Be a Hero

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By Ann Farabee

His age is 24. His number is 15. His name is Patrick. He plays football.

And faith in God was his message in an interview:

*He had gone to church since he was young.

*He kept going to church when he got older.

*He went to Bible study on Friday.

*He went to chapel on Saturday.

*He walked into the stadium on Sunday.

*He kneeled – and prayed – at the goalpost.

Toward the end of the interview, he said that he liked being at a stage where he could glorify God.

He sure was that night as 148.5 million watched.

Patrick Mahomes, quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs, had just led his team to a Super Bowl victory.

On that huge world stage in his life – and in that important stage of his life – his faith was displayed.

He was a hero.

He was a man of faith.

A hero – of faith.

I watched in awe, as I said to my family, “Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to have a world stage like that to share your faith on?”

Hebrews 11 has a list of what is often referred to as heroes of faith. The list includes:

*Sara – who doubted God.

*Noah – who had gotten drunk and embarrassed himself in front of his sons.

*Rahab – who was a moral failure.

*Moses – who was disobedient to God.

*Abraham – who was old when he began his journey of faith – and who lied, deceived, and laughed at God.

Their lives were not perfect, but their purpose was. They were on the stage where God put them – and in the stage of life where God wanted them.

They all had faith. And their faith still impacts us today.

Can we be a hero of faith?

Maybe not to THE world.

But maybe we can to OUR world.

In our ways. In our words. In our work. In our worship.

On a stage – or in a stage – where God can use us.

Our lives are not perfect – but our purpose is.

The world may not see us kneeling at a goalpost, but a child may see us kneeling by their bedside.

The world may not hear us say the name of Jesus to an audience of millions, but some in our world will see – and feel – our heart as we share the love of Christ daily with those God has put in our path.

Don’t feel like a hero?

A.W. Tozer said, “We can be in our day what the heroes of faith were in their day – but remember at the time, they didn’t know they were heroes.”

I believe there can be a hero of faith inside each of us.

Tell someone they are a hero of faith.

Be someone’s hero of faith.

Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or