The Little Visitor

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By Doug Creamer

            The Easter bunny came for a little visit last Sunday. I’m getting ahead of myself here; let me start at the beginning. I was walking around the side of the house after church last Sunday when I saw a neighbor out in her yard, so I waved. She called out, “Do you own a rabbit?” I responded, “No, why?”

            There was a beautiful white rabbit hopping around my backyard. We watched it for a little while and were both concerned for its wellbeing. We’ve seen hawks and owls in our neighborhood. It was friendly and we both petted the little bunny. It was obvious to both of us that this rabbit was someone’s pet.

            I decided to catch the rabbit. I got out our cat carrier and some gloves to be careful, and scooped the little rabbit up. He was just about in the cage when the rabbit began to kick me with his strong back legs. With his head inside the carrier, I thought I had won. When I released my grip he twirled around and hopped away.

            He didn’t run very far. He was playing a little game with me. I swooped around and captured him again. This time I put a hand around those strong back legs. He slid right in the carrier this time and I got the door closed. Mission accomplished, but now what?

            My neighbor and I looked at the beautiful rabbit and then we got a carrot for him. While he munched on it, we talked about options, including keeping the little guy. We each encouraged the other to keep it. I don’t think either of us was ready to adopt a new pet.

            We called another neighbor and asked if she would post about the lost rabbit on our community Facebook page. We took some cute pictures and she posted about it. Wow, did that create a stir. There were tons of comments on the little rabbit. No one said it was their rabbit, but there were several who were willing to adopt it.

            The last I checked on it, the bunny has a new home. I have heard through the grapevine that the family is very happy with their new rabbit. That little rabbit may not know it, but it brought a much-needed ray of sunshine to our little community. I admit it; the little white rabbit brought sunshine to my soul, too.

            I like a happy ending, when the lost become found. This little rabbit who lost his way has found a new home where he will be loved and cared for by a warm, loving family. Does that story remind you of any other story? Yes, me too.

            All of us know people who are like that little rabbit. They seem content, hopping around in their daily lives, but their souls are lost and unprotected. Their souls don’t have a place to call home. They are in need of someone to come along and rescue them.

            Some people don’t even realize that their soul is in danger. They don’t know the perfect peace that God gives His children. They have never met Jesus and discovered His love. They don’t realize that Jesus has paid for all their sins and made a way for them to come home. They don’t have a safe place from the storms of life because they don’t know their Creator.

            Sadly, these souls don’t realize that there is a family just waiting for them. The family of God has opened the doors and their hearts to receive them. I know the family of God is not perfect, nor is any family on earth. My family isn’t perfect, but I love everyone in my family and pray for them often. The same holds true for my church family. We aren’t perfect, but we are a wonderful family who love each other deeply. We laugh hard and hold each other close when the road gets rocky. I wouldn’t exchange my church family for anything.

            I want to encourage you to get connected with a church family. I know you haven’t figured everything out yet, but that’s okay, we haven’t either. I know your life is a mess, that’s okay, because none of us has a perfect life either. I know you may be afraid and you want God to answer some questions, that’s okay, too. None of us knows all the answers, either…that’s what faith is all about…trusting God with what you don’t understand. Come home before it is too late. Come home where it is safe. Come home where you can find love and acceptance. Come home to the family of God. Come home!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Wisdom From Friends

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By Doug Creamer

            I have always believed that our words are more powerful than we could ever imagine. I have to be careful with my words because I like to have fun and I am a bit of a prankster. I know that my words can hurt as well as heal. My words can bring laughter and bring tears. The words we choose are important because of their impact on people’s lives.

            Recently, I was talking with a colleague about my new job at the community college. I was telling her how much I am enjoying the job and the students. While I acknowledged that I was working really hard to learn the curriculum and prepare my lesson plans, I am really enjoying the whole experience. I told her that I loved being a teacher.

