By Doug Creamer
There have been a number of people I know who have been suffering from flu, RSV, or Covid. I have also heard people coughing in stores. I find myself wondering, “are you contagious?” I don’t want to get sick. I don’t have two weeks of my life to spend in bed getting over whatever it is that someone else is dealing with right now. I try to be careful and wash my hands and stay away from people who appear to be fighting some kind of illness.
I struggle all year long with allergies, which are different from being sick. I don’t need to add sickness to my allergies. I went for my semi-annual check up with my doctor the other day. There was a woman in the waiting area who appeared to be sick. Another woman came out of the office who was obviously sick. The woman in the waiting area asked, “Have you got it, too?” I thought about what I observed. Both women, who knew they were sick, were considerate enough to have been wearing masks to protect others from whatever infectious thing they had.
When I was a kid chickenpox was making the rounds. At the time, doctors told parents to expose their other children and go ahead and get it over with in their household. It is very contagious and kids passed it around like candy. We know now that was not a good idea because the chickenpox virus is what can cause us to get shingles later in life. Thanks, Doc!
Our knowledge about infectious viruses grows as time moves on. We do the best we can with the knowledge we have at the time. We hope that most people will be considerate of others when they are contagious to stay home and try to get better before being around others and sharing their germs.
The idea of being infectious or contagious has been tumbling around in my mind. I have been wondering if we have the kind of faith that is infectious or contagious. Do we live our lives in such a way that those around us could “catch it?” Are we living so others are attracted to our faith?
The Bible tells us to be ready in season and out of season to give the reason for our hope. Our hope comes through our faith in God. We have a relationship with the living God and we can’t stop talking about it. Have you ever been around a newlywed couple? They can’t keep their hands off each other. They look like their eyes are glazed over. No one in the world exists besides their new spouse. That’s how it should be with our faith in God. Sickeningly contagious!
I understand the reality of life. We all walk through trials and difficulties, but does that have to keep us from having a contagious faith? Imagine Paul and Silas; they are beaten and whipped, then put in a dungeon with their feet in stocks. They are hurting physically without pain meds. What do they do? They pray and sing hymns to God. WHAT? Guess what happens. The jailer and his entire family came to believe in Jesus. Why? Because in spite of unbearable circumstances their faith in God shone brightly. It was desirable to the jailer. He wanted what they had!
When we find ourselves in the middle of difficulties we can’t walk around defeated. We can acknowledge the facts but we need to express our faith in God who we know and believe will come through for us. That kind of faith is contagious. It’s easy to have faith when everything is going great, but can we express our faith in God when things are not going our way? Do we believe that He can work all things out for us in a favorable way? When the doctor report isn’t great or circumstances are challenging us at every turn, can we and do we depend on God to help us overcome our circumstances?
I want to encourage you to remember that God is on your side. He sees your problems and difficulties and knows the path to a better place. I know you trust Him because He has come through for you in the past. Express your faith in Him for your current situation because He will be faithful to you. When we can live expressing our faith during the trials of life we will have a contagious faith. We will have the kind of faith that others desire for themselves. The world around us needs to be infected; are you contagious?
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or