Receive it

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By Ann Farabee

     The beautiful ten year old girl with long blonde hair, dressed in a magnificent pink and white outfit, picked up the next birthday gift to open. Ripping the ribbon and the paper away so she could get to it quickly happened in a split second, as those at her party watched.

     When she finally got into the box, she began to cry. She threw it onto the floor, with the gift still inside, while screaming, “I don’t want it!”

     I am certain that her mother was quite embarrassed as party-goers were standing by to see her open the gifts they had brought. For the party not only included other 12 year olds, but also their parents. The reason I am so certain the mother was embarrassed is because I was the mother!

     To say I still remember that moment from over 25 years ago would be an understatement.

All the parents in attendance had politely laughed it off, but I was not laughing. Mortified would be a better descriptive word.

     Not only had she rejected the gift, but she did not even care enough to take it out of the box to look at it.

     What on Earth was she thinking?

     That beautiful gift remained in the box on her closet floor for way too long. Then, one day, she opened it, put the outfit on, and proudly pranced around to show it to us. I could not help myself – I had to remind her that she had said she didn’t want it. Her response, “I didn’t know how beautiful it was! I do want it!”

     It became her favorite. It became the outfit she would not – and could not – live without.

Had she never opened it up and received the gift, she would have missed out on the greatest outfit ever!

     Thankfully, we are not like that! No, we would never respond that way. Only a child would not accept a gift that had been so freely given, right?

       * Ephesians 2:8 tells us that by grace are we saved through faith – and not of ourselves.

It is the gift of God.

It’s a gift. Don’t reject it! Receive it!

      *Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death – but the gift of God is eternal life.

It’s a gift. Don’t reject it! Receive it!

     *Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 tells us that the ability to rejoice and enjoy life is a gift from God.

It’s a gift. Don’t reject it! Receive it!

      *James 1:17 says that every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the the Father of lights.

Look toward the sky and envision our heavenly Father – who is the Father of lights – showering down every good and perfect gift from above directly onto us.

It is the gift of God.

Receive it!

Yes, the ten year old rejected her gift. She thought she did not want it – but time proved her wrong! She did want it!

We can be the same way – by not receiving the gift of God.

What on Earth are we thinking?

I mean – what in Heaven’s name are we thinking?

I am not sure what we may all be thinking in heaven – but we will always have the gift of the power to praise our Savior. Bowing around the throne to worship, we may say something like this, “Alleluia, Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power unto You, the Lord our God. Thank You, Lord! We praise You!”

There are – and will always be – gifts of God.

They are available for us on Earth and in Heaven.

We just need to reach out to receive them.

The Tudes

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The tudes matter.

They make a difference.

They move us forward.

They make our goals achievable.

What are the tudes?

  •  ATTI-TUDE – Attitude is a settled way of thinking about something.

Finally brothers, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; it there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned and received and heard and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

Do we need the God of peace to be with us?


Practice these things + Adjust our attitude = God of peace will be with us.

  •  GRATI-TUDE -Gratitude is the quality of being thankful.

In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Do we want to be in the will of God?


Give thanks in every thing =  for this is the will of God concerning us.

Every thing means every thing.

  •  MAGNI-TUDE – Magnitude is the great size or extent of something.

God, in these last days, spoke unto us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. Hebrews 1:2-3

If those verses did not take your breath away, read them again!

God is the God of great magnitude!

Can we live a life of magnitude?


Living a life of magnitude will honor our God of great magnitude!




We can do that – because God is with us – and we are His children.

  •  FORTI-TUDE – Fortitude is our strength in the time of adversity or difficulty.

Can we live a life of fortitude?


Our children learn about fortitude at an early age, as they sing these words:

Jesus loves me – this I know

For the Bible tells me so

Little ones to Him belong

They are weak – but He is strong.

For when we are weak – He is strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

It is God that gives us strength and makes our way perfect. Psalm 18:32

*We really should not make choices as though this is the only life we will have.

*We need to use what we have.

*We need to do what we can.

Ready? Set? Go…





The Beggar

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By Ann Farabee

Another day. Just like yesterday. And the day before. Going out to beg for money. He had found a pretty good spot to beg, and he returned there each day. Actually, he was carried there each day, because he had been lame since birth.

His location for begging had probably been given some thought. It was at the temple -and the gate where he laid each day was named Beautiful.

