Nothing Is Until It Is

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By Roger Barbee

For the past few weeks I have been reading Oswald Chamber’s study of Genesis. Yesterday I read, “The ark stands as a reminder that nothing is until it is,” and “God can only do the impossible,” both comments concerning Genesis 4.

At first I was puzzled by his comment concerning the Ark, but comfortable with his observation about God and the impossible. The first quotation caused me to pause, and the second seemed exactly what a reader would find in a study of Genesis. But the more I thought of my reading, I was reminded of how effortless we often make Biblical stories like the one of the Ark. But as I pondered Chambers’ words, I came to understand that he is offering a deeper examination and understanding into the nuances of the Ark and the possibilities of God.  

Above I used the word “effortless” intentionally because, for me, it describes exactly how we often teach such stories as the one of the Ark, or the exploits of Sampson, or how we make the birth of Jesus so convenient. Yet do we give these stories, and others, their just due or are we somewhat dishonest in our re-telling? The way we tell  them is almost magical—the large boat is built by a few people and all the animals arrive, while neighbors ridicule the builders; Sampson is a womanizer who performs a last feat after he is blinded; and the young and very pregnant Mary rides a donkey for miles, over rough terrain before giving birth.

But these Biblical stories and many more, even in our romanticized telling, show that “nothing is until it is.”  Yes, humans can do what is possible, but God does or can do (if He chooses) the impossible.  Only He can destroy the world to save it; use a womanizer to teach a lesson; and give hope through a lowly birth.

The Ark did not exist until God willed it, and at this time of the year we celebrate the birth of a baby who changed the world. You see, “… nothing is until it is.” God gives us His grace while doing the impossible. That leaves the possible-love for and faith in Him-up to us.

Important Vitamins and Minerals

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By David Freeze

During my most competitive years, the 30s and 40s, I chased the latest supplement that was supposed to give me an edge. With only one exception, I never found anything taken in supplement form that mattered to my performance. What I did find was that eating to cover the basics did more to help with training, racing and general well-being.

Below are some of the vitamins and minerals that matter, and it’s my suggestion that we all should pay attention to getting them.

  • Iron — Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to muscles for improved endurance. The highly active, especially women, can be iron deficient. Red meat, fish, raisins, tofu, lentils, white beans and spinach are all great sources of iron and active women need about double the requirement for men.
  • B vitamins — Folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, pantothenic acid and bioten. They break down carbohydrates into glucose for energy and help process fat and protein. B12 is most important because it enhances red blood cell production and DNA synthesis. Red blood cells remove carbon dioxide and carry oxygen making them essential to endurance athletes. Sources are chicken, beef, leafy greens, eggs, milk and beans.
  • Vitamin D and calcium — Both work together for bone health. Calcium works to keep your bones stronger and as an anti-inflammatory but is only fully absorbed when vitamin D levels are correct. Even outdoor athletes may not get enough of vitamin D. You can find both items in dairy items like cheese, milk and yogurt and will be best absorbed in the full-fat options. Salmon is another great source of both items.
  • Vitamin C — Known for fighting off sickness, vitamin C is a major immunity booster, and we can load up on it with foods like broccoli, peppers, kiwi and citrus. Most powerful is the yellow bell pepper that carries about four times the recommended daily allowance.
  • Magnesium — Playing a major role in nerve and muscle function, magnesium also assists in protein, fat and carbohydrate synthesis plus electrolyte balance. Without enough magnesium, the muscles and nerves can become stressed with both cramping and involuntary spasms possible. Try for a daily mix of deep green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains.
  • Potassium and sodium — Potassium is one of three major electrolytes and works with sodium for proper muscle contraction, heart function and communication between nerves. Both micronutrients work together to maintain proper fluid balance in the body. Losing electrolytes through sweat can lead to fatigue and cramping but potassium and sodium help restore proper hydration. Potassium sources are bananas, white potatoes, oranges, beans, salmon and milk. A baked potato with a dash of salt is a quick fix for rebalancing electrolytes after intense endurance exercise.

