Fall Chores

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By Doug Creamer

Fall Chores

            I love when the weather starts to cool down after a hot summer. Seeing the trees turn their beautiful colors makes me stop in my tracks. I am a fan of the bright red ones. Watching the leaves fall from the trees is like watching snow fall on a cold winter day. Naturally, all those leaves will need to raked and picked up, but for the moment I want to enjoy their beauty.

            Fall’s arrival means that there are plenty of chores that need to be done in preparation for winter. My wife’s plants need to come into the garage. I took care of that one right before the recent cold snap. The garage needs cleaning and straightening before the plants come in, which is a chore that I don’t like. Actually, I prefer bringing the plants out in spring versus putting them in the garage in the fall.

            The recent cold snap finished the growing season in the garden. I cleaned up the debris from the remaining vegetables. I found a small mess of butter beans. I also dug up my sweet potatoes. I harvested the only sunflower that I got to grow. I also picked what I thought would be the last of the tomatoes. To my surprise one of my cherry tomato plants survived the cold and is blooming again. Could we be in for some Christmas tomatoes?

            After getting the garden all cleaned up, I started collecting the leaves. I like to put the leaves in the garden. It helps keep the weeds down and provides a great place for the worms to live. I will continue gathering the leaves over the next couple of weeks and putting them in the garden. It adds so much to the soil. I haven’t cleaned the gutters yet, which are overflowing with leaves.

            There are more chores to do outside including trimming a few trees, cleaning up some limbs, and weeding. I am also working on doing a little painting. When you think about it, outside chores never seem to be complete. There is always something needing attention no matter what season of the year. I prefer working outside in the cooler fall and spring weather.

            Many people approach tending to their spiritual lives like doing chores. I have to read three chapters from the Bible. I need to pray for everyone on my prayer list. I must watch some preachers on TV. And when they get their list of spiritual chores done, they sigh with relief.      It is important to read our Bibles and to pray, in fact, I would say it is vital to good spiritual health. But I don’t think God wants us to approach it like a ritual or a requirement that must be completed daily. When we think of God that way He becomes a task master, someone who demands we perform our daily duties. God does not want us to view Him that way.

            I believe God wants us to view our interaction with Him as a relationship. He wants us to connect with Him on a personal level. Instead of praying at Him, He would prefer that we talk with Him. Prayer should be a conversation with God. Naturally, there are times of intense prayer, but on the day-to-day basis I think He wants us to talk with Him like we were talking with our best friend.

            When we read our Bible He doesn’t want us to approach it like a homework assignment that we are dreading to get done. Instead I believe God wants us to approach reading our Bible like reading a love letter written personally to us. The Bible is full of so many promises and God wants us to take those personally. It is full of encouraging and positive things that can help us in our daily lives. It is also filled with hidden treasures about who God is and how much He loves each one of us. I see different things each time I read a specific passage of scripture. The Word of God is alive and active and anointed by the Holy Spirit for us.

            I want to encourage you to stop looking at your relationship with God as an obligation and consider it as a personal and intimate connection to the creator of the universe. He made you and wants you to get to know Him. He loves you and longs to talk with you. Imagine that, God longs to connect with you. Yes, He is God almighty but He wants to be your friend. Open your heart and build a relationship with a living, loving, and caring Father and friend.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

I Want A Do-Over

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By Doug Creamer

            Where did last week go? Seriously, where did it go? I am old enough to know that weekends and some weeks go by fast. Even for semi-retired folks, time can fly by. But last week was ridiculously fast. I think my allergies are to blame. My allergies put me to bed for the weekend and I have been taking naps all week. 

            I know you might be thinking it was COVID. I have done my homework. There are some symptoms in common and some differences between COVID and allergies. I have fought allergies for many years; my symptoms were definitely allergies. But after a week, my wife and I were concerned that maybe I could have something more. We thought I should take a COVID test before going to work and spending some time with friends. Thankfully, my test was negative.

