School Daze?

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By Ann Farabee

School Days or School Daze? This year it feels like a little of both.

The definition of the word daze includes some descriptive words: stunned, confused, bewildered, stupefied. Stupefied means astonished, shocked, or made unable to think or feel properly.

Those words may be somewhat appropriate for how life is in our world right now, as we try to get back to normal.  So – as school days begin, at first they may feel like school daze.

Here are some ideas that may help our children adjust to the new school year:

SLEEP. It is important for learning, behavior, focus, mood, and growth. Suggested amounts:

*Ages 3 to 6: 10 -12 hours *Ages 7 to 12: 10-11 hours *Ages 13 to 18: 8-10 hours

BREAKFAST. It is important for health, behavior, growth, and higher academic achievement. Diet should include whole grains, fiber, protein, and make it low in sugar.

PRAYER. As you say the morning good-bye, pray with your child. It just takes a few seconds and will be remembered forever – and probably passed on to the next generation. Also, teach your child to pray for themselves – while at school. They don’t have to close their eyes. They don’t have to pray aloud. God hears our thoughts. Prayer is our greatest weapon.

GOD’S WORD. Help your child memorize a verse to bring to mind at school throughout the day. A good verse to start off the year would be Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ.” Write it down and they can put it in their pockets, book bags, or lunch boxes. I kept a handwritten verse of scripture on my desk at all times when I was teaching. It sure did help.

TABLE TALK. Table Talk refers to the conversations we have with our children. It could be while eating a meal. It could be in the car. It could be any time of the day where the timing feels right. I personally find that asking, “How was your day?” results in a one word response like, “Good.” So, I try to ask questions that lead to actual conversation.

FAMILY TALK. Family Talk refers to times where there is an intentional gathering of family to read God’s Word or pray together.

CONNECTIONS. Show up at school events. Volunteer to help at school events. Send emails or notes to the teacher. Parents are part of their child’s educational experience . Our children need to know that education matters.

HOMEWORK STATION. Keep all needed school tools and book bags at a work station set aside for your child to use at home daily.

BOOK BAGS HOLD INFORMATION. The importance of book bags should never be underestimated. They almost seem to be a child’s personal place of residency. Help your student learn to keep it organized and uncluttered. Look through it. Yes, look through it. You can learn a lot. As you look through it, remove molded bread, melted chocolate, or similar items.

BEDTIME TALK. It is the best. Bedtime seems to be when many children are ready to share their thoughts. Make time for it. Take time for it. Pray together.

Deuteronomy 11:19 encourages us to put God’s Word in our children’s hearts by

speaking of them when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up.

Lord, may the school days be sweet – and may we not be in a daze for long. Amen


Day 20

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By David Freeze

  Dreading the next map segment

  Last night, I spoke to two of the Comstock locals just before going into my motel. Both assured me that there would be only a couple of examples of climbing today, an “easy day”. I didn’t believe it for a minute.

      I left Comstock after devouring a microwave breakfast biscuit. Right away, I found the road shoulder to be terribly rough. I kept trying to ride in the lane but couldn’t stay there long. It was the beginning of a slow day,  more of which are coming.

    The bigger town that I saw today was Del Rio, another border town, with about 35,000 residents. It seemed that I began climbing in earnest just before Del Rio as I passed the first huge body of water on the trip. The Amistad National Recreation Area had a nice reservoir and apparently a lot of recreational activity. It was the first time in a pcouple of weeks where both sides of the road were busy for miles. I rode into Del Rio looking for the bike shop, needing a few things, especially since I am nearing halfway on the trip. I found Lakeside Sports closed, even though they are usually open on Saturdays.

  Getting warmer, I fueled up for the 35 mile ride to Brackettville. A gradual uphill all the way, every single bit of it with rough shoulders. The road wasn’t much better. I had just enough water to make the ride, just sips to spare. Along the way, I saw a couple of freight trains right beside US 90. I also stopped at the entrance to Laughlin Air Force Base. The entrance is just a rock’s throw from US 90. The base is historically famous for training the B-26 Marauder bomber crews from World War ll.

