities to come together to share our love and our stories with each other.

            I started my Easter Sunday at church, where we had a really nice service. My pastor’s wife painted a picture while the pastor gave his sermon. The two intertwined to illustrate God’s unfathomable love for us. As he spoke and shared the scriptures about God’s love, she painted a picture that illustrated God’s great love for us. It was powerful, meaningful, and moving to experience.

            But there was a moment during the worship that grabbed my imagination. We were singing a song that I have sung many times. There is a line in the song that says, “I know the author of my story and He’s mine.” The line captured me, and my imagination kicked into overdrive as I thought about the words.

            I could see myself sleeping in bed. Then I could imagine God pulling up a chair beside me and pulling out a pen and notebook. His glasses were on the end of his nose so He could focus on His writing. He would occasionally look at me with the biggest smile as He wrote what was going to happen in my life. I could imagine the joy on His face as He looked at me and then wrote my story.

            I thought about those images all day. I thought about the joy He has just looking at us. I saw the same joy as I looked at my niece and her husband as they looked at their newborn child. The Bible is clear that God is planning a good future for us. It makes it easy to imagine that God takes great joy in writing our future. He smiles as He plans the things we will discover, the hidden treasures…just like those Easter eggs. I think we often fail to realize just how much pleasure we bring to Him just by being ourselves.

            I want to encourage you to stop and think about the fact that God loves you and that He is actively creating a future for you that is bright and hopeful. He looks at you and is filled with joy. He sees the best in you. He believes the best about you. He is planning wonderful things, not only for this lifetime but for all eternity, for you. The truth is God loves you and He can’t wait to spend all eternity with you. Enjoy the good story that God is writing for you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Kevin’s Last Email

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By Roger Barbee

Kevin’s last email to me arrived nine days ago. It followed a brief text exchange in which he admitted that his health was deteriorating because of his struggle with COVID. He died this week, but his email is still on my computer screen, not tucked away in a folder or tossed into the trash. But more on that later.

Kevin Gaghan wrestled for the Bishop Ireton teams that I coached in the early 1970’s. He was a good wrestler and placed high in every tournament he entered. Opponents may have scored more points in a match against Kevin, but none of them defeated him. But one of his matches is still remembered by his teammates, by his opponent, and by me.

Bishop McNamara was the visiting team for an afternoon dual meet. It promised to be an exciting one between two all-boy’s Catholic schools that were members of the athletic Metro League in Washington, DC.  Ireton was favored to win, but McNamara had several good wrestlers, so some exciting individual matches were anticipated. One of those was Kevin’s match against his opponent, also named Kevin. My memory of the match is that our Kevin took control and had a comfortable, but not large, lead. However, he twisted an ankle causing him much pain. He knew that his ankle was badly injured, but he told me that he wanted to continue the match because he did not want to forfeit to the McNamara wrestler. The two scrappy wrestlers continued their match, while the McNamara coach all the while screamed for his charge to “Grab the ankle, Grab the ankle”, but the McNamara Kevin won a close match without touching the injured ankle.  After the dual meet he told me that he had not wanted to beat Kevin Gaghan by taking advantage of the injured ankle, which is a testament to the character of them both—one forged ahead in the heat of adversity and the other exhibited sportsmanship.

As an adult Kevin Gaghan used the exemplary character he showed in a high school wrestling match to build a successful business. He married, shared life with his wife and two sons, and gave generously to many people and programs such as the ailing high school wrestling program that I coached after retiring. He even donated to a wrestling program here in North Carolina after I asked him for support. Kevin was a caring benefactor to a wide assortment of schools, hospitals, individuals, and programs.

The last time I saw Kevin, he had stopped to see my wife and me during a road trip he was making to see his siblings in various places, and an older brother lives in the same town as us, so he came by to share a fine afternoon before he went on to eastern North Carolina to visit one more brother before returning to his immediate family. “Just tooling around to see everybody,” he said. I admire that in Kevin, the man who took the time to visit and talk and share with loved ones.

But back to Kevin’s last email to sixteen of us. His words are italicized.

 Kevin Gaghan Thu, Apr 7, 3:37 PM (9 days ago)

The power of words!!  If you like music after seeing the video, click on the you tube link of the tenors singing halleluha (or however it is spelled)

The Palindrome Video

A palindrome reads the same backwards as forward. This video reads the exact opposite backwards as forward.  Not only does it read the opposite, the meaning is the exact opposite.