            In response, she said something simple yet very profound for me. She said “You love being a teacher because that is the way God made you.” I thought about her statement for a moment and was speechless. “That is the way God made you.” Even now, the statement still gives me goosebumps. God created me to be a teacher. I love being a teacher. I love doing what God created me to do.

            Many people have searched their whole lives to find their purpose, why God created them. I have known my purpose was to be a teacher for most of my life. Of course, there are parts of every job that aren’t fun. But I get great joy out of helping someone learn something they didn’t know…and that applies to both the natural and the spiritual realms.

            I was emailing another friend about my new job and how excited I am to teach. She said it was easy to see how much I was enjoying my new job. But then she said something that caught my attention. I explained to her that I was working long hours creating curriculum, lesson plans, PowerPoints, and handouts. I am working hard to stay one step in front of my students. I am tapping deep into my creative energy and things are flowing beautifully.

            My friend is a very creative person and she knows how that energy can flow. She said it sounded like I was burning the candle at both ends. She said you can do that for a short while, but I needed to consider slowing down and allowing my creative batteries to recharge. If I wanted to maintain the current creative flow I was enjoying, I needed some down time.

            I read her words several times. I saw the wisdom in what she was sharing with me. I love and thrive in the creative process, but all work and no play isn’t good for the creative process or for the students in my classroom. I took a deep breath, acknowledged the truth in what she wrote, and unplugged…for a little while.

            If our eyes are open, we can encounter wisdom from many different places in our lives. One of the greatest sources of wisdom comes from King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live. I have been reading Proverbs lately and enjoying my journey through the book. There are so many wise sayings about every aspect of life. He offers many practical applications on how to live everyday life.  

            There are other places to look in the Bible for practical wisdom. There are many stories which illustrate the benefits of keeping God first in our lives. The experiences in the stories are there to guide us and give us wisdom. Age does not dictate the amount of wisdom you possess, the amount of the Word of God hidden in your heart will determine that.

            Wisdom alone doesn’t determine your path in life; it also comes from your choices. We know the difference between right and wrong, yet we all choose wrong at different times. We need to slow down and consider our choices and the paths they will lead us down. We can’t choose for each other, we have to choose for ourselves. We can learn from each other and gain wisdom from each other’s life experiences.

            I want to encourage you to gain wisdom. There is a difference between wisdom and knowledge; choose wisdom. Wisdom can be gained by reading and meditating on God’s word. It can also be gained from listening to others who have walked down the same paths. God wants you to have a good trip through life, so listen for His voice and learn from His insights. God can and will give you wisdom even from good friends and co-workers.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Our Prayers

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By Doug Creamer

            I like to pray about as much as I like weather. I can hear you laughing! My fascination with weather stretches back to some of my earliest memories. I can remember watching the weather reports on the evening news. I knew all the weather personalities. I always want to know about the next storm, the new cold front, and when will it snow.

            But this column is about our prayers. We pray over our food, we pray together when we are at church, and we say our prayers before we go to sleep at night. We ask for God’s blessings and His divine protection. These are good prayers, meaningful prayers, ones that bring us peace and comfort.

            Sometimes our prayers don’t feel like enough. We ask God for His help, but it seems unheard. Someone is in the hospital and they seem to be going from bad to worse. Someone is struggling with the demons of drugs and/or alcohol and it feels like they are losing the battle. Depression and anxiety have taken someone into captivity and our prayers for them feel like they are hitting the ceiling.

            Our heart aches for the ones who struggle. We believe that prayer works, but why aren’t we seeing the evidence? We rush in to fix things ourselves only to watch situations slip through our fingers. Where do we turn for answers when it feels like prayer isn’t working? How do we maintain our hope when everything feels so hopeless?

            The first place we have to begin is in our thoughts. Our minds tell us that things look hopeless. We know better. God is faithful and He will never leave or forsake us. God loves us and those who are in need far greater than we can ever understand. God is well informed about every situation in our lives. Nothing escapes His attention. Those are facts that we have to tell our minds to get them working in the right direction.

