Christmas Joy!

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By Doug Creamer

            By the time many of you read this, we will be about a week away from Christmas. Oh no, there is still so much to do! We have done quite a bit, but there are still some things that need to get finished up. Somehow it will all get done and we will be ready.

            I have been thinking about joy, and considering the many ways that we can experience the joy of the holiday season. For most of us, we get the most joy out of spending some time with one another. As my pastor says, it is important to gather together. Family and friends are so important to share the holiday cheer.

            There are many things that can help the holiday spirit to move within us. For many it is the music of the season that stirs us up. Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, and Andy Williams are among people’s favorites, but there are so many others, including the Nutcracker Suite. Music has a powerful way of touching our soul and thus stirring the spirit of Christmas.

            Some people love the decorating that goes with the holiday season. They will spend days building their magnificent light displays outside. Others love decorating the Christmas tree. Others love collecting and displaying nativity scenes. When I was growing up, we put villages and trains under the Christmas tree. Then there are all the knickknacks that we put out all over the house for the holiday season.

            For many the holiday spirit is stirred when they watch their favorite Christmas specials like Charlie Brown or the Grinch. Others long to see their favorite Christmas movies, like “It’s a Wonderful Life” or “Miracle on 34th Street.” Hallmark has an endless supply of Christmas movies for those who love to watch them.

            For my mother and mother-in-law, Christmas is about the food and gathering your family around the table for some holiday treats. My mother used to make hundreds of Christmas cookies. My mother-in-law makes a coconut cake that looks about a foot tall. Both mothers make tons of special food that we enjoy. If our favorites are missing from the table, we wonder what is wrong. There are certain foods we all associate with the holidays, and we just have to have them for it to really be Christmas.

            The first people to really experience the overflowing joy of Christmas were the shepherds. They were living a normal day. They had fed and cared for their flocks and were sitting around the fire relaxing. Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the fields and an angel stood in their midst. Naturally, these brave shepherds were terrified at the sight.

            The angel said, “Do NOT be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great JOY for all the people.” We know what the good news is, the Messiah, Jesus, has come. Why were the shepherds the first to get the news? God chose them because the shepherds would know where all the barns and caves were around Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph were probably not the only ones staying in barns or caves, because Bethlehem was packed with people from all over Israel who also had to register for the taxes.

            After the shepherds find Mary and Joseph and they see the baby Jesus, they spread the word to anyone and everyone who would listen. All those people took the renewed hope of the coming Messiah back to their homes and villages. Talk of what the shepherds heard and saw would spread like wildfire. Hope and joy over the arrival of the Prince of Peace could not be contained.

            The Bible tells us that Mary pondered all these things in her heart. She knew how this baby was conceived. She knew that she held the son of the living God in her arms. When she kissed the face of Jesus, she kissed the face of God. The joy in her heart exploded and was uncontainable. She knew that God keeps ALL His promises. She knew beyond a shadow of doubt that God loves all the people of the world.

            I want to encourage you to receive the awesome gift of God, His Son Jesus. He is the hope you need to carry on through the storms of life. He is the Peace that goes beyond understanding. He will bring a joy to your heart that overflows to all you meet. His love will heal your broken heart and reestablish your relationship with God. The only question that remains is will you open your heart and receive the greatest gift ever given? I hope you will.   

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Peace for Christmas

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By Doug Creamer

            I love to walk through my neighborhood. Almost every house has some kind of decorations out for Christmas. Some have more than others. Each home is welcoming the holiday season in its own unique way. Some people have their Christmas tree near the front window so I can see it when I walk by. Cheer is in the air even though the weather seems to be a little confused about the season.

            I went outside late the other evening. It was nice out and I stood looking at the beautiful Christmas lights. We have four nativity scenes on my little street. The real message of Christmas is certainly declared as you take a drive down here.

            I stood out there quite a while, enjoying the quiet and serenity. I realized I was hearing crickets chirping, a sound one does not associate with Christmas. There was a slight breeze and I heard the rustling of the last leaves hanging on the trees. I looked up and saw that the stars were brightly shining. I was enveloped in a deep sense of peace.