The lame beggar’s expectations would have been no different on this day than on any other day. Sometimes a few people heading into the temple to pray may toss a coin or two his direction, but he also had days when no one seemed to even notice him.

But on this day – he got a whole lot more than the financial help he had hoped for!

Next, in this account from Acts 3:1-11, Peter and John walked up, and even though Beautiful Gate – their intended location – was right in front of them, they stopped. Peter fastened his eyes on the beggar, and said, “Look on us.”

Powerful words. That is when the beggar probably sensed something was going to be different about this day, as he humbly looked up, preparing to hear their words. He paid attention. He listened with expectation.

For Peter and John saw not what the beggar was at that moment, but who the beggar was… Peter then spoke, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I thee: In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk.”

What a beautiful prayer said at Beautiful Gate! He reached out to the beggar – oh did he reach out! He lifted him up! The beggar’s feet and ankle bones began to receive strength – so of course – he leaped up, stood, and walked. He could have run home right then, but instead he chose to enter the temple – walking and leaping and praising God!

Walking! Leaping! Praising God!

The people took notice! They knew him – they knew exactly who he was – the lame man who came daily to the gate. The one who was hoping for a few coins… but on this day had received so much more!

 In the name of Jesus – he had been healed!

The people were filled with wonder and amazement. When they saw it, they RAN to Solomon’s porch to hear Peter speak about believing and receiving Jesus as their Lord.

 A beggar.

 At Beautiful.

 Blessed beyond belief.

A lame man.

No longer a lame man.

Need healing?

The lame beggar came EVERY day to the temple.

 And…ONE day was THE day he was healed.

 For with God – nothing shall be impossible.

 Nothing means nothing.

Looking Back

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By Ann Farabee

“I told my children about you,” she said, “I showed them a book we made in Sunday School.”

It had been over 30 years ago and the tools used to hold the book together were a hole puncher and some yarn. The title was, “The Story of Jesus.” Each page was simple – but the book contained the story the world most needs to hear.

She saved it. She showed it to her children. She told them about me.

That makes me smile.

Every Sunday morning, I went. I was on time. I was prepared.

It was a privilege. It was never a burden.

Sacrifice? Yes.

Time? Yes.

Money? Yes.

Commitment? Yes.

Homemade brownies for students? Often.

They were my students  – and we grew in the Lord together.

The students who sat in my classroom changed over the years as they began to grow up, but the power of the story of Jesus did not.

Decades later, I know many of them as adults.

It brings me great joy to see Jesus as the center of their lives.

Years of going to Sunday School every week to teach the children?

Totally worth it.

As a teenager, I remember sitting on the living room floor of my youth pastor’s home, surrounded by many others. One night he said, “Ann, would you read 1 Corinthians 13 for us?” I was scared, but I began leafing through the pages of my Bible, trying desperately to find it. The 13 verses seemed long at first, but the more I read, the more I felt something I did not recognize. I now know that it was the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room. As I read the last verse, “And now abides faith, hope, love – these three. But the greatest of these is love,” a tear fell onto the page. It was mine.

I had no idea that night as I nervously read those verses to the youth group that in the future, I would be reading many verses many times with many students.

The Lord was directing my steps, even though I had no idea that Psalm 37:23 gives us that exact promise – He will direct our steps!

Looking back? Yes. We need to tell the next generation the praises of the Lord, his strength, and the wonderful works he has done. Psalm 78:4

Hearing a former student tell me she told her children about me?

And then showing me the book we made in Sunday School ?


Our efforts will last for generations to come.

Serve the Savior.

It is worth it.

We Win

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By Ann Farabee

When we go out into battle against our enemies, see horses and chariots, and are seemingly outnumbered, what should we do?



What do they have to do with it?

Horses and chariots represented power, as the Israelites were facing overwhelming opposition.

Power is also how we fight our enemies.

But not with the power of horses and chariots.

Deuteronomy 20:3 gives us a great game plan for what NOT to do:

 *Do not faint.

 *Do not fear.

 *Do not tremble.

 *Do not be terrified.

Easy to say, right?

To faint would mean to weaken in purpose or spirit.

To fear would mean to be afraid.

To tremble would mean to shake involuntarily, as a result of anxiety.

To be terrified would mean to be in a state of intense fear or desperation.