            I struggle every spring and fall with allergies. I have to say that I have been lucky the last couple of years. I am not sure if the mask wearing that COVID encouraged helped, but I haven’t been knocked down by my allergies until last week. I guess I am making up for the past couple of years getting off so easy.

            Don’t get me wrong, my allergies were flaring up each spring and fall but not bad enough to put me in bed. I haven’t missed the dragging around. I had plans last week. I guess the key word there would be “had.” The week is gone and I have little to show for it. It would be nice if there was a way to bank up all the extra sleep and make withdrawals later when I need it.

            I never skip church, but I missed it last weekend. I rarely stay home from work, but I did a couple of days last week. Allergies can be rough, especially when there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. I take plenty of over the counter products but sometimes the only relief is sleep. That can be hard to get when you are sneezing.

            I do understand what is happening with allergies. My body perceives something is attacking. I am experiencing my body’s defense mechanisms working hard to protect me. That all makes perfect sense, but why do I have to feel so lousy? How do I tell my body’s defense system to calm down?

            God created our incredible bodies and they have tremendous power to protect us and to heal us when we get injured. The dermatologist cut things off my body twice now and I have watched my body heal, which is a miracle. When we get colds or allergies our bodies are equipped to defend us. All of that comes from God who is our healer.

            I have seen people healed miraculously. I know that God is still in the healing business. I believe that prayer is powerful and it has a profound effect on our lives. I also believe that we don’t realize how much influence our prayers have on people or situations. God listens when we bow our heads in prayer. He not only listens but He acts upon our requests.

            I enjoy praying for others, but honestly find it hard to ask for prayer. But in this case I have asked both family and friends to pray for me. I am hoping that this cold spell will kill whatever is causing my sinuses to go haywire. But I know that the biggest reason I am beginning to improve is that I have good friends praying for my health. I have a good Father in heaven who is keeping a close eye on me and has even dispatched angels to guard and protect me.

            When I am feeling bad or struggling with life issues I have found great comfort in the Psalms. This time I read Psalms 1, 23, and 91. While I love Psalms 1 and 23, it was in Psalm 91 that I found great comfort. God promises so many great things to us if we will run to Him. He will cover us, protect us, comfort us, and tell His angels to watch over us.

            I want to encourage you to read Psalm 91. It is filled with great comfort for those who are going through a difficult time. I also want to encourage you to hang on; I promise you will make it through your situation if you cling to your Heavenly Father. He knows about your situation, loves you in your situation, and will help you through your situation. You can count on Him.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

We Need Hope

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By Doug Creamer

We need Hope

            Last Sunday the Emmy Awards were on. My wife and I try to watch the Emmys and the Oscars. It is fun to see the stars dressed up and looking their very best. It’s nice to hear them express their appreciation to those who helped them along the way. I also enjoy the good-natured roasting the hosts give the stars.

            This year as we watched I found it very interesting how many of the winners came from shows that are not on the big three. Many of the shows are on premium cable and streaming services. I guess I am not the target market for some of those shows. Maybe I need to expand my TV horizons…or maybe not.

            I imagine some people thought that maybe the stars shouldn’t have appeared on the show with so many people in our country suffering after the hurricanes. How could they dress up in such expensive clothes and be in such an elaborate place? When people are suffering, should they be showing off, laughing, and having fun?

            Oddly, I believe they should. When people are suffering they need hope. Nothing can help to lift our spirits like seeing people we invite into our homes each week up on stage being honored for their hard work. Watching their shows entertains and touches us in some way or the shows wouldn’t be on TV. The audience loves or hates the characters in their shows and we want to see what happens to them.

            When you think about it, the shows we watch become a part of our lives and the characters and their experiences a part of our own. So we root for our characters. These shows provide us a few moments of escape from our lives. People care passionately what happens to their favorite characters on their shows. So the award shows allow us to continue the escape as we root for our favorite shows and stars to win.

            In much the same way a good movie can transport us into another world for a few hours, so we can forget the problems we are facing in our own little world. When we are going through difficult times, it helps to go to a ball park and get a dog and a soda and root for the home team. We can enjoy sitting in the stands at a local high school football game, cheering the home boys to victory while we enjoy the band’s half-time performance and the cheerleaders stirring the crowd.

