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By Doug Creamer

            I store most of the outside Christmas decorations in the attic. When I was putting the things away in the attic last year I decided that it would be my last trip up there. I am getting older and pushing all those decorations up there has become quite the challenge. When I pulled down the stuff this year I got everything Christmas out of the attic…no more trips up there for Christmas for me.

            Twenty-plus years ago my mother made each of us kids a wooden reindeer planter that held an arrangement of poinsettias. He is Rudolph complete with a cute red nose. Several years ago as I was lifting him out of the attic I lost my grip and he fell on the concrete floor. He hit his antler and one of them broke off. Rudolph hasn’t made it in the house since. As I lifted everything out of the attic this year Rudolph made the flight down, too. I pulled him out of the bag he was in and still think he is cute. The flowers had seen their better day and I pulled them out. He couldn’t come in looking like that. He needed to get his antlers fixed.

            One of my neighbors has taken up woodworking. I sit on my porch and listen to him sawing, sanding, and nailing things together. I wondered if he could fix Rudolph. He was out talking to another neighbor one day and I picked up Rudolph and headed in their direction.

            He saw “us” coming. After a bit of laughing and teasing about what really happened to old Rudolph, he studied the situation. He said he thought that Rudolph would survive an “operation” and said he would give it a try. The three of us laughed and my neighbor carried him home like an injured pup.

            That evening I was walking when he and his wife started to pass in their car. They slowed and he rolled down the window. “Doug,” he said solemnly, “Rudolph is on life support. I sure hope he makes it.” The three of us burst out laughing and they drove away. The next day he saw me leaving for a walk and called out, “Rudolph is on the operating table now and I think he is going to pull through.” We both laughed again.    

            My neighbor brought Rudolph home the other day. His antlers have been repaired. I thanked my neighbor and we shared another laugh. He told me that I would have to see a plastic surgeon to fix his puff ball nose and tail, which made us both laugh again. What a silly thing to get two grown men to laugh so much.

            I decided later I would send some pictures of Rudolph getting his tail and nose fixed to my neighbor. Then I thought I could take other pictures of Rudolph sitting by the Christmas tree, outside practicing flying lessons, and looking up the chimney waiting on Santa Claus. I kept laughing and thinking of all kinds of things Rudolph might do. 

            Rudolph has sparked some holiday joy for me. But all this fun can’t compare to the joy that should surround the Christmas season. Why are Christians joyful at Christmas? It comes down to the fact that our sin separated us from God. He is holy and couldn’t be intimately connected to us. So God in His love decided to fix the problem. He asked Jesus to come to earth, live a sinless life, and then die on a cross as the perfect sacrifice to make it possible for God to reconnect with mankind. Jesus agreed and fulfilled the mission.

            God, full of joy, can now reconnect with us. We can be filled with joy because we had this debt for our sin that none of us could pay that Jesus paid for us. In essence we won the lottery. All our sin is cleansed; we win a relationship with our loving Heavenly Father. On top of that we can be assured that we will go to heaven and be with Him for all eternity. That reality should fill all our hearts with uncontainable joy.

            I want to encourage you to receive the greatest gift ever given: a baby born in a manger. If you will open your heart to Jesus I promise that you will discover a joy that will overflow your life. You will still have to go through hard times, but now you will have Jesus and the Heavenly Father on your side to see you through. Open your heart now and accept Him.

Follow Rudolph’s adventure at Look on the home page and scroll down…. You will enjoy his adventures!!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            My neighbors and I work hard to decorate the outside of our homes over the Thanksgiving weekend. It seems that almost all my neighbors put out some kind of Christmas decorations. I like seeing them during the daytime but really enjoy seeing the whole street lit up at night.

            We want to bring the spirit of Christmas to our community. We chat and encourage each other as we are out there working. Each year I think we are beginning to question how many lights we are going to put out, but then as the season rolls around we find the energy to decorate again. It makes me feel good to see all the Christmas lights.  