  There wasn’t much else to see, except a lot of speeding traffic. I kept jumping on the main road because it was much smoother. The ride totaled 65 miles, but it was well earned. There will short totals the next few days because I will be on small roads that are jammed with hills. I’m not thrilled.

    Having not done my planning as usual, I got to Brackettville, and tried to call the Fort Clark Motel. Three locals told me it was open, but no one answered the number. I stopped at a Stripes convenience store and was told to go to the guard gate and ask. I did and found out the whole motel was rented for a family reunion.

  But the guard told me to call the Alibi Hill Bar and Grill, that they had large and nice rooms. That was an understatement. I have a small apartment with a full kitchen and plenty of room. My only other experience at spending the night at a bar was in Alma, Colorado. It didn’t turn out well but I think this one will be OK.

    I have some things to do on the bike tonight and hope to get to bed early again. Then I will just make the best of tomorrow. Accommodations and towns will be limited. Comstock from yesterday has about 150 residents and Brackettville boasts about 1500. That will likely be more than all the towns added up in the next couple of days.

  My legs are very tired, but I will endure all the climbing coming up, just hoping for nice scenery. I did get radio reception today and cellphone coverage too. But I bet both are leaving again tomorrow. The cool days are gone, the headwind remains and there is plenty of roadkill. Armadillos and deer, among other things and the heat makes them really smell.

  If I get time tomorrow, I will see where we stand exactly on mileage. I believe we are almost halfway and the second half should get a lot easier.

    Stay with me, keep praying and I will keep the updates coming! See you tomorrow!

Day 19

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By David Freeze

  Had more than I wanted today!

    Last night in Sanderson, I went for a bike ride down the Main Street of town, just to see what the town was like. I had ridden into town against a stiff headwind, and it was still going last night. The wind pushed my bike back up the hill toward the motel. I began to worry that the same wind might be in place today.

    My goal for today was a 90 mile ride, only because there was no supply points listed and no motels until Comstock. There was only one other town on the long route today, the town of Langtry.

    I left Sanderson about 5:45am, riding by flashlight in the pitch dark. Without the wind, I had 13 miles by 7am. The wind began to pick up, and so did the hills. The route was listed as a moderate downhill, but in fact the climbing was brutal with more than 50 large rollers. Some were a quarter to half mile long, and it seemed I was always climbing. By noon, the headwind was full speed in my face. This was the first significant headwind of the trip, and it made everything hard. Water consumption was way up.

      The temperature was warm too, so I stopped in Langtry where a small convenience store was open. I was told yesterday that it might be. I went in, could find no one, and picked out some waters and a Diet Coke. I paid at the counter with no one around, noting that someone else had done the same. I went back to get two more waters and the owner came in. Nice guy, very interested in my trip, but wanted me to hang around until the sun went down some. Couldn’t do it.

  Langtry also has a very nice tourist center and a museum of sorts on Judge Roy Bean, billed as the “Law West of the Pecos”. Six dioramas tell his story. I was pressed for time and the wind was getting stronger, so I didn’t hang around. Bean was famous in the late 1800’s.

  Immediately out of Langtry, the serious climbing began. Over and over, big rollers
had to be conquered. Later than I hoped, I ended up at the Comstock Motel after 91 miles.

    Hoping the headwind is gone tomorrow, I will head for Del Rio and the end of another map segment. Late morning, I will start map 4 of 7 and will follow the suggested route. Essentially, that map segment will also be hiily. At the end of it, I will move into Louisiana where there will be no elevation facts. Glad for that!

    I am going to get a shower and turn in early. The headwind and early departure beat me down. Borders agents are around quit a bit as the Rio Grande and Mexico on the other side are very close again.

    Join me again tomorrow, we’ll begin to experience Texas hill country, right after we have spent nearly 3 weeks celebrating everybody’s mountains!

