Excelling in Your Gifts

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By Doug Creamer

            I woke up last Saturday and knew I had two things I needed to get done. One of our ceiling fans was making a grinding noise and I knew it had to be replaced. Fans shouldn’t make those noises, and it was an old fan. The other thing on my agenda was planning some lessons for the upcoming week. I needed to discover new ways to approach topics so I could challenge and push my students.

            I studied the fan and saw that there were four screws and then the wiring. After breakfast I opened the new fan box and read the directions. The new fan came with two hooks that held the fan up to the ceiling while you wire it, and then you swing the fan up on these hooks and screw in the canopy. It looked like a one man job, but I was wishing my brother was around to help.

            The old fan came down pretty easily. The new fan required wiring for electricity and assembling the fan. The wiring part was amazingly easy. The assembly of the fan went pretty well. The light kit required a little finesse. But with minimal sweat I got it up and working. The fan company deserves credit for the assembly design and for putting the parts in uniquely labeled bags that corresponded to the directions.

            One task done; it was time to move on to planning lessons. I was much more confident in that job. I looked at the objectives I wanted to cover and began looking through some resources. I spent a couple of hours reading and choosing the best instructional materials to match the objectives. Discovering activities that will instruct, challenge, and allow students to be successful requires time and energy.

            After teaching for 37 years, I have developed those skills and abilities. I enjoy the work, especially when I get in the classroom and the activities are effective. If I had to choose between hanging a ceiling fan or planning lessons, I would always choose planning lessons. The reason is simple, I have worked hard to develop this skill. It fits in my comfort zone.

            When I reflect on my skills and abilities, singing or playing an instrument is not on my list. If my church asked me to sing or play an instrument, we would immediately lose members. I think the only one who appreciates my singing is God, and I imagine even He prefers someone else. I am very conscious of my lack of ability in this area. I have great appreciation for the singers and musicians at my church who can lead me right into the presence of God.

            I think many people do not realize all the things that need to happen at a church and how their skills and abilities might help. I imagine in many large churches people are paid to do behind the scenes jobs that smaller churches can’t afford. Suppose a toilet starts to leak at a church; most of us have fixed our own toilets at home. Couldn’t we help fix the toilet in God’s house and be a blessing to our church?

            I imagine that every reader has some beautiful flowers blooming at your home. Could you use your skills in gardening around your church and be a blessing to all the people who attend your church? Most of us have picked up a paint brush in our homes, what about God’s house? Could you use that skill to help make your church look better? Every one of us washes dishes at home, could that skill be helpful after a church potluck?

            Many people think that the only help that is needed around our churches includes singing in the choir, preaching, Sunday school teachers, and ushers. There are so many other ways that you could help around your church. Sometimes you might need to step outside your comfort zone to help, like in the children’s department, or helping with the youth group, or even going on a mission trip, but God needs us to get the job done.  

            My pastor has a saying, “God is not looking for those who can, but for those who will.” I want to encourage you to be willing to help out, especially if you have the skills that are required to get the job done. If what is needed is slightly out of your comfort zone, then pray and ask God to help you. He will honor that prayer. I believe you will be a stronger person, blessed by God for using your gifts in His house.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com       

Just Fix It

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By Doug Creamer

            I am not good at fixing plumbing problems. I have fixed leaky faucets, changed shower heads, and repaired toilets many times. Those are relatively minor repairs. Some of those repairs might result in a little cup to catch the drip, but the drip will normally stop after a few days.

            We have a bathtub in our master bathroom. We both take showers. So when the faucet got stuck in the shower position I didn’t see any problem. It works well and neither of us takes baths. My wife mentioned the other day that maybe she might like to take a bath, but since it didn’t work, she couldn’t.

            I decided to check on the situation. There is a push pin diverter that makes the water go up to the shower, and it was stuck in the shower position. All it probably needs is a little tug to change it back for bathing. When I gave the pin a tug it popped out. Problem solved, right? Wrong! Now water flowed in three directions: up to the shower head, down to the tub, and out the pin hole…all at the same time. I pushed the pin back in and it didn’t stick. The new water flow pattern wasn’t going to work.

            I thought about calling my brother, who can fix anything. My brother figures out how to fix things by asking his phone and then watching YouTube videos. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I used my computer and asked Google. I looked through my options and found a guy who had a shower setup just like ours. His video was about three minutes long. It couldn’t be that easy, could it?

