Day By Day

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By Doug Creamer

            It has been a cool and wet spring, which has put many home gardeners behind. Trying to find time that is dry and warm enough to get started has been a challenge this year. I was finally able to get out and get things planted in my garden. Some things are popping through the soil and I am so excited to be getting this garden season going.

            My garden looks so good this year. The weeds are way down and I am hoping that my fencing will keep the critters out. I have been putting my hoe to work on the weeds and need to find a way to attach the fence to the wood that surrounds my raised beds. The critters could squeeze through and eat my newly sprouted vegetables.

            I grow most of my garden from seeds. I buy tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and okra in cell packs. Everything else comes from seeds. I grow a variety of delicious vegetables in a small space. I look for varieties that don’t take up too much space. There is nothing like preparing the soil and planting seeds in the garden.

            I love walking out to the garden every day after I plant it. I realize for the first few days it is a futile walk. But then one day I will walk out there and be rewarded with green shoots beginning to break through the soil. Then I will see the first leaves of a new plant. Over the next couple of days I will see more stems and leaves as the seeds sprout and begin to grow. I find it amazing that sometimes you can see what looks like the original seed perched on the new stems.

            I have been having this feeling that God is moving and that things are going to change. While I know and firmly believe that God is always up to something good for us, when these feelings of change are stirring within me…it gives me a sense of unease.

            My mind has been racing and my prayers have been filled with questions about what is going to change. I have created a mental list of things that I know will change and wondering which one is coming. Unfortunately, some of my thoughts about the upcoming changes are about unpleasant things. These thoughts can lead to worry.

            Then God met me at the garden fence the other day. In my spirit I heard him whisper, “Do you remember those seeds you planted the other day? They are changing.”  I looked down, and sure enough those seeds were no longer seeds, but plants growing, and in time plants that will produce a harvest. “Change doesn’t have to be something bad. It can be something wonderful.”

            I had a birthday recently where I added a zero to my age. That change has caused me to think about all the things that have changed since I last added a zero. There have been so many changes in the last ten years. So when my thoughts turn to the future and what changes lie ahead, I can feel uneasy.

            One day while I was walking, I expressed my worry and concern about the upcoming changes in my life to the Lord. He listened patiently and then said, “Yes, there will be lots of things changing in the next ten years. Some of the changes will be good, while others will bring challenges, but you can be assured of one thing…I promise that I will walk with you through every change.” With this thought came His peace.

            I really don’t know what lies ahead, but I do know the One who goes before me to prepare the way for me. There will be changes in the future. My testimony is that God has seen me through so many changes in my past, and I am convinced He will see me though the changes that lie ahead. I can think about them and worry about them, or I can choose to trust Him as He walks me through each one of them. When I consider how a garden grows I realize that the changes that are on the way are going to produce new fruit in me.

            I want to encourage you to consider the changes you are facing. Some of them are good and some are going to be challenging. Let me encourage you to trust Him in and through those changes. He sees you on the other side of those changes, thriving. He is a good Father who not only has a close eye on you, but His hand as well. Trust Him and enjoy the ride!   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Gardening & Mom

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By Doug Creamer

            It’s been a busy spring but I finally got things going in my vegetable garden. I needed to amend the soil and work on my fences around the garden. One fence was working well against the deer but needed to be lowered to help keep the rabbits out. The other fence was a plastic mesh that the rabbits were making holes in to access the food I planted for them. I replaced that fence with a metal one in hopes of keeping those pesky rabbits out.

            A number of years back I switched to raised beds for the vegetables. My beds were getting depleted of soil. I wanted to get a dump truck of soil but it didn’t work out for this year. I got a variety of soil additives which I mixed into the beds. I have most of my garden in with a few exceptions. I feel hopeful and upbeat about the chances of a good harvest.

            My love for gardening was birthed many years ago. My mother has always enjoyed making things grow and she shared her passion with me. She taught me to work the soil, to plant the seeds or transplants, and to water the garden. I know she tried to instill in me the importance of weeding, but that particular aspect of gardening didn’t take hold.

