Day 17

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By David Freeze

Managing the route!

  It was very late last night when I got to Fort Davis, and nearly 10pm when I got in the room. Most everything still got done, but I will admit to dozing off near midnight when I was proofing that day’s update. Knowing that it would get daylight later this morning, my alarm got a snoozing, something I never, ever do.

    I rode back through town this morning and out on part of the route that I missed last night when Mindi Fires picked me up. I didn’t realize that had I kept riding, I would have had a huge hill to climb coming into Fort Davis. In a day that seemed to have no ending, I would have missed my motel had she not picked me up. The owner said he was about to close. This was one time, in retrospect, that I did the right thing getting that ride in the pitch dark.

  I did take the time to plan today’s route last night. For the next few days, there are serious supply issues, so many that I am having trouble sorting through them. My plan today was to ride the 56 miles to Marathon, so small that it has only about 500 residents. But it has at least a couple motels, the one that I chose is the Marathon Motel and RV Park. I have a very nice room but major problems with WiFi. I am going to submit the story and photos and then ride downtown for some food. Much better than I did last night.

    Recapping today, I wanted to see what Fort Davis looked liked and found it full of interesting shops and restaurants. It also has a unique attraction, the Fort Davis National Historic Military Site. Fort Davis is the best preserved frontier military outpost. It has lots of buildings and I could have spent have a day there. The fort was used from 1854 to 1891.

    Attached to my motel was a deli and sort of community gathering place. This place had my favorite egg, cheese and potato burrito ready made. They are so good! My favorite store was the one selling barbed wire art. The old bank and courthouse, both still in use, were spectacular. Someday, I will come back and spend a day there.

      I had yet another tough climb up and out of Fort Davis, and continued on US 118. The scenery was wonderful, the grading of the road and its shoulders were not. I also realized this morning that Texas in this area looks just like Montana. Always mountains on the horizon, appearing to be miles away.

    My only other town today was Alpine, a beautiful and busy place but still at only about 5,000 people. Nice people and while there, I called and made the deal for my room tonight. It was 32 miles from Alpine and I rode it in one minute less than 3 hours. One significant hill in the middle, but lots of good riding on US 90. I noticed a bigger presence of border patrol agents in the area. My mileage today was 56.

  I still stop at every historical marker, and I saw one border agent hiding there. They always seem to have long sight lines where anyone crossing the road would be seen.

    Just as today, if I had continued past Marathon, I had 55 more miles to go for a place to stay and supplies. Tomorrow may be similar but I will research it tonight.

    Mindi Fires is now a significant sponsor for my coast to coast journey, and I want to  welcome Wayne Cobb to the group as a new sponsor.

    A cloudy day, with a little drizzle, never got past the low 80s. Hoping for another like it tomorrow. Join me back here to see what happens!

Time, Precious Time

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By David Freeze

Have you ever thought about how time is rushing past us? Does it get faster as we get older, or are we just more aware? I think it’s the latter. One of the worst phrases I’ve ever heard is “I’m just killing time.” Why would you do that?

Since this is a running and fitness column, I’ve had some fast races, enough of them for four straight state champion recognitions. Those fastest times came when I was in my early 40s. I can only remember being that fast, and there is some wonderment still at how my body was able to do it. Most of my training runs now are not really training for anything except to keep in shape and think through what’s on my plate for the upcoming day.

With increased clarity, I know a lot about time. Not racing time so much, but what time really represents. Most of us like to think that we get wiser as we get older, but I think that I get slower as I get a little wiser. Is it my body reshuffling resources? That sounds logical.

So, before telling you what to do with your time, I will tell you what I plan to do with mine. I’ve long said that I love challenges and the quickest way to get my attention is to throw one at me. One example is the day that Ed Dupree, from his hospital bed at Novant, said to me, “Will you run across the state for me? It is one of the few regrets I have, never getting to do it.”