            It was a dark and quiet night when the shepherds were surprised by the sight and sound of angels as they declared, “Glory to God in the Highest! Peace on earth, good will toward men.” Their quiet little world had been shattered by the Light of the World. The announcement of the birth of the Messiah was anything but quiet. The angels shared their message of joy, hope, and peace.

            Have you noticed that there seems to be a lack of peace in our world today? Turn on the evening news and listen to all the bad things happening in our world today. Turn on one of the 24-hour news channels and prepare to be depressed. They spend hour after hour telling us how bad our world is and showing us images of everything falling apart. Where is the peace on earth?

            If you haven’t spent some time in the last couple of years thinking and being worried about COVID, then you are a unicorn of an individual. People have divided themselves into camps over the solution to COVID. There are the maskers and anti-maskers. There are those who believe in vaccines and those who are anti-vaccine. Extremists in each camp mock the members of the other camps. Where is the peace on earth?

            Last year we were unable to visit with family and friends because we were on lockdown. This year the news is warning us of possible shortages. Please, don’t let it be the toilet paper again! The world wonders whether Iran will develop a nuclear weapon and what will Israel do in response. China looks to expand its empire into Taiwan. Where is this illusive peace on earth the angels declared?

            I can walk on the beach or through a snowstorm and find a snippet of peace. But it doesn’t take long for the world to creep in and to steal that peace. How do we find the peace that the angels declared to the shepherds? That kind of peace is only found in and through Jesus.

            Why did Jesus have to come to earth? Sin had created a barrier between us and God, thus making it impossible to enter His presence. Jesus came to earth, born in a manger, knowing and understanding His destiny was the cross. It took the blood of Jesus to wash away all our sins and to re-establish our relationship with God.

            The price that Jesus paid gave us gifts that are far greater than anything you will ever discover under your Christmas tree. He revealed God’s deep love for mankind. He gave us forgiveness. There is nothing you have ever done that cannot be forgiven. There is God’s mercy, which means we are not getting what we deserve for the way we live. There is His grace, which means He gives us the power to live a better life. The most precious gift is the peace that surpasses understanding for our hearts and minds.

            I want to encourage you to accept the wonderful gifts God has for you this Christmas. His gifts come wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. The important part is that you have to accept the gift God gives you. It’s free and will dramatically change your life. The world will never be a peaceful place, but you can have peace in your heart and mind if you accept Jesus as your savior. The angels were right, there really is peace; it’s the peace of Christ.

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Family Trees

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By Doug Creamer

            It is hard for me to imagine that my parents are now great-grandparents. My parents don’t seem that old to me. They are just Dad and Mom, not great-grandpa and great-grandma. Recently, my little sister took a picture at a family gathering where my parents and my brother’s in-laws, who are also great-grandparents, were present.

            I can remember many family gatherings when my siblings had small children, and now those children have grown up and are bringing their children to the family gatherings. I have looked at the picture my sister took several times. There are my parents, my siblings, their children, and my siblings’ grandchildren all together.

            All of the grandchildren’s families weren’t present for the picture. It is so hard to get everyone together for any occasion. We are all pulled in many different directions. Siblings have spouses that want their families to gather together, too. Whenever you can get a crowd that includes four generations, it is worth stopping to take some pictures. It is a rare event to get my siblings together with our parents.

            My siblings try to get together to celebrate my parents’ birthdays. They were born one day a part. We take my dad out for dinner on a weekend close to his birthday. Sometimes my siblings have all done separate things for my mom, extending out her celebration, and other times we have gotten together for some family fun.

            For several years now, we have gathered at my mother’s house and put up her Christmas tree. My Mom loves Christmas and the holiday season. When we were kids, we weren’t allowed to put up our Christmas tree until at least the middle of December, so to put up her tree in late November is a real treat. She loves having us around and is glad to have the tree up.

            I store my Mom’s Christmas decorations in my shed. Some years I have arrived with her decorations, only to discover her living room filled with stuffed animals. Mom heard of a program that gives stuffed animals to needy children and they needed help collecting them. Mom spends the entire year scouring thrift stores looking for stuffed animals. Some that she finds still have their tags on them, while others need to be washed, mended, and given new ribbons.

            I have lost count of how many stuffed animals my mother has donated to help needy children through the years. But I know that many children across the Triad have been touched by the love my mother put into their new favorite stuffed animals. It doesn’t matter if it is her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, or a child in need, my mother wants them all to feel loved, cared for, and to have something special for Christmas.