            Mom has always been a champion of neglected plants. She loves to nurture them and revive them to their former glory. My mom loves to see things grow and she loves a variety of different plants all growing together. She sometimes forgets the names of her flowers but never fails to make them grow and bloom.

            Wherever my mother lives she makes things grow in her flowerbeds. Mom loves to get things growing in the front of her house and the backyard, too. She doesn’t limit herself to growing plants in the ground. She has plenty of things growing in pots, as well. She is also willing to share if you see something you like. Just point at something and say you like it and the next time you come around she will have a baby started in a pot for you.

            Mom isn’t limited to growing flowers. She loves vegetable gardening, too. She often wants to compete with me and see if she can get things going sooner. She almost always beats me in getting the first tomato or squash. I do remind her that she has more time to get things going since I still work, but she doesn’t allow that to stop her from teasing me.

            When it comes to sharing, my mom doesn’t stop at flowers and vegetables. My Mom is quick to share her faith with you. Mom has always had a strong belief in God and has allowed that to infect every area of her life. Mom taught me how to draw closer to the Creator while I was working out in the yard. I have learned to expand that to include anytime I find myself outside, including gardening, walking, sitting on the porch, and especially, walking the beach.

            We all need to take a page out of Mom’s book and learn how to pass along our faith. I know it isn’t as easy as passing along a flower or plant, but it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. When we allow faith to infect every area of our lives and we invite God to join us in our daily lives it becomes easier to share Him with others.

            Sometimes what we share might be an encouraging word to a brother or sister in Christ. God has given each of us the ability to lift each other up when life gets us down. Other times God will open the door for us to share the reason we live with hope. People who do not know God or His goodness look at how dark the world feels and wonder about the source of our positive outlook on life. They need to hear our story, our reason for hope in darkness. They need us to share Jesus.

            I want to encourage you to share your faith with others in your life. Whether it is an encouraging word or your favorite scripture, those words will offer life and hope to those in need. God chooses to use people like you and me, people who are broken and don’t have it all figured out, to bring light and hope to those who are lost. When you step out and share you are helping other people grow their gardens of faith, their flowers of hope.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

May Lessons

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By Doug Creamer

            The weather has been fickle. It starts to warm up and then it cools down. I think we have finally turned the corner on the cold weather. The reason I am hoping the weather stays warm is that I brought my wife’s plants out of the garage. Her tropical plants find a home inside our garage every winter. It is always a happy day when we can bring the plants back outside.

            My wife has many beautiful plants. Some can tolerate the cold and stay outside for the winter. But she has a fair number of plants that have to come in for the cold winter months. When May rolls around, I feel safe moving them outside. I know we can still get a few cold nights in May, but the plants should be fine.

            We work together to clean off old, dead leaves and trim the plants back. She will add soil and fertilizer to the plants and before you know it, the plants will put on a flush of new growth. The trouble for me is that the plants seem to be getting heavier. When I was in my 20’s and 30’s I could just pick the plants up and easily move them. Now it requires more effort.

            When I reached for one of the plants the other day I didn’t stop and think about what needed to happen before I acted. I lifted this heavy plant and twisted my body. That didn’t work. I felt the pain shoot through my back and side. I quickly dropped the plant, but it was too late. The muscles in my side and back were already agitated, and then the pain gripped me.

            I have to learn is that I can’t lift and do things as easily as when I was younger, which implies that I am getting older. I struggle with this lesson. The guy looking back at me in the mirror doesn’t look old. I don’t feel old. Age is all relative. I need to explain that to my back.           

My students perceive me as being old, but maybe there are some benefits to being my age.  With age comes wisdom. Life has taught me many lessons and I am grateful for each one of them. Time gives us insight and a better understanding of how life works. I’ll take that.

There are plenty of dumb things that I have done in my life and experience has taught me not to repeat them. Experience is a great teacher if I take time to apply those lessons to other life circumstances. Wisdom and experience are good gifts for age.