I cannot speak for you – but I have actually been there – faint, fear, trembling, and terrified – all at once.

I was battling an enemy.

I saw – and felt – the power of the enemy.

I saw that I was outnumbered by the forces of the enemy.

It seemed to be a battle I could not win.

But then, Joshua 1:9 came along, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Going through something in our lives is often quite personal, but whether we go through it alone or with the support of others, it will work out.

How do we know?

Deuteronomy 20:4 tells us so:

For the Lord our God

Goes with us

To fight for us

Against our enemies

To save us.

The Lord our God goes with us.

We do not have to go alone.

The Lord our God fights for us against our enemies.

We do not even have to fight.

The Lord our God will save us.

We do not even have to worry about the outcome.

We win.

The Wait

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By Ann Farabee

   Sometimes, a wait in the hospital ‘waiting room’ isn’t too bad – like when waiting for a new baby or for a loved one’s ‘simple’ surgery to end, but quite often the ‘waiting room’ can be a very difficult place. I have become quite the expert in this area, so here are some tips to improve your ‘waiting room’ experience:

   *Sometimes, you may have to leave your loved one’s hospital room and go to a waiting room. There, you can allow your tears to flow more freely. This is when others will hug you, comfort you, pray for you, or just know to let you have a few minutes alone.

   *Coffee and water is always available. If the coffee pot gets empty, someone will make more.

   *There are baskets filled with snacks and magazines, often brought by members of local churches. And… Bibles brought by Gideons.

   *Exhausted? Pull two chairs together. Ask someone for pillows and blankets. Voila! You have a bed. ‘Chair sleeping’ can be a bit awkward, so someone will try to convince you to go home and rest, while they take your place in the ‘waiting room’ for a few hours. Take them up on the offer.

    *If it gets cold, ask for a heated blanket. There always seems to be a compassionate person that will find you one.

    *You may notice others waiting, too. Sharing ‘waiting room’ time is precious, since you can be there for each other.

    *People on the hospital staff may stop by to update you. It makes you feel that people  care… and they do!

     Did this ‘waiting room’ sound familiar? Ever been there? It is so similar to the ‘waiting rooms’ of life – where we spend much of our time. Situations or circumstances need to change. Answers need to come. We pray. We wait.

     Matthew 25:35-40 says: “When I was hungry, you gave me meat. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you took me in. I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me. I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me.”

     God always puts people in our path to help in times of waiting. They may provide nourishment for us – maybe a basket with food. Maybe they nourish us by sharing God’s Word. They give us drink – like coffee or water – or  maybe they guide us to the water of life, so we will never thirst again. They clothe us – sometimes by covering us with a warm blanket – or speaking warm words to strengthen us. They know our waiting is excruciating – and they support us by their presence and prayers. Sometimes, we feel trapped – as if in prison – during that ‘waiting room’ experience – but God always sends comfort our way – often through others, wanting to help bear our burdens.

      No, the ‘waiting room’ is not always a happy place, but it does not have to be a lonely place. Sometimes, when we are in the ‘waiting room’ and are hurting, we may not even share with others that we are in that season of waiting. People cannot read our minds, so we need to ask for support. How can they know to help us, if they don’t know our need?

    Oh, what amazing things I have learned in my ‘waiting room’ experiences! Giving and receiving! Loving and being loved! Serving and being served! Trusting God! Resting in His Promises! (Just to name a few!)

   Aren’t you thankful for the ‘Matthew 25:35-40’ people in your life? They are always there when we endure difficult ‘waiting room’ experiences. They help us through what is often the hardest – but yet can be the sweetest – times of our lives. They help us to be ‘better’ instead of ‘bitter.’ Their love and guidance helps the circumstance to become one that ‘makes us’ instead of one that ‘breaks us.’

   And for those in the middle of a ‘waiting room’ experience, here is a verse to enjoy as you wait: Psalm 27:14 – Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

   I’m waiting, Lord. I trust You.

Our Greatest Weapon

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By Ann Farabee

     Lord, thank You for sending Your Son to die on the cross for us. Thank You for conquering death. Thank You for our salvation.

     You have everything under control. Nothing that happens surprises You. You are all-powerful. You are all-knowing. Thank You for choosing to allow us to pray and make our requests known.

     Lord, You said for us to pray in all things, to pray without ceasing, and to ask in faith believing. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2, we are told that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks should be made for all men, for kings, and for all who are in authority, so we may live a quiet and peaceful life in godliness and honesty.