I don’t know if Kevin knew this would be his last email to folks. But in his match against the McNamara wrestler, young Kevin showed us what a wrestler should aspire to be. A few days before his death, through the email, Kevin Gaghan shared with us a message that shows what we should aspire to be. That is his life-long lesson to us.

Can’t Wait to Run

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By David Freeze

It had been 14 days since I could exercise or do much of anything physical. Everything started with a severe kidney stone issue very early on March 25. A night in the hospital and I headed home with plans to handle the offending stone and the resulting blood infection which became the serious part. Four days and three nights in the hospital, lots of new medicines and procedures and then it was Monday of this past week, where today’s update begins.

On the morning of Monday, April 4, I returned to the hospital for outpatient surgery at 5:45 a.m. Things went great as Dr. Lee Johnson pushed the big stone aside and took out two smaller ones behind it. Then he lasered the large one and brought out the pieces. He also took out the larger stent that was especially uncomfortable and replaced it with a lesser one to help with healing and urinary flow. A catheter had to be used for a day.

We think my stones come from dehydration issues, a very common thing on the long bike rides. I work hard at drinking water and other fluids otherwise but still we all have to stay hydrated. I have written many times about how the body needs proper hydration to do all the good things it should. The brain and every other organ are affected with poor hydration. I can tell that when I lose a couple pounds quickly that it’s likely hydration related. My cycling or running performance is immediately affected. I noticed on Friday morning that a poster in the urology office showed 12 different kinds of kidney stones and one of them looked just like mine. Next comes a 24-hour collection of urine which will be analyzed.

Home care with some stout antibiotics kept up the positive news on the blood infection. I had no fever through the various office or hospital visits.

No running or other exercise this week through Friday morning because every time I did anything remotely physical, more blood showed up in the urine. One trip to the roof to fix some wind damage on a farm building was the worst, but it had to be done. I spent way too much time sitting and taking it easy. Everybody says I should be resting, but I have had enough to last me quite a while.

The removal of the final stent was done in Dr. Johnson’s office on Friday morning, April 8. Two weeks after this saga began with a kidney stone, the stent removal was way easier than I thought. He just cut some tape, pulled a string and the stent came right out. I will leave the more graphic details unwritten, but I hope you have the idea. When I left the urology office, my kidneys were free of stones and my body of stents, a wonderful feeling.

Next week comes the follow-up visit on the blood infection with the infectious disease nurse practitioner Caroline Waller. I’m also waiting on a lab report from Dr. Brinkley about the current status of my blood clot issues. I was told by a nurse after being readmitted last week that blood clots can complicate things in the hospital when so little activity is usually done.

I went for a 2-mile run/walk as soon as I got home on Friday morning. A lot of improvement is needed before I head to Nevada and California in early June to run from Reno to Lake Tahoe and back on a relay team competition of 178 miles. Then likely on to a bike ride along the Mississippi River. I will keep at it and certainly appreciate all the kind words, prayers and encouragement during the past week.

The next race up is the Stomp Out Sexual Assault 5K on April 23 at Knox Middle School and on the greenway. Look for this and more events at www.salisburyrowanrunners.org. 

The Difference

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By Lynna Clark

Last week we rented the old John Wayne movie The Cowboys. Why you ask? What better way to celebrate 50 years together! In the year of our Lord, 1972 a very quiet guy in my high school took a chance and asked me to the movies. He had no idea that John Wayne was an icon in our home; the picture of all things tough and heroic. I guess the Lord saw to that small detail ahead of time. But even better, the next week he asked me to a Bible study. Not John Wayne… my new friend David. That night my life changed. It was the first time I understood why Jesus went to the cross. Suddenly it made sense. I could never measure up to God’s holiness, so He died in my place. OH! What a difference that single decision made. Because a quiet young man stepped waaayyy out of his comfort zone and asked a feisty girl to a homemade Bible study, at least the next 50 years were changed.
I went home and spoke to my little sisters about Christ. One trusted Him right away; the other understood a few weeks later. Fast forward to the families of us three sisters. We each married men who love the Lord, raised three kids apiece to honor Him; they in turn are raising children to love Him as well. The ones who don’t have children yet are making a difference in the lives around them. Sure we have a few prodigals in the mix, of whom I am chief. The point is not to brag on our great family. Lord knows that’s not the goal. We sure don’t want to invite the scrutiny that would bring. The moral of the story is to say, take a chance. Invite the stranger. Reach out to someone the Lord puts in your path. Who knows what ripple effect you could cause in the next fifty years.
Maybe even for eternity.

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