            We used to travel for the Thanksgiving holiday and I would return home to a Christmas wonderland. I would feel the need to get going on the decorating when I got home. We haven’t traveled the last couple of years so I have been able to decorate over the Thanksgiving weekend. Actually, I think I need more time. I think it has something to do with the gray hair on my head.

            I should clarify that the outside is all decorated. I haven’t even considered starting the inside decorations. This is an area where we have kept to our family traditions. When I was a small child Santa came and decorated the house and set up our Christmas tree on Christmas eve. I could never figure out why my parents were so tired the next day since Santa did all the work. As we grew a little older Santa needed our help. Our tree would go up about a week before Christmas and come down on New Year’s Day.

            We have decided to find a compromise between those who put their tree up the week of Thanksgiving and sometime right before the big day. So while I am itching to get started, I am glad to take a breather after getting everything put up outside. In the meantime, I enjoy walking through our neighborhood and seeing everyone’s trees shining through their windows.

            Many years ago, I was walking through Lowe’s looking to see what was new for Christmas and I found something called a yard card. It is a four-by-eight-foot banner that says “Peace” with a beautiful white dove on it. It has more parts than you can count and takes a while to put together. I love it and look forward to putting it out each year. We’ve had it for a number of years and it is showing some wear. The strings have broken and been repaired. The stakes have also broken. One of the poles snapped a few years ago but I was able to reinforce it with some tape. The banner itself is holding up well. It takes some tender care, but it is up again this year and looking good.

            I stood out in the street to admire my work the other evening and my eye was drawn to that old peace sign. With all the tender loving care I have given it, the sign shines brightly in the spotlight. Peace, it proclaims. Peace on earth and good will towards men. If only the passers-by knew how tattered and tenuous that peace was in my yard.

            The sad truth is that peace does not exist in our world. It seems almost weekly there is another mass shooting in the U.S. The war between Russia and Ukraine still rages on. North Korea is shooting off missiles. China is experiencing unrest and even protests. Where is this peace on earth that was promised?

            The peace He promised is not a worldly peace but rather an inner peace. The world may go crazy around you but the peace of Christ can reside in your heart. The only requirement is that you ask Jesus into your heart so He can bring His perfect peace to you. His peace is like nothing else. It is available to all who would open their hearts to Him. It is the peace that goes beyond understanding that can guard your hearts and minds. You only have to invite Him in.

            I want to encourage you to invite the Christ of Christmas into your heart and allow His peace to fill your heart and mind. The holiday season can be a crazy and stressful time. Don’t allow all the craziness to distract you from that little baby born in a manger who came to bring you a peace and joy that will far outlast this holiday season. May His peace encompass you and your household this holiday season.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Thankful Heart

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By Doug Creamer

Thankful Heart

            I am very thankful for all the delicious food we are about to eat for the holidays. There will be plenty of great dishes for Thanksgiving. My favorite is sweet potato casserole. I think I like that better than all the desserts. There will be plenty of good meals and sweets to celebrate the holidays. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Thanksgiving rings in the season of great food. I hope we can relax and enjoy the good food, family, and friends throughout the holiday season. While we savor the great food, I hope our hearts will be filled to overflowing with thanks for the many blessings God has poured out on our lives.

            We started a week early, as both my parents celebrated their 90th birthdays. If you met either one of them you would not believe that they are 90. They have active minds and stay active physically. I am thankful that my parents are in good health and that they are still here to enjoy family times.

            I am thankful for good health. I know that I am older. My Dad told the family at his birthday celebration that aging will require that you take some pills to keep everything working well. My doctor has convinced me that I have crossed the line of needing to take “pills” to continue to stay healthy. I was not excited about that news but have cooperated. I am also learning the importance of exercise for good physical, mental, and spiritual health.

            I am thankful for my family on both sides. Some family I get to see often and others only on occasions like the holidays. I am grateful and thankful for each one. When I pray for all the members of my family, that can become quite an endeavor. I have many nieces and nephews and they have children, too. Does that mean I am a great uncle? I think I am a great uncle!

