Be Prepared!

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By Doug Creamer

            It is unbelievable that our country has been hit by two major hurricanes in less than two weeks. The paths of destruction are unimaginable. The pictures and videos are hard to watch and comprehend. There are so many lives that have been impacted by both of these storms. I have been checking up on friends and family who have been impacted. I want to help and have done some things but it all feels so inadequate.

            I have been teaching Sunday school lessons the last couple of weeks on being prepared. I have been reflecting on my Boy Scout years…which were many years ago. The Boy Scout Motto is to Be Prepared! A Boy Scout is always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do his duty. A Boy Scout puts aside his own comfort and concerns for self to be of service to others.

            There are countless stories of people who are doing just that to help the victims of these hurricanes. There are many people who are working tirelessly to help others who have suffered a terrible loss. They are driving supplies into the affected areas. They are helping people clean up downed trees. They are helping people repair their homes and businesses. Some people have created small bridges that will allow ATVs across rivers to bring supplies to people.

            Mountain folks are so resilient. Many who are struggling are out there helping others who are in need. I was trying to imagine what it must be like to not be able to do simple things like take a shower or brush your teeth. Most of us have experienced power outages for short periods of time; imagine what they are facing in these hurricane ravaged areas. I know that there have been organizations going into the affected areas and making meals for people. People are helping and donating things for complete strangers. Some people have spent their weekend working hard to ease the suffering of others.

            Disasters have this way of bringing out our best. We are Americans! We come together to help each other in times of need. No one asks what you think about controversial issues. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican. When people are suffering Americans rise to the challenge; we help each other.

            I have heard of stories of high school coaches getting their teams together to go and help people who have been affected by the storms. Teachers are always looking for ways to teach their students important life lessons. These young people will grow up knowing how important it is to give back to others.

            I also heard stories of churches in unaffected areas sending supplies and manpower to the churches in the affected areas. Churches are coordinating and being THE CHURCH in order to help those who are suffering. Churches can help others physically, practically, and spiritually to meet the needs of others.

            I showed my Sunday school class images of people sitting on their roofs waiting to be rescued. I asked them to consider those people to be like those who are lost and do not have a savior. They are waiting for someone to come along and give them a helping hand. Christians have the answers they need and can help guide them to spiritual safety. Jesus is the answer! We are called to be beacons of hope to those entangled in sin. We are called to release those who are trapped in the prison of addiction. We have the faith, hope, and love they need to be set free and live purpose filled lives for God.

            I want to encourage you to be prepared to share your faith, hope, and love with those who are disconnected from God. Tell them about your best friend Jesus. We all know that time is running out and people need a relationship with the living God. God loves and cares about them and is calling them up and out of the darkness. Trust God and allow Him to lead you and give you the words. Your obedience could have a profound impact on others. Also, please remember that those who are suffering from these hurricanes are not going to recover in a week or even a month. They are going to need your help and prayer for a long time. Seek ways you can make a difference for both your local neighbors and those distant neighbors who are struggling to recover from the hurricanes.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or