To the Class of 2023

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By Doug Creamer

            I went to thirty-plus high school graduations in my career. I enjoyed them because I knew that the school year was coming to a close and summer vacation was on the horizon. I also enjoyed the speeches that the students and principals gave during the ceremony. In the latter years of my career I would often write about the positive and encouraging words that were shared.

            I’ve been retired for four years now…where did that time go? There is a little part of me that misses the prom, where you see the students dressed up and acting grown up. I really miss the DECA club and taking the students to competitions at the local, state, and national levels. In a small way, I miss hearing the inspirational speeches at graduation.

            Graduation speeches offer a hopeful look into the future. I still believe that people can and often do choose to be kind and helpful, especially in times of great need. I hope the youth who are taking their first steps out into the world will maintain their sense of optimism.

            This new generation faces many challenges. The world is not very peaceful. Wars and conflicts abound across the globe. There are many environmental issues that need addressing, from wildfires, extreme weather, and climate change. This generation is inheriting a very politically divided nation. I hope they will find common ground and learn the art of compromise so we can recover our national unity. There are also many health challenges that they will have to figure out as our population ages.

            There are many other social, moral, mental, physical, and spiritual challenges that face our new graduates, whether from high school or college. But I believe God can inspire them to figure out how to solve the many problems we all face. When a generation rises up and seeks God, I believe God will help that generation discover the hidden truths that will unlock the answers our society and world need. I look to this next generation of scientists, engineers, teachers, doctors, politicians, and religious leaders to rise up and lead us into a hopeful and prosperous future. 

            I often wonder what kind of inspirational words I might offer a graduating class. Here are a few for the Class of 2023:

            The world wasn’t perfect when you arrived and it won’t be perfect when you leave. But I believe you have a unique opportunity to change your little corner of it. Some of you will impact the world with the next big thing we all must have or a medication that will improve our lives, but that will not be the case for all of you. The challenge I offer you today is to make a difference where God has placed you.

            God has given each of you special talents, skills, and abilities. He expects you to use those gifts to touch and change the world around you. If each of you will endeavor to make a positive impact in your community, the world will be a better place. I know you can’t help every person you meet, but help those you can.

            Look for the good in other people. Embrace differences because that creates a richer society. Take time to appreciate the beauty around you: a beautiful sunset, a rainbow, snow gently falling, walks on the beach, birds soaring, a meal with your family, and everything that brings joy and peace to your soul.

            When you become parents, pass along the gifts of kindness and love. Teach your children to seek their passions. Teach them to accept others and try to understand their point of view. Teach them to have compassion for the less fortunate. Teach them right from wrong, and that there are consequences to their actions. Teach them to love, honor, and respect their elders.

            You are graduating into an uncertain world. I believe God has planned a wonderful future for you. It will come with some challenges along the way. Challenges and difficulties are not bad; they are designed to make you a stronger, better person. Be sure to grow and maintain your faith because it will guide you through life.

            Finally, remember that no one accomplishes anything alone. We need each other. God has gifted you with unique abilities and He needs you to do your part. Keep your family and friends close. These things will make your life great: having gratitude and showing appreciation will keep your mind positive, faith and hope will sustain you through the hard times, and finally, let your heart be filled with love and forgiveness, because we all need more of both.  

The Great Outdoors

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By Doug Creamer

                Everyone who knows me knows that I like to be outside. I will sit outside on my porch late at night on cool evenings. I love to go for walks. I enjoy working in my garden, which I really don’t consider work. I find inspiration in nature. I enjoy good fresh air and sunshine.

                I don’t like high heat and humidity. We have been enjoying a period of cooler temperatures and lower humidity this year and I have been thrilled. The high heat and humidity zaps my energy. I walk out the door and lose motivation as soon as the heat hits me.

                There is one place that I like summer’s heat and humidity…the beach. Most days when you are at the beach there is a nice breeze. Also, the temperature doesn’t seem as bad. But I have been at the beach on several occasions when there was no air movement and the sun was oppressively hot. Those are not enjoyable days.