            When I think about family, I can’t help but think about my church family. I am blessed to be a part of a great church family. Our church family cares deeply for one other. If one of us has a need, our church family is there to help. I am also thankful that we believe in the power of prayer. We have seen God move in so many wonderful ways. We are all thankful for our pastor and his family. They are a wonderful addition to our church family.

            I was looking around the house this morning and realizing that I have many things for which I am thankful. To begin with, we have a nice home and cars that run well. Is everything fairytale perfect? No, but I feel so blessed. God has blessed us with so many good things to enjoy both inside and outside our home. Having a special place that feels like home is something that makes us very thankful.

            When I consider many other places on earth, I am thankful to be living here. I can’t imagine living where bombs are falling from the sky. I live in a peaceful neighborhood, which is a real blessing. I am also thankful to be living in the south. Can you imagine living up there where they got six feet of snow? I love snow, but not that much.

            Having a thankful heart is something God wants each of us to possess. Life has many ups and downs but God wants us to be thankful in spite of our circumstances. Granted, there are some days when it is hard to give thanks, but I have found that in those difficult days if you can begin counting your many blessings one by one it will help change your perspective on that day. It is easy to give thanks on the good days, but a thankful heart on the tough ones blesses God in heaven. He is drawn to a thankful heart and will draw close to us and help us through those difficult days if we find ways to give thanks in the midst of them.

            I want to encourage you to give thanks for the many blessings in your life. Take time over the long weekend to reflect on them and give thanks to your Heavenly Father. The holiday season has officially begun, and entering it with a heart filled with gratitude will help you experience the joy and wonder of this great season. I am thankful for each of you and pray that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time with family and friends. Eat some great food. Give thanks for God’s many blessings.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Father-in-law’s Wisdom

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By Doug Creamer

A Father-in-Law’s Wisdom

            I first met the man who would become my father-in-law in the parking lot of a gas station. I was coming home for a weekend from college, and brought his daughter to him. I was bringing paying riders to help cover my gas bill.  He was not a tall man but I was impressed by the strength of his handshake. Little did he know that four years and countless trips later I would marry his daughter. My father-in-law, Bob Nordstrom, passed away a few weeks ago.

            Bob grew up on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The stories he told me from his youth are fascinating. He met and knew some of the most interesting people you can ever imagine. One time we went over to the Eastern Shore and he showed us his childhood church, school, several places he lived, and his childhood home. His childhood home was dilapidated and falling down. The walls were still in place and he explained where each room was in the house.

            Over the years he told me many stories about the people from the Eastern Shore. He told me about many of his family adventures. He talked about fishing almost every day because that was how they got their protein. Times were hard growing up during the depression. He told how his dad bought his brother a BB gun and his brother went out on the beach and shot a number of little shore birds. His father made him clean every one of those tiny little birds, which took so long for so little food. He said they learned not to shoot something unless they planned to eat it.

            He shared many stories of the men he knew. Three of my favorites included a man who jumped into the bay and swam while pulling a large boat to a dock. Another man could pick up a 500 pound barrel. The third man went AWOL from his Norfolk naval base because he wanted a home-cooked meal. When the MPs caught up with him on the Eastern Shore, he was able to escape. He swam back across the bay to his Norfolk base, where they found the guy asleep in his bunk. The judge who heard the case dismissed the charges, saying a man couldn’t have swam both ways across the bay. I always thought someone who owned a boat must have given him a ride. 

            The thing about spending any time with Bob was that he was always going to tell you a story. Sometimes when we arrived home after driving five hours he would greet us at the door, and while shaking my hand would launch into a one of his wonderful stories. Many of his stories were funny and all contained the many interesting people he knew in his lifetime.

            When I asked if he knew any interesting weather stories he told me about some hurricanes he experienced as a child. I wondered why he was never a fan of snow until the day he told me about his father having a heart attack on a snowy day and the doctor wasn’t able to get there in time to save his father’s life. Another reason for disliking snow was when my wife was little he got caught at work by a bad storm and was unable to get home. He had to sleep on the floor in the lobby of a hotel in downtown Norfolk because all the rooms in town were booked by others who were stranded.