            Another lesson from this pain is I need to ask for help. I have been learning this lesson in several areas of my life and I am trying to get better at it. I don’t like to ask for help. I like to be independent. The reality is that God did not tell us to take this journey alone. He wants us to be in relationship with others. You need me and I need you. 

            This may sound strange, but I struggle with asking God for help. I want to be spiritually independent. I want to be the kind of guy who pulls himself up by his own bootstraps. I want to be the teacher, not the student. The truth is that God has given me plenty of wisdom that I can share with others, but the more important reality is that I have so much more to learn about God and His mysterious ways. I want to know the depth of His love. I want to understand that His ways are higher and better than mine. I want to learn to trust Him at every turn.

            God wants each of us to put our hand in His as we walk through life. He promises never to leave us. That means we have to trust that He is there in the bad times as well as the good times. He has a plan for our lives and His plan includes personally interacting with us. We are called to walk with Him and with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

            I want to encourage you to lift your hands to your Father in heaven. Look into His eyes which are filled with love for you. Quiet your thoughts and allow His peace to envelop you. Open your heart and make room for Him to come in and help you with whatever you are facing. He has the wisdom to help you find the path through to His home in heaven. You don’t have to understand or even know everything. All you need to do is trust & believe in Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            Many times in my life I have heard pastors reference the freedoms that we have in Christ as if I knew what those freedoms were. I have often wondered about them but never really taken the time to learn about them. My pastor was planning to travel and suggested this would make an interesting topic for the sermon I would give in his absence. The trouble was he didn’t tell me what our freedoms are.

            I guess my pastors thought everyone knew about our freedoms in Christ. I can understand that because I taught marketing for 34 years, and every semester when I got new classes I thought they knew something about marketing when they arrived. Each year, when I would define marketing for the students, I would be surprised that they needed to write it down because they didn’t know it. Then I would remember, this is new to this group of students.

            How was I going to teach about the freedoms we have in Christ? Hello Google! The first thing I found I already knew. We are free from guilt, shame, and feelings of unworthiness. I was glad to remind myself that I can give Him the guilt and shame that I sometimes feel when I make wrong choices. I was also reminded of the forgiveness for our sins. Nothing makes the heart lighter than knowing we are forgiven. God forgives and forgets all our sins!

            I am free to approach God’s throne without any fear. In fact, God is excited and glad to see me. He is the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, and yet He is never too busy to spend time with each one of us. He is the perfect Father who loves each of us beyond our understanding. If we invest the time in this very special relationship, we can even call Him our friend.

            That means we can go to Him with our prayer requests. When we pray to God we can know that He hears us and that our prayers carry weight in heaven. Our prayers can actually change circumstances. Our prayers can bring heaven’s aid to those in need. Why do our prayers matter? We are God’s children and we have a special place in God’s heart. He wants to do things for His children. He wants to answer our prayers.

            One of our freedoms is the privilege to walk with God. He doesn’t watch us from a distance, because He is intimately involved in our lives. Since I get to walk with God, He will reveal to me His purpose for my life. Once I know my purpose then I am free to fulfill that purpose…with His help. One of our key purposes is to tell the lost about God’s great love! Each of us has a story, our testimony, about how God has set us free from our old lives.

            We have the freedom to partake in the blessings of being God’s children. Many think that we will receive all our blessings when we get to heaven. There will be plenty of blessings when we get there, but there are many blessings to enjoy while we are here on earth. One of my former pastors used to tell us that God wants us to have a good trip through life. That doesn’t mean that we won’t have any problems, trials, or difficulties, but it does mean that God will walk with us through those times and will bless us. We are free to be blessed by God!

            The Bible is full of many promises that God makes for His children. I am free to enjoy all those promises. Many of the promises in the Bible are conditional…if I do this, God will do that. But there are plenty of other promises in the Bible that are blessings for us to enjoy here on earth. Our job is to discover them and then claim those promises, like His protection, His guidance, His wisdom in times of need, His forgiveness, and His unconditional love.

