Are You Infectious?

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By Doug Creamer

                There have been a number of people I know who have been suffering from flu, RSV, or Covid. I have also heard people coughing in stores. I find myself wondering, “are you contagious?” I don’t want to get sick. I don’t have two weeks of my life to spend in bed getting over whatever it is that someone else is dealing with right now. I try to be careful and wash my hands and stay away from people who appear to be fighting some kind of illness.

                I struggle all year long with allergies, which are different from being sick. I don’t need to add sickness to my allergies. I went for my semi-annual check up with my doctor the other day. There was a woman in the waiting area who appeared to be sick. Another woman came out of the office who was obviously sick. The woman in the waiting area asked, “Have you got it, too?” I thought about what I observed. Both women, who knew they were sick, were considerate enough to have been wearing masks to protect others from whatever infectious thing they had.

                When I was a kid chickenpox was making the rounds. At the time, doctors told parents to expose their other children and go ahead and get it over with in their household. It is very contagious and kids passed it around like candy. We know now that was not a good idea because the chickenpox virus is what can cause us to get shingles later in life. Thanks, Doc!

                Our knowledge about infectious viruses grows as time moves on. We do the best we can with the knowledge we have at the time. We hope that most people will be considerate of others when they are contagious to stay home and try to get better before being around others and sharing their germs.

                The idea of being infectious or contagious has been tumbling around in my mind. I have been wondering if we have the kind of faith that is infectious or contagious. Do we live our lives in such a way that those around us could “catch it?” Are we living so others are attracted to our faith?

                The Bible tells us to be ready in season and out of season to give the reason for our hope. Our hope comes through our faith in God. We have a relationship with the living God and we can’t stop talking about it. Have you ever been around a newlywed couple? They can’t keep their hands off each other. They look like their eyes are glazed over. No one in the world exists besides their new spouse. That’s how it should be with our faith in God. Sickeningly contagious!

                I understand the reality of life. We all walk through trials and difficulties, but does that have to keep us from having a contagious faith? Imagine Paul and Silas; they are beaten and whipped, then put in a dungeon with their feet in stocks. They are hurting physically without pain meds. What do they do? They pray and sing hymns to God. WHAT? Guess what happens. The jailer and his entire family came to believe in Jesus. Why? Because in spite of unbearable circumstances their faith in God shone brightly. It was desirable to the jailer. He wanted what they had!

                When we find ourselves in the middle of difficulties we can’t walk around defeated. We can acknowledge the facts but we need to express our faith in God who we know and believe will come through for us. That kind of faith is contagious. It’s easy to have faith when everything is going great, but can we express our faith in God when things are not going our way? Do we believe that He can work all things out for us in a favorable way? When the doctor report isn’t great or circumstances are challenging us at every turn, can we and do we depend on God to help us overcome our circumstances?

                I want to encourage you to remember that God is on your side. He sees your problems and difficulties and knows the path to a better place. I know you trust Him because He has come through for you in the past. Express your faith in Him for your current situation because He will be faithful to you. When we can live expressing our faith during the trials of life we will have a contagious faith. We will have the kind of faith that others desire for themselves. The world around us needs to be infected; are you contagious? 

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Being There

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By Doug Creamer

Since I retired I have attended many funerals. Friends and several church members have gone home to be with the Lord. Being retired gives me the opportunity to be there for my friends and family during their time of need. I never know what to say to the family other than I am sorry for their loss. 

I went to a funeral this week for my Sunday school teacher’s husband. I have been to their home several times as they hosted Christmas parties for our class. He always made me feel so welcome to their home. He served in many different diplomatic positions for our government here at home and abroad. He and his wife have served and traveled to many nations around the world.

His experience gave him a great understanding of politics. He personally knew many politicians, and served in multiple administrations including President Ford’s administration. He had insights about where our country is and where we are going. I enjoyed the opportunities to talk with him and get his perspective on current events, issues, and politics. He was a man who had great insight into how our country works and I know he will be greatly missed.  