                I went to Tidewater, Virginia last weekend where I spent time with my mother-in-law and my sister. My sister lives a block away from the beach. I couldn’t wait to go to her house. The forecast called for hot temperatures and thunderstorms. I was just hoping for a nice day and a little breeze off the water.

                We walked down to the water and she decided she wanted to face the sun and catch some rays. I wanted to face the water and watch the waves. We each faced the direction we wanted and enjoyed a long conversation. Her beach is on the Chesapeake Bay and I enjoyed watching several barges coming in the bay. There were also several pleasure crafts enjoying the great day.

                We talked about our families, work, good days, bad days, health issues, and good food. The conversation flowed like water and the closeness we shared was rooted in a lifetime of love. We laughed and people-watched. She made me a sandwich which I enjoyed while listening to the gentle waves washing up on the shore. I haven’t eaten lunch sitting on the beach since I was a kid. The memories flooded me while sitting there peacefully.

                My sister told me that our time was up and we needed to head back to the house. She was concerned about an approaching storm. I told her we still had some time and asked to sit quietly for a few minutes so I could let the ocean waves work on my soul. She agreed and I allowed the sound to work its magic. I didn’t want to leave but knew we needed to get going.

                On our trip we stayed with my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law is a great cook and always has plenty of wonderful food to eat. I am always looking for something I can do to help my mother-in-law while I am home. I prefer to work outside, including…yes…pulling weeds. I will also help out inside if there are some things I can do.  She tells me that she feels guilty that I stay busy while I am home, but I enjoy any opportunity to serve.

                I have become increasingly convinced of two things on this trip. First, I believe God likes it when we slow down and allow our spirits to be refreshed. He enjoys relaxing with us. Sometimes I struggle with the idea of slowing down because I feel like I should be getting something done. When I go to the beach I can easily let everything go and enjoy the peacefulness. Second, I think God is deeply pleased with us when we find ways to serve others, especially when we do things we really don’t like to do…like pulling weeds. Helping and serving others doesn’t and shouldn’t feel like work. When we can discover ways to serve others I believe it is God working through us to bless them.

                I want to encourage you to rest and serve others. Discovering ways you can refresh your spirit while at home and away are important if you want to be ready for opportunities that God brings your way. There are always things that we can do, but being busy is not what pleases God. When we apply ourselves to giving our best to our employers and seeking opportunities to bless and serve others…that pleases God. It seems ironic that God can be pleased in both our resting and our serving, but I truly believe that is true. In fact, I believe we can be refreshed while we are serving. Either way, resting or serving, we get the benefit of doing both with our Heavenly Father.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Helping Others

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By Doug Creamer

Helping Others

            Last week some teachers and students from the RCCC GED program gathered to work on a Habitat for Humanity house. It was a warm, dry day. We arrived and were put to work on insulating the house. The project manager showed us how to put the insulation up and we went to work.

            Insulation is different than it was years ago. We were not working with fiberglass, which can be so itchy. This insulation is packed tightly in bundles. When you slice the plastic off, it expands rapidly.  Then the project manager showed us how to put it between the studs. Pressure holds the insulation in place.

            There was some cutting of the insulation to get it to fit in tighter places. While the insulation wasn’t itchy, it was very dusty. Some of us were coughing, especially when we had to cut it to fit in tight places. It was not hard work, and with the crew we had there we got it done quickly. We helped with moving equipment and supplies around the house, which helped the project manager. Before long the work was done and we all left feeling good for helping.

            I found out that people who get a Habitat house have to work between 300 – 450 hours on houses before they are eligible for a home. Hours they spend on their own home can count towards their total hours. I think it is a great lesson requiring people to give back in order to receive a house.

            Some people believe that Jimmy Carter started Habitat but that isn’t the case. It was started in 1976, the year he became President of the United States. Jimmy started working on Habitat houses in 1984 and had been working on them up until his health issues interfered. He advocated for affordable housing while he was President and put his muscle where his ideals were when he came out of office. I have great respect for the work he has done for Habitat.