            We also need to change our thinking about how we pray. There are times when we approach God with our lists. We pray for family and friends and those people who are facing terrible situations, the very ones we are talking about today. Those prayers that don’t seem to get answered were a part of our list that we brought to God.

            I think we may need to re-think our approach to God. If you have a computer or smartphone, look up the song, “Talking to Jesus.” Take a few minutes and listen. Let the song sink in. I think there is a difference between praying and talking to Jesus. Both are vital, but I think we often forget the power that can be found in talking to Jesus.

            I know there are times when we must get on our knees and intercede. There is a place for absolute brokenness before the Father. We should bring our lists to God because the Bible teaches us that God loves us and cares deeply about the desires of our hearts. But there is a difference between those prayers and “Talking to Jesus.”

            When you are talking to Jesus it’s like talking with your best friend about whatever is on your mind. You tell Him what you are thinking and feeling, even if those feelings seem wrong. You pour out your heart to Him because you know He cares for you. It’s okay to pull out the yucky stuff that is way down inside of you because you have a friend in Jesus. It’s okay to tell Him you are dealing with doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, and even hopelessness. He won’t judge you and He will appreciate your honesty.

            Do you know what is going to happen when you talk to Jesus like that? He will lift your burdens. He will assure you of His presence in your life. He will trade all the bad stuff for His perfect peace. You may not get the answers you want as fast as you want them, but you will know that He is on the job. If He sees every sparrow that falls and knows the number of hairs on your head, He’ll take your burdens. He’s got it!

            I want to encourage you to start talking to Jesus. If you have children, let them catch you talking to Jesus so they can learn from your example. In fact, you can teach them how to talk to Jesus. The next time you go to the hospital or you face what feels like impossible odds, start talking to Jesus. He is your best friend and He will walk with you through your circumstances.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Old Movies

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By Doug Creamer

            I like to watch a variety of movies. Naturally, as a guy, I enjoy action movies. I liked the Jason Bourne series, and who doesn’t like a good James Bond movie? I enjoyed the Indiana Jones series, but that does go a ways back. Westerns are high on the list, especially a number of the old ones. Yes, I enjoy some science fiction movies, too.

            There are some movies that I have watched numerous times. Some Christmas movies I watch every holiday season. Honestly, there are too many to mention by name in this space, and some of them might get me quite a ribbing from a few friends. I will admit that there are some rom coms on the list, but you have to remember I am married and I enjoy watching movies with my wife.

            Since the beginning of this pandemic we have watched a number of movies. We watch a movie every Friday night and sometimes another one on Saturday night. If you count the weekends since this pandemic began, you will come up with quite a large number of movies we have consumed. I don’t think we are alone in our movie consumption since the pandemic began.

My wife has found many movies that weren’t blockbusters that we have really enjoyed. We both enjoy movies with quirky characters. We have also enjoyed movies that are thought-provoking. Some movies have challenged our beliefs, or at least made us consider things from a different point of view. She has introduced me to some British movies and programs that we have really enjoyed.

            We have watched a number of black and white movies. There are some great ones from way back. They move slower, but we enjoy the pace. There are some old comedies and mysteries that hold up well. We both like some of the stars from back in the day. We also enjoy that the movies were less graphic in those days.

            We both enjoy a great story. We have watched plenty that were based on real life. Some people have lived very hard lives and their stories offer a sense of hope. If they can walk through those trials, then I can endure the things that I face.

            The Bible is filled with many of those kinds of stories. We see over and over again that people faced insurmountable odds, but with God’s help they overcame. We see people who made mistake after mistake, and God still used them to accomplish His purposes. That means that He can use someone like me to do His will, too.

            I have been reading through the Psalms and I love how the psalmist calls out to God from terrible circumstances, and then God intervenes. Sometimes the palmist ends the psalm with a declaration that he will wait and trust in God, while other times God has already shown up. It seems the psalmist catches a vision of his great big God and loses sight of his terrible circumstances.