            I firmly believe that the people in the hurricane ravaged areas are not the only ones that need a little shot of hope. Many people are struggling with the bills and the many challenges of everyday life. We need a few hours of laughter and cheering to help lift us up. These kinds of things can help to stir the hope within us.

            One of the best places to find hope when we are struggling with hopelessness is in the Word of God and in God’s house with God’s people. We have all struggled with discouragement. God’s word is full of hope. God’s word reminds us that we are not alone and that God is always with us. God sees the way out of our troubles. God will lead us along the path to joy and peace.

            I assure you that no matter what you are facing, others in the body of Christ have been there and know what you are up against. They have overcome and found victory and they can help you through your pain. They have the scars to prove that they made it so you can make it through to your promised land.

            There is nothing like letting Christians pray and intercede for you. It is awesome to have your brothers and sisters standing around you, fighting for you and helping you stand. The next step is to find God’s promises to you, which are hidden in His word. These promises can be a great source of comfort and hope in dark times. God’s word can be a lamp to your feet to guide you through and out of the storms of life.

            If you find yourself facing hopeless moments, I want to encourage you to find the promises in God’s Word and hold on. Call some friends and ask them to pray and stand with you as you walk through the storm. Pray and talk to God because He knows your every need. Let Him lift your spirit as you lift your head to Him. He loves you more than you can understand and will see you through your storm into a brighter tomorrow.

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com


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By Doug Creamer


            The storm has passed, and for our area we are lucky because it didn’t require too much recovery. I saw that power was out for about 300,000 across the state at the height of the storm. While most of it has been restored, it can be rather frustrating if you are the one waiting for your power to come back on. I read that some people in Florida’s hardest hit areas could be without power for another week or more.

            I see piles of limbs and branches everywhere I look, but that is minor compared to what others have gone through from this storm. I have seen pictures from across the Carolinas of trees fallen, with some hitting people’s houses. Naturally, there was some flooding down at the coast. The coastal areas always have more cleanup after any kind of tropical storm. In comparison to other storms, I think the Carolinas faired pretty well.

            Have you seen some of the pictures coming out of Florida, where the hurricane caused the most damage? I saw some aerial shots that showed before and after pictures. In the after pictures there were no green plants or trees at all. Some pictures show no evidence of a house or business even being there. There are many pictures of boats piled up in heaps. There are some boats that are far from any water, sitting on the ground.

            For some people recovery will take a couple of weeks or maybe a month, but for others it could take a year or longer to get back to a “normal” life. A friend of mine lives about 100 miles from where the hurricane hit and things were back to normal within a couple of days. The area of devastation is not very wide, but if you were one of the people there your world has been turned upside down. There are many people who need more than our thoughts and prayers.

            I read a story that says the people in the storm’s path are not only struggling with the physical losses, but the mental and emotional trauma that stains people who have endured such traumatic circumstances. Some people are facing the loss of loved ones, neighbors, and friends, which only adds to the heartaches. The scars that some people have suffered are not always visible. While most will find paths back to a normal life, others will struggle to discover the path to healing and restoration.

            Recovery is something we all do differently. The trouble I find, and I am guilty of this, is that we don’t allow ourselves the time that is required to recover. We get a cold and hope to shake it in a few days and be back to full speed. Our bodies need more time to rest. I know some people who had Covid and it was just like the sniffles for a couple days, and then they were back to their normal selves. Others were in the hospital and had a long road to recovery. In either case, we need to allow our bodies time to heal and recover.

            Recovery from surgery takes time. We have amazing bodies that can recover from all kinds of trauma. I’ve had a number of friends go through open heart surgery and you can be sure it took some time to recover from that. The surgery on my arm to remove a cyst took a while to heal. Whenever we have some kind of medical procedure done we have to allow time for the body to heal and recover.