            The video showed removing three screws, removing the broken diverter, inserting the new one, putting the three screws back in, and turning on the water. I followed the directions. I had it repaired quicker than it took me to gather the tools for the job. Now we can choose what we want a shower or a bath. My wife says it is nice to have the choice.

            I still can’t believe that I fixed something so quickly. I wish I could apply the same principles to my spiritual life with the same success. Fixing ourselves spiritually is challenging, and maybe impossible, without God’s help. Some things in life we can fix if we work hard at it.

            If your doctor tells you that you need to exercise and lose weight, then that becomes a matter of choice on your part. You can choose to listen and work on taking off some weight. You can choose to exercise or not. If you choose to listen and work on it, you can change your lifestyle and improve your health and well-being. 

            I believe that spiritual fixes require the power of the Holy Spirit. Our flesh does not want to cooperate with the Spirit. We struggle and resist God’s leading in our lives. Sometimes we think we know what is best, until we make a huge mess of life. Then we turn to God and expect instant results after failing to listen.

            Romans chapter 7 paints a picture of the mess we make with our lives. Paul writes that he keeps doing the things he hates, and doesn’t do the things God wants him to do. Then you read chapter 8, which tells us that God does not condemn us for our failure because He knows we are sinful and live in a broken world. He asks that we turn to Jesus and cooperate with the Spirit. The Bible is clear that I cannot earn my way to heaven, but I can accept the free gift of God through Jesus His Son. God gives us forgiveness, peace, and hope, in one simple breath.

            The truth is I can’t fix me. I only create a big mess. But with God’s help my life can be completely different and I can make a difference in the world. We have to work with God and allow His Spirit to work in and through us. When I allow Jesus to live in me, amazing things can happen.

            I want to encourage you to stop trying to fix yourself all by yourself. Invite God into your life and allow Him to work with you, to help you make the changes in you. Your spirit will feel refreshed, your heart will experience the forgiveness of God, your mind will experience a peace that goes beyond understanding, and you will be assured of your eternal destination. There is nothing greater than accepting Jesus and knowing the Creator as your Father and Friend.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Change in Life

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By Doug Creamer

            This morning began on a concerning note. I was driving to work when I saw a car coming from the opposite direction being chased by three police cars. As they zoomed past me all I could do was pray for everyone involved. I hope that no innocent people were hurt and that the situation resolved in a positive way.

            This evening’s garden check also included a disconcerting sight. I discovered a black snake wrapped up in the netting that I have wrapped around my blueberry bushes. He was so tightly wrapped that I thought he was already gone. As I started to cut away the mesh he started to move. I worked for a while to free the snake but he got anxious and kept opening his mouth towards me. I didn’t want to get bit in the process of setting him free, but eventually I was able to cut the netting away and free the snake.

            These two events reminded me of a discussion I had this week about writing. A group of us were talking about how authors get ideas for their stories. I said that authors choose topics or themes about which they are passionate. Some of the themes we discussed were love, coming of age, growing older, overcoming, revenge, good versus evil, and addiction.

            The topic of addiction struck a chord with several in the group. One individual shared how an addiction had destroyed the marriage of a co-worker. He went on to share that when the person finally got help for his addiction he was able to turn his life around.

            Another woman shared how she had gotten free from addiction through faith in Jesus. She struggled to understand why others she knew did not want to be freed from the same addiction in their lives. Despite numerous attempts to share her story, they continue on in their addiction. “Why don’t they follow the same path I found?”

            Several in the group tried to explain to her that the nature of addiction keeps people trapped, even when they can see a path out. One person put it best, “people will remain trapped in addiction until they finally decide that they want to be free.” She kept asking us, how can she help these people? We told her that prayer was her best and most powerful tool. We all also encouraged her to never give up on her friends. We told her to keep encouraging them, praying and hoping that they would take the path to their freedom. 

            One individual concluded that we are all weak and broken in different ways. We each have a need for our Savior’s help to change and overcome the struggles that we face. Your struggles are real to you and my struggles are real to me. We all want to live right for God, but we have to learn to let Him help us.

            The Bible tells us that none of us are righteous or always make the right choices. Thankfully, the book of Romans teaches us that while none of us is good enough to earn God’s favor, God in His mercy and love made a way for us to be right with Him. When we invite Jesus to be our Savior, He comes to live inside us. It’s Him living inside of me that makes me right with God. The Bible makes it clear that there is nothing I can do. It is the free gift of God to all who will open their hearts to receive it.