I couldn’t shake that request, knowing that I would take Ed’s challenge within minutes after his words were spoken. My first concern of course, was how to make the time for the road. By nightfall, I had a plan, knowing that I could move this or that and even swing by home on the route to meet one commitment.

The No. 1 common thread I hear in discussions with readers about my bike rides goes something like this, “I wish I could do something like that, but I don’t have the time.” There seem to be two options that have to be considered. Either use lack of time forever as an excuse and never chase your dream, making sure you can fuel yourself with regret going forward. Or set about scheduling just how you will do it. Not necessarily talking about a bike ride but realizing that one day most of us will have a chance to look back on our lives and recount something like this, “I didn’t get to do the things I wanted to. I was good at work and watching TV and keeping the yard mowed. Now it is too late to take time to do my thing.”

My favorite points when talking with a personal training client are twofold. No one will be impressed when your time runs out and your obituary reads about how good you were at work. And at some point, you need to make time for dreams which is really time for yourself. When you do these things, you will be better for others around you.

Two choices I have made, and hope they always remain in place, are simple. When given a choice whether to take time to do something new or stay back with more of the same, choose to break out and do the new thing! Count me in the group that plans to slide into the grave with the body used up, not “killing time” on the way to unfilled dreams.

And finally about time, it is by far the best gift we can give. Track where a person invests their time, and you’ll know what is really important to that person. Invest time in yourself as a means to investing your time in others, the most important and meaningful thing we can do!

Check for upcoming events at .

Day 4

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By David Freeze

More than expected happened on an important day

  I had a plan to attack big heat on the hottest day yet. My goal was to cross the desert at its most famous point, from Brawley to Palo Verde. That is about 70 miles from my motel. Part of my Adventure Cycling map is an elevation description and I didn’t expect today’s ride to be as hard as the last two.

  My heat plan was to start riding in the dark at 4am when the low for the night was 87 degrees. I left the motel in Brawley and had ridden a  couple miles but  wasn’t sure which way to go. I asked an employee for the Department of the Interior, who said, “You certainly are not  going now, are you? It’s dark out there and there are cows and plenty of speeding vehicles”.  I just told him I was going now because the expected high was going to quite hot.

    i rode holding a great little flashlight and just missed hitting a possum, but no cows got in my way. The first 25 miles went perfectly and I saw a wonderful sunrise. Through this area is a big Naval Reservation where I heard planes and gunfire for hours.

  I stopped in Glamis when I found a store open that was supposed to be closed. Had a nice talk with the store owner about all the cyclists she has met. The owner gave me a bag of ice too, good for keeping my water cold for about 10 miles as the heat rose.

Just before Glamis was six miles of huge sand dunes, something that locals celebrate with a beach store. And just after were miles and miles of the Chocolate Mountain range. The heat was really up full blast as I pedaled for miles over rollers that the locals signed as “Dips”. Up and down, some hard climbing involved, even though my maps didn’t show it.

  Next came my first ever sight of a Border Patrol Station, with all vehicles required to drive through. I stopped after pedaling  though and seeing a sign that said, “Don’t stop”. Then I sat outside under the overhanging roof for precious shade.

Thinking it a long shot, I decided to knock on the door and get some cold water possibly. Border Patrol Agent Fraser was most accommodating and filling my bottles with ice and water. He told me that local agents were working hard and were away today while processing illegals and that a very large amount are trying to get in.
  On a day that my face and ears were burning out in the desert, I made it though, well sort off. I will explain this tomorrow along with a short ride and part of a rest day.

  Let’s don’t forget Skinny Wheels Bike Shop as one of the trip sponsors. They boxed and shipped my bike perfectly this time. No damage! Eric and Scott are a wealth of knowledge concerning all things bikes.

  See you tomorrow!

The Trip Begins…

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By David Freeze

Editor’s Note: David is making a trip across the Southern US on his bike. His adventure will be chronicled here. Come back daily to see where his adventure takes him.

My flight west on Monday morning went very well until just before the initial descent into San Diego. A passenger collapsed just as he passed my row of seats. Quick reaction by several medical personnel onboard revived him and EMTs got him off the plane once we reached the gate.

