Believe it?

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By Ann Farabee

Once again, I had fallen into a pattern of not making prayer a priority in my life. Why in the world would I let that happen? I mean, I am not a “spring chicken” anymore and I should know better. God has brought me through obstacle after obstacle in my life, so it seems that I would spend more time with my Heavenly Father.

I may have gotten busy, but I know God knows my need. And God knows me. I know God will take care of me. So, I may have missed a few times of prayer, but that is OK, right? I have really had a lot going on.

I will pray now… Hmm? Where is my prayer book? Yes, the one I had been writing prayer requests in…

I am still looking for that prayer book. Hold on — give me a minute.

Found it.

I love my prayer book. It lists one name at a time, beginning with my family and moving on from there.

I have some time this morning and I am going to use it to pray.

I began the way I always do in my private prayers. I entered into His presence with thanksgiving for all God has done for me. I asked forgiveness for my sins.

I was ready to pray over that list because Jesus had stopped to listen. No matter how many others were praying in the world at the same time, I still had His full attention. Isn’t that amazing?

Lord, I am so sorry that I tried to go through life yesterday without taking time in my day to talk with You. I failed to keep You at the forefront of my mind and thoughts throughout the day. You know how busy I was, Lord.

Oops — I stopped right there.

I was actually making excuses for myself again — and telling them to Jesus.

What is wrong with us?

I am sorry. I meant to say, “What is wrong with me?”

I have access to God in heaven through His Son, Jesus Christ, but yet, I can be so “busy” going about my day, that I do not take time to pray.

Since, I may have potentially relapsed into a period of having a weaker prayer life, here are some reminders about the benefits of prayer:

• God hears us.

• God wants to hear from us.

• God answers when we pray.

• God works. God heals.

• God changes us as we pray.

• We win over sin.

• Things happen that may not have happened without prayer.

• We get to communicate with God.

• We feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.

• We do not have to worry about our future.

• The Holy Spirit abides in our hearts right now.

Do we believe it? Why wouldn’t we? So let’s receive it!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or