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By Doug Creamer

            Our church has a men’s group that meets every other week which we call the Fight Club. The intent of the group is to encourage and challenge each other in our walk with Jesus. Choosing to walk with Jesus is not easy, but it is easy to walk away from Him. Our desire is to help each other deal with the challenges that we face in daily life and to remind ourselves that we are not alone in our fight.

            The other night in our meeting the topic of friendship with God came up. When I was lying in bed that night thinking about our discussion, I thought about my best friend, Jay. Jay and I worked together at Elkin High School. We ate lunch together every day. We have been to each other’s home and helped with numerous projects. He helped me move once…that’s friendship.      We always had fun together and were often up to something if you saw us together. We loved to laugh and to get others to laugh, too. One of the best parts about our friendship was the fact that there were no pretenses. We talked openly and honestly with each other. There was no judgement. We accepted each other even if we thought differently about some topics. I have missed my best friend since he passed.

            I feel very blessed because I have a number of very good friends. It is great to spend time with my friends because the conversation flows so smoothly and effortlessly. I always hate for the time to end and look forward to the next time we can see each other.

            I started thinking about Jesus and His disciples. Obviously when Jesus was in human form He could not be friends with everyone in the world. He limited Himself and lived within His limits. We know Jesus had friends like Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. His closest friendships were with His disciples. Even among His disciples, some were closer to Jesus than others.

            The Bible tells us that Jesus was closest to Peter, James, and John. They made up His inner circle. This doesn’t mean that Jesus wasn’t close to the other disciples, it just means he was closer to these three. I have been thinking about that and wondering why He developed closer relationships with some over others.

            I have been considering Judas, who betrayed Jesus. Did Jesus want to be close to Judas? Yes, the door was open to him because he was among the twelve disciples. But Judas was hiding that he was stealing from the ministry to benefit himself. I think Jesus knew he was doing it and tried to draw him back. Judas could not let Jesus see this dark side. He kept his sin hidden. It was that choice not to repent that kept him from a closer walk with Jesus and ultimately led to his betrayal of Jesus.

            I love Peter, who was one of Jesus’ closest friends. He was always blowing it. He made plenty of mistakes and often said the wrong thing. But he still remained one of Jesus’ closest allies. Why would Jesus let someone who made so many mistakes into His inner circle? Peter lived a repentant and broken life. He turned to Jesus time and again asking for forgiveness and help to be the man of God that Jesus saw and believed he could be.

            I believe the invitation is open to you and me. Jesus wants to develop a friendship with us but the ball is in our court. It’s up to us. We get to choose how close we get to Jesus. Like Peter, it doesn’t matter how many mistakes we make along the way. It depends on our heart, our willingness to repent when we make wrong choices, and our obedience to Him. The door is open through prayer, fellowship with Him, worship, and spending time reading and meditating on His Word.  We can connect as deeply as the disciples and become His friends.

            I want to encourage you to live like Peter, James, and John and become friends with God. Don’t try to hide things from God, rather, expose them and find the forgiveness and peace that you need. Go beyond reading your Bible and think about what you have read, asking God to reveal Himself to you. Pray and talk to Him like He is your best friend. Drop any pretense and be real with God. I promise if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. This friendship will last beyond this lifetime into eternity. Make the investment and become God’s friend.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Seeking Peace

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By Doug Creamer

            I think if we are honest we all can struggle at times to find and maintain peace. Beach lovers know it exists when you are down at the shore. Mountain lovers say it’s almost tangible in the mountains. Some swear that they find peace near streams, babbling brooks, or waterfalls. I can find it sitting quietly on my front porch.

            I think most of us have a place where we can go and find peace. I sometimes wonder if we believe that peace is tied to that location. Many men like fishing and hunting for the excitement the sport offers, but I believe that secretly they enjoy the peacefulness they experience in the waiting quietly part of their sport.