  With a direct flight, I was on the ground well ahead of scheduled arrival time. Bernie’s Bike Shop opened and as soon as the display bikes got put out, Roger Lovett went to work on mine. He put on two new tires that I brought with me and while he worked, I repacked the gear into the panniers and got the bike ready to go. Yasuko Lovett sold me a new multi-tool and a pair of leather gloves. I asked them both about the route and what I needed to see. Roger was more focused on the days ahead and so was I. He gave me excellent pointers and told me that riding the first mountain was too much for Monday, but we both thought it was a good idea to get a start on the dreaded climbing.

  I decided to think about when to start as I rode over to the nearest beach at Ocean Beach State Park. Officially, I had to get the start photo, only properly done when that new rear tire got wet in ocean surf. A nice young lady took the photos and we laughed as the surf chose to make the next wave bigger and soaked my shoes. The same thing happened at the start of my other west to east cross country ride back in 2013. I will count it as a sign of good luck ahead since that other trip turned out very well.

    With my feet wet and sand on the bike, I decided to wash off the bike and start riding east. The Adventure Cycling map called for following bike paths, not my favorite thing. Bike paths protect the rider from excessive fast moving traffic, but they also limit contact with locals and scenery. I followed the bike path for a while, then jumped on the main roads and ended up in El Cajon. I rode an extra three miles to save $40 on a motel, something I consider part of the game. This afternoon’s ride was 28.5 miles, a large part of it very hilly as I climbed east of San Diego. The first big climbing day comes tomorrow, as I will have another short day filled with extreme climbing.

    Just before finding a Motel 6 with some dollars saved, I met my first special person in Santee. Steve Bradley was intrigued by my bike and gear, and my plan to go to Florida in 6 weeks. Steve weighs about 300 pounds and is hard at work on dropping some weight. He was on his second ride of the day when we met.

  I have a couple minor gear issues to work on tonight and decide from what point I will attack the climb to Pine Valley. And I had discounted how challenging the climbs set for the next day will be. I should spend three days in California, working hard to complete it ahead of entering Arizona.   

  I saw regular gas for $4.73 per gallon an hour ago. Prices are higher in general than any state except Alaska and Hawaii.

  Primary sponsors for this trip include Frank and Janis Ramsey, Father and Son Produce, Vac and Dash, Dick and Jean Richards, Leonard Wood, The Trophy House and Gear for Races.

    Check back for updates online and in the printed Post on Thursday. Thanks for riding along once again. We’re going to have fun!

Larry Macon Wins Highest Award

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By David Freeze

Larry Macon receives FAA’s highest award

    Nearly 62 years ago, Larry Macon went on his first airplane ride. A friend had invited Larry’s dad, who never realized his dream to be a pilot, and his son tagged along. Macon said, “I was so excited and kept running back and forth from side to side in the back of the plane. I couldn’t believe the view of everything so small from that altitude.” The senior Macon saw his son’s excitement and offered financial assistance. Later, with college about to run out, Larry Macon took him up on that offer and began his dream of flight.

    On Monday, Macon received the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award, the most prestigious award that the Federal Aviation Administration issues. This award is named after the Wright Brothers, the first US pilots, and is given to individuals who have exhibited professionalism, skill and aviation expertise for at least 50 years while piloting aircraft as “Master Pilots”.

    Presenting the award was Paul Meyer, FAA’S Team Program Manager from Charlotte. Meyer said, “Larry has been accident free, with no violations or accidents for 50 years of flying. I have gotten to know Larry through the process of this award to be an aviation ambassador, always promoting aviation to someone. Larry is a student of the game, always learning.”  

    Meyer reported that most recent figures show that 6,572 pilots nationally have earned the award, with 175 of them in North Carolina.