            I like that the Bible tells us of David, a man after God’s own heart. David was one of the greatest kings, yet David made plenty of bad mistakes that weren’t swept under the rug. He counted the troops against God’s will and many people lost their lives because of that mistake. We all know he committed adultery, yet God used him in mighty ways. So yes, God can and wants to have people like that in His family.

            I love that Peter is included among Jesus’ disciples. While Peter had great faith, he also committed many big blunders. He said and did the wrong thing it seems, more times than he said and did the right thing. Yet Peter was among Jesus’ closest men. Peter is the rock upon which the church was built. Peter walked on water and healed many in his life. Peter led the church and wrote some of the books from the Bible. Peter is a hero of the faith.

            I want to encourage you to read about these and many others in your Bible who were ordinary people with ordinary faith in an extraordinary God. God is looking for someone just like you and me to be light in this dark world. He wants us to tell our stories of our journey of faith to those who don’t know of His marvelous deeds. The stories from the Bible are truly inspiring, but your story can be equally inspiring to others who are struggling. Share your story; who knows, maybe they will make a movie out of it one day.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

God Moves Unexpectedly

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By Doug Creamer

God Moves Unpredictably

            When I moved to North Carolina back in the 1980’s, people told me about the March that it snowed three Wednesdays in a row. Any story about snow is a good story. I have heard that story more times than I can count. I did a little research, and that was back in 1960. Well, it might just be possible that we could have three snowy weekends in a row if some of the models are right. Two weeks ago we had snow and sleet. Last weekend we had snow again, and it is possible that we could see snow again this weekend. What stories will come of this?

            I have to admit, last weekend’s snow was a surprise. I had been watching the models for over a week, trying to determine what I thought would happen. I send out storm alerts to some friends and followers, but I never sent anything out on that storm. A few friends pressed me, and I told them we could see between 0 and 6 inches. I guess I was right since we got three inches at my house.

            Weather is so unpredictable, but I love the challenge and the excitement of following storms. I love following storms, severe weather, and hurricanes, but my favorite is snowstorms. I have been fascinated by weather since childhood. I love to watch it snow. It doesn’t happen that often, and most people agree it is beautiful to watch it come down. The trouble is that I like to see it pile up, too. Last Friday night it started to snow while I was getting our take-out dinner. I turned on the spotlights when I got home and I watched it snow all evening. It was one of the nicest evenings I can remember in a long time.

            That storm was very unpredictable. Every model run churned out different results. One run I thought we would see heavy snow, then the next run we weren’t going to get any at all. I thought as we closed in on the storm we might find clarity. It never happened. Most forecasters were surprised by the amount we received. In their defense, what we received was a powder snow, and powder snow is very hard to predict.

            We normally get snow, then sleet and freezing rain, finally ending as snow again. That’s another reason it is very hard to predict winter weather. I love following it, but mostly I just want to look out the windows and watch it snow.

            Weather’s unpredictable nature reminds me about God’s unpredictability. I am not implying that He is undependable. We can count on God. But His ways and methods are very unpredictable. If you think you have figured out God, look out because He will surprise you. The Bible tells us that His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts.

            People say that God will work the way He did before. That’s not always true. God is creative and can work in many wonderful different ways. Think of the many ways that Jesus healed people. Sometimes He spoke to them, other times He placed His hands on them, and still other times He spit on the ground and made mud to put on them. We are all different; God can approach each of us in different ways.

            What I love most about walking with God is how He surprises me. Sometimes He comes for a visit late at night. Sometimes we are singing a song I have sung many times at church, but on this Sunday He shows up in a special way. Sometimes I open an email from a reader and God shows up in an unexpected way to bless me. Maybe this has happened to you…you pray for something and God provides an answer in an unexpected way.

            We have to stop putting God in a box by saying, “He can only work in this way.” The Bible tells us of many different ways that God has worked in the past. We know that He can work in those ways again, but we can’t say that those are the only ways He will work. We have to expand our faith and believe that God can move and work in unexpected ways.