            The only hope I have to change is inviting Jesus to live inside me. He will help me change, making me righteous in the process. Anything I might try to do in my own strength counts as nothing. I have to learn to work with Jesus if I hope to bring lasting change and eternal rewards. If I ever hope to live a better life I have to live by faith in Christ and what He does in and through me.

            I want to encourage you to invite Jesus to live in you and to work through you. Real change in your life comes when you allow Christ to work out your salvation in and through you. Knowing you don’t have to do it on your own ought to give you courage to press through the challenges. He wants the best for you and will work in you if you invite Him in. Open the door of your heart to Him and watch what He can do as you cooperate with Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

It’s Okay to Rest

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By Doug Creamer

It’s OK to Rest

            On the morning of the 4th of July, I opened Facebook to see the many patriotic pictures that my friends had posted. Most of my friends were posting pictures of family, friends, and pets all decked out in red, white, and blue. Some people posted videos of fireworks, which were fun to watch.

            I was looking forward to my family gathering. Many years ago, my wife and I hosted the family gathering, which included some fun times over at the Faith festival and an afternoon water fight. The water fights always started with squirt guns but ended up with the water hoses. We would all get soaked, but we created memories that will last for a lifetime.

            My brother and I are teaching our grand-nephews about water fights. We started this year with squirt guns because the boys are little. The family gathering was great this year, and included delicious food, plenty of laughter, and a fireworks display. It is nice to spend some time with family and relax.

            It is also nice that for one day we as a country can forget our political differences and celebrate that we are Americans. We are blessed to live in the best country in the world. We are thankful for all the men and women who have served and are serving in our military. We are also thankful for all the police, firefighters, and EMS workers who work tirelessly to keep us safe here at home.

            The 4th of July afforded me a few days off from work. I know I am only working part-time, but I still enjoy having a few days off. Before the break started I was thinking about what I wanted to get done while I was off. I had a mental list going, but never wrote it down. As I told you recently, I like having lists so I can check things off and get that feeling of accomplishment.        

The first couple of days off I slept and did very little. I had been burning the candle at both ends and my body just wanted to rest. I tried to get motivated, with few results. I had the opportunity to catch up with a few friends and relished those moments. I did all my regular chores but found myself reading, watching TV, and trolling the internet.

            I did some small, quiet tasks that have been on my radar. I worked peacefully out in my garden weeding, mulching, and replanting where the rabbits and squirrels have eaten and ruined some areas. I can see where I cleaned, straightened, and put things away, and it makes me feel good. There is always more to do.

            I noticed something the last couple of days of my break. There is this little spark inside. There is a little life that has rekindled. I really can’t explain it. I just know it’s there. I feel ready to engage, ready to get back to teaching. The flame inside is small and it will need to be guarded and fed, but there is something stirring and it feels good. It is a feeling of being refreshed.

            I stay busy and on the go. I find it difficult to unplug and slow down. Resting is an important spiritual principle. To be honest, it’s not one I am very good at doing. God worked for six days to create our universe, and then He rested on the seventh day. Jesus sent the crowds away and His disciples across the lake so He could climb the mountain and have some disengaged quiet time with His Father.

            Sometimes we can disengage at the beach or while going for a hike in the mountains. Our soul and spirit need times to quietly reflect. We can push ourselves at critical moments and our bodies will help us push through, but then we need to find a way to take a deep breath and rest. Everyone recharges their batteries in different ways. The key is to know yourself and give yourself permission to rest. There will always be a list waiting, but disengaging and resting can help you find renewed energy and creativity.

            I encourage you to consider how you get refreshed and then give yourself the permission to do what you need to do to get the rest you require. Working from a place of rest will help you ultimately become more productive. Your mind will work better and your body will cooperate. Invite God into your place of rest and allow His Spirit to infuse yours. Jesus and God both rested. It’s okay for you to rest, too. 

Mary & Martha

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By Doug Creamer

            The last couple of weeks have been busy. I have been working hard trying to get things done. I make lists of things that need to get done and they help me focus on what needs my attention the most. Sometimes I am provided a “honey do” list and I will work on those, too. I love the feeling of scratching things off the list.

            Someone asked me if I work on the easy ones first or the hard ones. It is tempting to pick some easy ones in order to get that sense of accomplishment. Some items on the list I don’t really want to do. Those items may linger and reappear on future lists.  

            I am not sure where the idea of lists came from in my life. I think I learned it from professional journal articles talking about how to be more efficient. I may have learned it from my mother, who always has lists. My wife often makes lists as well, especially when planning a trip. Wherever it originated, I use lists in my professional and personal life.

