The Missing Piece

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By Ann Farabee

     We knew it would be a masterpiece because we were working our first mystery puzzle. Instead of dumping the pieces on the table and looking at the picture on the box as our guide, we had taken on the challenge of NOT looking at the box and not knowing what the puzzle picture would be.

     Slowly – and after much longer than a puzzle normally took – it was brought to completion – almost. We were missing one piece. Yes – one piece. The puzzle maintained its residence on the table much longer than our previous puzzles, because without that one piece, we knew it was not complete.  The puzzle would remain there until it was.

      A mystery? A puzzle? A mystery puzzle? Yes, not only had the picture on the puzzle been a mystery, but now puzzle piece Number 1000 was missing.

      The words mystery and puzzle both can be defined as something baffling or perplexing, because it cannot be fully understood. Life sure can feel like that, can’t it? As our puzzle of life is put together piece by piece, a beautiful picture is formed. It is a mystery – a beautiful mystery.

We are all different.

We all have a story.

We are all an important part of God’s handiwork.

We cannot see how our story will look when it is finished – but God can.                                                                                        

Sometimes, it feels as though we are just moving pieces of our ‘life puzzle’ around, trying to force them into places where they do not fit.

Why do they not fit there? 

They do not fit there because they were not made to fit there.

Yes, a piece of our puzzle had gone missing.

That was not okay.

The puzzle would never be complete – unless we found it.

     Did we search for the missing puzzle piece? Yes – diligently! We searched chairs, cushions, tables, drawers, furniture, cabinets, under the carpet, in the washing machine, and in the dryer. We searched everywhere we thought a piece of puzzle would hide. Finally, I suggested a search through the dirty vacuum cleaner bag – and there it was! I happily dusted it off and used it to bring about the completion of the mystery puzzle.

     Matthew 18:11-13 tells of a shepherd that had 100 sheep. One wandered away – and was lost. Would the shepherd leave the 99 to search for the 1? He sure did. When he found the 1, he rejoiced more over it than over the 99 who did not go astray.

      That is how we felt when we found the one missing puzzle piece. Without it, the puzzle would not have been complete.

      The Shepherd came looking for us when we went astray and rejoiced when He found us.  Without the 1, the flock was not complete.

      Some things I cannot understand. Why, Jesus, would You come looking for us?  Why would You go searching for the 1? We are not worthy.

      But I know the answer – Jesus came to save that which was lost – that was us. He formed us. He loves us. He has prepared a place for us – and heaven would not be complete without us.

     Thank You, Heavenly Father, for looking for the 1.

     I am the one.  So are you.

I’m Praying for You

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By Doug Creamer

            The other day someone I know was talking with me about a situation she was facing. I told her I have been praying for her. We talked about other things before we parted company, but I could tell this need weighed on her mind. I asked if I could pray for her before we parted, and she agreed. We stopped right where we were and said a little prayer.

            Have you ever been that person that needed prayer? I have. I can’t count how many times I have pulled the pastor or assistant pastor aside and said, “Have you got a minute?” Something was on my mind and I needed to share it with a friend. It’s always nice when the pastor takes a minute to pray, speaking directly to the need.

            I remember talking with three previous pastors when I was facing big decisions in my life. I felt stuck, afraid, and unable to move forward. Two of the pastors had me laughing at myself before we parted. They told me there was no way I would make a wrong decision because they had too much faith in me. They didn’t pray with me, but they prayed for me, and those prayers in conjunction with their faith in me made all the difference.  

            Sometimes we need prayer and words of reassurance. I am thankful for my brother and sisters. They have called me to ask that I remember their children in my prayers because of situations they faced. I have called them with questions about health concerns or seeking advice about other life changes, and they have been there not only to listen, but to offer their help, encouragement, and prayers. Words of encouragement can be so powerful and life-changing.

            I saw a good friend and several former colleagues last week. It was so good to see each other in-person and to catch up on life. I loved hearing about their children, how work has changed since the pandemic, and especially how they were doing spiritually. What I enjoyed the most about the time I spent with my friend was the opportunity to encourage and be encouraged by him. We never really know the impact of our words and prayers. Their positive impact can fuel people’s fire and passion for life.

            I have always made it a point to pray for my supervisors. Some have received more prayers than others. I have also shared words of encouragement or laughter with my supervisors. I will never forget two situations when my supervisors prayed for their teachers during a meeting. When your boss prays for you, that is huge.

            There is a difference between praying for someone and praying with someone. Praying for someone is very important because we all will find ourselves in the place of needing prayer at some point in our lives. Letting a person know that you are praying for them is important because it lets them know that they are not alone in their struggles. We have to remind ourselves that our prayers really do make a difference in the spirit realm.

            I believe that there is an extra release of power when we pray with someone. You can literally watch burdens lift off people’s shoulders when you pray with them. We have to be vulnerable enough to ask and then take the risk to actually pray out loud. We have to get past the feelings of our own inadequacy and put the other person’s needs ahead of our own. Praying with someone always has a powerful and profound effect on them.