            The need for recovery is not limited to medical procedures. When we experience the loss of a loved one, we need to give ourselves time to heal and recover. Losing someone close to us, whether family or friend, requires that we give ourselves permission to grieve and the space and time to do it. This applies to losing a family pet, too. Sometimes the hurt we need to recover from is not physical but emotional or spiritual.   

            I want to encourage you to give yourself permission to recover the next time you go through something. If you find yourself in that place now know that it is okay to slow down and rest. It is okay to disengage and allow your mind and body to heal and recover. Some recovery only requires physical healing, while others include emotional healing. It takes a while to get over something. Don’t expect yourself to recover super-fast because true healing is a slow and gradual process. Invite Jesus into your healing process. He will guide you each step of the way.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

A Storm

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By Doug Creamer

           Most of my readers know that I have a fascination with storms. I love winter snowstorms but hate ice storms. I love to see pictures of tornadoes. I have never seen one, but would like to see one if I knew I would be safe. It is amazing what storms can do. I love reading about all kinds of storms.           

I am currently watching Hurricane Ian. I have been looking at the models each time they come out, and watching the track and strength of the storm change with each passing model run. I don’t watch the major news stations to hear weather news. I will occasionally watch the local weathermen or the Weather Channel, but I will catch most of their broadcasts on the web. I have a number of websites that will feed this weather habit sufficiently. I also listen to a weather vlogger who loves to talk about storms and their impacts. There are plenty of sources of information without having to turn on the television.

            I am very concerned for the people living in Florida and take seriously the need to pray for their well-being. There will be suffering for the people in the path of this monster storm. As of this writing, Hurricane Ian is on track to come in around the Sarasota, Florida area, which is about 675 miles away. When you can look up and see clouds from a storm that is that far away it a huge, monster storm.

            I will be following the storm as it tracks to the north into our neck of the woods. There are some models that show the storm crossing Florida and then getting invigorated in the Atlantic before coming inland again through South Carolina and eventually up here into North Carolina. That is a track that I hope does not come true. That track could bring us some stronger winds with the heavy rain that we are currently expecting.

            One thing I do know is that a lot of good people are going to become very busy trying to get the electricity and other services back up for the good folks in Florida. By the time you read this column there will be all kinds of humanitarian aid flooding into affected areas. Americans have this wonderful quality that we put our differences aside to help those who have suffered a tragedy. It is something that I love about our country.

            This storm will have some long lasting impacts on the areas affected by its wrath. But given enough time, people will recover and get back on their feet. The question I am pondering is what type of storm are you facing? We all have them. There are things in all our lives that come roaring at us like hurricanes, wreaking havoc on our peaceful existence. What are we going to do? How are we going to face those trials and tribulations?

            It’s not easy. Storms are hard to endure. The first decision we need to make is to run into our Father’s arms. He saw the storm before it formed and knows the path through to the other side. Next, we need to get the folks around us who will help and support us while the storm is raging. This is not a time to do it alone; it’s the time to call in the troops. It’s also the time where we have to dig deep to the reserves of our faith to find the strength to carry on.

            Storms come at us with many names, like health issues, loss of loved ones, financial strife, loss of a job, a relationship that has fallen apart, and for the people in Florida…the loss of their homes. DON’T lose heart. Cry out to God, who cares more than you will ever know. Lean on your family and friends. Don’t lose faith in yourself because of your circumstances…you will make it to the other side. You God will carry you.

            I want to encourage you to stir your faith. If it is quiet and sunny in your spiritual life, enjoy it. If the storm clouds are moving in, lean on the Lord and your good friends. When you call out to God you can be sure that help is on the way. God is for you in spite of how the circumstances may appear at the moment. You will make it. You will see sunny skies before you know it. For the moment, hang on! You are not alone. Before you go to sleep tonight, please say a prayer for all those suffering from Hurricane Ian.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Maintaining Your Faith

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By Doug Creamer

            When spring rolled around this year I thought I would change the oil in my lawn mower. Each week, I thought I would do it next week. Spring melted into summer, and here we are on the cusp of fall. I finally made time to change the oil; it was way past due. I read that an engine can overheat if you don’t keep the oil changed. I know better and usually do better.