I think funerals can be very insightful. I love to hear the speakers as they share stories and reflect on the individual being honored. It’s okay to laugh at a funeral if someone shares a humorous story. It’s good to share the pain of the family as they deal with the loss of their loved one. Today my heart was moved by the passionate singing of an old friend who has the voice of an angel.

It’s hard to understand the impact your presence brings at funerals for the family who is struggling with their loss. While I am a writer and I work with words all the time, I struggle to find the right words of comfort to offer families who have lost loved ones. I have come to understand that words are not necessary, it’s the love and support we bring that makes all the difference. I am always glad that I went to the funeral so the family knows my heart is with them. Someday we are all going to find ourselves standing in their place and we will be glad when others show up for us.

When it comes down to it, it’s not just funerals when we find ourselves in need of people’s love and support. We might be struggling with depression, anxiety, health issues, loss of a job, or some other difficult situations where we need our brothers and sisters in Christ to stand with us. God did not intend for us to make our life’s journey alone. We were created to be together, to come together, to stand together, and sometimes to sit and cry together as we experience the challenges life brings our way.

I like praying alone and with others. When we pray, we hope God will intervene in our situation and keep us from having to walk through the trials and challenges of life. I have witnessed firsthand how God can heal and deliver someone. What a great celebration that brings when we see God’s miraculous hand at work in our lives.

But what happens when God doesn’t move, doesn’t heal, or doesn’t deliver us? We are forced to go THROUGH the challenge. We don’t want to go through, we want to be delivered. Sometimes when we go through we learn so much about God and His incredible love for us. It also reveals the depth of love and support from our spiritual families, which means so much.

That’s what being there is all about. I need you during my challenging times to be there encouraging and challenging me to press on, to keep going, to not give up, to believe God’s promises are for me, and to trust Him when I can’t feel or see Him. Your presence with me can give me the courage to take the next step, to keep moving forward when I want to give up.

I want to encourage you to be there for the people in your life when they are facing difficult and challenging times. I need you and you need me to be there for each other. Your experiences with God can help others who are facing the same challenges you have lived through. Be there. Share your story of hope. Pray and encourage those in need. Let’s take each other’s hand and be there to help each other through life’s challenges. We are not alone and we will get through this thing together.  Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Closer Walk

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By Doug Creamer

            I was out walking the other day thinking about my Sunday school lesson. I wanted to teach about the importance of having a closer walk with God. I started to hum while I was enjoying the beautiful day. After having such a cold spell, it was nice to enjoy some warmer weather. The humming led me to question what song was running through my mind.

            “Just a closer walk with thee…” The words to an old hymn were tumbling around in my head. The refrain from that song was definitely going into my Sunday school lesson. I am still humming that song. I wonder if it is just a really good song or something that we all desire.

            If we truly desire a closer walk with God, then who has to change to make it happen? Has God pulled away from us or have we pulled away from Him? God made a way for us to have a relationship with Him through Jesus His Son. The invitation is available to every human being to have a closer walk with God. This leads to a tough question: If He is available and made the way for us to develop a closer relationship with Him, why don’t we all have a close relationship with Him?

            The choice and responsibility for a closer walk falls on us. God has done His part, now it is up to us. What is keeping us from having a closer walk with Him? My pastor mentioned a few weeks ago that everyone is given the same amount of time, the same 24 hours in a day. We choose how we will spend that time. The difference between someone with a close walk with God and someone who is distant from Him is how each person chooses to spend their time. The song says, “Just a closer walk with thee, grant it Jesus is my plea…” It seems that God has granted it, we just aren’t drawing closer to Him. 

            Each of us must look at how we spend our time. Many years ago I was trying to drive a point home to my students that they had time to pursue interests in their lives if they were willing to give up something else. When I said that to my students I heard God whisper in my spirit, “You have this desire to write, could you give up watching some TV so you can do it?” His question took my breath away in front of my students.