            I want to encourage you to dig into God’s word and discover the promises He has for you. No matter what challenges you face, God is on your side to help you. He bought your freedom from guilt and shame so you could have an increased capacity for His love, joy, and peace in your life. Then He wants you to use those freedoms to share the Good News of His love with those around you. He also wants you to enjoy His favor in your life and to allow that favor to give you a good trip through life.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Our Thoughts

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By Doug Creamer

            My pastor and his wife are on a cruise. Their children got them the cruise as an anniversary gift right as the pandemic began. Needless to say, the cruise industry closed down with the rest of the country, so their cruise was rescheduled. The time finally arrived for them to have a much needed get-away. I hope they have a great, memory-making trip.

            The pastor asked if I would speak for him while he was away. I have kicked around various topics trying to find the right one. I walked and talked with the Lord, seeking His divine guidance. I have spent some quality time meditating on my front porch, considering how to say what God was stirring in my heart.

            When I speak at church I will often draw on past experiences to illustrate points I hope to make in my sermon. I felt God leading me to consider more recent events and some personal struggles. I don’t mind sharing personal stories but I prefer them to be older ones rather than current struggles in my Christian walk.

            I don’t mind admitting that I feel vulnerable sharing current struggles. It is easy to talk about biblical people and their problems and issues. It’s a little less comfortable when the spotlight is on me. Everyone at my church knows that no one is perfect, but pulling back the curtain and revealing my scars and imperfections is challenging. Thankfully I know that my church family loves me in spite of all the imperfections. 

            I am a very creative person. Creative people often have very busy minds. I am constantly observing things and considering how they might fit into a story or column. People are interesting. What are people thinking? What motivates people? Often I am thinking about conversations…ones that have happened and ones that might happen. I try to imagine what someone will say or how they will react.

            Beyond thinking about current events, I often reflect on movies I have watched. I will replay scenes in my head. I want to understand the characters in the movie. Music plays an important part of all our lives. Songs bounce around in my head. I don’t sing well, so I will sing the songs quietly to myself. I also enjoy reading books. I find myself thinking about what I read and wondering where the author might be taking me next.

            My mind never slows down, even at night when I go to bed. Sometimes when I get in bed or in the middle of night I will wake up and my mind will be racing, thinking about many things all at once. There are times that this creative mind will lead me down paths that end in worry and anxious thoughts. It is hard to admit that I struggle with anxious feelings. I am supposed to walk by faith, which leaves no room for anxious thoughts.

            Whether the thoughts come from me or the enemy, they are still in my mind. I know that we should not engage those thoughts, but I admit that I do. I have been learning how to change those thought patterns. The first thing I do is start thanking God for my many blessings. I will list anything that comes to mind, from family, friends, good health, and my home. That changes my thought process and my perspective.

            The second thing that I have been doing is reciting and mediating on the 23rd Psalm. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” God takes good care of me. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you are with me.” When I have a bad day, I remind myself that God is with me protecting me. “You anoint my head with oil.” God knows me and blesses me. “Surely (His) goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.” He is a good, loving, and forgiving Heavenly Father who will walk with me every day of my life. “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Eternity with Him, Amen!

            Meditations like that can change your day. When we remember God’s word we can turn our thoughts around. I want to encourage you to memorize some of your favorite scripture passages and then spend some time thinking about them. When we think about God’s word and His many promises to us we can discover a fountain of encouragement which will ultimately change our stinking thinking. God’s Word can give us better, uplifting thoughts and the faith to find the victory we desire.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

How Old?

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By Doug Creamer

            I recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of my 55th birthday. For those of you who struggle with math, I just turned sixty. I just went and looked in the mirror…the guy looking back at me doesn’t look sixty. When I was a kid, I thought sixty was old. I do not feel old.