            The world around us is full of needy people. None of us can meet all the needs that we see on a daily basis. How does one decide which people we try to help and which people we choose not to help? I don’t know about you, but I like to help people.

            As a teacher, that is what I have devoted my life to doing, helping people. I learned a long time ago from a wise assistant principal: I can’t help every student who comes through my door. I can only help the students who want to learn, who want to accept what I have to offer. This was a very difficult lesson because I can see a better future for someone if only they will listen and apply what I am trying to teach them. Some people don’t want it or won’t do it.

            I think part of it is that we have to be sensitive to the Spirit. The Spirit will guide us to those that need and will accept our help. I am not talking about those beggars that stand on the street corners day after day. Beggars existed in biblical days and they are with us today. Some we can help and others just want to beg and not change. When we help others we will get taken sometimes. That’s why we need discernment.

            When we consider who we can help, I think the first place to begin is with our family. Next we want to consider our church family. How can we help struggling church members? The next group would be our neighbors. Sometimes the people we live around need a helping hand and God might be sending you and me.

            Some people have a heart to reach out through missionary work. Many of my nieces and nephews have gone to other countries to help people in need. I have a friend who went to Florida with a church group after Hurricane Andrew’s destruction. Imagine all the Red Cross workers who help after disasters. I will admit that sometimes our neighbors who need help might be a little farther than next door.

            I want to encourage you to exercise discernment as you consider who you might be able to help. It’s not easy and I hate when someone takes advantage of me. But we can’t allow a few bad characters to keep us from offering a helping hand to those in need. God is watching and He remembers your kind words and actions. Sometimes all someone needs is a kind word or a simple smile, and that is something that costs nothing that we can all do.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Remembering Dad’s

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By Doug Creamer

            I live at the end of a street with woods on one side. I enjoy the privacy and the coolness that the woods provide on a hot summer day. I often wait until late afternoon to cut my grass because the woods help shade my yard. One day while cutting the grass I was thinking about a book I would like to write someday. I was considering the possible dialog and the setting of the story when I looked down and saw a golf ball.

            It was sitting right at the edge of the woods. I stopped and stared and wondered if I was dreaming. What is a golf ball doing on the edge of the woods? I was immediately transported to my childhood. Twice in my life we lived with a golf course in the backyard. Most summer evenings after supper my dad, brother, and I would play a few holes of golf.

            The memory of playing and being out on the course is a strong and pleasant memory. While we were out there we also did something we called “ball-hawking.” This is when you walk along the edge of the woods and around the ponds looking for golf balls. Some days we would find brand new balls and other times we found what Dad termed shag balls. Those were the scuffed and scarred ones.

            Ball-hawking was something that I really enjoyed, and in fact dream about, from time to time. I think it’s like finding hidden treasure. Sometimes Dad would call me Eagle Eye because I was pretty good at finding lost balls. My trouble is that I was never very good at keeping an eye on a ball I was hitting.

            My dad was always a member of a golf club. Every year the club would have an annual Father-Son golf tournament. Since my father has two sons he would have to play two rounds of golf. My brother is much more competitive and a better player than I am. They used to do well in the tournaments. But one year when they thought they had a good chance of winning a trophy, it was my dad and I that won. I still have that trophy. 

            My dad, who is an age I am not allowed to write, still gets out and plays golf as often as his body will allow. He gets out and walks and encourages me to do the same. He even worked a part-time job until…I can’t put that age in the paper either.

            Dad climbed the corporate ladder and had a long career. There are many qualities from his working career that I remember and hope I picked up from him. He always dressed professionally, including a suit, when I was a kid. I always tried to look professional in my job because I met with employers and community leaders.