            I pondered that question for several days until I made a decision. It was a small but difficult sacrifice to give up watching shows I liked to pursue my dream to write. That was over 30 years ago and I am so glad I made that choice. I enjoy the creative process of writing my weekly column and wish I could find the time to write more books that are swirling in my head.   We’re all busy, even overwhelmed; how do we add more of God to our lives? Some people’s lives are filled with being a caregiver to children or their aging parents. Some people are like my current students who are going to school, working, and trying to be there for their family. Some people have demanding jobs or are overwhelmed by the challenges of everyday life. There aren’t enough hours in a day to get it all done. Believe me; I understand every one of those and many other situations.

            The question still lingers: do we want a closer walk with Him? How can we make room for Him? How can we change? What can we do to invite Him in more? Could we give up some of our social media time? Could we watch a little less TV? Could we turn off the music for just a little while and make room for Him? Could we say a prayer while we are waiting for the light to turn green? Can we invite God with us while we exercise? Can we choose to talk with Him while we wash the dishes or fold the laundry?

            I want to encourage you to consider how you might make room for God in your life. We want a closer walk with Him and He is waiting for us to invite Him into our daily routines. It will be tough because the enemy to your soul will do everything to stop you from getting closer to God, but it will be a change that you will be glad you made. How do I know that? Because you will have a closer walk with Him!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Keys to Success

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By Doug Creamer

            I love my part-time job helping students earn their high school equivalency. We have students from all kinds of different backgrounds who are finding success in our program. My boss believes in a teamwork approach to accomplish our goals. Most days after we finish teaching my colleague and boss will discuss our students and how they are doing. We will share ideas on how to help our students move along and discover success.

            One of the most important keys is being committed. Students who engage in class and at home will find success. Simple things like reviewing notes, doing some homework, practicing skills, and reading on their own helps them find success. Commitment means you will be present in class and engaged with the lesson. Success comes when students apply themselves.

            Don’t think there won’t be any bumps, falls, or failures along the way. Failing does not mean you are a failure. Using the data from a failed attempt can guide a student to success. It is hard when a student hits a hiccup along the way. We are there to help them up, help brush them off, and then help them discover what they need to succeed. Students can’t taste the sweetness of success if they stay on the ground. Success requires getting up and moving forward. I know because I have seen it!

            Success is available to everyone. I told my students the other day that a brick wall is not meant to stop them, it is there to determine how bad they want it. Success costs you something. Some students make a decision: I am going to be done by this date. I have seen over and over again most students are done by that date or very soon afterwards. There is nothing like the joy we feel when students cross the finish line…both students and teachers! Success also breeds success. When one student crosses the line others want to join them in their success.

            The same keys can apply to our spiritual lives. Spiritual growth requires effort. You can’t grow muscles if you don’t lift weights. You have to do the work if you want to find success. If all you do is go to church on Sunday and never say a prayer or read your Bible from one Sunday until the next, how can you expect to grow? Growth and change in your spiritual life requires effort. The question becomes, how devoted are you to seeing spiritual growth in your life?

            If you want to taste success, you are going to have to work at it. The first step is to realize that you are in a relationship with the living God. Any good relationship requires time and effort. If you never speak to your spouse, you won’t be married for long. Connecting with God requires the effort of prayer and listening. Listening requires finding a quiet place where you can hear Him because He speaks to you in a whisper.

            Did you exchange love letters when you were dating? I remember getting letters from my sweetheart and reading them over and over again. If we applied that enthusiasm to reading God’s Word, His love letter to us, imagine the growth and success we would achieve in our spiritual lives. How are you going to learn about God if you don’t read the Good Book? It’s filled with His promises to you. He expressed His love for you. He has solutions for your problems hidden in His Word. The only way to grow your faith and your relationship with God is by being in His Word.