    Macon’s first flight lesson was at the Rowan County Airport on June 1, 1968. Within a month, he completed his first solo flight and another month later, flew solo across country on July 20th. Macon got his commercial certificate in 1987 and became an advanced and instrument instructor on March 18, 1988.

     A a charter member of Cloud Capper’s Flying Club, Inc. in 1970 at the old Rowan County airport, Macon serves as treasurer at the renamed Mid-Carolina Airport. He bought his first plane, a 1998 Super Decathlon, in March 1999. Macon has flown 84 different airplanes, with 3,030 flight hours and 1900 takeoffs and landings.

     Macon sold the Decathlon and acquired the aviation love of his life, a 1996 Pitts Special S2B, affectionately called “The Ride”. He said, “The plane is like NASCAR on wings with a skin, tubes and a big engine. I was fortunate to find exactly the plane that I wanted.”

     Macon told of his first ever aerobatic flight in 1980 with then airport manager and aviation showman, Lindsay Hess. He said, “He had a Pitts too, a little under powered than mine, but it set me on a path for aerobatic instruction.” To date, Macon has over 1,000 hours in aerobatic flight.

      Completely hooked on aerobatics, Macon had his first International Aerobatic Club competition on October 15, 1999, in Farmville Virginia. Since then, he has competed in 42 IAC contests in 11 states with an incredible record of success. Winning first place in 30% of the events, Macon has also placed either first, second or third in 67% of them.

      Macon said, “I only competed twice in 2019 but won first place in both the New Jersey and Virginia contests. Then I missed a year and a half for Covid. My first competition for this year was on May 14 and 15 in Rome, Georgia, resulting in a second-place finish.

    A mechanical engineer by trade, Macon spent 40 years at what was eventually known as Performance Fibers in polyester manufacturing, maintenance management, mechanical design, marketing and sales. Business travels have included 27 countries and 38 of the United States.

   As a member of River of Life Church, Macon has served as elder and administrator. Active in the community, some highlights include serving on the Rowan County Advisory Board, the Rowan County Arts Council, and as Campaign Chairman and President of the Rowan County United Way.

    Hobbies, other than aerobatic competition flying, include driving and maintaining classic cars, currently a 1978 Datsun 280Z and a 1969 Chevelle 396 SS. Macon said, “And I also play golf, but I am much better at flying.”

     Kyle Bridges, from Congressman Ted Budd’s office, attended the ceremony and read, “To most people the sky is the limit, but to others the sky is home.” And Macon added, “And to me, it’s a playground.”

    Macon and his wife Pat have been married 38 years. Pat said, “Larry joked that I have never flown in his Pitts, and I have only seen it four times. I know I have seen it at least five times! I like to fly in our other plane to the beach and to see friends but flying around in circles like Larry does in the Pitts is his time. I am so proud of him, he has put in the work, but I am scared for him too and nervous but would never ask him to stop. I pray that he will be safe every day, and he does that for me too.”

    Mid-Carolina Airport Manager Valerie Steele said, “I’ve been here about 19 months now and Larry took me on an aerobatic ride not long ago. I get to have personal interaction with lots of aviation people and Larry is one of the best pilots, but better yet, he is just simply a good man!”

Sleep Problems

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By David Freeze

  I have been reading quite a bit lately about runners who don’t get enough sleep. Why? Because I am one of them and have begun to explore solutions.

   The strange thing for me is that I often include daily exercise and have long farm work hours, especially during summer. Should be able to go to sleep, right? Not often enough.

    For anyone with some insomnia, drifting off to sleep doesn’t come easy, nor does a full night’s sleep.

     Amy Bender holds a Ph.D. in experimental psychology, is a Calgary-based researcher at the Canadian Sleep Society and she helps Team Canada Olympians fall asleep. Ahead of Rio in 2016, she studied the sleep habits of 200 athletes to categorize their sleep problems and make recommendations based on their responses. If athletes score low on their ability to nod off, Bender knows what do about it. Here’s her crash-course on identifying insomnia and then bidding it farewell. 