            Engines need maintenance, as do so many other things. Bushes need trimming. Grass needs to be cut. Houses need maintenance, too. There is some painting that needs to be done around my house. I normally like to paint, and can’t figure out why I can’t seem to motivate myself to get started. Maybe part of the reason is that I am not a fan of all the prep work that goes into a paint job.

            Even relationships need to be maintained. How can a friendship thrive if the two people don’t spend time together? There is a need to share and talk in order to keep the relationship alive. Two people become best friends because they spend quality and a certain quantity of time together. Relationships don’t just happen; they require an investment from each person. You build a strong relationship, which means you have developed strong connections.

            Some people believe that they can have a strong relationship with God simply by attending church a couple of times a month. If you rarely make time to feed your spirit it won’t remain alive and vibrant. I read that marriages last an average of eight years now in America. If two people will not invest in staying together, they will ultimately drift apart. This same principle applies to our spiritual lives.

            We need to be in church or attending virtually so we can hear God’s word from our pastors. Hearing what God is telling your pastor is so important to knowing what the Spirit is doing in your church and community. The pandemic has driven us from church and each other, which are two critical things we all need for spiritual growth. There are ways we can safely engage again with our church and church family and we need to do that if we want to remain spiritually strong.

            Whether you attend church virtually or in person, you need to connect with your church family on a regular basis if you want to build a strong relationship with God. It is also critical to have a daily intake of God’s word. The Bible is God’s love story with mankind. It tells us of His character, His great love for us, and the many ways He interacts with us. It also tells us many stories of how people have interacted with God. It gives us example after example of how faith and trust in God can change circumstances.

            Reading the stories in the Bible will give us a strong foundation for our faith. Next, we have to learn how to apply the principles in the scriptures to our own lives. God wants us to grow our faith so that means He will allow challenges to come our way. These challenges will cause us look for God’s promises in the Bible that apply to our situation. Then we have to hold onto those promises and trust in God to see us through our circumstances. That’s building faith.

            No matter how strong we are spiritually we are going to get knocked down. Sometimes we will be able to pull ourselves up, but sometimes we are going to need the help of some good friends. If we want to grow strong spiritually we are going to have to connect on a deeper level with friends who will pray for us, stand with us, and lift us up when we have fallen. We also need to be there for others when they are going through difficult times. Good friends are critical for spiritual growth. We need to mutually encourage and support each other.

            I want to encourage you to maintain your spiritual life. Digging into God’s word is the first step to spiritual growth and maintenance. Being connected and committed to our brothers and sisters, whether in person or virtually provides the support system that is critical to keeping our spirits refreshed. God never intended for us to walk alone spiritually. Life will have its ups and downs, but our church family will be there to help us through the dark days. Walking with God requires us to put our hand in His, doing our part to maintain our faith, and trusting Him with the rest.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com


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By Doug Creamer

            I have always been an active person, especially in the spring and the fall. When the weather is good, I want to be outside doing something. In the fall, there will be leaves to get up and the garden will need to be put to bed for winter. In the spring, I can’t wait to plant my garden and to clean things up from winter. Naturally, the grass needs cutting, which is good exercise.

            The trouble, according to my doctor, is that I am less active in the winter, and especially during the hot summer days around here. My physical is in August every year and the need to be active year around always comes up. Something clicked when I was in his office last year and I decided that it was time to find a way to remain active.

            I considered my options. I know I am not a runner unless there is a dog, lion, or bear chasing me. I don’t have a bike so that was out. We don’t have any fancy indoor equipment. I am not big on sit-ups, jumping jacks, or push-ups. Walking seemed to be the most appealing.

            I live in a nice neighborhood and we have lots of people who walk. My first day out was a very warm afternoon and I didn’t make it very far. I realized that I was out of shape. As the weather cooled, my distance improved. I was out there walking and improving almost every day. I was consistent and improving right into the heart of winter. I don’t mind the cold as much as I mind the heat. I even walked in the snow.