Love Thy Neighbor

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By Doug Creamer

Love thy Neighbors

            I live in a good community. Recently, several neighbors wanted to meet with our town mayor and police chief to discuss how to keep our neighborhood safe and outside solicitors out. It was a good meeting that I hope will result in some positive steps being taken to accomplish that goal.

            I am fortunate to live in a good community with people who look out for each other. If the power goes out, we check on each other. If an emergency vehicle comes into our community, you can be certain that neighbors are there to check on each other.

            I don’t know every neighbor’s name, but we all wave as we pass each other. Several of my neighbors enjoy walking and we have a great place for that. I enjoy walking, but not in this summer heat. I will resume walking once the weather cools down.

            One thing I have noticed the longer I live is that we all go through times when we need someone to give us a hand. We certainly go through times when prayers are desperately appreciated. Several of my neighbors have had extended hospital stays and much prayer has brought them safely home to us. Others have faced loss and needed not only our prayers but help in practical ways, too.

            Sometimes prayers are needed for matters that are not life and death. Some of my neighbors have elderly parents. Some of my neighbors have sent their children back to school. Please take time to pray for our schools as COVID is making it difficult to have in-person class instruction, which I can assure you is far better than online learning.

            Other neighbors have taken their children back to colleges or universities. Their once bustling nests are all too quiet. My sister took her daughter back to my old alma mater, where she hopes to enjoy her junior year. She has also taken her second child off to Virginia Military Institute, where he will face many challenges to see if he is ready to rise and become a strong military leader. He has my prayers, but I know he will do great.

            Every person faces their own struggles, their own need for prayer. Some are willing to share, while others bear their pain and needs privately. While it is not appropriate to share all your private struggles, it’s okay to acknowledge your need for prayer or to ask a neighbor for a helping hand. I feel in my neighborhood people would be standing in line to give another a helping hand.

            As I write this, I realize that neighbors are not just the people who live around you. In my case, my neighbors are members of my church family. If I were to mention a need at my church, there would several guys over here the next day willing to help me out. If someone in my church is hurting, you can be sure that someone will be there to bring comfort and an encouraging word.

            I actually think neighbors go beyond the people in your community and church. I remember when Hurricane Andrew left destruction in Florida, a retired friend joined a group of guys and went down to help repair people’s homes. I remember similar things after Hugo went through our area.

            Jesus taught us to love our neighbors. I think loving and caring for them is an important witness to our lives. In Jesus’ day the Jews hated the Samaritans, so the parable of the good Samaritan was probably hard for His Jewish followers to swallow. The woman at the well was from Samaria. It was in Samaria that Jesus revealed to the people that He was the messiah. So maybe our neighbors reach beyond our communities to our neighbors around the world.

            I believe it is important that we be careful and vigilant for our safety around strangers because we know that evil exists in our world. But we can’t allow that to stop us from reaching out if we exercise wisdom. Ask for God’s guidance as you help those in need.

            I want to encourage you to consider how you can help a neighbor. What can you do to physically help or how can you pray for them? Sometimes a simple pat on the back or a word of encouragement can be a lifesaver. I believe when we help someone the door is open to share our faith, the reason for our hope. Your helping hand might open their heart to God’s love.  

Doug Creamer has a new book at Amazon: EncouragingU: Summer Stories. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Day 18

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By David Freeze

Setting up the next long day!

  I’m sitting in the Outback Oasis Motel in Sanderson, Texas, getting ready to watch the Yankees and White Sox in the Field of Dreams game. I asked last night over the phone whether we could get the Fox channel to see the game.

    But back to the bike ride. I left Marathon this morning amid a light drizzle. The first 20 miles were steady moderate climbing. Still on US 90, the sky cleared and it warmed up. Then the terrain leveled out and even turned downhill on occasion as we, the bike and I, left the high mountains behind. I faced a steady headwind for the last five miles and it is still blowing outside. My ride today, from Marathon to Sanderson, included no other towns or anything especially interesting. No radio and sparse cell phone coverage. A car or truck about every 3-5 minutes, and lots of empty unmoving train cars. I cycled in the road.