    Bender says, “Do you struggle with insomnia or was it just a bad night?” She explains that there are three dead giveaways: waking up constantly throughout the night; not getting restorative sleep; and having difficulty drifting off within 30 minutes after turning out the lights. That last point especially is a big tip that a person is dealing with insomnia.

     This sleep disorder is probably common among your running buddies. There are a couple reasons for this. The first one has more to do with the personality types that are attracted to this lifestyle of sticking to a regular workout routine. “You might be a more A-type person and have more racing thoughts at night,” says Bender. When thoughts of a specific issue flood in, relaxing becomes increasingly difficult. 

       If the clock strikes 2:00 a.m. and your eyes are wide open, consider how strenuous of a routine you keep. “It is the most common sleep disorder. In our screening with Olympians, insomnia is the most relevant in athletes,” Bender notes. But haven’t we all heard that regular exercise is the key to better sleep? That’s partially correct. 

    “I think with the general population, vigorous exercise leads to reports of better sleep quality,” Bender says. But there’s a balance. When the workout routine strays from vigorous to extra intense, a person can pay for it when they go to bed, making someone a great candidate for disordered sleeping. 

   A 2014 study supports this notion and tosses another concern into the mix. Exercise too intensely and you may wind up with a whole slew of symptoms that come with this ailment. And yes, you guessed it, on that list is sleep insomnia. The study, published by Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise monitored 27 male triathletes over a six-week period while one group over-trained and the other did not. The group that was pushed confirmed that sleep disturbances are prevalent among over-trained athletes.

    “People with insomnia have fatigue but not necessarily sleepiness. It affects time to exhaustion so you may not be able to run as far as you normally could,” explains Bender. Fatigue and hard running simply don’t go well together. 

   What can we do about it? Bender lists several tricks to test before booking a sleep specialist appointment. One running-specific suggestion: run early in the day. “If you’re running outside, getting light exposure before noon, that’s associated with better sleep quality,” says Bender. 

    She says the common advice of no screen time before bed seldom works. But the following things might.

  • Breathing- Bender recommends a sleep exercise. Breathe in for four seconds, hold it for seven and slowly breathe out for eight counts. Repeat that four times before bed.  
  • Cognitive shuffling technique: Pick a word. While trying to drift off, imagine objects that start with each letter of the word. For example, if the word is “Bedtime”, visualize items that start with “B” and then “E” and so on. By focusing on this, those racing thoughts that disturb sleep are less likely to invade your night. 
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: Runners who know the workings of their body will like this activity. Tense up different muscle groups one at a time. Then release and focus on keeping tense areas relaxed.
  • Reading: Invest in a little bed-time reading (unless you find reading keeps you awake, of course). This works for me. 

Meet Meredith Bonner

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By David Freeze

   Meredith Bonner started at East Rowan High as a freshman basketball player, in her own words unhappy with her skill. She continued to struggle except when the team moved to the track for conditioning workouts that often included lots of sprints. Meredith said, “I was always ahead on the workouts, and I had never felt so excited to actually win. My coach pointed out that I should try track, as it seemed I would excel in that far more than basketball. That spring I started my first ever track season, and it was the best decision I have ever made.”

     As a soccer player through the eighth grade, Meredith realized that her success came there too because of running ability. As a sophomore, she ran track and cross country and joined the swim team. She said, “Other than the ridiculous looking cap and goggles we have to wear, swimming is an amazing outlet. Swimming always allows my muscles to take a minor break from running, while continuing to stay in shape. The meets are a fun time, and I love all my teammates dearly. The green hair from the chlorine filled pools were always a nice bonus as well.”

   At home with her mother, stepfather, grandmother, and two younger brothers, most more artistic than athletic, Meredith finds inspiration in her stepfather, “He excelled at tennis and swam in his youth. He’s been an athletic role model for me, and I never want to let him down. My younger brothers, Thomas and Joshua, both play tennis and soccer. My mother is the most supportive human being on the planet. I could fall and face-plant during a track meet, and she would still try and convince me of how well I performed.”