            I have been burning the candle at both ends for several weeks. I had the feeling that I had more to do than time to get it all done. Sometimes when life gets to pressing me my quiet time can get squeezed. I imagine that I am not the only one who allows a busy schedule to squeeze out the Lord. I hate it, but sadly, it has happened.

            In the spring of this year our church dug out all our old landscaping and planted some new shrubs around the front of the church. I was so excited to see the new plants and to be a part of freshening up the outside look of our church. It took a little over two weekends to get all the work done, and I love how it turned out.

            Normally, we get consistent rains and warm temperatures through mid-July. This year we have been lacking rain and having excessive heat. That is not good for new landscaping. I have been at the church a couple times a week trying to keep everything watered. It’s too hot to water in the afternoon, so I have to go in the morning or evening.

            On Sunday I decided I would water before Sunday school. I was running out of time but still had some watering to do. I decided to finish the watering and be a little late for Sunday school. As I continued watering, the story of Mary and Martha went through my head. I was choosing to get the work done instead of sitting at the feet of Jesus. If you know me, you know I always want to be at the feet of Jesus.

            Sunday school was good, but guilt nagged me as I entered the sanctuary. As I listened to the prelude music the nagging continued. In the midst of the music another voice whispered in my ear, “Don’t let guilt and worry keep you from Me.” This voice was filled with grace and love. I immediately engaged with the worship and found myself engulfed in His loving arms.  

            We all have a little Martha in us. I’ve seen it all my life on Pot-Luck Sundays. A group of women will jump up just before the sermon ends to get things ready for us to have lunch. They bless the congregation through their service. When you miss church because you are caring for a loved one who needs you you’re being a blessing.

            My pastor said something the other day that has stirred in my spirit. You have to look at the heart of a person. It made me think about this familiar story in a different light. Jesus wasn’t rebuking Martha for serving. She was doing exactly what she was supposed to be doing. Martha was serving the Lord. Mary needed to hear something in what Jesus was teaching and she wouldn’t be denied. Mary would join Martha shortly in serving.

            I want to encourage you to find ways you can help in your church so you can serve the King. Sometimes you might have to miss the sermon because you are serving the kids in children’s church or helping to get the pot-luck on the table. We have been called just like Jesus to serve others. Some things, like watering the plants or washing the dishes after a pot-luck may not feel significant or spiritual, but Jesus notices that you are serving Him. I encourage you to find a way to be a blessing to others through serving.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Our Memories

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By Doug Creamer

Our Memories

            My family got together last weekend to celebrate Father’s Day and my older sister’s birthday. Which birthday we celebrated, I can’t publish in the paper if I want to remain alive. My little sister was able to attend, which meant that all my siblings were together at one time. That does not happen very often. Of course, we forgot to take a picture together.

            My brother created a fun activity for the evening. We were to share our earliest recollection of my sister, and our best memory of time spent with her. My best memory was easy. My sister worked for the National Park system as a lifeguard on the Outer Banks. I went down to stay with her for several nights. One night we went outside and watched for shooting stars. There was supposed to be a meteor shower that night, and we had the clearest, darkest sky I have ever seen.

            We lay on the picnic table and watched the night sky. The Milky Way was incredible. I never knew there were that many stars in the sky. We saw so many meteors that night, it was unbelievable. There was one that was brilliantly bright, right overhead. The smoke from that one was in the sky for a few moments. I have never forgotten that night.

            Dad thought it would be interesting to hear which house was our favorite from growing up. We moved a lot when we were kids, so there were many from which to choose. My Dad chose one where my parents had made many friends. I chose one where I had my own room, even though I had another room in one house with a beautiful skylight that opened. I am not sure my parents know that I used to go out that skylight and sit on the roof.

            My older sister talked with me after the gathering and questioned my memory about the first time I had my own room. It took me a couple of days to remember other houses where I had my own room. How did I forget? Several family members commented during our gathering that sometimes we don’t have accurate memories.

            In a different conversation with my parents we were discussing major events in our lives. My parents remembered events that they thought were huge and impactful that I didn’t even remember occurring. Events that I thought were life-altering, they didn’t have any memory of at all. It is interesting what we remember and how we remember those events occurring.

            The memories we have shape our lives. We all have good ones and bad ones. But one of the great things about our spiritual lives is that God doesn’t remember any of the bad or sinful things we have done if we have confessed our sins. Our pasts are completely washed away by the precious blood of Jesus. He promises to throw the sinful memories of those things away.