    Everything about today was a setup for tomorrow. So few towns, or supply points, leave me with a challenging 90 mile ride tomorrow from Sanderson to Comstock. All I can count on is a water stop about midway, and a motel room already assured in Comstock. No food, if I don’t get there before 7pm. I plan to leave to ride at least the first hour in the dark tomorrow.

    Once I got to Sanderson today, my first stop was a truck stop convenience store. Remember my craving for ice. Then I went across the road to my motel. While checking in, I was treated to a live reptile exhibit. I learned that there are 65 varieties of rattlesnakes alone, many of which were in glass aquariums to see. One black rattlesnake was captured near my room just a couple days ago.

    Bar none, this is the best motel that I’ve stayed in on the trip. Good price, huge convenience store across the road, and wonderful motel owners. And plenty of available ice. It’s an old motel, but I love it.

    So, tomorrow will be tough. Then I have figure out how to proceed farther east into Texas. I would like to ride through San Antonio, although Adventure Cycling wants me to turn north and ride more hills. I will close out the third map panel out of seven total for the whole ride on Saturday morning. While the game is on tonight, I am going to study the Texas map. I’ve loaded up on snacks and water for tomorrow.

    That is it for today! Send those wonderful prayers, both for stamina and the right decisions. I appreciate all the support from readers as this journey continues. See you back here tomorrow!

Day 17

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By David Freeze

Managing the route!

  It was very late last night when I got to Fort Davis, and nearly 10pm when I got in the room. Most everything still got done, but I will admit to dozing off near midnight when I was proofing that day’s update. Knowing that it would get daylight later this morning, my alarm got a snoozing, something I never, ever do.

    I rode back through town this morning and out on part of the route that I missed last night when Mindi Fires picked me up. I didn’t realize that had I kept riding, I would have had a huge hill to climb coming into Fort Davis. In a day that seemed to have no ending, I would have missed my motel had she not picked me up. The owner said he was about to close. This was one time, in retrospect, that I did the right thing getting that ride in the pitch dark.

  I did take the time to plan today’s route last night. For the next few days, there are serious supply issues, so many that I am having trouble sorting through them. My plan today was to ride the 56 miles to Marathon, so small that it has only about 500 residents. But it has at least a couple motels, the one that I chose is the Marathon Motel and RV Park. I have a very nice room but major problems with WiFi. I am going to submit the story and photos and then ride downtown for some food. Much better than I did last night.

    Recapping today, I wanted to see what Fort Davis looked liked and found it full of interesting shops and restaurants. It also has a unique attraction, the Fort Davis National Historic Military Site. Fort Davis is the best preserved frontier military outpost. It has lots of buildings and I could have spent have a day there. The fort was used from 1854 to 1891.

    Attached to my motel was a deli and sort of community gathering place. This place had my favorite egg, cheese and potato burrito ready made. They are so good! My favorite store was the one selling barbed wire art. The old bank and courthouse, both still in use, were spectacular. Someday, I will come back and spend a day there.

      I had yet another tough climb up and out of Fort Davis, and continued on US 118. The scenery was wonderful, the grading of the road and its shoulders were not. I also realized this morning that Texas in this area looks just like Montana. Always mountains on the horizon, appearing to be miles away.

    My only other town today was Alpine, a beautiful and busy place but still at only about 5,000 people. Nice people and while there, I called and made the deal for my room tonight. It was 32 miles from Alpine and I rode it in one minute less than 3 hours. One significant hill in the middle, but lots of good riding on US 90. I noticed a bigger presence of border patrol agents in the area. My mileage today was 56.

  I still stop at every historical marker, and I saw one border agent hiding there. They always seem to have long sight lines where anyone crossing the road would be seen.

    Just as today, if I had continued past Marathon, I had 55 more miles to go for a place to stay and supplies. Tomorrow may be similar but I will research it tonight.