    That support was important during the past year when In November 2020 and in the middle of cross- country season, Meredith had a bad car accident. The other person thankfully was uninjured, but Meredith’s car was totaled.  She said, “I ran a cross country meet the next day, and everything seemed fine afterwards. Later that evening I could not walk on my left side, and halted running for days, thinking that it might be better with a few days’ rest. A couple more weeks went by with no improvement. Familiar with hip issues from my freshman year of track, I developed a stress fracture in my right hip, and was out for the entire end of the season. This time, it seemed I developed a stress fracture from the pressure of the car accident on the left side of my hip, worsened by the meet I had ran the very next day. I was forced to miss the county meet, unable to run again until the conference meet the next year. This experience was both physically painful and mentally draining. Running had become my crutch, and without it I felt very empty and upset constantly. I made a full recovery by the beginning of this year, and thankfully have avoided any hip problems since. In this process I learned to always remain positive and to take more care of my body and mental health. Coach Cris Leckonby was huge for me through all of this.”

    Away from running, Meredith’s passions include reading, writing, and art. She collects fantasy, classical literature, science fiction, and romance novels and wants the opportunity to write one day, have her own library, and possibly even meet some of her most influential authors. Art is another pastime that has helped her through tough days. She loves colors and creating new pieces that come to life on a blank paper.

    Already the county champion in the 1600 and 3200 and all county in cross country while about to begin her senior year, Meredith said, “It’s very bittersweet to have my last year of cross country and track coming up so fast. I’m intent on breaking 21 minutes in cross country with more hard work. This track and field season, I will keep working to qualify for regionals in the 1600, wanting 5 minutes and 40 seconds by season’s end, as well as shaving a few seconds off my 800. 

    Academically, Meredith hopes to improve her GPA this year, and make her first ever A in math. She said, “I hope a college sees potential in me and asks me to run for them. I would absolutely love to run track and cross country in college while majoring in English. With there being few options for an English major, I’ve considered teaching as a very viable career path.”

    Look for this Saturday’s Run/Walk for the Greenway 5K and other events at

Meet Shelia Gillespie

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By David Freeze

Over the years, I’ve written about all types of runners, representing all speeds and all ages. Shelia Gillespie and her husband John are my nearest neighbors below the farm. Still about a third of a mile away, I see her almost every day. Shelia has one of the best local running/walking streaks going right now.

From West Virginia, they moved to N.C. in August 1986 due to lack of work. Shelia said, “I moved to Iredell County and then after quite a few years we were ready to leave Mooresville to find a place in the country. I grew up off a mile long dirt road in Lincoln County, W.V. In November 2001, we did move to Rowan County with cows as my nearest neighbor. Not the case anymore, but I do like being where the houses are not right on top of each other. Everyone around me lives on at least an acre of land and strives to help one another.”

Shelia started walking/running in 2014 and then Daetwyler, the company she works for in Huntersville, started a wellness program that paid for any running/walking event of 5K, 10K, marathon or triathlon. She said, “The longest race I have done is a 10K with three of them now complete. Since the 10Ks always started in the morning, I twice did a 5K the same evening. My first race was in Charlotte with a group of our employees to support the Children’s Levine Hospital. Hooked by that time, I have also completed two Warrior Dash Mud Runs that are so much fun if you like dirt. I’d much rather do my running/walking outside with my dog by my side no matter how far I go, but when the weather does not permit, I am treadmill bound.”

With rheumatoid arthritis, Shelia must give herself two shots every other week. She also has amyloidosis of the bladder to which there is no cure but is manageable. When Shelia’s urologist got the diagnosis back, he had never heard of it. With research, he found that she was one of only 200 in the world to have it in the bladder, Shelia said, “I am not sure the running helps with amyloidosis but I know it does with the RA because just moving helps keep my joints more flexible. You know the old saying ‘a body in motion stays in motion.’”