            We all find peace in our own unique ways. The problem isn’t finding peace but rather maintaining our peace. My pastor has been teaching us that everything we need in this life is available to us from heaven. This is a very scriptural concept. He has also been trying to teach us that since it is available to us then we can make something like a withdrawal from heaven to meet our needs.

            Let’s consider a practical application. I wanted to make a withdrawal of peace before going to Walmart this morning…a place where peace does not exist. Walking across the parking lot I could hear music blaring from speakers. I walked down an aisle only to discover a fellow in an electric cart going backwards beeping. There were people everywhere.

            I went about my business. Somewhere halfway through my list I stopped to ponder my little experiment. In spite of all the noise and the many distractions I really could feel His peace. It was not like walking the beach, but deep inside there was this little bubble of peace.

            Returning home I was really glad to sit peacefully on my front porch. Few things are more peaceful than eating my lunch on the front porch with a good book. I guess the result of my experiment was that peace is available to me even in Walmart.

            Peace is not the absence of noise. I feel some of the strongest peace in my life while we are singing worship songs at church. There will always be some noise and sound around us that does not define peace in our lives. Peace is more the state of our hearts and minds.

            What are some things that will push peace from us? Worry will crush peace every time. Being anxious about circumstances will steal your peace. Lack of sleep and rest will zap your peace. Distractions can move your focus from peace. Your emotions can betray your peace. The list of things that can pull or push us away from peace is long.

            How do we maintain our peace in a chaotic world? First, we have to consider that losing our peace might be a signal that we have moved away from God. Second, we have to realize that it is almost impossible to have peace when tragedy strikes. That’s normal. Even though life pulls on us, there are things we can do to maintain our peace.

            I believe that one thing we need to do is focus on the things that are good around us. I think it will actually increase our peace if we spend time each day thanking God for our many blessings. I know we all have problems and stress but if we can make our minds focus on the positive and give thanks for those things I believe our peace will grow stronger.

            I believe that there are many things that can increase our peace. I am learning that regular exercise improves my peace. Spending time with friends increases our peace. Laughing at a comedian or a movie can do a lot to lighten your mood and give you peace. Needless to say, laying your burdens down in prayer and trusting the Lord to take care of them will increase your peace. Worshipping Him and listening to Christian music will lift your spirit and increase your peace. Sometimes just turning off your electronics can do the trick.

            I believe that peace is available to us and that we miss it simply because we miss Him. I want to encourage you to reconnect with Jesus, the true Prince of Peace. Let His Spirit minister to your heart and mind. Let His love wash away the worries of this world. We really don’t need to go someplace to find our peace, we need to go to Someone. I bid each of you the peace of Christ.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Hope for the Future

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By Doug Creamer

            Last week I attended the state DECA competition. Even though I am retired, I still want to be involved with this great organization. Marketing students from across the state gathered in Greensboro for their annual competition. There must be over fifty different events the students can choose to compete in at the state level. It is so good to see high school students dressed as young professionals as they compete to go to the national competition.

            DECA is not the only student organization for high school students. There is FBLA for business students, HOSA for health occupation students, FFA for agriculture students, and FCCLA for family and consumer science students, just to name a few that are in the Career and Technical Education programs. Each of these organizations offers students the opportunity to compete on the local, state, and national levels. Students have to work hard to prepare for these competitions, especially if they hope to make it to the national level.

            For a number of years, I have worked with the state officer election process. Officers are elected based on four things: how well they complete their application, a written test, an interview with a screening committee, and the percentage of the vote from the voting delegates to the conference. I find it interesting that students may win the popular vote but lose the election because they scored poorly on the test or did not complete the application correctly.

            I help by giving and grading the tests. The students know what they must study for the test but some students just do not prepare for the test properly. After the test there is an interview process with the screening and nominating committee, which I also help to oversee. I sit in the back of one of the rooms while the committee interviews the candidates. My job is to make sure the committee acts in a fair and equitable way with each candidate. It is amazing to see how mature these young people can be.

