No More Whining!

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March 4, 2019 by Lynna Clark

I really hate whining. When our kids were little I’d stop them in mid-crisis to inform: “Mommy can’t hear you when you whine.” One of them commented when she had her own children, “I think I was an adult before I realized: you really COULD hear me!”

Now that I feel the need to whine, I’m not sure what to do. I try to keep my writing as genuine as possible. So I need you to know. I am hurting. Even a gentle hug is painful.

Did I ever tell you that I have a mystery disease? Pain grips my body at times with such fierceness that I am knocked onto my ample rear end for days. Last week was one such time. I was in so much pain I had to have help getting out of the recliner. I don’t know why. This ailment began over forty years ago when I was just a kid in high school. At least that’s the first time I remember being in unusual pain for no particular reason. I grew up around water where we jumped in the murky depths of Lake Norman from the family pier. One particular day when I sank into that cold water I really thought I might die. Slowly I climbed back onto the pier and rested in the sun. It seemed to help. Since my parents also had a “no whining” policy, I never said a word. Later when I went off to college things got worse. By the spring of my freshman year I was in such terrible pain I could hardly get home from south Florida. A doctor there gave me some pain killers so I could make the sixteen hour trip. And I figured if one pill was good, a couple more would be better. My fiancé David and his buddy Barry loaded up the Camaro, checked on the girl passed out in the back seat, and drove me home. I landed in the hospital for two weeks of tests. Frankly I was glad. Finally we’d get some answers! They took x-rays, spinal fluid, did an experimental test called a myelogram where they shot dye into my spine and searched for anything abnormal. Nothing showed up. According to them it was all in my head.

As I said before that was over forty years ago. That’s a long time to wander in a desert wishing for an end to the painful journey. During those years I’ve experienced every kind of emotion a person can have. Last week the full gamut of feelings hit once again. Tears, anger, exasperation, self-pity, you name it. I could not function. I was so mad I threw things. Okay, so it was another cancer bill I was sure I had paid, but clearly I was not the picture of style and grace.

In case you’re going through something painful too, I want to give you permission to whine. Even as I write that I cringe. I still really hate whining. However, God knows your heart. He’s a great listener! Plus He gets it. He knows that you and I are just dust. And if nothing else, some of us are going to enjoy heaven waaayyy more than others. Maybe then He’ll smile as He whispers, “Finally child! You’re in a place where whining is not only absent, it’s no longer necessary!”

Then He’ll hug us as tight as He wants. And it won’t even hurt!

Where Do We Grow?

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Last fall, when all the winter forecasts started to post on the internet, everyone said it was going to be a cold and snowy winter. December made me a believer, with the heavy snowfall we received. I thought we were on the way to a winter wonderland. The Gulf of Mexico kept its end of the bargain and sent up copious amounts of water, there just wasn’t enough cold air around to make the snow. We do live here in the Carolinas; March can sometimes surprise us around here.

I walked out in my yard the other day and all I could find was soggy soil. There is no way I am going to be getting the tiller out in the garden anytime soon. Even though I have raised beds the ground is way too wet. With the arrival of daylight savings time, I am anxiously waiting to get started on my garden.

One of the secrets to a good garden is good soil. I have brought truckloads of soil into this yard since I moved here. I also put the leaves in my garden to help build up the soil. I have lots of worms in my soil which I know helps to create the perfect place to gets things growing. I know it’s early, but I am getting excited about the upcoming season.

Most gardeners know it takes the right amount of sunshine, water, and some good soil to make things grow well. So what conditions do we need for some good spiritual growth? Jesus taught us in the parable of the sower that the right soil conditions are critical for a good harvest. So what do we need if we really want to grow spiritually strong?

Someone pointed out to me recently that mountain-top experiences with God do not create good spiritual growth. I wanted to strongly object. When I experience God in a close, personal, and intimate way it spurs me on to growth. The person pointed out that mountain tops are covered in rocks. There isn’t the good soil required for growth.

Rich soil exists in the valleys. Our emotions enjoy the highs we experience on the mountain tops, but real growth occurs in the valleys. The valleys of life are filled with trials, difficulties, and challenges. Every step requires great effort. How can we experience growth when things are so hard?

Most gardeners know that adding cow manure to your soil will help things grow. So that means that we will grow better and stronger spiritually when we are faced with rough times. When we are walking through the manure of life our spirits grow stronger as our faith is stretched and we find ourselves leaning heavily on God.