    Mindi Fires is now a significant sponsor for my coast to coast journey, and I want to  welcome Wayne Cobb to the group as a new sponsor.

    A cloudy day, with a little drizzle, never got past the low 80s. Hoping for another like it tomorrow. Join me back here to see what happens!

A Season of Brokenness

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By Ann Farabee

     If you are in a season of brokenness, you may not want words of advice. You want breakthrough! I understand. I sure have been there. During those difficult seasons of my life, much of my day would be spent going through the motions, watching and wondering how others kept going about their daily routine as if everything was normal. For me – nothing felt normal. 

     You may be grieving, sick, discouraged, facing a difficult circumstance, in a broken relationship, or dealing with broken expectations. If so, read this with your heart, and let God apply it to your life. If you are not in a season of brokenness, read it with your mind, and use it to encourage others along your path.

       I haven’t walked in your shoes. I haven’t traveled your path. But… I can tell you what God has done for me. Here is some of what I have learned in my seasons of brokenness:

     *Brokenness shows God’s provision. Even the strongest can be broken. It is not a sign of weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 – My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.

     *Brokenness shows God’s plan. It is part of life. John 16:33 – In this world, you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

     *Brokenness shows God’s purpose. Your tests become your testimony. 2 Corinthians 4:17 – For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

     *Brokenness shows God’s providence. We don’t have all the information. Our knowledge is limited. God knows why. We don’t. Deuteronomy 29:29 -The secret things belong to the Lord.

     *Brokenness shows God’s power. We can’t fix it. God can. Psalm 147:3 – He heals the broken in heart.

     *Brokenness shows God’s proximity. He is near! Psalm 34:18 -The Lord is near to those with a broken heart.

     Vance Havner wrote, “God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever.”

      Having been through seasons of brokenness in my life has more equipped me to help bear the burdens of others as they travel through difficult days. You see, my brokenness has become a weapon of usefulness, and my setbacks were actually  setups!

      Oh, how my heart hurts for those of you who may be struggling in your season of brokenness.  May your good days slowly begin to overtake the ‘not so good’ days, and one day when you least expect it, I know the sun will break through the clouds and begin to shine in your life again.

Day 16

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By David Freeze

There are good things even on bad days!

  My ride started out in Van Horn early, but not early enough. I was in the Central Time Zone and had to wait forever to get enough light in the sky to ride on Interstate 10. Even with another great burrito for breakfast, I felt behind all day.

  I watched the sun rise while facing it amid light traffic and cool temperatures. While my map called for 89 miles without services, there was a truck stop at 20 miles. Nothing afterwards for the rest of the day. I was hauling extra water and food.

  My only goal of the day was to cover the 89 miles between Van Horn and Fort Davis. I knew it had a bunch of climbing, but I had no idea how much. From 37 miles on, I climbed and climbed, always on a rough road. Near the end, I wanted to see the McDonald Observatory. Top elevation was 6,000 plus.

  There was so much climbing that I fell behind time wise. I saw the observatory from a distance only, as I was still riding at 9pm. More on that later. I will get my story done, grab a shower and then turn in. It has been a very long day, but something good happened near the end.

    Mindi Falls stopped and asked if she could take me to Fort Davis, the next town. In fact, the only town for miles. I had a sort of reservation at an unusual motel. Mindi got me there in time, just in time as he was about to close for the evening. I really enjoyed meeting her. she prayed over my ride just before leaving.

  Only 86 miles were completed since Mindi picked me up in the dark. I will go early and ride that part tomorrow morning, then head on at least to Marathon. The supply point issue is going to be big for several days to come.

  This morning as I started to ride, I thought the weather was the best yet. Clouds came and went, helping to keep the temperature down. Kent and Fort Davis were the only towns. There was no cell service and no radio reception. But I did get caught in a brief downpour.

    So, I am going to grab a late shower and hit the bed. I need to do both!

Thanks for riding along. See you tomorrow!

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