            It is captivating to watch these 16 to 18 year old student candidates interact with a group of about ten of their peers. They act so professional and grown up. Seeing these young people rise to the occasion gives me hope in the next generation. These young people exhibit such strong leadership potential. Most of the students that win the election go on to lead the organization in a great way.

            I like to stay involved with DECA for many reasons, but one of the main ones is watching the young people get dressed up and acting professionally. It kindles a hope in me for a bright future. These young people will one day become innovators, open small businesses, run major corporations, and hopefully rise in the ranks of our political system. They will also become the parents who will raise the next generation. When you see these young people, you can’t help but see a hopeful future.  

            When you couple that with the revival that I have mentioned the last couple of weeks that is occurring on many college campuses…the excitement and enthusiasm for our future explodes in me. The revival that began at Asbury University has spread to many other college and university campuses. God is at work drawing people from many different backgrounds back to Him. I am hoping that this continues to spread across America and the world.

            Some people see the headlines from any news source and get discouraged. You cannot deny the darkness that exists in our world. Darkness has always been and will continue to be in this world. You have to choose what you want to see. I choose to see the youth growing and maturing into fine young adults. I choose to see the revival that is spreading like wildfire across the land. I choose to focus on the goodness of God and the many blessings He has given me. I choose to walk in the light of the gospel and live in the love of God.

            I want to encourage you to choose to focus on the good that is happening around you and in your life. There are a number of today’s youth who are on a good path. There is revival spreading through college campuses. I am stirring the hope that has kindled in my heart. I have hope in a good Father who loves and cares for me. I have hope that He is making good plans for our future by raising up a new generation that has fallen in love with Him. Stir your hope for a good future! 

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Signs of the Season

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By Doug Creamer

            I just came in from my afternoon walk and the signs of spring are everywhere. Many people have daffodils blooming in their yards. I saw cherry trees and saucer magnolias in full bloom. The forsythia has been blooming for a while now. I noticed that many trees are starting to bud, too. Better stock up on allergy medicine, the season will be here soon.

            I noticed today and yesterday that it wasn’t just the flowers and trees that were showing signs of spring, the birds have been active too. I have heard so many different bird songs in the last couple of days. I saw several groups of robins playing in some yards. It won’t be long now and we will be hearing the babies peeping from their nests.

            The days are getting longer and I like that. Also, it is nice that grass cutting season hasn’t started yet, but I am sure we aren’t too far away. Most people are hoping that winter, if you can call what we experienced winter, is behind us. I have looked at some long-term forecasts and it looks like winter might be coming to an end. I will remind you that spring and winter often battle it out in March and we can still see some snow.

            For now, I think the flowers, trees, and birds are doing a pretty good job pointing to the arrival of spring. It is one of my favorite times of year. I am beginning to wonder if I can plant my peas and potatoes in a few weeks. I want to work on my fences a little bit in hopes of enjoying more of my harvest and leaving less to the rabbits, squirrels, and deer. We are definitely in the dream stage as we will have some cold nights in March and early April.

            We all know the signs of spring and we welcome them…unless you suffer terribly from allergies. We look forward to the warmer weather because we know it will eventually lead to summer. We see the signs and we recognize the signs of the seasons. My question becomes, do we recognize the signs of the times we are living in?

            Things are happening spiritually around us and we need to sit up and take notice. I wrote about the revival taking place on the campus of Asbury University last week. That service lasted for ten days straight for 24 hours a day. People from across the country and the world were flocking there to experience a visitation from God. There is an awakening occurring.

            The awakening has spread to other college and university campuses. Some are going on for 24 hours a day while others are stretching for multiple hours every day. I have read and heard stories where the leadership of some Christian colleges are praying that a visitation will occur on their college campuses. I believe where people are crying out to God for an outpouring of His Spirit, God will show up.

            What were some of the signs that we saw during the revival on the campus of Asbury? First, people were repenting. We have all sinned against God and when people break down and confess their sins God is drawn to meet the broken hearted. God’s heart is always drawn to people who call out to Him, especially when they are seeking mercy and forgiveness.