Most long-term exercisers begin to crave some of the foods listed above. For me, I eat most of the non-meat items listed here and no longer regularly take any supplements. I do use a basic multi-vitamin regularly.

Much of the information listed here came from my studies supplemented by a recent Outside magazine article. I found that many serious athletes gain knowledge of what food works for them, and the specific vitamins and minerals found in them. The super-supplement seldom delivers as advertised and goes by the wayside eventually. I did find some perceived success with a product called spirulina, a type of algae used by the Aztecs and grown in space by NASA astronauts. It is popular with some endurance athletes.

Racing takes a break locally for a few weeks with the next event scheduled on Jan. 2, the Bradshaw Financial Planning Resolution Run 5K. It’s a low-key event with a nominal entry fee meant to get your running/walking off to a great start for the New Year. A 9 a.m. start at The Forum nets complete results, refreshments and a quality shirt left over from a previous race. Proceeds benefit Rowan Helping Ministries.

Look for this and other events at

Wisdom Please!

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By Lynna Clark

A few years back, David decided to sell his motorcycle. It just seemed like time. I knew he was sad about it. Except for it, the man’s never had a toy so to speak. Poor guy hardly had Pepsi money for years. Though it was a wise decision, it didn’t feel good.

We decided together that a different “toy” might be a good solution. So he picked out a nice camera in order to take up a different hobby. One of our daughters bought him a book to go with it; Nikon D3400 for Dummies. He was not offended. In fact, one look at the camera told him he needed help.

Quickly he was able to set up his new toy for easy shots. But he knew there was so much more to the camera than that. So he hunkered down for several days in his spare time to study the book. When I asked how it was going he sighed. “I guess I should have gotten the Nikon book for Morons.”

Of course the word moron is pronounced “MO-ron” here in the south. I couldn’t help but laugh.

Like a lot of folks, the older we get the more we realize how little we know. Like why in the world would our bank change the way our online statement and bill-pay looks. Don’t they understand that if it is not broken, they don’t need to fix it? I just now got used to how things work. Then my phone updated and installed a different calculator. I know it sounds small, but I like a running total. I do not want to have to hit equal after every entry. Dang stupid update. Then I got my laptop repaired and that guy installed a different document program. Now spellcheck is gone. Word look up is not there. No dictionary or thesaurus is built in. I probably didn’t even spell thesarasus right. I had no idea how much I used those things until I couldn’t.


I really don’t mind learning things unless it’s forced on me. Maybe that’s why trials are so hard. It feels a bit like being hoisted onto a 3000 pound bull and being told, “All you have to do is stay on.”


So my prayer for today is from Psalm 90:12 and 17:
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.” And while You’re at it Lord, please “make our efforts successful.”

That’s probably enough to ask for one day… especially when dealing with a couple MOrons.

Ponder It

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By Ann Farabee

Mary, why did you have to ride on a donkey to go pay your taxes while pregnant?

That would not be on any mom’s wishlist.

Mary, why did the time for you to give birth have to be while you were out of town?

Home would have been much more comfortable.

Mary, why did you have to endure that smelly animal-filled stable while giving birth?

A room at the inn would have been much better.

Mary, why was your situation not perfect?

You were giving birth to Jesus — the Son of God — The Savior of the world! God was completely in control. God had the power to give you a perfectly easy birth experience in a nice warm spot surrounded by flowers, instead of a barn filled with animals.

Mary, you witnessed and experienced the greatest birth story in the history of the world. The angels came. The shepherds came. It was then that you kept — and pondered — those things in your heart. (Luke 2:19) How often did you ponder those things?

My guess is that it was a lifetime of pondering.

To ponder means to weigh on the mind, to think about or to reflect on.

We all ponder at times, don’t we? We have things that weigh on our minds, thoughts we dwell on, and times of reflection in our lives, which always remind us of the goodness of God.

Mary, your story — which is also HIS-tory — never ceases to amaze!

What an incredible role God had for you to fulfill!

The fullness of time arrived. God sent His Son to redeem us.

Because He came:

• We became children of God.

• God sent His Spirit into our hearts.

• We became heirs of God through Christ.

That inheritance is described in 1 Peter 1:4 as:

• Incorruptible — which means everlasting and not subject to death or decay.