            Dad has always had high ethical standards. He is a numbers guy and always made sure the numbers were correct. Speaking of numbers, he could easily do calculations in his head. I could call out three numbers and he could instantly add them in his head. He also knew his times tables. I am glad that I inherited his ability.

            Dad also has the ability to see things from multiple points of view. He loves to discuss hot topics and will sometimes play devil’s advocate to his own point of view just to keep the discussion going. This gift comes in handy when I have faced life choices. He can see things from perspectives I haven’t considered and ask me questions that I need to consider before I make my final decision.

            When we think about our fathers we have to realize that they were not perfect. The Good News is we have a Heavenly Father who is perfect. He loves you unconditionally. He will never leave you or forsake you. He sees the best in you and is planning a great future for you. He keeps a close watch on you. He always has time for you and looks forward to your next encounter. He is a good, good Father.

            I want to encourage you to remember and honor your earthly father. I know he wasn’t perfect, but reflect on those qualities that you appreciate about him. Remember to also connect with your Heavenly Father, who is perfect and loves you with an everlasting love. Allow His grace and mercy to wash over you and give you perfect peace. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers in my audience…Have a blessed day!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

The Stuff We Live With

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By Doug Creamer

The Stuff We Live With

            We keep our tropical plants in the garage for the winter. I built a special room for them but they have spilled out to the rest of the garage. When I got them all out for the summer I left the mess to clean up later. Last weekend was “later.”

            I pulled the cars out and cleaned out the plant room and then decided to sweep the garage. One corner is where I keep my golf clubs and golf balls. I haven’t used the clubs in years. It is amazing how many spiders, cobwebs, leaves, and dead grass can accumulate in the corner of a garage. Now the corner is all cleaned and straightened up.

            Another corner of the garage is my chemical corner. I keep weed killer, oil, anti-freeze, paint, and pest control products. It’s jumbled up. I decided that needed some attention. Why do I have four bottles of weed killer? There are some empty and full cans of paint. Can’t throw away the empties because we won’t remember what color we used.

            There is more that needs to be cleaned out of the garage, and the storage building could use some evaluation of its contents. I do throw some things away and I take carloads to Goodwill, but there always seems to be more that needs our attention.

            I know that we aren’t alone in our need to clean out and throw away. I have helped a number of friends move and even those who live in apartments have lots of “stuff.” Where did all our “stuff” come from?

            The more I think about this idea of excess stuff the more I realize that it is not limited to physical things in our homes. Many of us are living with lots of spiritual, mental, and emotional baggage that we need to consider unloading. The process of letting go is just as difficult with this kind of clutter as it is with the physical clutter in our lives.

            Take the challenge of forgiveness. When we are wronged by someone it can be very difficult to forgive people. When we harbor unforgiveness we have to carry it with us. It becomes a burden. Releasing the unforgiveness to God and allowing Him to deal with the person will change our lives and free us from things like bitterness.

            Forgiving others is one challenge; forgiving ourselves, another. We all fall short of a perfect life in many ways because we are human. Coming to terms with our own human faults and failures and seeking God’s forgiveness is the first step to allowing our self-forgiveness to emerge. God wants us to enjoy richer, fuller lives through forgiveness.

            There are many other areas in our lives that need cleaning out. While it feels easier to close a door and forget them, I think it’s better to deal with them. One of the ways to better physical, mental, and emotional health is through exercise. While most of us would agree that walking on the beach can do miracles for us, walking in our neighborhoods can be great for body, mind and spirit. We can clear the clutter simply by being physically active.

            We live in a world that can be very overwhelming. All these things can invade our spiritual well-being. God wants us to live with peace, joy, and His love filling our hearts. But when our hearts and minds are filled with the stresses of daily life, worries about tomorrow, and anxiety about everything, God can get pushed out.

All of these things affect and infect our spirits. They flood our hearts and minds, leaving little room for God. He wants to help us clean the clutter and make more room for Him. The help we need can come through exercise, fellowship with our church family, the prayers of family and friends, spending time alone with God and allowing His Spirit to work, digging into God’s word searching for His answers to our problems, and sometimes through the help of spiritual leaders and counselors. Clutter cleaning is work, but with God’s help we can find freedom.