            Much of the wisdom Bob shared with me came during dishwashing sessions. My mother-in-law is a great cook and after we enjoyed her delicious cooking he would get up and start washing the dishes. I rinsed and dried. He taught me a lot about life, people, how to handle difficult situations, what was really important, love, and laughter. We always laughed and I hope I never forget his funny stories.

            Bob had a deep, strong faith. He rarely missed church and served as a deacon.  He taught me much about church leadership and how to make important decisions. He loved the old hymns and remembered the words. In his later years, he would tell me that he could remember a line from a song but couldn’t remember the whole song. I would type the line in Google and up would pop the song. We would listen to it together. Sometimes they were hymns and other times songs from his childhood. It was great fun.

            Bob has finished his race and now he is in his heavenly home. He is not in pain any more. He can remember all those old hymns. His arms are strong and his handshake firm. His smile is broad and his eyes are brilliant bright blue. If you meet him I imagine he will be telling a story. I encourage you to stop and listen because at the end of that story will be a piece of wisdom or one good laugh you will not want to miss. For us, we carry the hope in our hearts that we will join him and of this I am sure…he will greet us with a great story.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Lessons in Life

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By Doug Creamer

            Last Friday I worked at getting up the leaves from my yard. My preferred method is to use my lawnmower and bag the leaves. I like to collect them and put them in my garden to enrich the soil. I worked for a couple of hours getting the leaves up. I went inside and got a glass of tea and relaxed, feeling that wonderful sense of accomplishment.

            I looked out the window a few hours later to bask in my accomplishment, only to discover that my yard was covered in leaves again. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The wind had blown a whole new group of leaves down. The new leaves will have to wait until next week.

            On Saturday I got some pansies and violas from the local garden center and worked on planting them in our planters. My wife and I like to see things blooming. In the middle of the bleak winter we can go outside and enjoy these wonderful flowering treasures. While I was busy planting them I watched my neighbors working hard to collect their leaves. They created a huge pile in front of their homes. The next morning there was a whole new crop of leaves waiting for them, too.

            Some fall chores, like getting the leaves up and cleaning the gutters, have to be done multiple times during the season. I guess in some ways it is similar to pulling weeds. As soon as you finish there will be a whole new crop waiting for you. So we go out and do these chores over again as often as it needs doing. It seems to me that leaf collecting persists into early January.

            I was thinking about how the Lord works hard at teaching us lessons. Some lessons we are bound to repeat over and over again, like getting up the leaves. Some lessons in our spiritual walks come easy and we learn them quickly. But if you are like me, some of life’s lessons take a few times through to actually learn. I think about forgiving myself when I stumble and fall. I find it much easier to forgive others than to forgive myself. So God brings that lesson to my attention again until it finally sinks in.

            God wants us to learn and grow in our spiritual lives. The only way to grow is through lessons. Being a teacher, I work on ways to construct lessons so my students will grasp the concepts and grow. My lesson starts with a solid foundation and then pushes them. God does the same thing with us. He looks at our lives and picks an area that needs improvement… we all have plenty of those areas. Then he designs a lesson to drive the point home.

            This year God has been working on teaching me how important exercise is in my life. I have always been an active person but can become inactive in the extreme heat of summer and on the coldest winter days. I am content with waiting for better weather. My doctor talked with me this year about the benefits of walking. He told me that walking has physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Walking gives me the opportunity to think and process things as well as the opportunity to talk with my Heavenly Father.

            When my allergies kicked up in October I stopped walking. I hardly had the energy to walk to the kitchen to eat. When my allergies quieted back down I did not return to my walking routine. It’s easy to stop good habits. I was busy with other things; I didn’t have time to walk. The trouble is I could see physical, mental, and spiritual declines in my life. I couldn’t figure out why. God was trying to whisper the answer but I wasn’t listening. I wasn’t walking, thinking, or praying like I should have been. Lessons!   