When we are called upon to trust God, especially when we can’t see our next step, that’s when our faith will grow. When the doctor gives us news we don’t want to hear. When our finances turn into a big mess. When we open our paycheck and find a pink slip. When we watch our loved ones struggling with health issues. When the storms of life are howling. Those are the kinds of things that cause us to fall on our knees and cry out to God. It’s in those unbearable moments that our faith and trust in God is forced to grow.

When the strong winds are blowing and the waves seem higher than buildings, we cling to a God who will not let us go. Whether the miracle comes or not, we believe in a God who will not fail or reject us. We know that He is the rock on whom we stand. He will not falter, nor will He allow us to be overcome. Sometimes I think God has way too much faith in me, but then I realize that He is right there walking with me, and if necessary, carrying me through the storm. He promises never to leave us.

I sense that some of you are walking through the storms of life. I want to encourage you to press on, to hold on to God. God will not let you down. He is with you. He will never leave you. You will come out of this stronger, better, and victorious. And when you do, you will have another testimony to the goodness and greatness of our God. You will be stronger because your roots have grown deep in the soil of your faith. You are a fighter who never gives up. Let the storms rage, you WILL overcome.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

But If Not…

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But if not, we want you to know, O king, that we will NOT serve your gods, and we will NOT worship the golden image you set up!

That was a pretty bold statement coming from three friends about to be cast into a fiery furnace!
The words were said after King Nebuchadnezzar set up a statue that was 90 feet tall and 9 feet wide. He commanded that everyone stop when they heard music playing and worship the statue.
And if they did not, they would be cast into a fiery furnace — so hot that its’ fiery blast killed the soldiers who opened the door!

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego — could have taken the easy way out — maybe bow for a second, but not worship. Or they could say they were just following the customs of the land at that time. There were lots of excuses — or ways out — of the situation. And then they could ask God to forgive them. And God would.
So, why didn’t they? Maybe because they knew that would be putting other gods before the true God. Or maybe because they knew that would hurt their testimony.

It was a tough choice to make. Then, King Nebuchadnezzar said, “Who is this god that is going to deliver you?” That may have made them even more bold, because the god that was going to deliver them was THEIR God — the only true God!
In Daniel 3:16, they said that they did not even have to think about their decision or defend themselves in that matter. They had quickly made their choice — conviction over comfort. They were taking a stand for God instead of a stoop to an idol.
In verse 17, their trust in God seemed even more pronounced: If it be so, our God whom we serve is ABLE to deliver us from the
burning fiery furnace and deliver us out of your hand, O king.

This is when the ‘but if not’ verse — Daniel 3:18 — happened. It was the boldest statement of all – they wanted King Neb to know that no matter what, they would not serve his gods or worship the golden image he set up.
Ooohhhh! King Neb was so full of fury that he had the heat turned up 7 times hotter!

The most mighty men in the army were then told to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and cast them into the burning fiery furnace.

Shortly after that, King Neb asked his counselors one of the best questions ever, “Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” Their answer was: True.

Then came one of the best follow up responses to one of the best questions ever when King Neb said, “Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.”
When they walked out, they didn’t even smell like smoke!

• And… the king gave them a promotion!
Going through the fire?
• We don’t even have to defend ourselves.
• If it be so, our God is able to deliver us.
• God is in the fire with us- no matter how hot it gets.
• The same power that delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is available for us.
• We won’t even smell like smoke … and we may get a promotion.
• But if not… serve God anyway.

Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or

Jesus Walks on Water

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22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat, and to go ahead of him to the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. 23 After he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain by himself to pray. When evening had come, he was there alone. 24 But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, distressed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. 25 In the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It’s a ghost!” and they cried out for fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying “Cheer up! It is I! Don’t be afraid.”

28 Peter answered him and said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the waters.” 29 He said, “Come!” Peter stepped down from the boat, and walked on the waters to come to Jesus. 30 But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand, took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 When they got up into the boat, the wind ceased. 33 Those who were in the boat came and worshiped him, saying, “You are truly the Son of God!”

Jesus Heals at Gennesaret

34 When they had crossed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret. 35 When the people of that place recognized him, they sent into all that surrounding region, and brought to him all who were sick, 36 and they begged him that they might just touch the fringe of his garment. As many as touched it were made whole.

Target Fixation

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My hubby had a motorcycle for a while and was wise enough to take a safety class at the community college. The instructor said something that stuck with David as he was learning to ride. “Be careful of target fixation,” he advised. “When something dangerous occurs, rather than focus on what you DON’T want to hit, focus on where you want to go.”

In other words, if a dog runs out, aim down the road past it and you’ll be less likely to wreck than if you’re looking at the dog. In the fifteen or so years that David rode, he wrecked one time. A sharp curve on a bumpy country road came up way too fast and all he could see was the barbed wire fence he would hit if he didn’t make the curve. He became a victim of target fixation. Thankfully he walked away to ride another day.