            I want to encourage you to open the doors of your heart and mind and see if there are some things to clean out. The stuff keeps us from the freedom that He bought for us. God wants to help us lighten our load. When He gets stuff cleaned out there will be more room for Him. He promises that His burdens are easy and light. It may be a challenge but it will sure make life better.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Honoring Others

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By Doug Creamer

            My supervisor asked me and a co-worker if we could help her with a program she was presenting at the college one evening. After a bunch of phony excuses and lots of teasing, we agreed to be there to help. I have done awards ceremonies before and I know from experience it takes a team to get the job done right.

            When we arrived the place was already humming. There must have been about six of us there, all doing various things to get ready for the program. The awards stage was set up. We put tablecloths out. We got the food and drinks for the reception nicely displayed. There are so many details to a program like that.

            The program was to induct new members into the National Adult Education Honor Society. The teachers collaborated with the supervisor to determine who would be nominated for the award. There are specific criteria that the candidates had to meet in order to be nominated. The winners were all outstanding students.

            The program began with a guest speaker who had experienced every unlucky break in her young life. These bad breaks led her down a path to a life filled with drugs, alcohol, and time spent in jail. She even shared a story where she was shot in the stomach multiple times.

            She shared that through some people at the community college who believed in a better future for her, she was able to begin to believe in a better future for herself. She took some classes, worked at the community college and earned her associates degree. She went on to the university to earn her bachelor’s and master’s degree.

            Then she returned to the place and the people who believed in her and now works full-time at the community college. She is an energetic and compassionate person who can help others because she understands the challenges and difficulties of life. She is a true advocate for students and a blessing to everyone she meets.

            My supervisor took the stage and began by honoring her supervisor and the teachers that she supervises. We have a great team led by two outstanding supervisors. Next, my supervisor spoke about each of the students we were there to honor. She pointed out specific character qualities each student possesses, thereby bringing honor to each one of them. She imparted her faith in them and seeds of hope for the great future she envisions for each of the students.

            Isn’t that something we all need, someone who sees the potential in us that we can’t see? I can remember two men in the Boy Scouts who saw leadership potential in me when I was young. I feel indebted to them for all they did to help me grow up and become a man. I can also look back on my faith and I remember another man who poured into me so much and asked for nothing in return. The deposits he made have produced great fruit in my life.

            Growing up spiritually requires effort on our part. We have to do the work of reading and applying the scriptures to our lives. We have to invest our time in prayer and fellowship with God our Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The third thing we have to do is to be around people who are mature in the faith so they can invest in our lives and help us on our journey of faith. No one can or is supposed to walk out their faith alone.

            I think one of the most important steps in our faith is when we reach the point where we are making deposits in other people’s lives. We aren’t supposed to take everything in and keep it; we have to give it away. The lost need to hear that there is hope and a way to salvation. The discouraged need a word of encouragement and a helping hand. God sends people like you and me to be His hands and His voice through the darkness to help them into the light.

            I want to encourage you to consider how you can lift up someone else. There are people you will see today who need an encouraging word and God may be sending you to them. There are people who are lost who need you to shine your light of God’s love on them. There are also people in your life whom you should thank and honor for many deposits they have made in you. When we lift each other up we are doing what Jesus does, and that is the best thing we can do.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Day By Day

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By Doug Creamer

            It has been a cool and wet spring, which has put many home gardeners behind. Trying to find time that is dry and warm enough to get started has been a challenge this year. I was finally able to get out and get things planted in my garden. Some things are popping through the soil and I am so excited to be getting this garden season going.

            My garden looks so good this year. The weeds are way down and I am hoping that my fencing will keep the critters out. I have been putting my hoe to work on the weeds and need to find a way to attach the fence to the wood that surrounds my raised beds. The critters could squeeze through and eat my newly sprouted vegetables.