            Second, there was a deep desire to worship God. We are going to be spending time worshipping God in heaven, so worshipping Him here on earth is just a reflection of what is happening in heaven. When you think about it, when we worship God we are joining what is already happening there. We are participants. So we enter His presence in a greater way.

            There are two things that I hope come out of the Asbury outpouring. First, I want to see it spread throughout the world. I want to see people getting born again and experiencing God’s love in new and profound ways. Second, I want to see transformed lives because people have been touched and changed through an encounter with the living God. Real revival means changed lives.

            I want to encourage you to join me in praying that this outpouring continues, especially on our college campuses. God often chooses to do new things with young people who are open to seeing God move in new and unique ways. Pray that this revival will spread across the globe. We want to see people getting born again and experiencing a love-filled transformed life. I am excited and expecting to see God do great things.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Revival Movement

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By Doug Creamer

            Have you heard the news? Have you read about what is happening at Asbury University in Kentucky? Last Wednesday they had a chapel service, a routine mid-week service that started at about ten o’clock in the morning AND it is still going on a week later! You read that right…a service that began about a week ago has been going on 24 hours a day since it began. There is worship, scripture reading, speakers, and people standing up and giving testimonies about what God is doing or has done in their lives.

            I read some of the reports and even watched some livestreams that have been posted from the chapel service. The worship I have witnessed is pure and sweet. I have seen some pictures of people crowded around the alter praying and crying in repentance. There is prayer and intercession going on for the students there at Asbury, their community, and our nation. I have read that the carpet around the alter is wet with the tears of the people.

            What is happening? Some are calling it a visitation by the Spirit of God. Some describe a peace that is so tangible that it impacts the body, mind, and spirit. In the midst of the singing, praying, and speaking, people say their hearts are touched by His presence. God is moving and people are repenting and turning back to God in faith.

            In the pictures and videos that I have seen the chapel is filled with people of all ages. It is not only impacting the college students but anyone who comes in the place. Other colleges are busing students over to experience what is happening at Asbury. People of all ages are coming by the carload to see and be a part of what God is doing. I saw older people and younger people joined together in worship.

            I have also read reports that people from various ethnic backgrounds and other countries have joined in the worship, singing in various languages. In God’s Kingdom all people are welcome. That seems to be the case in what is happening at Asbury University. I would love to experience the harmonious sound of all those languages joined as one in worship of our God. The thought alone stirs my spirit.

            I hope that this awakening will spread to other places. I have done some digging and discovered that at least one other university is experiencing a multi-day prayer and worship time on their campus, Lee University. I read a story that said over 24 other universities have sent buses to Asbury University filled with students hungry to experience God’s divine presence. Word of what is happening is spreading through social media and other schools are beginning to see God move on their campus, too. Students and pastors are gathering to pray and these gatherings are lasting for hours.

With all the buses and more people showing up all the time, Asbury University has opened two other auditoriums in an attempt to accommodate all the people who are coming. I believe these are signs of a new awakening, a new revival that I hope will continue to spread across our country and the world. These signs are present: a broken repentance, a weeping and calling out for God, intercession, and a heart to worship God.

            Jesus talked about new wine being put into new wine skins. His implication was that when God wants to do something new He will move among the younger generations who are open to seeing God move in new and unique ways. College students are certainly new wine skins and they seem to be drinking this sweet new outpouring of God’s Spirit. What I find encouraging is that people of all ages are tasting this new move of God’s Spirit and welcoming His presence with open arms.

            I want to encourage you to join me in praying that this outpouring will continue and spread to other college and university campuses. As our young people pray, repent, and call out to God, I believe God will hear from Heaven and answer their call. When we join our hearts with theirs in unity and call upon God to move upon our communities, I believe God will hear our cry and bring times of refreshing upon all of us. I want to see God move. I want to see people touched, healed, and saved. My prayer is that this is just the beginning of something great…a story that will stir our children and our grandchildren for generations to come to seek God.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

He Loves Us

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By Doug Creamer

            I went to the drugstore the other day and was confused. I walked down the candy aisle and saw both Valentine candy and Easter candy on display. Which holiday is coming up in a few days? Did I miss Valentine’s Day? Can you give Easter candy for Valentine’s Day?