            I know that no family is perfect, mine included. But that doesn’t take away from the need that each of us has to feel a part of a loving family. I am fortunate because I know that I am loved in my family and in my wife’s family. I am also loved and appreciated in the family of God, at my local church.

            If your parents or grandparents have departed from this life, there are people in a local church who can help fill the hole that has been left in your heart. If your children or grandchildren have moved far away and you rarely see them, I can assure you that there are children in a local church who need your love and guidance in their lives. That’s why we are called the family of God. We need people in the body of Christ who will be the elders, leaders who can guide the family through faith and wisdom. We need young people who will stand on the shoulders of the elderly and push the church forward and advance the Kingdom of God. I need you and you need me. That’s why we are the family of God.

            I want to encourage you, if you are not already connected into a local church family, to get connected in. There is much for each one of us to do. We need to pass on the Good News that Jesus was born in Bethlehem to save us from our sins. He came to heal our broken hearts. He came to help us find our place in the family of God. He came to tell us and show us how deeply God loves and cares for each one of us. Come on, join the family of God and let’s celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Why Write?

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By Doug Creamer

            I grew up in a home where my parents read. They both read the newspaper at breakfast. They both enjoyed reading books, too. Each had their own interests, but they would often read if we were on vacation. Dad read when he went to bed. Mom also read in bed, but you could catch her reading during the day, too.

            My parents tried to get me interested in reading, but I had other interests. When I was a junior in high school, they gave me a book that they both had enjoyed, hoping I would read it. Begrudgingly, I complied. To my surprise, I not only read it, but I enjoyed it, too. When the author came to town to promote his newest book, I got the chance to meet and talk with him. Thus began my love for books, and it fed my deeper desire to write.

            This story came up at my Dad’s birthday gathering last weekend. My brother always comes up with some interesting activity for us to do at my Dad’s birthday. Often it involves telling something about ourselves and our lives. It might be funny or sentimental. It gives everyone a chance to share and we often learn something about each other.

            I shared about two writers who influenced me to become a writer. After I shared the stories, my Dad wanted to ask a follow-up question. He wanted to know why I wanted to write so badly when I didn’t like reading as a kid. He knew the desire to write had been there since childhood. Most people grab a book if they have a long car trip; I always made sure I had a pad of paper and some pencils.

            I have really pondered that question since the other night. Why do I want to write? I told my family that words are powerful and they create great stories. My pastor taught us that words create worlds. A great writer can take you to a place through his or her words. Think of a great movie you enjoyed, that place and those people were created in someone’s mind. A great book transports us to the location of the author’s choosing.

            Our words have the power to change people for good, and sadly, for bad, too. Our words can encourage or discourage people. Our words can impart hope and plant dreams. Our words can confront wrong thoughts and ideas. I told my family that I always try to use my words to build others up, to help them see their potential.

            We all want to hear positive things said about us. When we are struggling, we often turn to our pastors for words of comfort, wisdom, and guidance. Words are like food for the body, they nourish our souls and spirits. Words are used to motivate teams and the military to keep fighting until they win the victory.

            Some may say that the Bible is simply a collection of words, but I believe they are words that have been ordered in the heart of God, given to show man the way to live and the way to life. God’s words inspire, strengthen, and give us the courage to live a better life.

            The Old Testament prophets told us of a coming savior. When the time was right, those words came true and Jesus was born in a manger. He lived His life fulfilling the prophetic words written about Him. He demonstrated God’s love for us, not only through His words, but through His actions when He died on a cross for us.

            We have a responsibility to steward our words very carefully. Sometimes we need to use less of them and practice listening more. We need to extend words of hope and life to others instead of judgement and condemnation. Our words should empower people to break free from the bondages in their lives so they can discover the freedom that God intended. When we can paint a picture with our words of what life looks like with Christ, and we can live those words out ourselves, others will be drawn to our words and discover transformed lives because they encountered us.            

            I want to encourage you to consider your words very carefully, especially as you gather with family and friends for the holidays. Let your words be filled with hope, grace, and mercy. Let your words be uplifting. When you are with your children and grandchildren, let your words be filled with wisdom and understanding. Spend this holiday season building each other up and create memories that will inspire and last a lifetime. 