            I want to encourage you to continue working on the lessons God is working on in your life. He is there knocking on the door of your heart, wanting to help you learn your lessons. I know it requires work, but the benefit is that He will help you because He is trying to mold you into the image of His Son. If you are still struggling with the same lesson over and over again, don’t worry, He will be patient with you. He sees great potential in your life and wants to bring out the good things He has stored up in you. You will pass the test soon enough because He is helping you to overcome and succeed.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            Many trees have dropped most of their leaves, but if you look around you can still see some beautiful fall colors. October has been a crazy month and I haven’t been able to enjoy the fall colors as much as I normally do. But every once in a while I look up and see some spectacular colors that stop me in my tracks.

            One thing that I am ready to see come down is all the Halloween decorations. Some of the decorations are the cute pumpkins or the ghosts hanging in trees. I like those decorations. What I can’t stand is how gruesome we have become with many of the Halloween decorations. So many of them are over the top; I am ready to see them come down and wish they wouldn’t come out ever again.

            Don’t misunderstand; I love the little trick-or-treaters that come to the house. They have some of the cutest costumes on and I always look forward to giving out the candy. Many of the parents walk their kids up to the door and encourage them to say thanks. That part of Halloween is great and brings back wonderful memories from my childhood.

            Like I said, I am ready to see Halloween packed up and put away for another year. The trouble is that some people will take down their Halloween stuff and put up their Christmas stuff. I can bet you that someone will have their Christmas tree up by next weekend. I have been to Lowe’s and Walmart; I know that they have had Christmas decorations out for several weeks. I will confess to looking at them myself. I have to get a few new things this year and I was checking on the prices.

            I have also seen the ads running on TV. There were a few about mid-October. Now you can be sure the retailers are going to be pushing the holiday season. The only thing getting in the way of complete bombardment of Christmas ads is that we have to get through the political season. I am ready to see those ads disappear. When did we lose our ability to be civil when talking about politics? I hate all the attack ads on TV. We mute them or change the channel.

            Well, Thanksgiving is only three weeks away and Christmas is a month behind that. Like it or not, the holiday season is upon us. It’s going to become very busy all too quickly. We have an opportunity right now to catch our breath and make a choice about how we enter the holiday season. We can choose to sprint through them and miss some of the joy of the season or we can choose to embrace each family event and enjoy spending time with our loved ones.

            Believe me, I have run from one holiday event to the next for many years of my life. The trouble is that we are rushing so fast that we forget to enjoy the moment. Granted, some things we are expected to attend, but even those events can be enjoyed if we will breathe and embrace the moment. Remind yourself that these are special moments with people who are important in your life so embrace them and the people too.

            Choose which holiday events you want to enjoy and take them in as you do. Choose the people you spend time with and be present while you are together. Choose the food you want to enjoy and savor each bite. Choose which decorations you want to put out and enjoy and realize that you don’t have to drag out everything. Choose which traditions mean the most to you and enjoy engaging in them.

            When making all these choices make sure you choose to connect with your family, friends, and co-workers. The next two months are going to fly. Decide now how you can slow down and really engage with the people in your life that mean the most to you. We always find ways of making time for what is important in our lives.

            I want to encourage you to begin making choices now that will lead to a joyful and fulfilling holiday season. Choose to prioritize your family and friends. Decide what memories you want to create and engage in those activities. Plan the menus, traveling, and shopping so you are present and enjoying all the holiday experiences. I know mayhem can take over so easily but you can make some choices that can help you connect with those you love. Connecting, loving, sharing, and eating plenty of good food. Here come the holidays…make the right choices.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Fall Chores

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By Doug Creamer

Fall Chores

            I love when the weather starts to cool down after a hot summer. Seeing the trees turn their beautiful colors makes me stop in my tracks. I am a fan of the bright red ones. Watching the leaves fall from the trees is like watching snow fall on a cold winter day. Naturally, all those leaves will need to raked and picked up, but for the moment I want to enjoy their beauty.

            Fall’s arrival means that there are plenty of chores that need to be done in preparation for winter. My wife’s plants need to come into the garage. I took care of that one right before the recent cold snap. The garage needs cleaning and straightening before the plants come in, which is a chore that I don’t like. Actually, I prefer bringing the plants out in spring versus putting them in the garage in the fall.