            It is nice to have a holiday that celebrates love, especially during the drab winter. Many of my neighbors have flags or wreaths that celebrate the season of love. There are many great romantic comedies to enjoy watching at this time of year. And who can forget the Peanuts special where Charlie Brown is hoping to get a Valentine from the little redheaded girl in his class?

            I always thought Super Bowl Sunday was the first Sunday in February, but this year it is the second Sunday. That thought made me wonder if the Super Bowl could collide with Valentine’s Day. According to Google it hasn’t yet, but the possibility does exist. I hope whoever is in charge of planning the date makes sure that never happens. Can you imagine the potential turmoil in many homes if the most romantic day of the year happened to be on Super Bowl Sunday?

            All that worry aside, it is nice to take at least one day out of the year to focus on love. It is important to make sure we express our love to our family. Parents, grandparents, siblings, and our children need to know that they are loved and appreciated. Now, expressing our love for co-workers, friends, and neighbors is a little more of stretch for us guys. It is a little more acceptable to express our love for our brothers and sisters at church.

            Most of my life I have attended churches where guys can hug and express their love in Christ for each other. I know that in many churches women find it easier to express love and concern for each other. The guys will stand around and talk about sports, hunting, fishing, and if you get close to me…weather! Just because guys don’t express it as often as women doesn’t mean that we don’t love and care for each other. If you need help with something, most guys I have attended church with are going to be there for you. When you can find the support and encouragement of your brothers in Christ…that is love!

            Jesus had no trouble expressing His love for us. Jesus expressed His love through both His words and deeds. Jesus told us over and over again that He loves us. He also told us many times that God, His Heavenly Father, loves us beyond anything we could ever imagine. But Jesus demonstrated His love for us when He died for our sins.

            What many people fail to understand is that God is completely without sin. He has never had a bad thought, said the wrong thing, or acted in any wrong way. He is holy. He cannot tolerate or live with sin. When He created the earth and mankind there was NO sin in our world. The trouble arose when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and brought sin into our sinless world. God could no longer live with man. The relationship between us was broken.

            God created a plan to fix it. He loved mankind and wanted to connect with us. So God sent Jesus to become a living sacrifice in order to take away all the sin of mankind. His blood cleansed all of our sin away. Now, because of what Jesus did, we can be in a relationship with a Holy and pure God. Jesus’ love paid the price. Jesus expressed His love for us through His words, but more importantly, through His actions. There is no greater love one person can have for another than to lay down one’s life for the other.

            I want to encourage you to consider the example Jesus left for us…especially all you guys out there. Jesus expressed and professed His love for us. He demonstrated His love by His actions. Can you imagine how radically we could change the world around us if we learned to express and demonstrate that kind of love for each other? Look at the world around you; hate, violence, and anger are strong, but we know that love conquers all. God’s love through Jesus washes over all our sins and now we can live forgiven and guilt free. If you accept Jesus, you will be accepted and welcomed into the Father’s presence…a place filled with love, peace, and joy. Let’s celebrate LOVE… Happy Valentine’s Day!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Sticking Together

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By Doug Creamer

            Most of you know that I have retired from teaching full-time but I have not retired from teaching. I still teach part-time at the community college. It is such a great, low-stress job. There are so many things you are required to do in a full-time job that are not required in a part-time job. I get to spend most of my time actually teaching. There is such joy in helping someone learn something that they did not know how to do.

            In my career I have worked with many different people; some I enjoyed and some I do not miss. The people you work with can make or break a job. I know people who have changed jobs because they did not enjoy working with their co-workers. I can think of at least one job I left because of the people.

            I love the people I am working with on my current job. We get along, see things alike, work hard to do an excellent job, and we laugh all the time. I have always been a jokester at work. We have to spend so much of our lives working, why can’t we have some fun and laugh while we work?