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Thanks for Thanksgiving

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By Doug Creamer

            I went for a walk on Sunday afternoon and saw some neighbors decorating the outside of their house for Christmas. I also saw some Christmas trees through some people’s windows. But wait, it’s only the middle of November, right? Are we just going to skip Thanksgiving?

            I guess I’d better be careful. I was looking at the forecast and thinking it might be nice to do some of my outside decorating while the weather is warmer. With Thanksgiving coming up, I try to have the outside of my house all lit up for Christmas by Thanksgiving weekend.

            The last couple of years I have combined cleaning the gutters with hanging the icicle lights. Once I get that done, there are only a few more things to do to complete the job. I promise that if I do put my Christmas decorations out before Thanksgiving, I won’t light them up early.

            My wife and I noticed that on November first the advertisers were full-on Christmas. They are showing all these snowy scenes; don’t they know it doesn’t snow in the south this early? It doesn’t matter if you are ready or not, the holiday season is here.

            Before we go rushing past Thanksgiving, let’s stop and enjoy it. We can all start by watching the Thanksgiving Day parade. Last year it was a modified version; I am hoping we are back to a full-fledged Thanksgiving Day parade.

            The next thing that comes to my mind is all the delicious food. I can smell the turkey and dressing just thinking about it. Last year my wife and I made our first Thanksgiving dinner at home. We made several of our favorite sides and had a nice quiet Thanksgiving here at home.

            Whatever your plans are, I hope you get to enjoy a great meal surrounded by the ones you love. What I want to encourage you to do is sometime before, during, or after the big meal, take a few quiet moments to reflect on the many things in your life for which you are thankful. You can always begin with the basics. Thank Him for all the wonderful food that you will consume. There are many people who do not have such a wonderful feast to enjoy. The next basic thing that comes to mind could be your good health. I know of many people who are suffering in many ways physically. You may find yourself in that boat, but consider again that maybe your eyes, ears, nose, fingers, or toes are working well. Thank Him for that.

            All of us have many things, possessions for which we should give thanks to our Heavenly Father. We have cars, roofs over our heads, comfortable beds to sleep in, closets and dressers filled with clothes, and all the electronics or gadgets that we enjoy. I also see special treasures from family and dear friends. We are all blessed with many things. Sometimes we get focused on what we want and forget to be thankful for all we have.

            I think we should all stop and be grateful for the people in our lives. I immediately think of my family. I am so thankful that we are all still here and safe. Many have lost loved ones, whether from COVID or due to other causes. We should also be thankful for our church family. What about our neighbors who help us with both small and big things? When I was teaching, I was thankful for my colleagues, who were sometimes as close as family.  

            Thanksgiving opens the doors to Christmas. I am so thankful that Jesus chose to lay everything down and come to earth as a baby so everyone could access Him. I am thankful that He completed His mission and died on a cross to save me from my sins. I am thankful that He took the whipping to bring health to my body. I am thankful that He loves me, accepts me, forgives me, has a great future planned for me, and that He calls me His friend.

            God loves a thankful heart. I want to encourage you to offer up to God the thanks that He deserves for all the good things in your life. Oddly, we ought to thank God for all the trials and difficulties that allow us to draw closer to Him and to know that He truly is our Savior. I hope this Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for you and those you love. I pray that you will feel safe and loved and that your heart will be filled with Thanksgiving.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Getting Ready

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By Doug Creamer

Getting Ready

            We had some freezing temperatures the other night, which put an end to the gardening season. Well, almost. I put some sheets out over my green beans and butter beans, and they survived! I know I am pushing my luck, but I am hoping to get a few before they bite the dust.

            The rest of the vegetable garden needs weeding. Then I will put all the leaves from the yard into the garden to feed the worms. I keep adding good stuff to my raised beds to help improve the soil.

            There are a number of things to finish up before winter finally settles in. The tropical plants are safely in the garage. We are still working on the leaves that are still falling from the trees. The fall chores will be interrupted in a few weeks with putting out the Christmas decorations. I better get busy and get things finished up.