            When I started my job in January I worked hard to learn the new curriculum. I walked less. Then I took an online class to help in the new job. There were lots of excuses for not taking my daily walks. It is hard to start a good habit, and easy to give it up. Soon it was summer and I don’t even like walking to the mailbox in the heat and humidity, so walking was definitely out.

            I went for my annual physical this year and had to fess up to giving up this good habit. He reminded me that walking is not only good for your physical body but for your mental and spiritual health, too. I am back to walking again. I am gradually building back to the same distance I was walking when I gave it up.

            Walking is better than running for someone of my age, says the doctor. When I walk my mind is free to think about things. This could be bad if I spend my walk worrying. We live in a day and time where there are lots of things that can fill our minds with worry. I won’t bother list them as I am sure you have your own list of things that can pull you down. We need to train our minds to think on good things. Philippians 4:8 and 9 give us a great list of things to think about as we walk. It also promises that if we meditate on this good list of things, that our minds will be filled with the peace of God.

            Inviting God on walks or whatever exercise you do is probably a good plan. God wants to talk with us, and inviting Him into our exercise routine is the perfect opportunity to talk with Him. Praying for others is great. Praying about situations instead of worrying about them is excellent. Casting all your worries upon God is something God encourages us to do. Asking for His wisdom and guidance is great too because you are in a place where you can hear Him better. Spending time with God builds your friendship and trust with Him. Allowing His love to invade your heart and His peace to invade your mind will change your perspective on life.

            I want to encourage you to do the things that are necessary to maintain your body, mind, and spirit. Taking care of yourself physically by getting proper rest and exercise can make for a healthier and happier body. Casting all your worry and anxiety on God will free your mind to think about good things and make you feel happier and more at peace. And doing the things that I always encourage: spending time in God’s word and praying will strengthen your spirit. I believe God wants you to be strong physically, mentally, and spiritually, so take good care of yourself. I need to go; it’s time for my walk.     

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com


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By Doug Creamer

            I went to write down the date the other day and it hit me—it’s September! What happened to this year? It’s been a busy year. I have to admit that I have been noticing signs that the year is moving along. The days are getting shorter, which I don’t like. The other thing I noticed is that certain constellations that I look for in the night’s sky have gone out of view.

            I do like the change in seasons. I never tire of fall and spring, but I do get tired of the relentless heat of summer and the chill of winter. Spring and fall bring lots of outside work, which I love. When the weather is cool, I can work outside all day long. So, as the temperature starts to come down, I look forward to spending more time outside.

            One of my favorite parts of spring and fall is eating lunch on the front porch. I will grab a book, my lunch, and travel to someplace with the characters in the story. We live in a peaceful neighborhood and it is so nice to enjoy the quiet outside. In fact, I enjoy sitting out there quietly late at night. It gives me time to think and to pray. I miss those quiet moments in the middle of a hot and humid summer or the bone chilling days of winter.

            The students and teachers have returned to their classrooms. I remember starting back each fall and getting the routines of school life going again. I always loved my job and still love being a teacher. I would encourage you to pray for teachers. They need wisdom on how to instruct their students and help prepare them for life. They also need to know how to deal with all the problems students bring with them to school.

            The students need your prayers, too. They need the right attitude about learning. They need help to stay focused on learning. We live in a very distracting world. Besides their classmates, their phones can cause their focus to be elsewhere. For many students, schools are the safest place they will be all day. So we need to pray that God will keep our schools safe. If the past is any indication, we need to pray hard for His protection.

            I just looked at the calendar again. This weekend will mark the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Every one of us can remember exactly what we were doing when we first heard the news. I was teaching, and couldn’t believe the rumors as they started to circulate. I remember getting out of class and going to a history teacher’s room asking, “What is going on?” It took seeing it on the TV to convince me of what had happened.

            One of the many things that I remember in the days that followed was how united we were as a country. We were Americans. We all flew our American flags. It didn’t matter if you looked different or were from a different political party, we stood shoulder to shoulder as Americans. We were united.

            What happened to that unity? The answer is the politicians have taught us to hate people from “the other” political party. The media reinforces this division and distrust as it feeds us what we want to hear. Finally, social media allows us to express our feelings of distrust and anger for anyone who thinks differently.