Eventually he convinced me of how fun it would be if we could ride together. So I mounted behind him on the cinderblock they call a passenger seat. We rode to the beach, to the mountains and many a country road especially in the spring when the trees first start to bud. The aroma of wild wisteria throughout the woods is so pleasant. Then the smell of fires burning in the fall has a way of bringing the senses to life. I really loved it.

One day we rode up to a state park which included a small mountain range. It was a gorgeous day for a picnic. Before we headed down the mountain I was happy to find a restroom. While David waited for me, he was actually solicited by a pimp who offered to lead him to a camper where a good time would be had by all.

Sorry delicate readers. I realize you just went from a peaceful overlook with a picnic to something disgusting. But that’s exactly what happened. Yes, broad daylight, North Carolina, beautiful park, and lewd fellows of the baser sort. I do not make this stuff up.

When I emerged from the bathroom, David took my hand and hurried down a steep hill covered in about a foot of loose wet leaves. Suddenly he stumbled a bit and turned his ankle. We sat on the side of the hill as I silently wondered how we’d get home. I had no idea how to drive a motorcycle. He didn’t tell me about the earlier solicitation until later. He was probably afraid I’d jerk a camper door open and express my hot displeasure. Thankfully his ankle was strong enough to drive and no harlots were harmed in the making of this story. But I decided to take my own motorcycle class in case I ever needed to drive.

I did way better than I expected. Of course the bikes used in the class were very little compared to ours. But I could maneuver it through the cones with ease. The instructor yelled at me to go faster, so I did. What he didn’t realize was that I couldn’t figure out how to stop. I was last in line and everyone else had parked neatly side by side waiting for me to finish. I saw it before it happened and I could not look away. Everyone scattered as I plowed right into the row of bikes knocking every single one of them down. As warned earlier, I became a victim of target fixation.

Writer Adam Holtz received the same warning in his motorcycle safety class. His instructor wisely added, “Where you’re looking is the direction you’re going to go.”

Have you been knocked on your rear lately? As Mr. Holtz says, “Scripture encourages us to look past our problems to the One Who can help.” In fact, Philippians tells us to focus on one thing: Forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead.

Sometimes we just can’t fix things. Instead of a picnic with a scenic view, ugliness comes out of nowhere. There is only One Who knows our future. He alone will get us safely home. Set your eyes on Him. He is worthy of our focus.

Storm Watcher

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Storm Watcher

            I am known around school for my weather forecasts. While I have always been fascinated by the weather, I am afraid that it has become an obsession. I look at the data, study the models, and apply what I know about how weather works in our area.

            Over time I have become pretty good at predicting what is coming. I also predict the number of days we will be out or if we are going to have a delay. The truth is that I miss the forecast just like the weathermen. Last week one of my colleagues left me a note on my classroom board that I was 100% wrong. I laughed.

            The focus of my weather fascination is with storms. I follow them all. If there is a mass of clouds lurking in the Atlantic, I am watching for tropical storm formation and predicted paths. If there is a strong cold front passing, I am watching the line of thunderstorms as they march my way. My greatest addiction is with snow. I am watching storms that are a week or two out there. I am looking at every piece of data I can find and am always on the lookout for another source of up-to-date information.

            The irony is that I often don’t know what is going on with the weather on a day-to-day basis unless there is a storm coming our way. Last Sunday when the sun broke out and we had a nice afternoon, I was unaware that we were expecting such a nice afternoon. Summer weather in the Carolinas: hazy, hot, humid, with scattered afternoon thunderstorms…what is exciting about that? It takes exciting weather to catch my attention.

            Nevertheless, there is always something down the road that will have my attention, and it is back to running the models and making my predictions. I will study the weather models and apply what I know from past experience to develop my predictions. If you want to become proficient at something you will have to study. You can’t expect to become good at doing something unless you spend time working at it.

            The same principles can be applied to our Christian walk. So many people want to find the easy way to following God. True followers know it is an all-or-nothing process. You can’t follow God halfheartedly unless you want to be miserable. With God it is an all-or-nothing adventure. Walking with God involves choosing the narrow path.

            The place to start is by reading His word. The Bible isn’t meant to be non-fiction that we read and just know the facts. As a matter of fact, the devil knows the Bible. He quoted it to Jesus when he tempted Him. So just knowing the Bible enough to quote it isn’t enough. Almost every pastor in my life has told me that I have to learn to apply the Bible to my situation.