            The recent cold snap finished the growing season in the garden. I cleaned up the debris from the remaining vegetables. I found a small mess of butter beans. I also dug up my sweet potatoes. I harvested the only sunflower that I got to grow. I also picked what I thought would be the last of the tomatoes. To my surprise one of my cherry tomato plants survived the cold and is blooming again. Could we be in for some Christmas tomatoes?

            After getting the garden all cleaned up, I started collecting the leaves. I like to put the leaves in the garden. It helps keep the weeds down and provides a great place for the worms to live. I will continue gathering the leaves over the next couple of weeks and putting them in the garden. It adds so much to the soil. I haven’t cleaned the gutters yet, which are overflowing with leaves.

            There are more chores to do outside including trimming a few trees, cleaning up some limbs, and weeding. I am also working on doing a little painting. When you think about it, outside chores never seem to be complete. There is always something needing attention no matter what season of the year. I prefer working outside in the cooler fall and spring weather.

            Many people approach tending to their spiritual lives like doing chores. I have to read three chapters from the Bible. I need to pray for everyone on my prayer list. I must watch some preachers on TV. And when they get their list of spiritual chores done, they sigh with relief.      It is important to read our Bibles and to pray, in fact, I would say it is vital to good spiritual health. But I don’t think God wants us to approach it like a ritual or a requirement that must be completed daily. When we think of God that way He becomes a task master, someone who demands we perform our daily duties. God does not want us to view Him that way.

            I believe God wants us to view our interaction with Him as a relationship. He wants us to connect with Him on a personal level. Instead of praying at Him, He would prefer that we talk with Him. Prayer should be a conversation with God. Naturally, there are times of intense prayer, but on the day-to-day basis I think He wants us to talk with Him like we were talking with our best friend.

            When we read our Bible He doesn’t want us to approach it like a homework assignment that we are dreading to get done. Instead I believe God wants us to approach reading our Bible like reading a love letter written personally to us. The Bible is full of so many promises and God wants us to take those personally. It is full of encouraging and positive things that can help us in our daily lives. It is also filled with hidden treasures about who God is and how much He loves each one of us. I see different things each time I read a specific passage of scripture. The Word of God is alive and active and anointed by the Holy Spirit for us.

            I want to encourage you to stop looking at your relationship with God as an obligation and consider it as a personal and intimate connection to the creator of the universe. He made you and wants you to get to know Him. He loves you and longs to talk with you. Imagine that, God longs to connect with you. Yes, He is God almighty but He wants to be your friend. Open your heart and build a relationship with a living, loving, and caring Father and friend.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

I Want A Do-Over

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By Doug Creamer

            Where did last week go? Seriously, where did it go? I am old enough to know that weekends and some weeks go by fast. Even for semi-retired folks, time can fly by. But last week was ridiculously fast. I think my allergies are to blame. My allergies put me to bed for the weekend and I have been taking naps all week. 

            I know you might be thinking it was COVID. I have done my homework. There are some symptoms in common and some differences between COVID and allergies. I have fought allergies for many years; my symptoms were definitely allergies. But after a week, my wife and I were concerned that maybe I could have something more. We thought I should take a COVID test before going to work and spending some time with friends. Thankfully, my test was negative.

            I struggle every spring and fall with allergies. I have to say that I have been lucky the last couple of years. I am not sure if the mask wearing that COVID encouraged helped, but I haven’t been knocked down by my allergies until last week. I guess I am making up for the past couple of years getting off so easy.

            Don’t get me wrong, my allergies were flaring up each spring and fall but not bad enough to put me in bed. I haven’t missed the dragging around. I had plans last week. I guess the key word there would be “had.” The week is gone and I have little to show for it. It would be nice if there was a way to bank up all the extra sleep and make withdrawals later when I need it.

            I never skip church, but I missed it last weekend. I rarely stay home from work, but I did a couple of days last week. Allergies can be rough, especially when there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. I take plenty of over the counter products but sometimes the only relief is sleep. That can be hard to get when you are sneezing.