            I grow most of my garden from seeds. I buy tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and okra in cell packs. Everything else comes from seeds. I grow a variety of delicious vegetables in a small space. I look for varieties that don’t take up too much space. There is nothing like preparing the soil and planting seeds in the garden.

            I love walking out to the garden every day after I plant it. I realize for the first few days it is a futile walk. But then one day I will walk out there and be rewarded with green shoots beginning to break through the soil. Then I will see the first leaves of a new plant. Over the next couple of days I will see more stems and leaves as the seeds sprout and begin to grow. I find it amazing that sometimes you can see what looks like the original seed perched on the new stems.

            I have been having this feeling that God is moving and that things are going to change. While I know and firmly believe that God is always up to something good for us, when these feelings of change are stirring within me…it gives me a sense of unease.

            My mind has been racing and my prayers have been filled with questions about what is going to change. I have created a mental list of things that I know will change and wondering which one is coming. Unfortunately, some of my thoughts about the upcoming changes are about unpleasant things. These thoughts can lead to worry.

            Then God met me at the garden fence the other day. In my spirit I heard him whisper, “Do you remember those seeds you planted the other day? They are changing.”  I looked down, and sure enough those seeds were no longer seeds, but plants growing, and in time plants that will produce a harvest. “Change doesn’t have to be something bad. It can be something wonderful.”

            I had a birthday recently where I added a zero to my age. That change has caused me to think about all the things that have changed since I last added a zero. There have been so many changes in the last ten years. So when my thoughts turn to the future and what changes lie ahead, I can feel uneasy.

            One day while I was walking, I expressed my worry and concern about the upcoming changes in my life to the Lord. He listened patiently and then said, “Yes, there will be lots of things changing in the next ten years. Some of the changes will be good, while others will bring challenges, but you can be assured of one thing…I promise that I will walk with you through every change.” With this thought came His peace.

            I really don’t know what lies ahead, but I do know the One who goes before me to prepare the way for me. There will be changes in the future. My testimony is that God has seen me through so many changes in my past, and I am convinced He will see me though the changes that lie ahead. I can think about them and worry about them, or I can choose to trust Him as He walks me through each one of them. When I consider how a garden grows I realize that the changes that are on the way are going to produce new fruit in me.

            I want to encourage you to consider the changes you are facing. Some of them are good and some are going to be challenging. Let me encourage you to trust Him in and through those changes. He sees you on the other side of those changes, thriving. He is a good Father who not only has a close eye on you, but His hand as well. Trust Him and enjoy the ride!   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Gardening & Mom

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By Doug Creamer

            It’s been a busy spring but I finally got things going in my vegetable garden. I needed to amend the soil and work on my fences around the garden. One fence was working well against the deer but needed to be lowered to help keep the rabbits out. The other fence was a plastic mesh that the rabbits were making holes in to access the food I planted for them. I replaced that fence with a metal one in hopes of keeping those pesky rabbits out.

            A number of years back I switched to raised beds for the vegetables. My beds were getting depleted of soil. I wanted to get a dump truck of soil but it didn’t work out for this year. I got a variety of soil additives which I mixed into the beds. I have most of my garden in with a few exceptions. I feel hopeful and upbeat about the chances of a good harvest.

            My love for gardening was birthed many years ago. My mother has always enjoyed making things grow and she shared her passion with me. She taught me to work the soil, to plant the seeds or transplants, and to water the garden. I know she tried to instill in me the importance of weeding, but that particular aspect of gardening didn’t take hold.

            Mom has always been a champion of neglected plants. She loves to nurture them and revive them to their former glory. My mom loves to see things grow and she loves a variety of different plants all growing together. She sometimes forgets the names of her flowers but never fails to make them grow and bloom.

            Wherever my mother lives she makes things grow in her flowerbeds. Mom loves to get things growing in the front of her house and the backyard, too. She doesn’t limit herself to growing plants in the ground. She has plenty of things growing in pots, as well. She is also willing to share if you see something you like. Just point at something and say you like it and the next time you come around she will have a baby started in a pot for you.

