Back When I Was in School

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By Ann Farabee

Back when I was in school….

I know. That is a phrase no one wants to hear.

But, I will say it anyway. Back when I was in school, a well-known form of discipline was writing sentences whenever you broke a rule. Often the sentence was this: “I will follow the rules.” If the student had been exceptionally bad, it was something like, “I will follow the rules in my fifth-grade classroom.” It usually had to be written 100 times, while everyone else was enjoying recess.

Disclaimer — I personally never had to write sentences as punishment, but I did observe many of my classmates suffering through the experience, as if they expected their hand to fall off at any given moment.

Why is it that people do not want to follow rules? Rules get a bad rap, for some reason.

Rules are regulations or principles that govern conduct. Conduct more simply put means the way in which a person behaves.

Rarely does someone request more rules, for they feel rules will keep them from enjoying whatever the rule is ruling. But, the truth is without rules, the opposite occurs.

What does Psalm 19:7-10 tell us about rules?

They are sweeter than honey.
They are more desired than gold.
They change the soul.
They make the simple wise.
They make the heart rejoice.
They are clean.
They endure forever.
They are true and righteous.
The rules of the Lord are perfect.

We need rules. They protect us, put order in our lives, and can even bring us joy.

Psalm 19:11 says we will have a great reward if we follow rules.

Not just a reward, but a great reward!

Remember to be a ruler of rule-following.

Let’s review. Repeat after me 100 times:

I will follow the rules.
I will follow the rules.
I will follow the rules.

Keep going — 97 more.

Repeat whenever you need a review.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or