            I think another important key is being in fellowship with other believers. The Christian walk is difficult and we need each other to make it to the end. We will all fall down and even fail in our walks at times. That’s when it is critical to lean on each other to lift each other up when we fall or even fail. Giving comfort, grace, and love to each other is a vital role we all play.

            I want to encourage you to take the steps to grow your faith in God. Connect with one another so you can encourage each other. Read and even memorize God’s Word so you will know His promises to you and learn to depend on them and Him. Have a conversation with God, which means you pray and listen. God really does talk with us if we will listen. Taking these steps will help you build your faith and trust in God and lead you to a successful Christian walk.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Cleaning Out the Closets

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By Doug Creamer

            I looked out the window at a sunny, beautiful day. Then I opened the front door and felt the breezy, freezing air and closed the door. This will be a week that I will enjoy from inside my warm house. I enjoy being outside as much as possible, but with the extreme cold I will find some things that need doing inside. I am not even sure I will attempt to go for a walk this week as temperatures are expected to be below freezing for most of the week.

            I don’t like hot and humid weather or breezy and cold weather. The only really good part about cold weather is the possibility of snow. It is easy to be lazy when it’s cold. I can scroll social media, watch some TV, or curl up with a good book. The hours pass and very little gets accomplished. The problem with trying to tackle inside projects is that it usually involves cleaning out something. When you clean out a cabinet or closet you have to throw things away. Therein lies the problem. I am sentimental. It’s hard to give up stuff. I took a carload to Goodwill before Christmas and really should do it again.  

            When things are neat, clean, tidy, and organized it feels good. The problem lies with the process. If you decide to start with this closet then you will need to work on that closet too because some of these things need to be in that closet. The result is a huge mess because everything will be pulled out and then we are back to making decisions about what stays and what goes and those decisions feel impossible. You always need that thing you got rid of two weeks ago!

            So you close the closet doors and find something else to do. It seems easier to pretend the problem doesn’t exist than to find the energy to work through the mess and make the tough decisions about what to keep and what to let go.

These same principles apply to our spiritual lives. There are habits, attitudes, and things that need our attention and need changing but the work required causes us to close the doors and move on unchanged. We all carry spiritual baggage that we need to eject from our lives. We carry past hurts, brokenness, failures, disappointments, disillusionment, anxieties, distrust, and a bunch of other things. The solution is to carry all these things to Jesus because He cares deeply for each one of us and wants to lift those burdens off our lives. The trouble is that it takes time and we have to open those closet doors up for Jesus. It’s a mess and we would rather pretend those things don’t exist, so we end up carrying this heavy load that God never intended for us to carry.

            Jesus came to heal us from our hurts and brokenness. He knows all the ways we have been disillusioned and disappointed by people and He wants us to know that we can trust Him. He knows all the anxieties and fears we face and He wants us to know that He holds our future and everything about our lives in His hands. There is no failure that He can’t redeem.

            Can you imagine what life would be like if you didn’t have to carry all the mess around? Why do we try to find ways to repay God for our sins? Jesus already paid that price for us. All we have to do is accept His free gift of forgiveness. Salvation is a free gift open for anyone who will receive it. We need to bring Jesus to the mess hidden in the closets of our lives and allow Him to help us clean it out. He wants to clean out all the mess and have a beautiful place where He can store our testimony to His goodness. Our story of His forgiveness. Our faith in His guidance. Our hope in the future He has planned for us. Our peace that surpasses understanding. Our joy at the wonder of what God can do with our brokenness.

            I want to encourage you to open your closet doors to your Heavenly Father, who is in the business of cleaning up messes. It takes time, energy, and faith to open those doors. God is compassionate and loving. He doesn’t want you to carry all that stuff around. Let Him lift the burdens off your shoulders so you can walk free as He intended. Let His love and joy clean and clear your heart so you can walk in His peace.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

God is in Control

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By Doug Creamer

God is in Control

            I have a few weather friends and we like to make amateur predictions about winter storms and hurricanes. We have fun guessing and giving each other a hard time when we miss. I send my predictions to about a dozen friends who think I am pretty accurate, but I think they are being kind because I miss it just like the professionals. I like to watch the weather models and follow the trends. There are some people putting out wild forecasts that I caution you to avoid following. Look to trusted forecasters who offer balanced forecasts.