            I understand that there is not as much hair on my head. When I was young I used to have really thick, full hair. My hair has been thin on the top for a long time. Yes, I know that my beard is mostly white, but it has been white for a long time now. I thought it looked distinguished.           Many people say that age is just a number. You are how you feel inside. Well, I feel like I am in my thirties. Those were good years. You are healthy; you are grown up and mature; you are figuring out life. Your debts are balanced and your income is good. Life cruises along…the only trouble was that life cruised along too fast.

            I didn’t think the forties were bad either. I was healthy and strong. I could work hard with an occasional rest. My finances were good and life still felt optimistic. The fifties began a season of changes. We both retired in our fifties which has an impact on our finances. My health offered a few hiccups but remained good overall. I noticed a drag on my endurance but still found that I could work hard.

            The question rattling around in my head as I enter this new decade is “What other changes are waiting for me?”  My doctor is helping me to see that pills will play an important part of the future. Isn’t that exciting! I imagine that there will be more rest breaks when working outside. I can also imagine that I will retire from my part-time job at some point. Beyond that, it is hard to imagine what the future will hold.

            When I consider the future, I am glad that I know the One who holds my future. The truth is, no one really knows what tomorrow will bring. We know that there will be some joyful moments and some that will be challenging and difficult. The latter requires faith in a loving Father. There is nothing coming my way that He won’t see me through.

            I guess if there is something that I have learned in sixty years is that having faith in God has made all the difference for me. We all know how to live through good times. It’s easy, just put life on auto-pilot and enjoy the scenery. The trouble comes when we are traveling through the difficulties in life. How does one navigate those times?

            The answer comes back to that one word: through. When we find ourselves in the middle of difficult times, God can reach down and pull us out. It might be a miracle or some unseen provision. He is a wonderful Father and provider. But often what I have learned is that God shows up at a critical moment in life, and instead of pulling me out of the difficult place He chooses to walk with me through the challenging time.

            God finds great pleasure in revealing Himself to us as the one we can depend upon as we go through the difficulties of life. He wants us to know Him as God our healer. God our provider. God our sustainer. God our defender. God our comforter. God our helper. God our friend. There are many more ways He wants to reveal Himself to us. He wants us to know Him and depend on Him in every circumstance.

            I am convinced of one thing…there is so much I do not know about God. While I consider Him my Savior and friend, His ways are mysterious to me. He is always full of surprises. He is always faithful. He is always there, especially when I fail Him. His love has never given up on me. He is always pursuing me.

            I want to encourage you to walk closer with God and find out who He wants to be for you. He loves you more than you will ever understand. He cares about you and the many challenges you face. He knows everything about you and wants you to know more about Him. No matter how old or young you are He wants to connect with you, walk with you, guide you, help you, and love you. Turn to Him, open your heart and spend the rest of your life getting to know Him better.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Easter’s Renewal

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By Doug Creamer

            Did it rain at your house last weekend? I was beginning to think we needed to build an ark. We had over five inches of rain. I thought we were going to have a rainy Easter Sunday, too. Thankfully, the clouds pushed away, granting us a beautiful day to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

            After church on Sunday, I headed to my brother’s house, where my family gathered to share a delicious meal. I am not sure how many people gathered but the crowd included people from a one-year-old through several in their nineties. There were four generations gathered together and we all had a great time.

            After we ate, one of my nephews initiated a huge Easter egg hunt. It took a whole bunch of us to “hide” all the eggs. The eggs were so plentiful that there wasn’t much hiding going on. Eggs were scattered everywhere.

            Each person was given a container to collect eggs. When the littlest children could wait no longer, the signal came and we all started to collect the eggs. The plastic eggs contained candy and play money. All the play money could be taken to the “store” and exchanged for prizes. The laughter and excitement filled the air as young and old hustled to collect eggs.

            I have to tell you there is something special about watching people in their nineties collecting Easter eggs. The parents were clicking pictures of their little children as they discovered the fun of collecting eggs. I thought later that I should have taken pictures of the ninety-plus-year-olds collecting eggs. That will be a memory that I will treasure forever.