Shelia was doing sometimes three 5Ks a month and Daetwyler human resources told her that she would be their poster child for the wellness program. With 50 races complete, her next race will be the Salisbury Greenway 5K on July 17 unless something else comes up that isn’t in Charlotte or a virtual race.

Shelia added, “I have become obsessed with my days in a row of walking or running. By Thursday, I had 388 days straight which is a feat in itself. When COVID hit and they sent me to work while sitting at home near the end of March 2020, I decided on June 2, 2020, that I needed to get up and get moving. At first, I was going to try for 30 days, and the goal just kept going up, recently passing a year. When I have to have a medical procedure done, I will get up early in the morning and get on the treadmill. Right now, my goal is 400 days, and I am getting closer I know there will come a time when the streak will end, but I am going to push as long as I can.”

John and Shelia have been married since January 1998. Shelia said, “He is not really into the health thing even though he has issues. If I race close to home or have one in Charlotte, he drives me because I don’t like the traffic. He then participates so he doesn’t have to sit all alone. John will occasionally go out and walk with me on the weekend. We will be doing the Salisbury Greenway Race on the July 17.”

I will bet that Shelia doesn’t stop at 400 days. Check out next Saturday’s Shiloh Missions 5K and the Greenway 5K at .

Beating Dementia with Running

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By David Freeze

It’s common that I get a few comments each week from those who aren’t serious runners but read this column anyway. The quantity of those comments went up this week, largely I think because each of us have occasional thoughts about getting older and drifting into cognitive decline. Of course, we are always hoping that it doesn’t happen, but hope just isn’t good enough. Last week’s column addressed what we can do, and we will dig deeper this week.

Dr. Jonathan Graff-Radford from the Mayo Clinic explained that the terms dementia and Alzheimer’s are often used interchangeably, but they actually have very different meanings. Dementia is not a specific disease. It’s an overall term, sometimes referred to as an umbrella which describes a wide range of symptoms. These symptoms impact a person’s ability to perform everyday activities independently. Common symptoms include:

  • A decline in memory
  • Changes in thinking skills
  • Poor judgment and reasoning skills
  • Decreased focus and attention
  • Changes in language and communication skills

Alzheimer’s disease is one type of dementia, but it is not the only one. There are many different types and causes of dementia.

Any exercise that leaves the person slightly breathless has brain benefits for those age 50 and over. With 39 clinical trials backing this claim, we should all pay attention. Although less research has been done with healthy older people, there is some evidence to show older people who begin exercising late in life can also reduce their risk of dementia if they make it a regular habit. In a study of 716 people with an average age of 82 years, people who were in the bottom 10% in terms of amount of daily physical activity were more than twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as those in the top 10%.

A literature review found 27 studies looking at the effect of physical activity on brain function in people over 60 years of age. In 26 of the studies there was a clear link between physical activity levels and cognitive performance, suggesting that exercise appears to be an effective way to reduce cognitive decline in later life.

Aerobic exercise has also been shown to affect the brains of healthy older people. In a modest-sized controlled trial, one year of aerobic exercise resulted in a small increase in the size of the hippocampus (the key brain area involved in memory), which was the equivalent of reversing one to two years of age-related shrinkage. A study of 638 people in Scotland that asked participants about their activity levels found those who were physically active at age 70 experienced less brain shrinkage over three years than those who were not.

The Alzheimer’s Association says to consider physical activities that may also be mentally or socially engaging, such as walking with a friend, taking a dance class, joining an exercise group or golfing. Incorporate any enjoyable activity for the greater likelihood of continued engagement. For example, bike riding, gardening or walking the dog will likely provide positive results. As we generally tell folks of any age who are just beginning, ease into the activity slowly and steadily.    

Adopting healthy exercise habits today will allow us to enjoy the lifelong benefits of regular physical activity. However, it’s never too late to start — making healthy choices at any age is beneficial to your well-being. Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program if you think there are any issues.