            Some friends have asked me to post my predictions on social media. The recent storm demonstrates why I don’t. I thought we would get snow here in Salisbury but we ended up with mostly sleet and freezing rain. The professionals predicted some measurable snow all the way down to Charlotte. People on social media were cruel and hateful to social media predictors and professionals for missing the forecast. It’s a shame that the hatefulness is driving one local social media forecaster to quit following his passion and sharing his weather predictions for our area.

            I once met Ray Boylan, who used to be on Channel 9 out of Charlotte. He told me that the mountains and ocean have a huge impact on the weather here in the Piedmont. Mountains can zap storms and the ocean can feed them. I remember Eric Thomas from Channel 3 sharing one night how a wobble in a storm had ruined his forecast. That time we got more snow than he had predicted.

            Weather is something that has so many variables that can impact what we see out our windows. Brad Panovich from Channel 6 recently pointed out on a Facebook post that a tenth of a degree can change what falls from the sky. All this unpredictability fascinates me about weather. I love to watch the models every day and follow reliable social media forecasters. My Facebook feed is filled with all kinds of weather related posts.  

            The big trouble with weather forecasting is that most people forget that the forecasters are not in control. We have to remember that God is in control. He has the weather, the planets, the stars, and you and me in His hands. He is in control. I understand that sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, but you can be assured that He has everything under control.

            Sometimes it’s hard for us to understand and accept that God is in control. When the doctor says cancer… When the phone rings and you receive tragic news…When circumstances at work have soured… When family drama unfolds… We have to turn to God and ask Him to intervene and trust that He will lead us and be with us because He is in control. None of this is easy. In fact, it’s hard to have faith when things feel out of control. We must turn our eyes on Jesus, asking for guidance and believing that He is in control.

            God knows everything. He knows the name of every star. He knows the exact number of hairs on every human head. He saw the beginning and He sees the end. He knows every detail of our lives. He knows each of us better than we know ourselves. He is in control in spite of what we may think in difficult moments. We have to give Him room to work all things out for our good. We have to trust and believe that He can work in and through our circumstances.

            The news is tragic…God is in control. My circumstances are hard…God is in control. I am struggling with doubt and worry…God is in control and He can do exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything we can imagine. One day Joseph is lying in a dungeon, the next he is second in command of Egypt. Lazarus was dead for three days and then Jesus called him out of the tomb. Peter was locked away in a dungeon and then an angel had to wake him up to help him escape. Sometimes we have to go through things with God. He has a good plan for our lives.

            I want to encourage you to never give up because God is in control of even the craziest of circumstances. We must keep the embers of hope alive. Ask close friends to pray for and with you. You are not alone! God is with you and He will bring good out of your circumstances. He can rescue people from fiery furnaces, huge fish, sicknesses, and even the grave. He will come through for you. GOD IS IN CONTROL!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Change of Routine

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By Doug Creamer

A Change in Routine

            I went for a walk the other day and noticed that most of my neighbors had taken down their outside Christmas decorations. I also noticed twinkling lights coming from inside a number of homes, evidence that the Christmas tree was still up. Mine is still up and I am still enjoying it. It has been nice to just enjoy it without all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

            With the holiday season behind us, people are beginning to think about the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day. While many might be hoping to bypass winter and move right into spring, I am looking forward to some snow. I am also looking forward to spring and a new gardening season, but I am content to look out the window for some snow for now.

            I know many people are glad to be getting back to the routines of life. The holiday season brings a welcome break from routine, but after all the travel and craziness many find themselves longing to return to the routines of life. People want their children back on school schedules and bedtime routines. People want to get back to work so they can pay all the bills from the holiday season. People want to get back to their regular routines.