            As things were winding down, I walked with my Dad as he collected the last couple of eggs that were out of reach of the little children. That is another special memory I will treasure. Then we all sat down and looked through our eggs to discover how much money and candy we found. When I turned in my money for prizes I bumped into my mother, who was having a grand time picking out some special treasures of her own. The joy and excitement dancing in her eyes is another treasured memory.

            The little children, my great nieces and nephews, came around showing off their special treasures. The laughter and excitement could not be contained. Everyone went home with bellies full of great food, a bag of candy, a collection of prizes, and hearts and minds refreshed from a great time of fellowship.

            I can easily imagine Jesus coming and joining our family gathering on Easter Sunday. In fact, I think it would fill his heart with joy to know that families around the world came together to share fellowship, love, laughter, and great food.

            I think it is no mistake that Easter is in spring, a time of renewal. Nature reminds us of God’s renewal promises each spring. God sent His Son to heal and restore the relationship He intended from the start of mankind. We break our relationship with God through our wrong choices, but Jesus came to offer us a renewed chance at a relationship with God.

            When we take communion, we are remembering His death until He comes again. His blood paid the full price for all our sins and wrong choices. When we receive it we are forgiven for all our sins and wrong choices. His body was broken to bring us healing. His broken body heals our body, mind, and spirit. Jesus took the whipping, the crown on His head, and the nails in His hands and feet to pay for our healing. After dying for us, He rose again on Easter morning. He is the only God who rose from the dead. It’s our ticket to an eternity with Him in heaven. Our relationship with Jesus offers us healing, forgiveness, and an eternity with Him in heaven.

            I want to encourage you to receive Jesus, who rose from the dead on Easter. It is a gift you cannot buy or earn. It is one you have to receive. God knew you couldn’t fix all you have done wrong so He sent His Son to fix it. He paid for everything and offers you an Easter basket filled with hope, joy, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and a renewed life here on earth, and one day with Him in heaven. These gifts are available for you if you will receive them. They are free and available to you no matter how old or young, and especially no matter what you have done in your life. Come and receive your renewal.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Pruning is Good!

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By Doug Creamer

            There is a large pile in front of my house waiting for the limb pickup. Some of the limbs came down in storms back around the holidays. I put them off to the side at the time because there were too many other things that needed attention. The other part of the pile is from pruning that we did to some of our bushes.

            For the last couple of weekends we have worked out in our yard pruning things back. Some of our shrubs get annual trimming while others only get occasional pruning. Trimming only involves using the electric hedge clippers. Pruning involves getting the loppers and pruners and taking out bigger limbs. By the looks of the pile out front, we took out some big pieces of the shrubs we were pruning.

            When you look at freshly pruned shrubs they don’t look full and attractive. In fact, they look rather sparse. My wife has taught me repeatedly that pruning is very good for plants. I have become proficient at pruning our butterfly bushes and hydrangea. She has taught me how to prune them way back.

            I know that grapevines have to be pruned back in order to produce a good crop of grapes. Pruned plants come back stronger and healthier. Some people mow down raspberry canes and they come back each year producing those wonderful berries. I have watched my wife prune back her plants we bring in for the winter before they return to the outdoors. She prunes them, and adds fresh soil and fertilizer.

            Pruning takes away weak and unwanted growth. Sometimes when she finishes the plant will only have a few sprigs sticking up. Usually within a couple of weeks new growth starts to emerge and she ends up with stronger, fuller, and healthier plants. The same thing will happen with our shrubs. Within a few weeks we will see new growth that will look great.

            The trouble I have with pruning comes when I apply it to my life. I know and understand that pruning is a good thing. I understand that God will come along and prune me back spiritually because he wants to see new growth and fruit in my life. The evidence is all around that pruning is a good thing. But when God comes along with the pruners in His hand I want to run.