            I want to encourage you to open your heart to God and allow Him to do something unexpected in your life. He wants to bless you. He wants to encourage you. He wants to strengthen your faith. He wants to give you good gifts. Pay attention to what is happening around you. God is at work in many unexpected ways to express His love for you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Getting Ready for the Storm

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By Doug Creamer

            If you read my columns regularly, you know that I had a busy week last week keeping an eye on the winter storm. A couple of weeks ago the storm showed up on the models giving us multiple feet of snow. What we ended up with was a mess. I am very grateful that we received sleet and not freezing rain. We are all enjoying our power because we got sleet the other day.

            Last week was really crazy because I started my new job. It was hard to focus on my new job and follow a major winter storm, too. People wanted to know what I thought was going to happen with the storm, and I was working hard to stay one step ahead of my new students.

            The trouble with the storm was I knew that if the cold air mixed with the moist Gulf storm, we could see record snowfall in our area. Until we were only a few days out, I hadn’t considered the possibility that we might get an ice storm. Then I watched the forecast take a downward turn and the possibility of an ice storm became very real.

            Preparation for an ice storm is different than for a snowstorm. There is a better chance you will keep your power through a snowstorm. The ice potential was looking bad and the possibility of power loss was high. The Boy Scout in me turned on. I began to prepare.

            I got out our camping stove and lit it to make sure it worked. I started the gas logs and made sure they were working properly. We charged up all our electronics. I cleaned up around the outside of the house. I went to the store and got food in. I didn’t overbuy because I knew we would get out this week sometime.

            The last thing I had to do was get the battery powered lantern loaded with batteries and check all the flashlights. Flashlights…check. One of the lanterns had a leaky battery a few months back. I had removed and cleaned it well. It worked with the leaky battery, so I figured it would work fine with fresh batteries. The batteries for the lantern were either leaking or dead. The storm was a few hours away and I had to go to the store for batteries. This was wrong!

            The Lord looks out for His children. The store had plenty of batteries. Not the ones I needed for the lantern, but plenty of others. I went to the back of the store and found a flashlight that could be used like a lantern, and plenty of batteries to fit it. We were set. Thank God we kept our power and none of this was needed.

            But you can be sure that I am going to be looking for another lantern and shopping for some new batteries before the next storm. Being prepared is so important and something that has been drilled into me since my Boy Scout days. Preparation applies to all areas of our lives, including our spiritual lives.

            The Bible tells us to be prepared in season and out of season to give an answer for the source of our hope and faith. Each of us has a story of how God reached out to us and saved us. Many of us have additional stories of how God intervened in our lives to bring healing and restoration. Many people have stories of being healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Others have stories of how God delivered them from drug and alcohol addiction. We still serve a miracle-working God and people need to hear your stories. So be prepared to tell them.

            The Bible also tells us to be prepared for His return. I have friends who believe we are within a few years of Jesus’ return. Regardless of when He returns, we need to be prepared to meet Him. The first question He will ask is “Have you accepted me as your Savior?” The next thing He will want to know is what have you done for His kingdom. Your reward in heaven is based on the work you have done for Him here on earth.

            I want to encourage you to accept Jesus as your Savior. That’s the most important decision you will ever make. I also want to encourage you to prepare your story and then share your story. Someone in your life needs to hear it. Someone needs to hear that God really cares about our individual situations, and that He will act to help and deliver us. Those stories never get old to me. Get ready, because someone needs to hear from you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A New Adventure

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By Doug Creamer

            Just before Christmas I received the news that my job teaching Chinese students was coming to an end. The rumor mill had been running for months before, declaring the end was coming. The end finally arrived, and I hated to see my Chinese students go. I also hated to see my income go, especially at the holidays.

            I had applied for a job late in the fall and never heard a thing about it. About a week before Christmas I received an email asking if I could do an interview over Zoom. Naturally, I was very interested. The interviewer and I connected almost instantly. We have the same heart and the same desire to help people.