            I think this is a good time to break away from the rut of our routines. If we are honest with each other, there are some routines that need to change. The trouble is that it is difficult to change our lives and routines. But after having a break from them during the holiday season, maybe now is a great time to assess and change some routines.

            What needs changing? I know that I need to work on not staying up so late at night. I did some reading before bed over the holidays and I liked that. I would like to add that routine. Maybe we need to look at what we have been eating. While the holidays lead all of us down temptation alley, there are probably some things we need to change in our regular eating habits. We probably all need to move our bodies more. Exercise is good for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

            I enjoy scrolling through social media, watching videos, especially weather videos, and watching TV. We all need down time, but can we limit that in order to do something else like reading, writing to a friend, or spending more time with our family. Speaking of the family, imagine the positive impact on your family if you chose to spend time together as a family or spending one-on-one time with your children. Pick something the two of you can do to connect.

            Simple changes do not mean we have to give up the things we enjoy. It means we might do those things less in order to do something we want to do. That was how I started writing my weekly column. I wanted to write and I decided I could give up TV one night a week in order to write. It’s been over thirty years filled with great rewards.

            One area we can all work on is spending more time with God. God wants to be invited into our lives. He wants to know that our relationship with Him is a priority. Some people like to spend time with Him at night, but sometimes He only gets a few minutes before we fall asleep. Others choose to spend time with Him in the morning, but some mornings He is squeezed out because we have a busy day scheduled. God is jealous when we ignore Him. He wants one-on-one time with us AND He wants us to invite Him into our daily routines. We often invite Him when we face a crisis but He wants to be involved in every moment of our lives. He wants to connect with every area of our lives.

            I want to encourage you to incorporate a few small changes that will allow you to connect more with God. He wants a closer and more intimate relationship with you. Pray that God will help you become more aware of His presence. Open the doors to connect with God while you are exercising, running errands, taking the kids to their activities, and while doing routine things. God wants to connect with you. He wants to speak through you. He wants to demonstrate His love for others through you. Make more room for Him in the midst of your routines. Welcome a deeper relationship with Him this year.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Year of Possibilities

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By Doug Creamer

            We have stepped into the New Year. The month of December always goes by so quickly. Here we are in a new month and a new year. We all may feel a little discomfort entering an unknown time. The truth is the future is full of many good things for us and there will also be some challenges that we will have to face. The question is which will we choose to focus on?

            Fear and anxiety love to play in our minds with the unknown future ahead. We can find ourselves worrying about what will or might happen. There is a sense that the future is out of our control and that makes us feel uncomfortable. If we rely only upon ourselves and our own abilities then these feelings would be justified. But as the people of God, we must turn our focus upon Him and trust Him with the future.

            We will face things that are challenging and difficult. What if some tragedy befalls us, what then? The place to begin is with the fact that God is in control. He may allow or even send some challenges into our lives to cause us to grow spiritually or to draw us closer to Himself. On the tragedy front, we have to remember that they do not originate in heaven. In those horrific moments we have to trust the scripture that teaches us that God can bring about something good from every situation if we will trust in Him.

            To illustrate my point, I ask you to consider the tragic flooding and destruction that occurred in our mountains from Hurricane Helene. I believe that was not from God. Now I ask you to consider all the miracles you heard about during that time. Consider all the churches, communities, businesses, organizations, and individuals that offered help to those affected by this tragedy. People have come from all over to offer their services to people in need. Neighbors helped neighbors. God has a way of counteracting and bringing hope into hopeless situations. Sometimes it takes a little time, but God is faithful. God can bring good out of the bad!

            So, I want to encourage you to take your eyes off all the things your mind has imagined that could be bad in the new year and look to your good Father who is planning GOOD things for your future. You may ask: How do you know God is planning good things for me? Jeremiah 29:11 promises us that God is actively planning good things for us and to give us hope and a good future.