            I feel the same way when people talk about the seasons of life. I love when I sense a springtime arriving in my spiritual life. I can sense His spirit moving and working through me and I can see the fruit that is being produced in my life. What I don’t like is when I sense that fall is in the air. When I feel like God is bringing on a quiet season of winter rest, I am ready to jump on a spiritual plane and fly to South America for warm days and sunny skies.

            God has given us plenty of signals in nature that life moves in cycles. The tide comes in and goes out at the beach. We have four seasons. Plants sprout, grow, produce fruit, and then go dormant and rest. Every plant needs a season of rest before producing the next season of flowers and fruit.

            God has to come along with pruners so we will be stronger and produce more fruit for Him. He isn’t being harsh and uncaring; He is being the exact opposite. He is examining us and looking for weak growth to remove so we will grow stronger and healthier. He sees the potential that is locked away inside us and wants to encourage it to come out.

            God lovingly prunes out unwanted growth to make room for fresh, new growth in our lives. God even allows seasons of drought so our roots will grow deeper in Him. The deep roots are necessary to hold us firm through the storms of life. Actually, we should be excited when we see God coming our way with the pruners because that means we are emerging into a new season of growth and fruitfulness. He is preparing us for a bright future.

            I want to encourage you in whatever season of life you find yourself in…trust God! Enjoy the growing and fruitful times. Rest in and with the Lord during the dormant seasons. Don’t be afraid when you see God coming at you with the pruners. I know it hurts when He cuts things back, but He sees something better and stronger in you. He has a close eye on you and is dreaming of your new season of growth and fruitfulness.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Caring for God’s House

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By Doug Creamer

            We had our annual spring work day at church last Saturday. Our leadership team created a long list of things that needed to be done around our church. If given a choice of working inside or outside, I will always choose working outside. There were quite a few things that needed to be spruced up outside and I was looking forward to getting them done.

            Our pastor was concerned about the weather forecast for Saturday. Most of my loyal readers know about my love for weather, so I’m considered our church’s meteorologist. I follow the weather daily, and sometimes, hourly. My weakness is that I do not follow daily highs and lows. I am more interested in the next weather event.  

            Back to Saturday’s forecast. We knew rain was coming, but we were unsure about the timing. The front that came through last weekend was the one that brought the tornadoes to the Deep South. Pastor wanted to know if we needed to be concerned about getting a shower or the possibility of severe storms during our work day. I studied the models and forecasts and thought the rain would hold off until after our work day.

            I rolled out of bed Saturday morning to the sound of thunder. I knew I was in for a good ribbing from my pastor and the congregation. I tried to hide when I arrived at church but my pastor announced my arrival with some healthy teasing and lots of laughter. I laughed the hardest and pointed out that the rain stopped as I walked in. We were able to get a lot of work done outside despite the fact that we had a couple of light sprinkles pass through while we worked.

            Some people chose to work inside, changing lightbulbs, cleaning up areas, getting the nursery ready for a couple of new babies that will be arriving soon, and a number of other things to make our church more inviting. The crew that worked outside got the weeds out of the flower beds, cleaned out the gutters, put out new pine needles, and trimmed up some of trees, among other things, to make the outside welcoming.

            We had lots of fun laughing and talking while we worked. I love my church family. We are always there for each other. We are also blessed to have a nice place to call our home. Just like the places we all live, our homes, our church home needs to be maintained. We have to consider what people might think when they visit us. We want to make the best possible impression on our visitors.  

            Maintaining our churches is important if we hope to attract new people to follow Christ. One of our main purposes is to attract new people to the faith, to reach out to the lost. We need to work at keeping our churches up-to-date and well maintained. The same can be said for ourselves in both a physical and spiritual way.

            My Dad who is now #*% years old (I am not allowed to print that number) does a lot to stay physically active. He goes to the gym regularly, walks multiple times a week, and plays golf multiple times a week. He has been a good example to me about taking care of himself physically. He has cheered me on since I began walking on a regular basis. He will tell you that staying physically active will help you stay healthy.