I’m a believer in big exercise, but that isn’t what’s required here. Just get moving. My bet is the mental and physical benefits experienced early in the effort will inspire more time and commitment. As I usually suggest, early morning exercise that starts the day provides a boost that lingers for hours. But evening exercise, if that’s your preference, works too.

I mentioned last week that the new Alzheimer’s drug, Biogen’s Aduhelm is available and has good early results. Yet the projected cost is about $56,000 per year.

If you aren’t already exercising regularly, all this is yet another good reason to start.

Look for more information on the Shiloh Missions 5K in Faith on July 3 and other upcoming events at .

Exercise to Waylay Memory Loss and Cognitive Decline

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By David Freeze

Many years ago during high school, I was fortunate to live with a grandma and aunt, both of whom lived together. For their own reasons, they chose to help me through a rough time. Eventually, our family lost both of them to long-term dementia.

This was long before exercise became important to me. I was active in some sports but never thought anything about the long-range benefits of regular cardiovascular, heart-pumping exercise. But I began to wonder as both their mental and physical declines persisted for several years, could anything have helped them? Both stayed busy but neither exercised nor took their diets seriously.

I’ve been interested for years in researching how to hold off memory loss and cognitive decline. With the past week’s news of a drug that potentially could slow these declines, I thought this was a good time to visit what we can do, prompted by a radio podcast where two doctors said that 90% of cognitive decline is preventable.

We know that exercise has plenty of physical and mental health benefits, reducing cardiovascular disease and diabetes while strengthening the bones and muscles. Jonathan Graff-Radford, M.D, at the Mayo Clinic said, “It appears that regular physical activity benefits the brain. Studies show that people who are physically active are less likely to experience a decline in their mental function and have a lowered risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Physical activity is one of the known modifiable risk factors for dementia. Plus, regular exercise helps combat other Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, such as depression and obesity.”

He suggests that exercising several times a week for 30 to 60 minutes is likely to do the following for the brain:

  • Keep thinking, reasoning and learning skills sharp for healthy individuals
  • Improve memory, reasoning, judgment and thinking skills (cognitive function) for people with mild Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment
  • Delay the start of Alzheimer’s for people at risk of developing the disease or slow the progress of the disease
  • Increase the size of the part of the brain that’s associated with memory formation (hippocampus)

Dr. Graff-Radford said, “Physical activity seems to help your brain not only by keeping the blood flowing but also by increasing chemicals that protect the brain. Physical activity also tends to counter some of the natural reduction in brain connections that occurs with aging.”

More research is needed to know how, and how much adding physical activity may improve memory or slow the progression of cognitive decline. Nonetheless, regular exercise is important to stay physically and mentally fit. And for older adults, even leisurely physical activity offers health benefits.

There are other ways to fight back. While some things some such as age and heredity can’t be changed, others can. The simple things like lowering blood pressure and high cholesterol reduce risk factors. Some autopsy studies show that 80% of all who had Alzheimer’s also had coronary disease. Those autopsy studies also show that the plaques and tangles in the brain have a much higher risk of leading to Alzheimer’s when there is vascular disease.

Current evidence suggests that heart-healthy eating may also help protect the brain. Heart-healthy eating includes limiting the intake of sugar and saturated fats and making sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. No one diet has proven best. Two diets that have been studied and may be beneficial to lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s are the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and the Mediterranean diet.

  • The DASH diet emphasizes vegetables, fruits, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, whole grains, fish, poultry, beans, seeds, nuts and vegetable oils. The DASH diet limits sodium, sweets, sugary beverages and red meats.
  • A Mediterranean diet includes relatively little red meat. It emphasizes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fish and shellfish, and healthy fats like nuts and olive oil.

Leading a healthy social life and challenging the brain regularly also appear to be major pluses. Getting involved with community activities and seeking mental stimulation matter. Exercise and dietary improvement can still make a difference when cognitive impairment has already begun.

Rowan’s next two races are right around the corner. The Shiloh Missions 5K on July 3 and the Greenway 5K on July 17 are next up. Look for them and other events at

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