            The word hope grabbed my attention. The word hope is powerful. It means that we have a feeling of optimism. We actually believe that God is good and that he is actively planning good things for us. When we live with hope it means that we are actually changing our thought processes. Instead of allowing negative thoughts to prevail we are following God and allowing Him to change our minds. God’s new way of thinking allows us to believe that no matter what situation we are facing God is going to bring a positive outcome. That’s HOPE!

            When we can live our lives with an expectant heart, expecting God to do something good, it will change the way we live our lives. We have to engage our faith and our active thoughts. When our thoughts want to run into the negative, we have to confront them with God’s promises for our lives. God is good and promises good things for our lives. Sometimes we may have to admit to our brothers and sisters that we are struggling so they can gather around us and encourage us and remind us of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

            I know what I am writing is not easy. I know that at some point this year I will need someone to encourage me. You will need someone to encourage you. We can and we will do that for each other. I want to encourage you to grab ahold of hope. Look for the good God is doing in your life now and all year. Believe that He sees you in your situation and He is actively working on your behalf. Look for His promises in the scriptures for your situation and trust Him to fulfill those promises for you. Believe that He loves you and is making good plans for your future. I believe that 2025 will be a good year. It will have its struggles but let’s let those struggles lead us to Him.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

The Week Between

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By Doug Creamer

The Week Between    

            The packages have been opened. The delicious meal and the leftovers have all been consumed. All the rushing around has finally come to an end. It’s the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I have been thinking about this all day…I think this is best week of the holiday season. The pressures of getting ready for Christmas are finally gone. We can take a deep breath and actually enjoy a peaceful day.

            I admit that it is very hard to slow down and enjoy Christmas with all the demands that are put upon our lives. There is the decorating, shopping, wrapping, gatherings, cleaning, cooking, and… By the time Christmas finally arrives, we are wiped out. It’s hard to find a few quiet moments to sit by the Christmas tree and savor the moment. I have worked hard to be present at every gathering this year. I have truly enjoyed time with family and friends. These days between Christmas and New Years are a hidden treasure.

            The push, panic, anxiety, and stress are over. There is nothing to do. You can actually sit by the tree and admire the ornaments and savor the memories that go with each one. You can listen to the music and not feel pressure. You can take a nap. You can read and linger guilt free. You can sneak a few treats.

            Most of us still have some traveling and visiting with family and friends on our agendas, but somehow it’s different. Yes, I know that all travel contains some degree of stress, but it doesn’t seem as bad if we aren’t feeling the pressure to be there by Christmas day. Because families are pulled in so many directions to be “HERE” for Christmas, I have long advocated for making Christmas be the day you can be together. If you do that, the joy of the season can be spread out and the stress can be reduced.

            With the pressure value relieved, the joy of the season can flood our hearts. After Christmas, I am slow about putting Christmas away. I will get the outside all cleaned up and packed away. The knick knacks will return to their boxes. It’s the tree that will sometimes linger. Part of the reason is that it is quite a bit of work to put up and take down. I admit that. But also, it is nice to enjoy the tree, the lights, and the ornaments. It is very peaceful to sit by the tree late at night or early in the morning when I have my quiet time. It’s then that I can soak in the spirit of the season.

            Before we set our sights on the New Year, let’s take a breath and release the stress. I talk about it when I teach my Sunday school class and when I write my column, but sometimes I need to take a spoonful of my own medicine. Deep breath…release. Put the list of things to do away and just be… Maybe look at your Christmas cards again… Maybe make some popcorn and watch a movie… Maybe call an old friend and just talk… You pick! Take some YOU time.

            There will be time to think about next year later. We’ll talk about resolutions later. For now, for today, let’s just kick back and relax. Some struggle to unplug. Some feel that we must always be working, especially on our spiritual lives. I want to take this opportunity to remind you that Jesus took time away from the crowds. He sought out quiet places. He would climb a mountain to be alone. Why did He do that?