            I love being a teacher. The job is teaching students who are working to earn their GED. I am teaching math and English. I am so excited about this new opportunity. My creativity is exploding inside of me with ways to help my students understand their material.

            I have lots to learn about the specifics of what my students need to understand so they can be successful when taking their GED test. My supervisor has provided tons of resources for me. I want to look at all of them and figure out all the lessons all at once. I have to quiet myself and focus on what I need for tomorrow and the rest of this week.

            I am really looking forward to teaching in a classroom again. But with COVID numbers being so high, we are teaching virtually for now. I have been up to my classroom several times and can’t wait to teach there. I’m looking forward to doing some planning there just so I can be up in my room. Having the opportunity to engage and connect with students is so fulfilling.

            The truth is I am facing quite a bit of work setting up these new courses for the first time. The first time you teach anything, it is always very demanding. I want to find all the best materials for my students. I also want to discover the best method to get the material across to my students. Naturally, I want to do all this perfectly. While my heart knows it is impossible to be perfect, my head keeps pushing me toward that goal.

            I know that after I teach these courses a few times I will build a solid foundation for what the students will need to know in order to earn their GED. After that I will need to figure out how to vary the instruction depending on my students’ strengths and abilities. Being an educator is always a process of improving and developing new methods of instruction.

            A new adventure has begun. It is hard to see the path ahead, but I know beyond a shadow of doubt that God is leading me on this new adventure. He has given me numerous signs of confirmation along the way. Some people believe that when God is leading us the path will always be easy. God often leads us down paths that challenge us so we can grow in our dependence on Him.

            God is more interested in our spiritual growth than any of us might realize. God’s desire it to make us more like Christ. If that means leading us into places that will challenge us, then that will be the path He chooses. The good news is that He will walk with us down this new path. He would never leave us alone. He will always be there to strengthen and guide us along the way. He wants to see our spiritual muscles grow stronger.

            God loves us so much that He doesn’t want to leave us in the condition in which He found us. He wants to see us mature. He wants to heal our brokenness. He wants to see us grow in our relationship with Him. He wants us to become light to those who are living in darkness around us. In order to do all this, He has to push, pull, and sometimes even drag us out of the mess He found us in.

            I want to encourage you to be willing to go on a new adventure with God. It might feel scary to take those first few steps, but God is going to be there for you. He promises to never leave you or forsake you. He also promises that He is making good plans for your future. He wants you to grow and prosper. So connect your faith with God and see where the adventure takes you.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Music to my Ears

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By Doug Creamer

            Last night my wife and I watched a television program we like, and when it was over, I channel surfed to see if there was anything else worth watching. When James Taylor popped up on the screen, I stopped. What we got was a real treat. It was a concert with James Taylor and Carole King, music that we both grew up with.

            I struggled a little to stay focused on the concert because the weather was interesting. There was an approaching storm that was going to bring severe weather overnight, and possibly snow in the morning. I kept running between the computer and the TV, trying to keep up with both exciting things. The severe weather thankfully stayed south and east of us and the snow arrived in the morning, providing a beautiful show for us snow lovers. I was a happy camper, but I didn’t get anything done this morning while it was snowing.

            If you missed the concert, I imagine they will run it again. It was outstanding. Neither one was vying for the applause, but instead they honored each other. My wife and I sang along with many of the songs, and because we were watching on TV, we enjoyed front row seats.

            We didn’t need the words to the songs, we knew them. The songs you enjoyed in your youth never leave you. I was reflecting on the songs as we listened; they told stories, something that I think is missing in today’s music. I loved watching them because they were having so much fun on stage. I could tell by watching them that they were enjoying their own music, each other, and performing.

            Music is so important to us. It has the power to touch us, move us, and change us. Some tunes can get stuck in our heads and we can’t seem to get them out. Sometimes I lay in bed at night or in the morning and songs will run through my mind. I find myself meditating, thinking about the words in a song.