            I do understand what is happening with allergies. My body perceives something is attacking. I am experiencing my body’s defense mechanisms working hard to protect me. That all makes perfect sense, but why do I have to feel so lousy? How do I tell my body’s defense system to calm down?

            God created our incredible bodies and they have tremendous power to protect us and to heal us when we get injured. The dermatologist cut things off my body twice now and I have watched my body heal, which is a miracle. When we get colds or allergies our bodies are equipped to defend us. All of that comes from God who is our healer.

            I have seen people healed miraculously. I know that God is still in the healing business. I believe that prayer is powerful and it has a profound effect on our lives. I also believe that we don’t realize how much influence our prayers have on people or situations. God listens when we bow our heads in prayer. He not only listens but He acts upon our requests.

            I enjoy praying for others, but honestly find it hard to ask for prayer. But in this case I have asked both family and friends to pray for me. I am hoping that this cold spell will kill whatever is causing my sinuses to go haywire. But I know that the biggest reason I am beginning to improve is that I have good friends praying for my health. I have a good Father in heaven who is keeping a close eye on me and has even dispatched angels to guard and protect me.

            When I am feeling bad or struggling with life issues I have found great comfort in the Psalms. This time I read Psalms 1, 23, and 91. While I love Psalms 1 and 23, it was in Psalm 91 that I found great comfort. God promises so many great things to us if we will run to Him. He will cover us, protect us, comfort us, and tell His angels to watch over us.

            I want to encourage you to read Psalm 91. It is filled with great comfort for those who are going through a difficult time. I also want to encourage you to hang on; I promise you will make it through your situation if you cling to your Heavenly Father. He knows about your situation, loves you in your situation, and will help you through your situation. You can count on Him.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

We Need Hope

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By Doug Creamer

We need Hope

            Last Sunday the Emmy Awards were on. My wife and I try to watch the Emmys and the Oscars. It is fun to see the stars dressed up and looking their very best. It’s nice to hear them express their appreciation to those who helped them along the way. I also enjoy the good-natured roasting the hosts give the stars.

            This year as we watched I found it very interesting how many of the winners came from shows that are not on the big three. Many of the shows are on premium cable and streaming services. I guess I am not the target market for some of those shows. Maybe I need to expand my TV horizons…or maybe not.

            I imagine some people thought that maybe the stars shouldn’t have appeared on the show with so many people in our country suffering after the hurricanes. How could they dress up in such expensive clothes and be in such an elaborate place? When people are suffering, should they be showing off, laughing, and having fun?

            Oddly, I believe they should. When people are suffering they need hope. Nothing can help to lift our spirits like seeing people we invite into our homes each week up on stage being honored for their hard work. Watching their shows entertains and touches us in some way or the shows wouldn’t be on TV. The audience loves or hates the characters in their shows and we want to see what happens to them.

            When you think about it, the shows we watch become a part of our lives and the characters and their experiences a part of our own. So we root for our characters. These shows provide us a few moments of escape from our lives. People care passionately what happens to their favorite characters on their shows. So the award shows allow us to continue the escape as we root for our favorite shows and stars to win.

            In much the same way a good movie can transport us into another world for a few hours, so we can forget the problems we are facing in our own little world. When we are going through difficult times, it helps to go to a ball park and get a dog and a soda and root for the home team. We can enjoy sitting in the stands at a local high school football game, cheering the home boys to victory while we enjoy the band’s half-time performance and the cheerleaders stirring the crowd.

            I firmly believe that the people in the hurricane ravaged areas are not the only ones that need a little shot of hope. Many people are struggling with the bills and the many challenges of everyday life. We need a few hours of laughter and cheering to help lift us up. These kinds of things can help to stir the hope within us.

            One of the best places to find hope when we are struggling with hopelessness is in the Word of God and in God’s house with God’s people. We have all struggled with discouragement. God’s word is full of hope. God’s word reminds us that we are not alone and that God is always with us. God sees the way out of our troubles. God will lead us along the path to joy and peace.