            I know that every situation doesn’t allow us to pray together. Praying with someone over the phone can be very powerful. I have prayed for and received prayer over the phone and felt the power of the Spirit present. Sometimes we may need to find a quiet place, or pray together in spite of the noise and distractions.

            I want to encourage you to look for opportunities to pray with someone this week. If you are aware of a tough situation someone is facing, make some time and take the effort to pray with them. Don’t worry about your words; let the Spirit work through you. Trust that He is reaching out to bring the comfort and healing. You are just the vessel that He wants to work through to bring a great blessing to another person. Your prayers and words of encouragement will be the spring rains on the parched soil of their life.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Lake Norman Day

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By Roger Barbee

            This last day of March 2022 arrives clothed in a delightful mix of warm, wet wrappings of flowering trees, grasses, and flowers. The dogwood trees in the back garden hold not yet fully opened blooms of their soft white petals as if not wanting to release them to onlookers. Cardinals, nuthatches, doves, Carolina Chickadees, and many more birds take residence as they build nests or hunt for food in the azaleas and grass. A small gathering of the boat-tailed grackles visit the ground beneath one of the feeders which encourages a grey squirrel to move away, but only for a moment because the grackles find the offerings lacking, so they flew away in a flush of black purple sheen towards the lake and the tall pine trees. Next to the white fence the gardenia spreads its deep green leaves which, in its time, will grace the garden with a sweetness of scent unlike any other save the Ligustrum. Next to it are the three Lyda roses which will bloom in concert with each other to add a blush of pink to all the color.

So much life in such a small space. Yes, more birds, flowers, bushes, trees, and grasses would be found in a larger space. But here, in this small back garden, a visitor can hear the wind travel through the tall pine trees near the lake and feel the brush of air as a bird flies by. The fragrance of gardenia is captured here in this air as if held for ransom, and even the scent of freshly cut grass lingers long after the mower has finished his work.

Hours later another day has passed, and the rain travels to other lands. A bright spring-blue sky hovers above and Nick the beagle puppy sleeps on one bed of pine needles. To paraphrase the town crier, “Late afternoon and all is well.”

Psalms 23:4

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By Lynna Clark

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.” -KJV
You’ve tumbled into a deep dark valley. It feels like death and you can’t seem to dig your way out. Fear surrounds you and grips your poor heart with something so frightening that you wonder if maybe this is the end. You try to pray. The words don’t come. So you just close your tear filled eyes and beg.
God. I need help.

A hand rests on your shoulder. It should feel comforting. But instead you feel shame. Why must you be so weak when you know the darkness is just a shadow. A life of faith has taught you this.
Yet you can’t help the weakness and fear you feel.
A solid hand reaches down to grip your own. He pulls you to your feet and into the circle of His love. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,” He whispers.

Together you take a step; then one more; then another until the shadows disappear and you look up to see you’ve survived the darkest time of your life. As you rest in the Savior’s comfort and marvel in His protection you realize.
Up ahead is another dark valley. A fellow traveler lies face down in the dirt. With courage you’ve never had before, you make your way down the rocky path and place a hand on their shoulder.
Then together, you walk out of the dark valley and into the light.

As you notice the familiar look of shame on your companion’s face, you share what you now know. The Shepherd’s rod and staff are not for beating His sheep. They are there for protection and comfort. Nothing can get to you when He is near.
“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid. For You are close beside me. Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me.” -NLT
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 gives a bit more insight into the blessing of comfort.
“God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. “

Beloved ones, pain is not wasted when the Shepherd is near.

Never Neglect It

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By Ann Farabee

She was not the only one, but she is the one I remember most.

She was a student in my class.

She was beautiful.

She was intelligent.

She did her schoolwork perfectly.

She never did her homework.

She often came to school dirty.

She rarely talked.

She was a loner.

She was sad.

She was a victim of neglect.

How could a young child be so neglected? I soon discovered that it was partly because her family was going through a crisis and needed financial help. I intervened by seeking assistance to help meet their needs. She was able to receive help in the moment – and hope for the future.

She was changed. She had been paid attention to. She had been cared for properly. She is now a stay-at-home mom who helps her husband run a successful business, and who recently thanked me for not neglecting her.

Hebrews 2:3 warns us, “How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?”

Neglect means to fail to pay attention to or fail to care for properly.

Can we fail to pay attention to our salvation?

Can we fail to care for our salvation properly?

Yes, we can.

We can neglect our salvation by failing to accept the gift of salvation.

     Acts 16:31 tells us that if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be saved.               Romans 6:23 says that the gift of God is eternal life.

We can neglect our salvation by failing to pay attention to it.

     Accepting Christ is not the end of the matter – it is the beginning. It is not just a ticket to heaven. It is not a religion – it is a relationship. It needs to be nurtured and never neglected.

     We can nurture it through prayer, praise, perseverance, reading God’s Word, worshipping our Savior, serving our Savior, and telling the world what the Lord has done for us.

     We can nurture it by making prayer our lifestyle, because when we pray, we are communicating with the One who died on the cross, was buried, and rose again, so that we could live forever.

