Brave New Day

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By Lynna Clark

We love watching the Atlanta Braves. During their alumni week we got to visit with some old friends. Even though we were only catching up with our baseball heroes by way of television, it was fun to hear how they were doing. Some participated in a homerun derby, some had their kids or grandkids with them, and some joined the broadcast booth for a few innings. One of our all time favorite players Dale Murphy was there and it was fun to hear him interact with the regular announcers. Such a great personality. The man has always been so athletic and is part of the Braves Hall of Fame.* Watching his outstanding fielding in the early seventies is when I became a baseball fan. Those were lean years for the Braves. When we finally acquired some decent pitching it was way more fun. Notice my humble usage of “we.” That’s because I am right there with them in my mind. While Murph was in the booth, the producers showed an embarrassing video of him trying to take a selfie with a group of former players. In order to get a better shot he stood on a chair. When he lost his balance and nearly fell backwards, the group of guys behind him ran up to catch him. “That could’ve been bad,” they teased. He laughed as he commented, “Who would’ve ever thought I couldn’t stand on a chair?” Seeing Murph nearly fall helped me relate since we are about the same age. I don’t dare even stand on a stool to fetch a mixing bowl anymore. It’s down right dangerous to be tottering twelve extra inches above the ground. As the series continued former pitcher Tom Glavine commented that a certain injured player is considered “day to day.” He followed that up by saying, “But aren’t we all.” Once again I can relate. What used to be easy to navigate gets harder with age. At sixty- eight, it’s a bit scary out there. Actually I think it’s scary for everyone. We’re all just a bit “day to day.” Perhaps if we use a drop of common sense and pray for wisdom, the Lord will guide us every step of the way. So far it’s working in this brave new world.

*MLB has not yet recognized Murphy’s worth for their Hall of Fame. And I’m not bitter about that at all.]