            Jesus died to break down the walls of division and hate. He sought unity for His followers. Jesus came to bring people together from different backgrounds and political philosophies. Jesus’ goal was not political, it was spiritual. Jesus wants every person to have a relationship with the Heavenly Father. Jesus wants every person in heaven, regardless of political beliefs. We have allowed the enemy to divide us from our brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus came so we would love each other and build unity throughout the body of Christ. Whether we are from Russia, Ukraine, China, Mexico, or America, we are the body of Christ and we should live in unity.

            I want to encourage you to look for ways we can be united. Jesus loves all people from every background and nation of the world. He wants everyone to know Him and the Father. We need to turn our hearts away from division and back to a place where we can seek the unity that He desires. Let’s stop trying to tear each other apart and listen to the Spirit, who is trying to draw us together. United we stand together in faith.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

How Do You Handle Problems?

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By Doug Creamer

How Do You Handle Problems?

            Life has good days and bad days. If you are experiencing the steadiness of life…enjoy it. Don’t be surprised when something wonderful comes along and takes you to cloud nine. Then there might be that sudden dip in your pleasant road. Life is always interesting and ever-changing.

            When life takes a little dip, we all adjust and life soon returns to its normal routine. We might get frustrated and even mad at the circumstances, but given time our emotions will return to their normal levels. Someone cuts you off, the light catches you, or the toilet overflows…life’s bumps come at all of us. We yell at the driver or light that messed us up or clean up the mess and move on.

            Then we come to those dips that throw us for a loop. Your child has to go to the hospital for a broken bone or illness. You or a family member gets COVID. Your parents encounter a health issue that is going to impact your life. You were involved in a minor wreck that means your car is going to be in the shop for a week. These events bring with them changes in our routines that will over time smooth out and allow us to return to normal or even a new and slightly different normal.

            Then there comes those days when the dip drops out of sight. The phone rings and your world falls apart. You are driving along and in a split second everything changes. You are at the doctor’s office and receive news that you don’t want to hear. However the news arrives, a rollercoaster ride takes you through many ups and downs. There will be some long nights and terrible days. You find yourself longing, hoping, for some type of return to normal life, which eludes you for a long time.  

            What do we do when life hits us hard and unexpectedly? I feel bad for those who do not believe in God. They can’t run into the Father’s arms, where believers need to go when the bottom falls out in life. The trouble is that sometimes in those terrible moments we blame God for whatever trial we are facing. So we trade the comfort of our Father’s arms for the emotions that we feel justified in having and expressing.

            Another mistake we make is facing trials alone. We think we are strong and can push through a health crisis without letting anyone know. We lose our job and our finances are a mess, but we try to make it through without the love and support of family and friends. We have been at the hospital for a week sitting with a family member without telling anyone. Our child has become addicted to drugs, but no one knows.

            Your trial was never meant for you to experience alone or to be shared on social media. I believe you need to find a few friends who will support you and pray for you. Prayer is powerful and changes circumstances far greater than any of us understand. I believe it is those prayers that can sustain us and help us make it to the other side. There are also many practical things that friends and family can do to help if only they know what to do. People want to be there for you!

            I understand the problem is being open and vulnerable. Letting people see into your life can be very difficult. They discover you aren’t perfect. They learn that you have doubts, fears, and that you worry. They may see that your armor of faith has some cracks. They might see that you fell down, but they can be there to help pick you up. They can hold you and comfort you. They can encourage you and stand with you in faith believing that God is going to pull through for you. They can remind you of the goodness and the love of God.

            I want to encourage you to connect with some brothers and sisters in Christ and allow them to see behind the curtain in your life. It’s okay when they discover you are human. You have struggles and problems, good days and bad days. Let them encourage you, support you, even carry you if necessary. You know you would and have done it for them; let them do the same thing for you. Life is so much better when we allow people to love us, pray for us, and be there for us. It’s powerful when the family of God comes together to share God’s love and to pray.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

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