            One of the best parts about my current job is that we are there for each other. We work well together to accomplish our goals. If one of us has to be out, we all pull together to get the job done. We are a team. Our supervisor and her supervisor strongly encourage us to be there for each other and they demonstrate that by their example. I feel their support every day at work.

            I feel that same support in my church. My pastor and the whole leadership team at our church are there for each other. It doesn’t matter what any of our members are walking through we are all there to love, support, and encourage each other. Jesus never intended for any of us to walk out our faith alone. He intended for it to be a team effort.

            The enemy wants to convince us that we can walk out our faith alone. His plan is simple because it is easy to pick off people who are alone. If we are alone, the enemy will fill our minds with all kinds of doubts, worries, and fears. It is easy to get our mind focused on negative thoughts. When we are alone there is no one there to help us turn our thoughts around and focus on the positive.

            I always have areas of my life that need to be worked on. There are times that I see great victories and I am moving forward. Then there are other times when it seems like I am losing more battles than I am winning. It is easy to get discouraged when the battles seem intense. We often lose sight of the previous victories. We don’t realize that we are about to break through.

            Those are the moments when we need each other. I need you to look in my life and say, “Hey, don’t give up! Keep fighting! You will overcome and win!” The truth is we need each other. When the battle is raging and we feel overwhelmed that’s when a brother or sister in Christ can make all the difference in the world. They can encourage us to keep pressing on because a breakthrough is just ahead.

            It’s powerful when we pray quietly and out loud for each other. The enemy wants us to stay apart so he can pick us off. Coming together and sharing each other’s burdens is how we succeed in the battle. We have to be careful who we share our struggles and worries with because we want to find those who believe in us and will fight with us to overcome. We need people who will build us up.

            We are in a fight. It is important who we pick to be on our side. Knowing that I have your back and that you have mine makes us pretty hard to defeat. We will all get knocked down. It’s critical that we surround ourselves with people who will pick us up and fight with us.

            I want to encourage you to consider carefully who’s on your team. Are they speaking words of life and hope to you? Are they praying and believing for your best? Are they there for you? Choose people who have faith in you. It is a team effort. Be there for them too! We are in a fight together. If we stand together we will see the victory.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Quiet Week

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By Doug Creamer

            For many years I listened to Garrison Keillor on Saturday nights. He had a variety program on the radio that included music, comedy routines, and a story about the people living in a fictitious town. He would always begin his story with, “It’s been a quiet week in Lake Woebegone…”  Then he would proceed to tell a great story about all the happenings in his fictional hometown.

            Today as I sit at my computer contemplating the upcoming week, I think it will be a quiet week here at home. We only have one thing listed on the calendar for the week. That wasn’t the case last week. We traveled to Winston on two different days. There were a few other things on the calendar as well. I was glad when the weekend arrived.

            The weekend was quiet. I ran a few errands, but other than that it was a nice, quiet weekend at home. After such a hectic holiday season, I rather enjoyed a quiet weekend. I like being active and having something to do; but I also enjoy some quiet times. It’s nice when things are NOT expected. It’s nice just to be…

            I realize that there are always things that need to get done. You have to make food, clean the kitchen, do laundry, and go to work. These are the basic routines of life. After having an especially busy week or month it is nice to slow down and catch your breath. While it is good for the body to catch some extra sleep and slow down, it’s also good for the mind and spirit to rest.

            I have sensed the Lord’s presence in this recent quietness. Sometimes when He draws close it’s because there is something I need to work on. Thankfully, there wasn’t anything on His agenda. He was quiet, peaceful, and present.

            While I was walking I thought about the times I felt the presence of God draw close. Naturally, God draws close when He needs to convict us about sin in our lives. God wants us to live a better life not trapped in sin. His grace and mercy help us when we stumble and fall. His love draws us back into a right relationship with Him.