How can we neglect our salvation and expect to hear the voice of God in our lives?

How can we drift away or take a wrong course when Jesus is our anchor?

Our salvation came at the greatest cost there has ever been – or ever could be – and all we have to do is accept it – not reject it – and refuse to neglect it.

Teacher and Student

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By Doug Creamer

            I find myself in an interesting position. I am both a teacher and a student. I am teaching part-time at the community college, and I have just enrolled in a course where I am a student. The course is designed to improve my skills as a teacher. It is an online course which will require me to read, watch videos, and to write about the learning process.

            One of the first assignments was to write about a time when I had learned something. I found the answer right in front of me. Many years ago, I went to see my best friend, who had retired and taken up wood turning. To turn wood, you place a block on a lathe which spins and then you use tools to create a bowl or other symmetrical object.

            My friend determined that he would teach me how to turn wood. We put our first block of wood on the lathe and he demonstrated how to use the tools. Then he got me to use those tools and work on our piece of wood. My friend did some of the fine finishing work and then we used a tool to cut the bowl away from the block.

            As it turns out, we created a funnel instead of a bowl. We had cut away too much out of the center of the block so when we cut it away it left a hole in the bottom. We laughed. That funnel/bowl sits right here on my desk. My friend put another piece of wood on the lathe. This time he made me do all the work. We were careful not to go too deep in the bowl this time.

            My friend had placed a very special piece of wood called a burl on the lathe for us to work on this time. A burl is a highly sought-after piece of wood because it will create a stunning piece of artwork. It was just a piece of wood to me. We worked on it until I had to head for home. The next day he finished it, sanded and sealed it, and carved our names in the bottom.

            My friend mailed me our bowl, which sits near my computer. My friend sent me a note that sits with the bowl which reads, “Sometimes the value of an object can be determined by its uniqueness. This is pretty unique.” The bowl is a beautiful, completely unique piece that I treasure.

            This reminds me of the unique and wonderful opportunity I have every day as a teacher. When I show or teach something to someone it gives me great joy as a teacher. I love being a teacher. I love helping someone acquire new skills or knowledge. I don’t do it for the paycheck, although it does help to pay the bills. I do it for the joy of watching someone spread their wings and fly.

            In the last week, I had the privilege of seeing a couple of students achieve success in the program I am teaching at the community college. One of the students was one of mine, and she had worked very hard to apply herself to the subject material. When she succeeded, my supervisor and I celebrated with her. We were so excited and happy for her. The other student I met today while she was waiting for her results. When she found out she succeeded my supervisor and I celebrated with her, too. To see the great joy on these students’ faces is far greater than any paycheck I could ever earn. They worked hard and earned their success.

            Our Christian walk will end with what we hope will be a similar celebration. God gives us His word, which is filled with many challenging lessons. If we apply these lessons to our lives, it will help us have a successful trip through life. We’ll have some good times and go through some rough patches. If we stick with it and continue to apply ourselves to what we have learned then we will hear these words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Come and enter your master’s rest.”

            I want to encourage you to press on in your Christian walk. Don’t quit! There is a great reward waiting for those who believe and persevere. God is preparing a wonderful celebration for each person who endures to the end. We are living in challenging times. Don’t give up on God; instead, run to Him. We don’t need to understand what is happening, but only to trust Him. I want to see you there, so let’s encourage each other and press on until that great day.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

The Red Maple

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By Roger Barbee

Death is all around us, but the death happening as I type these lowly words this early spring morning is unnecessary. It is happening because a neighbor is inconvenienced and has the power to create a patio with fire pit and grill less troubled by the roots and seed pods and leaves of a magnificent red maple tree. The man high in the bucket cuts with his chain saw and drops limbs that have taken perhaps thirty or more years to grow, and the modern machine grinds them into a mulch that will leave no history of their shade and vibrant fall colors. As Hopkins wrote of the Binsey Poplars-“Felled, all felled….” The crew of men will be gone in a few hours after removing what took years to become, but no matter-the tree, as my neighbor said, was messy and in the way. In our modern Lake Norman manner, we remove any in our way because we have the resources.

I understand that there are times that trees must be removed because, for instance, they pose a danger to a house foundation or septic system. However, it seems to me that on Isle of Pines Road, many owners are willing to cut any bush or tree that is, in their eyes, a hinderance of some sort. And, the reader may say, the tree belongs to the homeowner, and that is true, but in some way, if we are community, each tree belongs to all of us. In a community, what I do on my little postage stamp of land affects the community, and since that is true, I have an obligation to honor that commitment.

But for me, there is another commitment besides the one to my community on Isle of Pines Road. In my favorite story of creation, it is written: “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.” No words such as cut, remove, destroy are here, but words that imply stewardship are.

In 1879 Hopkins wrote these words in his poem Binsey Poplars,  “ O if we but knew what we do/ When we delve or hew —/Hack and rack the growing green!”

To answer Hopkins, yes we think we know what we are doing because in our short sighted decisions, we are believing in the myth that man is in and can control.

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