            Mom isn’t limited to growing flowers. She loves vegetable gardening, too. She often wants to compete with me and see if she can get things going sooner. She almost always beats me in getting the first tomato or squash. I do remind her that she has more time to get things going since I still work, but she doesn’t allow that to stop her from teasing me.

            When it comes to sharing, my mom doesn’t stop at flowers and vegetables. My Mom is quick to share her faith with you. Mom has always had a strong belief in God and has allowed that to infect every area of her life. Mom taught me how to draw closer to the Creator while I was working out in the yard. I have learned to expand that to include anytime I find myself outside, including gardening, walking, sitting on the porch, and especially, walking the beach.

            We all need to take a page out of Mom’s book and learn how to pass along our faith. I know it isn’t as easy as passing along a flower or plant, but it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. When we allow faith to infect every area of our lives and we invite God to join us in our daily lives it becomes easier to share Him with others.

            Sometimes what we share might be an encouraging word to a brother or sister in Christ. God has given each of us the ability to lift each other up when life gets us down. Other times God will open the door for us to share the reason we live with hope. People who do not know God or His goodness look at how dark the world feels and wonder about the source of our positive outlook on life. They need to hear our story, our reason for hope in darkness. They need us to share Jesus.

            I want to encourage you to share your faith with others in your life. Whether it is an encouraging word or your favorite scripture, those words will offer life and hope to those in need. God chooses to use people like you and me, people who are broken and don’t have it all figured out, to bring light and hope to those who are lost. When you step out and share you are helping other people grow their gardens of faith, their flowers of hope.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

May Lessons

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By Doug Creamer

            The weather has been fickle. It starts to warm up and then it cools down. I think we have finally turned the corner on the cold weather. The reason I am hoping the weather stays warm is that I brought my wife’s plants out of the garage. Her tropical plants find a home inside our garage every winter. It is always a happy day when we can bring the plants back outside.

            My wife has many beautiful plants. Some can tolerate the cold and stay outside for the winter. But she has a fair number of plants that have to come in for the cold winter months. When May rolls around, I feel safe moving them outside. I know we can still get a few cold nights in May, but the plants should be fine.

            We work together to clean off old, dead leaves and trim the plants back. She will add soil and fertilizer to the plants and before you know it, the plants will put on a flush of new growth. The trouble for me is that the plants seem to be getting heavier. When I was in my 20’s and 30’s I could just pick the plants up and easily move them. Now it requires more effort.

            When I reached for one of the plants the other day I didn’t stop and think about what needed to happen before I acted. I lifted this heavy plant and twisted my body. That didn’t work. I felt the pain shoot through my back and side. I quickly dropped the plant, but it was too late. The muscles in my side and back were already agitated, and then the pain gripped me.

            I have to learn is that I can’t lift and do things as easily as when I was younger, which implies that I am getting older. I struggle with this lesson. The guy looking back at me in the mirror doesn’t look old. I don’t feel old. Age is all relative. I need to explain that to my back.           

My students perceive me as being old, but maybe there are some benefits to being my age.  With age comes wisdom. Life has taught me many lessons and I am grateful for each one of them. Time gives us insight and a better understanding of how life works. I’ll take that.

There are plenty of dumb things that I have done in my life and experience has taught me not to repeat them. Experience is a great teacher if I take time to apply those lessons to other life circumstances. Wisdom and experience are good gifts for age.

            Another lesson from this pain is I need to ask for help. I have been learning this lesson in several areas of my life and I am trying to get better at it. I don’t like to ask for help. I like to be independent. The reality is that God did not tell us to take this journey alone. He wants us to be in relationship with others. You need me and I need you. 