            I assure you that no matter what you are facing, others in the body of Christ have been there and know what you are up against. They have overcome and found victory and they can help you through your pain. They have the scars to prove that they made it so you can make it through to your promised land.

            There is nothing like letting Christians pray and intercede for you. It is awesome to have your brothers and sisters standing around you, fighting for you and helping you stand. The next step is to find God’s promises to you, which are hidden in His word. These promises can be a great source of comfort and hope in dark times. God’s word can be a lamp to your feet to guide you through and out of the storms of life.

            If you find yourself facing hopeless moments, I want to encourage you to find the promises in God’s Word and hold on. Call some friends and ask them to pray and stand with you as you walk through the storm. Pray and talk to God because He knows your every need. Let Him lift your spirit as you lift your head to Him. He loves you more than you can understand and will see you through your storm into a brighter tomorrow.

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer


            The storm has passed, and for our area we are lucky because it didn’t require too much recovery. I saw that power was out for about 300,000 across the state at the height of the storm. While most of it has been restored, it can be rather frustrating if you are the one waiting for your power to come back on. I read that some people in Florida’s hardest hit areas could be without power for another week or more.

            I see piles of limbs and branches everywhere I look, but that is minor compared to what others have gone through from this storm. I have seen pictures from across the Carolinas of trees fallen, with some hitting people’s houses. Naturally, there was some flooding down at the coast. The coastal areas always have more cleanup after any kind of tropical storm. In comparison to other storms, I think the Carolinas faired pretty well.

            Have you seen some of the pictures coming out of Florida, where the hurricane caused the most damage? I saw some aerial shots that showed before and after pictures. In the after pictures there were no green plants or trees at all. Some pictures show no evidence of a house or business even being there. There are many pictures of boats piled up in heaps. There are some boats that are far from any water, sitting on the ground.

            For some people recovery will take a couple of weeks or maybe a month, but for others it could take a year or longer to get back to a “normal” life. A friend of mine lives about 100 miles from where the hurricane hit and things were back to normal within a couple of days. The area of devastation is not very wide, but if you were one of the people there your world has been turned upside down. There are many people who need more than our thoughts and prayers.

            I read a story that says the people in the storm’s path are not only struggling with the physical losses, but the mental and emotional trauma that stains people who have endured such traumatic circumstances. Some people are facing the loss of loved ones, neighbors, and friends, which only adds to the heartaches. The scars that some people have suffered are not always visible. While most will find paths back to a normal life, others will struggle to discover the path to healing and restoration.

            Recovery is something we all do differently. The trouble I find, and I am guilty of this, is that we don’t allow ourselves the time that is required to recover. We get a cold and hope to shake it in a few days and be back to full speed. Our bodies need more time to rest. I know some people who had Covid and it was just like the sniffles for a couple days, and then they were back to their normal selves. Others were in the hospital and had a long road to recovery. In either case, we need to allow our bodies time to heal and recover.

            Recovery from surgery takes time. We have amazing bodies that can recover from all kinds of trauma. I’ve had a number of friends go through open heart surgery and you can be sure it took some time to recover from that. The surgery on my arm to remove a cyst took a while to heal. Whenever we have some kind of medical procedure done we have to allow time for the body to heal and recover.

            The need for recovery is not limited to medical procedures. When we experience the loss of a loved one, we need to give ourselves time to heal and recover. Losing someone close to us, whether family or friend, requires that we give ourselves permission to grieve and the space and time to do it. This applies to losing a family pet, too. Sometimes the hurt we need to recover from is not physical but emotional or spiritual.   

            I want to encourage you to give yourself permission to recover the next time you go through something. If you find yourself in that place now know that it is okay to slow down and rest. It is okay to disengage and allow your mind and body to heal and recover. Some recovery only requires physical healing, while others include emotional healing. It takes a while to get over something. Don’t expect yourself to recover super-fast because true healing is a slow and gradual process. Invite Jesus into your healing process. He will guide you each step of the way.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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