            God also draws close to us when we are going through a hard time. When we experience loss of loved ones or when we find ourselves sick or in need of His healing touch God always draws close to us. He is our comforter and our healer. Whether it is our heart or our body that is broken God wants to heal us.

            There are times in our lives when God draws close so He can mold us. God’s goal in our relationship is to make us into the image of Jesus. That means that sometimes He needs to bring His refining fire or maybe He needs to trim us back. Nobody likes these experiences but God is molding us to make us stronger. He is preparing us to be more fruitful.

            We also know that God draws close when He intends to work through us. God always wants to reach out to others and most of the time He chooses to work through us. So to reach people He will draw close to us to use our hands or our lips. We are His ambassadors to the lost and hurting.

            The one thing I don’t think we consider is that sometimes God wants to draw close to us just because He wants to be close to us. He has no agenda or purpose. He, like a loving parent, wants to draw close to His children. He wants to walk with us, talk with us, and just share with us about our day. He wants us to experience His peace, joy, and love. He wants us to know that we are accepted and that He is proud of us. Many times we feel bad about ourselves but He doesn’t feel that way. He sees us and He smiles. We are not a burden. He wants us to want to be with Him. No expectation on either side, just being together.

            I want to encourage you to think differently about your next quiet day. Maybe God isn’t worried about changing you. He just wants to be with you. That is something to consider…the God who made the whole universe wants to stop and just hang out with you. God wants you to experience His love, peace, joy, and total acceptance of you…warts and all. It’s been a quiet couple of days here and to be honest, I hope it continues…

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Facing Trails and Struggles

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By Doug Creamer

            I wish life moved along at a nice gentle pace all the time. I wish we never faced difficulties or trials. I wish my flesh always made the right decisions. I wish my mind was always peaceful. I wish I never struggled with doubts and worry. I wish…

            We all find ourselves wishing for different circumstances at some point in our lives. Sometimes the circumstances are of our own making. We created the situation and now we have to deal with the consequences. Sometimes we are sailing along peacefully and life hits us out of nowhere. We were innocent and now we find ourselves in the middle of a mess that we are forced to figure out.

            Sometimes we find ourselves facing and dealing with stressful circumstances. Almost everyone thinks the holidays are stressful…even though we love them. We might be struggling with health issues. Maybe we aren’t getting along with a family member. Maybe it’s our finances that have gone wacky. Maybe our job is overwhelming or we are facing a move to a new city. Stress takes many forms but it weighs heavily on our hearts, minds, and our lives.

            Many people are fighting battles with time. There is never enough time to get everything done. I feel for mothers who are dealing with all the demands of their children. Imagine the stress single parents face balancing careers with the responsibilities of parenting. Add one more thing to the mix and those spinning plates come crashing to the ground.

            We are all facing battles and struggles every day in our lives. Some days we come out on top and life feels great. Other times we falter and fall and it feels like the world piles in on top of us. We’re buried and can’t figure out how to dig ourselves out. I know many people who need a helping hand and encouragement.

            When we are struggling in life, it often feels like God is far away. We can’t see Him or feel His comforting presence. The truth is that our feelings are lying to us in those moments. God is closer than we can imagine. I would suggest to you that in those moments when we can’t feel or see Him it’s because we are hidden in His robes. He is carrying us.

            Here are some practical things we can do when we feel overloaded. We have to remember that King David often found himself discouraged. In many of his Psalms he is lamenting life’s circumstances, but by the end of the Psalm he is encouraging himself. He reminds himself of God’s goodness, favor, many blessings, and how He has come through for him in the past. We can do the same thing. Review God’s promises, especially as they pertain to your situation. Remember how He has helped you in the past. He has His eye on you.

            I have two Bibles I use regularly. One is from my college days and I have a newer one that I use daily. Both have scriptures that I have underlined where God has spoken to me in the past. There are notes in the margins to encourage and build up my spirit. If you have done that then flip through your Bible and be encouraged. If you don’t mark your Bible, I encourage you to do so. It helps when times are tough.