            This may sound strange, but I struggle with asking God for help. I want to be spiritually independent. I want to be the kind of guy who pulls himself up by his own bootstraps. I want to be the teacher, not the student. The truth is that God has given me plenty of wisdom that I can share with others, but the more important reality is that I have so much more to learn about God and His mysterious ways. I want to know the depth of His love. I want to understand that His ways are higher and better than mine. I want to learn to trust Him at every turn.

            God wants each of us to put our hand in His as we walk through life. He promises never to leave us. That means we have to trust that He is there in the bad times as well as the good times. He has a plan for our lives and His plan includes personally interacting with us. We are called to walk with Him and with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

            I want to encourage you to lift your hands to your Father in heaven. Look into His eyes which are filled with love for you. Quiet your thoughts and allow His peace to envelop you. Open your heart and make room for Him to come in and help you with whatever you are facing. He has the wisdom to help you find the path through to His home in heaven. You don’t have to understand or even know everything. All you need to do is trust & believe in Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            Many times in my life I have heard pastors reference the freedoms that we have in Christ as if I knew what those freedoms were. I have often wondered about them but never really taken the time to learn about them. My pastor was planning to travel and suggested this would make an interesting topic for the sermon I would give in his absence. The trouble was he didn’t tell me what our freedoms are.

            I guess my pastors thought everyone knew about our freedoms in Christ. I can understand that because I taught marketing for 34 years, and every semester when I got new classes I thought they knew something about marketing when they arrived. Each year, when I would define marketing for the students, I would be surprised that they needed to write it down because they didn’t know it. Then I would remember, this is new to this group of students.

            How was I going to teach about the freedoms we have in Christ? Hello Google! The first thing I found I already knew. We are free from guilt, shame, and feelings of unworthiness. I was glad to remind myself that I can give Him the guilt and shame that I sometimes feel when I make wrong choices. I was also reminded of the forgiveness for our sins. Nothing makes the heart lighter than knowing we are forgiven. God forgives and forgets all our sins!

            I am free to approach God’s throne without any fear. In fact, God is excited and glad to see me. He is the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, and yet He is never too busy to spend time with each one of us. He is the perfect Father who loves each of us beyond our understanding. If we invest the time in this very special relationship, we can even call Him our friend.

            That means we can go to Him with our prayer requests. When we pray to God we can know that He hears us and that our prayers carry weight in heaven. Our prayers can actually change circumstances. Our prayers can bring heaven’s aid to those in need. Why do our prayers matter? We are God’s children and we have a special place in God’s heart. He wants to do things for His children. He wants to answer our prayers.

            One of our freedoms is the privilege to walk with God. He doesn’t watch us from a distance, because He is intimately involved in our lives. Since I get to walk with God, He will reveal to me His purpose for my life. Once I know my purpose then I am free to fulfill that purpose…with His help. One of our key purposes is to tell the lost about God’s great love! Each of us has a story, our testimony, about how God has set us free from our old lives.

            We have the freedom to partake in the blessings of being God’s children. Many think that we will receive all our blessings when we get to heaven. There will be plenty of blessings when we get there, but there are many blessings to enjoy while we are here on earth. One of my former pastors used to tell us that God wants us to have a good trip through life. That doesn’t mean that we won’t have any problems, trials, or difficulties, but it does mean that God will walk with us through those times and will bless us. We are free to be blessed by God!

            The Bible is full of many promises that God makes for His children. I am free to enjoy all those promises. Many of the promises in the Bible are conditional…if I do this, God will do that. But there are plenty of other promises in the Bible that are blessings for us to enjoy here on earth. Our job is to discover them and then claim those promises, like His protection, His guidance, His wisdom in times of need, His forgiveness, and His unconditional love.

            I want to encourage you to dig into God’s word and discover the promises He has for you. No matter what challenges you face, God is on your side to help you. He bought your freedom from guilt and shame so you could have an increased capacity for His love, joy, and peace in your life. Then He wants you to use those freedoms to share the Good News of His love with those around you. He also wants you to enjoy His favor in your life and to allow that favor to give you a good trip through life.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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