            My Mom has noticed that the squirrels seem very busy hiding nuts for the winter. We’ve noticed that, too. I haven’t heard what the wooly worm is predicting for this winter, but the only one I have seen this fall was all black. That would mean a cold winter ahead. Some people rely on the persimmon seed for their winter forecast. One person wrote that they found knives and forks, but mainly spoons in their persimmon seeds. That means it could be a snowy winter with a mix of warm and cold temperatures.

            The almanacs are predicting competing forecasts. One says it will be a cold but dry winter. The other says it will be a wet and mild winter. NOAA is calling for a mild and dry winter for our area. If you know me, you know that I am hoping and praying for at least one good snowstorm. I recently came across some weather records for the Tidewater area of Virginia, where I grew up. The website showed three record snowfalls in the winter of 1980. I remember that winter!

            People have asked me what I am predicting for this winter. I don’t have the tools or the knowledge to make such predictions. However, when a storm is on the horizon I am watching the models closely and monitoring the forecasts. I do share my prediction with a few friends when storms are close, but it is only for fun and bragging rights.

            Watching the winter storms and the hurricanes is a hobby that gives me great joy. Making my weather predictions is just a fun extension of my weather obsession. Knowing what is coming and being prepared comes from the Eagle Scout in me. I don’t like my phone’s alarm going off telling that there is a tornado in my area that I don’t know anything about…which happened a few weeks ago.

            There are some predictions about the future that should capture all of our attention. I have some friends who believe that Jesus is coming back for the rapture of the church within the next five, or at the longest, ten years. Some of my friends follow the signs of the times as closely as I follow the weather. According to them, many Bible prophesies have been and are being fulfilled very quickly. I have some other friends who feel just as strongly that the church isn’t ready for the rapture. Who’s right?

            Jesus told the parable to of the ten virgins. In the end, five virgins were ready and five were not. We are being warned in the parable to make sure that we are ready. The Boy Scout in me says to “Be Prepared!” Jesus told us that no one knows the day or the hour of His return, but He did teach us that we could know the signs preceding his return.

            Maybe both sets of my friends are right. His return is soon, but not imminent. It’s like the storm is coming, but we have been given time to prepare. How can we prepare? How can we be like the five virgins who were ready?

            I want to encourage you to believe in your heart that He is coming soon for you. That means you need to spend some more time in His presence so your heart will be ready. It’s always good to read God’s word and allow those words to cause your love for Him to grow stronger and deeper. Finally, it is important to warn your family and friends so they can get themselves ready for Jesus’s return, too. I believe there is still some time, but don’t let your guard down. Be prepared and make sure you are ready!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Retired Again!

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By Doug Creamer

            I retired from teaching in public schools in 2019, prior to the arrival of the COVID pandemic. I look back and think how wise that timing ended up being in my life. Many of my former colleagues have told me how challenging teaching has become during the pandemic. I admire them for the way they have adapted to the new reality of these difficult times.

            I knew I needed to work once I retired. I pursued several very strong leads that all seemed to evaporate right before they materialized. I couldn’t understand at the time why those doors seemed to be closing, but can look back now and understand how God was leading and protecting me.

            I landed a job teaching English to Chinese students over the internet. The hours were crazy. I had to be online by six o’clock in the morning. Naps became a regular part of my daily life. I absolutely loved teaching my kids in China. It was a fun job.

            In late summer, an announcement came that the Chinese government had decided that all the tutoring was putting a heavy burden on parents. They decided to close down the whole industry, both the private lessons there in China and the public companies like I worked for. The rumor mill went crazy on Facebook about when the end would arrive.

            The end has finally arrived and I am “retired” again. Saying good-bye to those precious little children has been an emotional challenge. They didn’t understand, as most children wouldn’t, why their government had made this decision. Most of my children have avoided tearful good-byes. One of my little favorites decided he wanted to laugh with me until the very last second. It was the only thing that kept me from crying.

            Another door has closed. Another chapter has ended. If we think about it in terms of writing, I now have a blank page with the cursor blinking, waiting for the new chapter to begin. This moment brings about two very different emotions. There is the anxiety as I watch the cursor blink, blink, blink. What will come next? Did I miss an opportunity?