            It is important to have a couple close friends you can lean on AND who can lean on you. God did not mean for us to walk out our faith alone. It’s okay to lean on someone and to accept some help. You will be on your feet soon and helping others.

            This last piece of help may seem unspiritual, but it works. Find a funny movie, a comedian, a hilarious book, or maybe some funny friends or family members AND laugh. Laugh out loud until your sides ache. The Bible tells us that laughter brings healing. A joyful soul relieves stress and can heal your physical body. It helps give you a fresh perspective. It makes you feel better. I have learned a lesson: In time most things work themselves out. We just have to go through the lesson.

            I want to encourage you if you find yourself struggling; God is working on the solution for you. His solution is perfect and timed right. You will probably be involved in the solution because God likes to work in us, with us, and through us. Try to laugh and be like King David, encourage yourself through His word and His many promises. Don’t give up…Help is on the way!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

God Wants Good Soil

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By Doug Creamer

            There is always a mixture of feelings when it is time to go back to work after a nice break. There is the part of you that wants to continue the nice time that you are having away from work. Then there is the part of you that wants to get back into the routines of life. My time off was good and refreshing.

One problem I have is getting up in the dark. The sky is starting to get light while I am eating breakfast, which gives me hope. I read someplace that we will gain 35 minutes of daylight by the end of January. Come on, longer days!

I went to the mailbox the other day and found some seed catalogs. I sat in my recliner and looked at all the fruits and vegetables. My mouth was watering for all those tasty treats. I walked out and looked at the vegetable beds and started dreaming about what I might grow and how I might protect things better from the deer and critters who want to help themselves to my stuff.

I know gardening season is still a few months away. I love springtime because everything begins to grow and I love to get outside and work in the soil. Those seed catalogs sure made me excited for spring.

I think I am going to get a truckload of soil for my garden this spring. I have been growing my vegetables in raised beds for a number of years and the soil needs to be replenished. I put the leaves in the garden, but I think a fresh supply of good soil might improve my harvest. The quality of the soil makes a difference in the harvest.

Between the catalogs and my pastor, I can’t stop thinking about gardening. My pastor talked about fertile soil on Sunday. He wants us to get our hearts ready to receive God’s word. He said we needed to work the fallow ground to prepare the soil of our hearts for all that God wants to do in our lives this year.

            The parable of the sower teaches us about soil. There was the rocky place, the path, the weedy area, and the good, fertile soil. The only seed that produced a return for the farmer was the seed that fell in the fertile soil. It seems to me that Jesus was teaching us that we need to work on the soil of our hearts if we want to produce a harvest for Him.  

            Each spring I run the tiller through my garden. I make at least three passes, going deeper each time. Once the soil is fluffed up I make the rows and add fertilizer. Sometimes I will add some soil to help the seeds start growing.

            If God wants to create fertile soil in us, what does He need to do? The Holy Spirit acts as a tiller to dig the fallow ground in our hearts. We need to work with the Spirit by adding God’s word to our lives. We will also need to add the fertilizer of prayer to get God’s seeds to grow.

            The work will not end there. We will have to guard our hearts from the weeds that want to keep us unproductive. Distractions and temptations can choke out the good seed God plants in our hearts. Once we start to see some fruit starting to form we have to be on our guard against the critters that want to steal our harvest. Laziness or busyness can keep us from enjoying a great harvest.

            I want a harvest in my life this year. I think I hear the Holy Spirit tiller running and I know where He is aiming. My heart needs to be stirred for the things of God. I have been reading the 23rd Psalm over the past few months. It’s hard to believe that each time I read it I see something different about God and His love. In my daily devotions, I am reading more slowly, seeking more, and discovering a deeper understanding and relationship with Him.

            I want to encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to till the soil of your heart and refresh your relationship with God. I believe God wants to do new things in your life. He needs fresh, fertile soil to plant the new seeds in you. If we want God to get a harvest in our lives, then we need to give Him room to work that fallow ground. Let His word come alive in you and pray and talk with Him because I see a harvest on the way.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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