     What a beautiful promise! A quiet and peaceful life in godliness and honesty.

So… we pray.

     Our Heavenly Father, we pray for the United States of America – a land that we love. Help our nation. We pray for our leaders, our government, our military, our citizens, our homes, our children, our families, our workers, our schools, our churches, our spiritual leaders, our missionaries, unity, safety, and so much more! Help us, Lord, to remember the four words inscribed on our money – In God We Trust!

     We pray for those who are living in situations they need deliverance from – whether it be sickness, addiction, trapped in sin, abuse, depression, discouragement, wayward children, homelessness, hunger, poverty, grief, imprisonment, family concerns, and other difficulties – many of which we cannot verbalize to others – because the pain may be too overwhelming.

     Lord, be at work in every heart and heal in every circumstance. Hold us, Jesus. Give us strength. Give us peace. Give us hope. Give us comfort.

     Raise us up, Lord. Help us to proclaim boldly the Gospel to the world, knowing that time is short. Help us to love one another, as You love us.

     Thank You, Lord, for 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, that tells us that You will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ will rise first, and then we which are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet You, Lord, in the air, and we will forever be with You! What comfort those words bring to our hearts!

     We pray that You convict and speak to the hearts of those who need to accept You as their personal Savior. Help them to realize they cannot delay, because You spoke these words – written in red – in Revelation 22:20, “Surely I come quickly.”

      Even so, come, Lord Jesus. May Your grace – the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen.

  *** Prayer may very well be the greatest weapon in our arsenal! We need to use it!

Our Greatest Weapon

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By Ann Farabee

     Lord, thank You for sending Your Son to die on the cross for us. Thank You for conquering death. Thank You for our salvation.

     You have everything under control. Nothing that happens surprises You. You are all-powerful. You are all-knowing. Thank You for choosing to allow us to pray and make our requests known.

     Lord, You said for us to pray in all things, to pray without ceasing, and to ask in faith believing. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2, we are told that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks should be made for all men, for kings, and for all who are in authority, so we may live a quiet and peaceful life in godliness and honesty.

     What a beautiful promise! A quiet and peaceful life in godliness and honesty.

So… we pray.

     Our Heavenly Father, we pray for the United States of America – a land that we love. Help our nation. We pray for our leaders, our government, our military, our citizens, our homes, our children, our families, our workers, our schools, our churches, our spiritual leaders, our missionaries, unity, safety, and so much more! Help us, Lord, to remember the four words inscribed on our money – In God We Trust!

     We pray for those who are living in situations they need deliverance from – whether it be sickness, addiction, trapped in sin, abuse, depression, discouragement, wayward children, homelessness, hunger, poverty, grief, imprisonment, family concerns, and other difficulties – many of which we cannot verbalize to others – because the pain may be too overwhelming.

     Lord, be at work in every heart and heal in every circumstance. Hold us, Jesus. Give us strength. Give us peace. Give us hope. Give us comfort.

     Raise us up, Lord. Help us to proclaim boldly the Gospel to the world, knowing that time is short. Help us to love one another, as You love us.

     Thank You, Lord, for 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, that tells us that You will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ will rise first, and then we which are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet You, Lord, in the air, and we will forever be with You! What comfort those words bring to our hearts!

     We pray that You convict and speak to the hearts of those who need to accept You as their personal Savior. Help them to realize they cannot delay, because You spoke these words – written in red – in Revelation 22:20, “Surely I come quickly.”

      Even so, come, Lord Jesus. May Your grace – the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen.

  *** Prayer may very well be the greatest weapon in our arsenal! We need to use it!

The Wait

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By Ann Farabee

Sometimes, a wait in the hospital ‘waiting room’ isn’t too bad – like when waiting for a new baby or for a loved one’s ‘simple’ surgery to end, but quite often the ‘waiting room’ can be a very difficult place. I have become quite the expert in this area, so here are some tips to improve your ‘waiting room’ experience:

*Sometimes, you may have to leave your loved one’s hospital room and go to a waiting room. There, you can allow your tears to flow more freely. This is when others will hug you, comfort you, pray for you, or just know to let you have a few minutes alone.

*Coffee and water is always available. If the coffee pot gets empty, someone will make more.