            Equally important in my mind is maintaining our spiritual lives. Our spirits can’t thrive without a regular intake of God’s word. There is so much wisdom available to us about how to live our daily lives. It’s full of promises to help us through the dark times in life. We also need to pray, not just for our needs but for the needs of others and for our churches. Our spirits really need to be in fellowship with other believers. You can encourage and be encouraged. It is vital that we maintain our close relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

            I want to encourage you to work on maintaining your physical and spiritual well-being. God calls our body a temple. He comes to reside in us, so He wants a well-maintained home. He also wants to work through us to reach the lost and hurting with His hope. There are people all around you who need the Lord. A well-maintained life prepares you for those opportunities. I encourage you to maintain your relationship with God, take good care of your spiritual and physical body, and be an active part of your church family.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Changing Our Focus

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By Doug Creamer

            I went for my walk today to clear my mind and think about my column. It turns out that there was a lot to clear away from my mind. Every time I thought I had cleared my thoughts another train of thought surfaced. I was diligently working to clear my mind so I could begin to think about my column.

            I tried to pray and ask the Lord for help, but my mind kept wandering off in different directions. Sometimes we need to think through some things and other times we need to clear the clutter. I took a deep breath and looked up. The sky was a clear, brilliant blue.  

            I looked at some of the trees and saw spring green leaves beginning to emerge. Then I saw a Redbud tree in full bloom. The air was a crisp cool. Birds were singing and frolicking. I began to feel my clouded thoughts lifting and sense His peace and presence.

            I asked again, what do you want me to write? Nothing came. I have some reflective exercises that I go through to help me find an idea. None of them gained any traction. My walk was rapidly coming to an end with no idea in hand. I decided to keep walking. I began to think about family and friends, those I pray for on a regular basis. I started to pray for them.  

            I thought about other people I know and focused my prayers on each individual’s needs. As I rounded the corner to come home I thought about my neighbors. I prayed for them as I walked past their homes.

            I sat quietly when I arrived home and my personal cares and needs began to cloud my thoughts. My focus while I was walking was on others’ needs, but when I got home my own wants and needs occupied my thoughts.

            When my thoughts are focused on me I become distracted and I am not much good for the Lord or others. How can I hear from God when my thoughts are consumed with me? When I can stop thinking about me I can start to hear what’s on God’s heart and be sensitive to the needs of others.

            The truth is every person that we know needs prayer. Some people are going through terrible health issues, while others are trying to deal with the loss of a loved one. Some are worried about their children; others are worried about their parents. Some are struggling with their finances while others are losing the battle with temptation. You may know someone who is trapped by drugs or alcohol. Others may be fighting doubts, fears, worry, anxiety, or even depression. The list of struggles and battles is long.

            The answer to all these situations begins with prayer. People all around us need our prayers. You may feel inadequate but don’t let that stop you. Your prayers make a difference! Maybe you don’t know what you can do to help, but sometimes a caring heart and a listening ear is all someone needs to help them make it through another day. Maybe you feel inspired to call, text, or send a card to someone to let them know you are thinking of them and lifting them up in prayer. That might be God’s way of sending that someone a lifeline from heaven.

            I am convinced that God can and will use each one of us if we can turn our focus away from ourselves and onto Him. God knows all our needs and He will take care of us. He will watch over us. He can and will use us to be a blessing to others. We need each other in the body of Christ. We need to learn to take our eyes off ourselves and focus on Him and the needs of others; then He will take care of all our needs. That’s the way things work in His kingdom.

            I want to encourage you to move your focus off of yourself and onto others, and especially onto Him. He is a good, good Father who will take care of all of your needs. He needs you…did you read that…He needs you to be looking out for the needs of others. God wants to use you through prayer and sometimes in tangible ways to touch the hearts and lives of others. When we focus on God and others we will experience His peace and joy in new and unique ways. And we can watch in amazement as He meets our needs, too. We just need to change our focus.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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