• Undefiled — which means pure.

• Will not fade away — which means it will not disappear.

May we choose not to entrap ourselves in the busy-ness of the holiday season, but instead may we choose to be like Mary — and ponder the birth of Jesus in our hearts.

There has never been — and will never be — a greater gift than the gift of Jesus.

Ponder it.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or


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By Doug Creamer

            I have been thinking about the word love since Sunday school last week. I will get to the spiritual side of my thoughts in a minute. I have been thinking about how often we use the word love. I think by its overuse we have diluted its meaning. Love is a profound word that deserves a special place in our hearts and our vocabulary.

            I heard myself say to someone recently, “I love being a teacher.” It’s true. My boss told me recently that being a teacher was what God created me to do. Naturally, I love doing what God made me to do. Nothing excites me more than seeing a student learn something, apply it, and find success in executing what they learned.

            I love all the food we eat during the holiday season. Starting with Thanksgiving through the New Year, we eat some of the best food that is served all year long. My mouth waters just sitting here thinking about all the great food. I love eating the food and sharing some special time with family and friends.

            I love snow! I do NOT want to live in a place that gets six feet of snow inside of a week. Well, let’s be honest, I love anything to do with weather. I follow storms year-round because I find them so fascinating. I love snow, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and even beautiful sunny days like today.

            I love reading and writing. I am reading an excellent book right now. I love how the author is spending so much time on character development. I have several writers who captivate me with their stories and characters. I love writing and trying to create stories and columns that people will enjoy.

            I love praying. It’s hard to imagine that the God who created the entire universe has time and wants to hear from me. Yet every time I turn to talk with Him, He is right there. It’s like He is waiting for the opportunity to talk with me. It is amazing to think that my prayers reach God and He cares enough about me to answer them.

            I love gardening and going for walks. Except for a few barking dogs, I live in a quiet neighborhood. I really enjoy being out in the garden working the soil and planting seeds or seedlings. I love watching things grow and enjoying the fruits of my labor. I love walking peacefully and enjoying God’s presence. I love talking with Him and treasure the quiet moments in His presence.

            Do you see how often we use the word love?  I think when we do that we diminish what the word love really means. Consider that God so loved the world that He gave His Son, that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. God loves us. If you have been going to church for any length of time you have heard it. You know about God’s love and you might even know some related scriptures, too.

            The deeper question is do you understand it and believe that God really loves you more than you could ever imagine? My Sunday school teacher said something on Sunday that I already knew, but the deeper reality hit me. Before God created anything He already knew that we were going to blow it. He made plans to send Jesus to make a way for us to have a relationship with Him. He knew I would blow it and still loved me enough to fix it.

            In the parable of the prodigal son the father lets the boy go and blow everything but all the while the father still loved his son. As soon as the son was visible the father took off running to meet him. God knew mankind was going to blow it and He put the plan to fix it in place before He created us. That is love. We can’t do anything to earn His love. We already have it. We can’t fail so badly that He would turn His back on us. If we choose to walk away, He stands there looking for us to come home. Why…because He loves us!

            I want to encourage you to open your heart this Christmas to God’s love. If you have turned your back on Him, walked away from church, think you have committed too many sins, or believe you are unlovable…turn around and see His great love. He is waiting for you with open arms. He loves YOU! His love, grace, and mercy are waiting for you. Come to the manger. Come back to God. Let His love envelop you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

His Birthday

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By Roger Barbee

For the secular and non-Christ followers in America, Christmas most likely is a season of gifts, a season of colorful lights, a season for a trip to share time with relatives, a season for a tree decorated with trinkets and heirlooms, a season for parties, and more. It seems  this observer that “the season” has begun earlier and earlier in order to take full advantage of the commercial side of this birthday.

However, for this Christ-follower, the substance of this birthday is more. Yes, I have always given and received gifts, had a decorated tree, and such. But I am aware of the power of the commercial world during Christmas and work to “be in the world, but not of  the world.”