            He needed to find time and a quiet place to reconnect with His Father. We can’t be working, even for His kingdom, all the time. We need to re-charge. Be refreshed. Be renewed. Be nurtured in His presence. Be refilled with the Spirit. These things are not done while working or with crowds of people. These things are done in a quiet place. Refreshment comes from being in His Word, in prayer, and in His presence.

            It is hard to find that quiet place in the holiday season. Now in this “week between” I encourage you to find your quiet place and allow Him to touch you and prepare you for the new year ahead. You need to feed your spirit and drink from the still waters. His presence can nurture you and restore you after the craziness of the holiday season. Give yourself permission to slow down and reconnect with Him. Let His Spirit infuse you with His power and strength.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Christmas Memories

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By Doug Creamer

            Take a deep breath…we’re almost there! I know we all have a few last minute things to do to get ready for Christmas, but I know we will make it. Soon it will be time to eat some delicious food at a beautifully decorated table. Soon it will be time to open the Christmas packages. Soon it will be time to read the Christmas story and savor the celebration of our Savior’s birth.

            I have been reflecting back on Christmases past and thought I would share a few special memories. My Dad invited me to his apartment one year. When I arrived, he was playing “The Nutcracker” on his stereo. He had put Christmas lights and some ornaments on his Ficus tree. We had Christmas together and he had put some thought into our gifts. The memory of that day still burns bright and “The Nutcracker” music has become part of my Christmas traditions.

            My mother has always worked to make Christmas a very special time. Even into my adult life she still manages to surprise me with thoughtful gifts. We don’t get to spend Christmas day together but we pick a day and it becomes Christmas for us. We both strive to make it a very special time together. I can hardly think about Christmas without thinking about my mother. She can be more excited than a kid.

            My wife grew up getting a new Christmas ornament each year. We didn’t do that in my family. We started early in our married life giving each other Christmas ornaments. We now have quite a collection of beautiful, very special ornaments for our tree. That means that it takes quite a while to decorate and take down our tree each year.

            When my sister and I got old enough to stay up late, we started attending the 11 PM Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church. There was a woman in our church who sang, “O Holy Night” every year and when she sang, Christmas came for me. My sister told me it was when a man in our church sang, “Sweet Little Jesus Boy” that Christmas came for her. Music can touch our heart in such deep ways.

            We all know the Christmas story. The Son of God was born to a virgin whose husband believed and trusted God in the midst of unbelievable circumstances. They took a tough journey to Bethlehem right at the end of her pregnancy to obey the degree to register and pay their taxes. They arrived at Bethlehem to discover the inn was full of other travelers who had to register and pay their taxes, too. They were relegated to a cave or barn where animals took shelter, to give birth to Son of God.

            Have you ever considered how inadequate they must have felt? Can you imagine how Joseph felt not being able to provide a better place for his wife and God’s Son? They were first time parents and who do they get to learn and make mistakes with but God’s Son! While they are dealing with their internal battles of self-doubt here comes a group of shepherds talking of angels and begging to see their son. Was this really God’s plan for the birth of His Son?

            Life comes at us from so many different directions. It can seem crazy, chaotic, and out of our control. We find ourselves wondering, “Where is God? Did He forget about me?” The truth is He never forgets about us. He sees every second of every day. He knows about our troubles and has made plans to meet our needs. Mary and Joseph received incredible gifts from the Magi to meet their needs. God will come through for you because He sees and knows you!

            Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. But some people are dealing with health problems, financial issues, personal struggles, worries, and the pain of missing loved ones. I want to encourage you to remember those around you who are struggling to find the joy of this season. Pray for them. Ask God to show you how you can lift their spirits and share your joy with them. Jesus came 2000 years ago to give each one of us peace and joy. But more than that, He came to reveal to us that God loves us and cares more about us than we can understand. No matter what you are going through, heaven’s gift is available for you. All you have to do is open your heart and receive it. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and God’s love, peace, and joy in the coming year!  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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