*There are baskets filled with snacks and magazines, often brought by members of local churches. And… Bibles brought by Gideons.

*Exhausted? Pull two chairs together. Ask someone for pillows and blankets. Voila! You have a bed. ‘Chair sleeping’ can be a bit awkward, so someone will try to convince you to go home and rest, while they take your place in the ‘waiting room’ for a few hours. Take them up on the offer.

*If it gets cold, ask for a heated blanket. There always seems to be a compassionate person that will find you one.

*You may notice others waiting, too. Sharing ‘waiting room’ time is precious, since you can be there for each other.

*People on the hospital staff may stop by to update you. It makes you feel that people care… and they do!

Did this ‘waiting room’ sound familiar? Ever been there? It is so similar to the ‘waiting rooms’ of life – where we spend much of our time. Situations or circumstances need to change. Answers need to come. We pray. We wait.

Matthew 25:35-40 says: “When I was hungry, you gave me meat. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you took me in. I was naked and you clothed me.

I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me. I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me.”

God always puts people in our path to help in times of waiting. They may provide nourishment for us – maybe a basket with food. Maybe they nourish us by sharing God’s Word. They give us drink – like coffee or water – or maybe they guide us to the water of life, so we will never thirst again. They clothe us – sometimes by covering us with a warm blanket – or speaking warm words to strengthen us. They know our waiting is excruciating – and they support us by their presence and prayers. Sometimes, we feel trapped – as if in prison – during that ‘waiting room’ experience – but God always sends comfort our way – often through others, wanting to help bear our burdens.

No, the ‘waiting room’ is not always a happy place, but it does not have to be a lonely place. Sometimes, when we are in the ‘waiting room’ and are hurting, we may not even share with others that we are in that season of waiting. People cannot read our minds, so we need to ask for support. How can they know to help us, if they don’t know our need?

Oh, what amazing things I have learned in my ‘waiting room’ experiences! Giving and receiving! Loving and being loved! Serving and being served! Trusting God! Resting in His Promises! (Just to name a few!)

Aren’t you thankful for the ‘Matthew 25:35-40’ people in your life? They are always there when we endure difficult ‘waiting room’ experiences. They help us through what is often the hardest – but yet can be the sweetest – times of our lives. They help us to be ‘better’ instead of ‘bitter.’ Their love and guidance helps the circumstance to become one that ‘makes us’ instead of one that ‘breaks us.’

And for those in the middle of a ‘waiting room’ experience, here is a verse to enjoy as you wait: Psalm 27:14 – Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

I’m waiting, Lord. I trust You.

The List

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By Ann Farabee

The List

My mother made lists for everything. After her three children had grown up, she began traveling by bus with members of her church to attend a week-long camp meeting in Myrtle, Mississippi. Perhaps it had a more official title, but camp meeting is what she called it.

She stepped out of her comfort zone in going the first year, but after that she had gained the reputation of being the best bed short-sheeter in history, and became well-known among the Myrtle, Mississippi crowd, so I suppose she went annually to defend her crown.

In anticipation of the trip, she would begin months ahead of time making that list of needed items to take. The last list she made was written on a notepad she used at her 3rd shift job in Cannon Mills.

She would talk about it daily, get packed, wait in expectation, and be ready to go. She would be spending her time with others who loved God as much as she did. They would worship, read God’s Word, pray with one another, sing songs of praise, hear preachers preach, and leave the cares of this world behind.

Once on the bus, she was at peace, because she heading to the place she had been longing to go. She always said it was the most beautiful place she had ever been, and being there was what she expected heaven to be like.

During her last trip to Myrtle, she got sick, and the group returned a day early, so she could be admitted to the hospital. A few days later, she was admitted into heaven.

It was the place she had longed for. She had left the cares of this world behind, and was worshipping around the throne of God.

 Her last list? I found it in her Bible.




Toothbrush, etc.

Change of clothes


Bedroom slippers




Jacket or sweater


I smiled as I read it.

Not one thing on that list was needed.

All she needed was access to one book – the Lamb’s Book of Life – that her name had been written in when she accepted Jesus as her Savior.

If she could speak to us from heaven, I believe she would say something similar to this, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Be sure to put accepting Jesus at the top of your list. Why give your heart and life to Jesus today?  Because in Revelation 22:20, Jesus says, “Surely I come quickly.”

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