Jesus’ birth mystifies still. Yes, he was born of a virgin, but what of the arduous journey that his parents made?  What of the smelly shepherds informed of his birth by angels? What of the Roman military occupiers of the land who wanted the child killed? What of so much surrounding this birth of one small child? Luke writes in 2: 18-19 that Mary, after hearing from the shepherds that folks wondered at their story, “kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” Since Luke was not present at that time, did the young virgin, who was cast like Job into an unasked-for role,  tell him how she felt at that time?  We know so much with so little, and our faith must take over for much of Jesus’ birth.  

But we are a culture that likes and expects concrete answers. So, I offer to the reader a poem by the English poet, U.A. Fanthorpe that may explain this magnificent birth:


This was the moment when Before

Turned into After, and the future’s

Uninvented timekeepers presented arms.

This was the moment when nothing

Happened. Only dull peace

Sprawled boringly over the earth.

This was the moment when even energetic Romans

Could find nothing better to do

Than counting heads in remote provinces.

And this was the moment

When a few farm workers and three

Members of an obscure Persian sect

Walked haphazard by starlight straight

Into the kingdom of heaven.

May peace reign: Vrede, Salām, Paz, Shalom, Peace to us all.

How Quickly Can You Lose Fitness?

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By David Freeze

Most runners and even some dedicated walkers don’t like to miss a day of doing so. What happens when we take time off and how fast does it take to lose fitness? Sometimes there is an injury that needs to heal or some otherwise important medical reason to stop for a while. Rarely, there is a certain staleness in training where none of the runs are fun and nothing else has worked.

I had my own concerns about missing time earlier in the year when I had a kidney stone and a resulting blood infection that caused a hospital stay and only minor exercise for a month. I began to research how long we can retain our normal fitness level once we stop.

Turns out that the fitness decline starts to happen within just a few days. Runners World posted an article that said, “It only takes a few days to get out of shape. That’s right. Stop running for just a week, and your maximal aerobic capacity (max VO2), one of the key indicators of performance potential, begins to decrease. Take two to three weeks off, and you’ll add a minute or more to your 5K time. Stroke volume, the amount of blood pumped by the heart per beat, also wanes by 10 percent or more in just three weeks. Even your muscles’ aerobic enzymes (key chemicals that help produce the energy you need to run) fall by 25 percent or more in 21 days.”

And here is their suggestion on how to stay in shape while taking a break not associated with injury or medical condition. Don’t stop training but do it on a limited basis and you won’t lose fitness. Dr. Owen Anderson said, “During your break, run just once a week if you ordinarily train three or four times, or twice a week if you usually work out five to seven times. For each session, complete mile repeats at your 5-K pace (the speed at which you would have run the 5-K before your break started). Divide your customary weekly mileage by 10 to determine how many reps to do. For example, if you ran 30 miles per week before your break, do three 1-mile repeats per workout. The mile repeats will almost completely prevent losses in running capacity. In other words, you’ll get a break without losing fitness.”

After years of running almost daily, I felt like I was starting over after my own period of downtime. We’ve worked too hard to give away so much fitness by choice.

I mentioned meteor showers in a previous article. Look for two more chances to see them, the first being across the sky on the night of Tuesday, Dec. 13, into the early hours of Wednesday, Dec. 14, as the Geminid meteor shower peaks at as many as 100 meteors per hour. A bright moon could limit visibility.

The last possibility is on the longest night of the year, Dec. 21, when the Ursid shower seems to come from the Ursa Minor or the Little Dipper. I will be out looking for both!

Our next running event on Dec. 10 is one of the friendliest events of the year, Santa’s Run for Hunger 5K and Fun Run. The Millbridge Ruritans host Santa annually on this day and all proceeds will benefit Rowan Helping Ministries. Held in conjunction with the Holiday Bigfoot Reunion, camping and “meet and greets” are scheduled with the big furry creatures along Kerr Mill Road. A human bigfoot shoe contest will be held following the race with all runners and volunteers eligible by wearing shoes over size 10 for women and 12 for men. A pancake breakfast will be held following the run/walk and all participants can wear jingle bells, presumably to keep from startling any visiting Bigfoots near the camping area.

Look for more information on this and other upcoming events at

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