            Music plays an important part of worship services. When I was a kid my church had an unbelievable organ that could bring tears to your eyes. We had a choir filled with people who could really sing beautifully. In later years, we added other musical instruments that provided a full and beautiful sound. I enjoyed the music in my childhood church.

            I really enjoy the music at my church now. We have a talented group of musicians and singers. What I enjoy most is that the leader doesn’t allow all the focus to fall on her. She highlights each person in different ways and allows them to shine. It takes all of them to create the sound, but they work to honor each other, thus creating beautiful music.

            One of the keys that both the leader and the pastor strive to emphasize is that they are not there to perform for the congregation. They are there for an audience of One. They are there to serve the King of Kings through their musical talents and abilities. When they can keep their hearts and minds focused in this way, they create beautiful music.

            I love to worship the Lord. I lack musical talent and ability, but I recognize it in others. I know it takes lots of time to practice their musical instruments and their voices, and I deeply appreciate it. When they can focus their hearts and minds on the King, they will lead the congregation into His presence every time. I will follow, making my joyful noise unto the Lord.

            Our worship of the King should not be limited to Sunday morning services. We should listen to music sometime during the week that blesses and honors God our Father. We should sing to the Lord at other times, like in the shower, while working in the garden, washing the dishes, driving our cars, and while lying quietly in our bed. Doing that can lift your spirit in ways you cannot imagine. It can push back the dark clouds and welcome the light of His presence. God is attracted to us when we worship Him.

            I want to encourage you to worship the Lord, both in church and in your personal life. Music has the power to lift and heal the soul. It has a way of changing your stinking thinking into something beautiful. Let the music of your heart flow unto Him. Lift Him up, honor Him, and worship Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Happy New Year!

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By Doug Creamer

            This is a year that many want to put to bed. Others found 2021 to be a good year and want to savor the final moments. In many ways, I think 2021 was better than 2020 because we got to spend more time with family and friends. I appreciated every moment after living through the lockdowns.

            Truthfully, every year has good and bad moments. I try to remember the good things and focus on the positive. I try to forget the water leak in my front yard and remember the friends who came and helped me repair it. I try to remind myself of all the good things we ate from my garden and forget that the squirrels and deer enjoyed quite a bit of it.

            My family is doing well. We all had our fair share of ups and downs this year, but we survived, and in fact, we increased in number this year. I met the most recent addition to our family on Christmas Eve, a grandnephew. He is cute and his parents are still glowing with the joy of his arrival. Well, they did look a little tired, like any new parents.

            I have been able to catch up with most of my family and friends this year, but there are some family and friends that I have been unable to see since this whole pandemic began. One friend is like a second mother to my wife and me; we miss her terribly. Other friends I would have dinner with occasionally. I sure do miss catching up with them. I am hoping that in 2022 life will improve and we will get back to seeing some more of our friends.

            One thing I am not looking forward to in the next couple of days is cleaning up and putting away all the Christmas things. I will especially miss all the lights outside. I have been spending some extra time outside in the evenings, looking at all the lights on our street. They are so cheery and festive. I am like a little kid looking out the window, enjoying the beauty and wonder of this special time of the year.

I have been enjoying a good book about where all the traditions of Christmas originated. It explains why we do the things we do at this special time of year. Soon we will all pack this very special stuff up for another year. But before we do that, we will ring in the new year. I am looking forward to watching the Rose Bowl Parade. It is my final tradition for this great season.

Let’s turn our focus on the arrival of 2022, a brand new year. All the mistakes of the past have not crossed the threshold of the new year. We are granted a fresh start, a new beginning. It won’t be a perfect year, but we still need to look at it as an opportunity to begin a new chapter in our lives.

            Our view of the new year needs to be filled with hope and optimism. God has something good planned for our future. It doesn’t mean that there won’t be some challenges for us, but we have to believe in the goodness and love of God to give us hope. When we can sow the seeds of hope for a brighter tomorrow, we can meet our challenges with renewed strength and vigor.