            I want to apply the principles and promises to my life so I can achieve an overcoming Christian life. I have to apply what I know and believe if I want to experience a difference. This is the first step toward building a relationship with God.

            God wants us to know Him, which requires that we spend time with Him. This doesn’t mean that we just go to Him with our list of demands. While He wants to hear our prayer requests, He has a deeper desire to share Himself with us. He wants to reveal Himself through His word and through personal revelation to us. The only way for that to happen is when we spend time in His presence. Prayer is a two-way conversation with God.

            The secret to a deeper, richer, spiritual life is a combination of allowing God’s word to come alive in you and allowing your spirit to come alive in His presence. It’s true that God wants all of you so He can deposit more of Himself in you. He wants to work in you and through you. He wants you to live a full life through the good and the bad. He will give you the strength and He will show you the way.

            I want to encourage you to study and apply God’s word to your life. It will change you and make you more like Him. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. He wants to reveal Himself to you, so open the doors of your heart. He will bring peace, joy, wisdom, direction, mercy and forgiveness. Who doesn’t need more of those things in their lives? He’s waiting on you…

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Psalm 23

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1{A Psalm of David.} The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.


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February 19, 2019 by Lynna Clark

Occasionally, if we’re watching, we get a little preview of Heaven. It’s as if God pushes back the clouds of pain and uncertainty to give us a picture of His over-the-top love. A few weeks ago we were blessed with a trip to Cherry Grove. Though it was early February, the Lord poured out warmth and sunshine just because He can. I thought you might enjoy a small glimpse of His glory.

“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is.” –Ephesians 3:18

Posted in Faith | Tagged Beach, God’s love, heaven | 5 Comments » S


Thank You

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Thank You

            Do you remember television’s Golden Girls? They were four women who, for various reasons, found themselves to be single. They lived together in sunny Florida and they were funny. They lived full and interesting lives. They pushed boundaries and challenged our thinking about growing old. We tuned in because we knew we were going to laugh.

            How four single women could live in one house always astounded me. Each of the characters went through various difficult things. Sometimes they faced personal crisis and other times they struggled with their relationships to each other. But no matter what they were dealing with or going through, by the end of the thirty minute episode they were hugging, and found a way to maintain their friendships in spite of their differences.

            The theme song to the show included the line, “Thank you for being a friend.” I imagine all of you who have ever seen the show can sing that little song right now…and you would do it with a smile on your face. That show had a way of making us laugh. Naturally, it was the highly talented writers, but those four women made it all believable. So we tuned in because we knew we were going to laugh and watch four women who maintained deep friendships.

            A true friend is someone who is there for you through the good times and the bad times. My parents taught me how to be a good friend. If you want a friend, you have to be a friend. A true friend listens and keeps, as one advertisement says, “a judgement free zone.” A true friend comes to celebrate good news and sits with you and sustains you when you are faced with hardship and news you can’t endure alone.

            We all expect pastors to be our friends. We expect them to be there at the birth of a child and to be there when a loved one departs. Somehow we hope they will have the right words as we struggle with grief and sorrow. We also have to remember that pastors walk through difficult times just like we do. They need us just like we need them.

            Recently, I have found myself walking through a difficult personal challenge. I have been put into a place where I have had to lean on my family and several very good friends. Let me be clear about this, I am not comfortable leaning so heavily on others. I found the situation humbling.

            You know what happened? My family and friends came and built spiritual walls around me. They stood for me and with me. They gave me the space and time to deal with things. They loved me and figuratively carried me when I needed them. They listened and understood. They carried on the silent battle of prayer for me.

            I learned so much about myself, my family, and my friends recently. It is amazing how close I have felt to the Lord through this time. I know it is because of all the prayer, but His presence has been tangible and sweet. He has whispered things to me that I might have missed at another time in my life. He has helped me understand that it is OK to lay my sword down and rest. I am not very good at that because I like to fight for others. I am always looking for ways to encourage and build others up. I had to learn that scripture that says, “be still and know that I am God.” He has and will continue to see me through it.

            I believe that God expects us to be valiant fighters and good friends. He wants us to do this for our Christian friends AND for those who are lost. Everyone needs someone to lean on at different times in our lives. Those that are lost need to see the hope in our eyes that will lead them to Christ. The saved need our love, support, and encouragement, when they find themselves fighting life’s battles.

            I want to encourage you to be a good friend. We all need each other as we walk through life. My sword still feels a little heavy, but it feels good to be getting back on my feet. It’s not easy to let others fight for me, but it sure has made me thankful. I am thankful for the love, the support, the listening ears, the laughter, and the prayers. I think the Golden Girls song had it right; I want to thank you for being a friend.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or