            We have to learn to be like God in two important ways. First, we have to learn to forgive ourselves. If God has forgiven us, we can learn to forgive ourselves. We live in broken human bodies that are going to sin and fail God, but when we turn back to Him it’s all gone. Second, we need to learn to forgive others. If God can forgive us, we have to learn to forgive others. Remember, they are human too and will make mistakes. While we can remember the wrongs done against us, we have to strive to forgive those who wrong us.

            I think the next thing we need to work on is focusing on remembering the good things. God is so wonderful and gracious towards us. He has blessed us in so many ways. We need to reflect and remember those things. We need to count our blessings and remember His goodness towards us. We need to remember all the ways He has helped us and answered our prayers. It is a good thing when our hearts are filled with thanksgiving.

            I want to encourage you to reflect on the good things in your life. Be thankful for your family, friends, church, neighbors, and all the many blessings God has bestowed upon you. Take your eyes off your failures and put them on your redeemer. Exchange all the worries you have for tomorrow for gratitude for all the ways God has come through for you in the past. When we can remember the goodness of God from the past it will help us to trust Him with the future. Don’t forget, God is working hard to plan a great future for you.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

More Backyard Adventures

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By Doug Creamer

            I take the trash out late at night. Often, I will turn out the spotlights and stand in my yard to look at the stars. It’s quiet and I love those few moments outside. Some nights I get lucky and see some shooting stars. Other nights I have watched satellites and even the International Space Station go by overhead. Most nights I look at the stars and enjoy the few moments of peace.

            Last night I saw a white spot out in the yard. I knew it was the rabbit that has been hanging around. Then I saw a second white spot and wondered if the white rabbit had found a friend. I got a small flashlight and went to check out the situation.

            The first white spot was the rabbit. The second spot was the neighbor’s white cat. I shooed the cat away. I went and got a bigger flashlight to be sure the coast was clear. The white rabbit is good; he stays out of the vegetable garden. The wild rabbits have not been good; I have to chase them away from the vegetables quite often. I had to replant some vegetables because the rabbits have been enjoying them.

            I was doing some weeding the other day when I noticed evidence of deer chewing the buds of some daylilies. We wait all year to see those glorious blooms, and some deer ate them. I have to wrap my blueberry bushes to keep the birds and squirrels out of them.

            It seems there are always thieves who want to steal from us. While rabbits, squirrels, and deer are cute in their own way, I don’t want them stealing from my garden. I work out there so I can enjoy the fruit of my labor. I know that I have to protect things if I hope to enjoy the harvest.

            Vigilance is required in many areas of our lives, especially in our spiritual lives. We have an enemy to our souls who wants to steal, kill, and destroy us. He operates in very subtle ways to distract us and keep us away from God. If he can keep us away from God, he can keep us away from our source of strength and power.  

            Sunday morning is a prime example. When do many families have fights and disagreements? Just before church, so they will be thinking about that instead of what God wants to do in their lives. If you are fuming at your kids or your mate, how can you quiet your spirit and receive what God has for you that day?

            One of the ways I find myself distracted is by his subtle whispers. He will tell me that I am a sinner totally unworthy of God’s love and affection. He will remind me of my many failures. He will tell me that God doesn’t want someone like me in His holy presence. If I am not careful, I will believe those lies. It is easy to allow self-doubt, discouragement, worry, or fear to invade my mind.

            If I spend Sunday morning wrestling with all those bad thoughts then I will miss the whole reason I went to church. Meanwhile, the thief is laughing at his victory. One of the things I have been learning lately is that some of the thoughts I have aren’t mine. Some of the thoughts that run through my mind are being planted by the thief. My job is to take those thoughts captive and give them to God. I don’t have to play with those bad thoughts.

            We all know that we are sinners, but Jesus paid the price for all our sins. If we have confessed our sins, then they are forgiven and forgotten. If worry is trying to capture my mind, then I need to give that to God, too. He holds my life in His hands and He has all the details under His control. If I am feeling discouraged, I need to let the Holy Spirit know because He is the encourager of our souls. If I am struggling with self-doubt, I only need to look at the Father who loves me and receives me with open arms.

            I want to encourage you to run to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…they want to be with you. Why do you think the enemy works so hard to draw you away? The enemy knows that once you are in the Father’s arms you know you are loved and accepted. We are the sons and daughters of God…loved, forgiven, hopeful, and confident that He holds our future in His hands.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

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