            Our seeds of hope for the new year should be based on the promises of God. God promises a good future for us. God promises to never leave or forsake us. God promises to bring light to the darkness. There are many other promises that God has for you hidden in the Bible, waiting for you to discover them and to cling to them. Each promise gives us hope for a brighter tomorrow.

            God is good and His promises are true. He wants you to live with your faith stirred up, believing and trusting in Him. He is keeping a close watch on you. He has gone before you and will walk with you into 2022.

            I want to encourage you to plant the seeds of hope in the soil of your heart. Let your hope be based on the promises of God. He loves you and is planning great things for your future. God wants you to be closer. If you draw closer to Him, He promises to draw closer to you. What could be better than entering a new year walking hand in hand with God? 2022 is full of great promise for each of us. God Bless 2022! Happy New Year!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Christmas Love

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By Doug Creamer

            As I sit down at the computer to write, I realize we are at one of those strange times. I have yet to wrap my Christmas packages, but you have already opened yours. We are planning our Christmas feast, and you have consumed yours. I am living in anticipation of the joy of Christmas, while you are living in the glow of that great day.

            I believe how we celebrate Christmas has changed in some ways. We all want to celebrate Christmas on THE day. Families are pulled in so many different directions. We are learning to celebrate Christmas on multiple days. There is a gathering with the wife’s family to celebrate. Then there is a gathering with the husband’s family for more Christmas cheer. Finally, the husband and wife and their children gather together to share the Christmas moments that will be remembered in their own home.

            Some may argue that the gathering must take place on THE day or it doesn’t count. I argue the opposite. Can we find a way to gather during the holiday season and call each of those special moments Christmas? If we approach Christmas that way, we get to expand and stretch the joy out over multiple days. I see the opportunity for greater joy because we have expanded the celebration and reduced the stress.

            I believe that any time you can gather family and friends together to share some laughs, eat a great meal, and exchange gifts, can be Christmas. We have to discover new ways to celebrate in order to preserve the peace and joy of the holiday season. It’s the opportunity to be together as a family and to share our love for each other that really matters.

            So many families have avoided gathering due to this crazy pandemic. Last Christmas I saw my family through Zoom on the computer. I am hoping to see them in person this year, but I know we need to be careful. We want to share the joy of the holiday season and not share the virus with each other.

            When we can share our love for each other we are reflecting the example that God has given us. God gave us the wonderful gift of His son. He wanted a personal and intimate relationship with us, but sin stood in the way. God is holy and righteous and can’t be in the presence of sin or sinful man. So God in His infinite creativity made a way where there was no way. He did it through a baby born in a manger.

            Jesus bridged the divide by laying down His life for us. His sacrifice on the cross demonstrated the greatest love of all. He looked at you and me and He willingly paid the ultimate price so we could have a relationship with God our Father. Our sin has been wiped away and now we can freely approach God’s throne as His sons and daughters.

            There is no greater expression of love than to lay your life down for another. That kind of love births peace. Jesus came to bring peace. The peace He bought is not peace in the world but something greater…peace in our hearts and minds. We now have a restored, peaceful relationship with God. That will give birth to joy in our lives.

            Imagine that…the birth of a baby in a manger opened the doors of heaven, allowing our hearts to be touched and filled with His love. That great love infuses us with a peace that goes beyond explanation. That peace floods our hearts with a joy that simply cannot be contained. Heaven invades earth. The light shines in the darkness. The Savior of the world sweetly and tenderly comes into the world on that silent night. The angels of heaven could not be stopped from declaring the good news, which is for all mankind.

            The question is…will you open your heart to Him? Your destination for all eternity hangs in the balance by your choice in how you will answer that simple question. I encourage you to open your heart to God the Father, Jesus His son, and the Holy Spirit. They want to come into your heart and give you perfect peace, a love that goes beyond comprehension, and unspeakable joy. The gift lies before you, will you open it? I hope and pray that you will. God loves you far more than you are capable of understanding. He knows everything you have ever done AND He loves you in spite of it all. Let His love fill your heart and have the Merriest Christmas ever! 

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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