            The other emotion is one of excitement and wonder about the new adventure that awaits me. What has God got up his sleeve now? What has He been planning for me? The opportunities and possibilities seem endless. As I fill out applications and send off resumes, I wonder: could this be my next adventure? Is there something else around the corner waiting for me to discover?

            It depends on the moment which emotion is gripping me. I try my best to keep my mind focused on the positive and believing good things about my future. When I find myself struggling with bad thoughts, I remind myself what God promised in Jeremiah 29:11, that He has made GOOD plans for my future. That gives me hope and strength to carry on.

            Today I find myself writing this to myself as much as I am writing it for you. God is watching over our lives, every moment of every day. Nothing has escaped His attention. He knows that we have our physical needs that must be met. He knows that I need a new job.

            He knows everything. He knows if we are sick. He knows if we are having relationship problems. He knows if we are dealing with the loss of a loved one. He knows if our boss is working against us. He knows if we have been treated unfairly. He knows!

            We have to remind ourselves that God is our provider. We have to believe that God is our healer and deliverer. We have to trust that God will take care of injustice. He is the God who sees all and will defend the weak, rescue the downtrodden, and free the captive. He is our safe haven from the storms of life. There is nothing too difficult for Him. He is the God of the impossible. He loves when we feel surrounded, so He can show Himself strong in our defense.

            I want to encourage you (and me) to remember that God is our provider, our strong tower, our ever present help in time of need. There is nothing beyond His ability to repair, restore, or make totally new. He is the God of the impossible. He is on our side. He will see us through whatever challenge we face. His eye is keenly upon us. He loves us and He will carry us. He is always and will always be there for us.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Lost in a Good Book

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By Doug Creamer

            I am semi-retired. I retired from teaching in the public schools, but I have continued to work part-time. My part-time job allows me a great deal of flexibility. One of the things that I get to enjoy more now that I am retired is reading. I read every day at lunch. I have read a number of books since I retired. If the weather is good, I will sit on my front porch reading.

            While I will read some non-fiction, my preference is fiction. I love to get lost in a good book. The characters become very real for me. Sometimes I catch myself worrying about them while I am busy doing something else. If the story is really moving along, I might stay up late to keep reading.

            I did not read much when I was in school. Most of the books that you are required to read in school did not hold my interest. I didn’t know reading could be enjoyable until my parents challenged me to read a book by Og Mandino: The Greatest Miracle in the World. I couldn’t believe that I both read and enjoyed a book.

            When Og came to town to sign copies of his new book, I couldn’t wait. I went to a small bookstore where only a handful of people showed up. I got to spend almost an hour with him. He gave me his address and I wrote to him. He wrote me back…a highly treasured letter. I became hooked both on reading and writing.

            Og has since passed away, but I have found other authors that I enjoy. My favorite author begins his books with a man whose life has fallen apart for some reason. He meets a woman whose life is also messed up. The two of them must work together against some evil plot and save both themselves and the world. Naturally, the two of them will fall in love. His novels take place around the world in exotic locations and they are fun to read.

            There are two other authors that I really enjoy who write gut-wrenching books. The characters are put through horrific situations, things I prefer not read, but somehow the story ends in a positive and uplifting way. Let’s just say the good guys win and the bad guys get what is coming to them. The stories stick with you and sometimes haunt you like a ghost.

            I just read the climax to a book yesterday at lunch. I set the book down to finish today. This particular author writes a few chapters after the climax to give the reader a chance to say good-bye. I like that about this writer, but he sometimes puts a little twist at the end just to keep you on your toes. I hate to say good-bye to the characters in a good book.

            As a writer, I want to create unforgettable characters. Some have told me that they love Uncle Charlie from my Bluebird Café books. I want to improve my skills so I can write as well as some of the authors that I enjoy. I have heard that reading is the best way to become a better writer.

            There is one book that I have really enjoyed reading. It has mystery, intrigue, murder and betrayal. There is plenty of action and adventure. There is romance and poetry. There are some good and bad people in the book. You can cheer for the heroes. The book also contains one of my favorite characters of all time. Can you guess the book? It’s the Bible.

            No matter what style of reading you enjoy, there is something in the Bible for you. It’s God’s love story written for you. It’s the history of God interacting with people. It is the greatest book ever written, with many great contributing authors. Good always defeats evil, and justice always prevails. It is a story of human frailty and God’s love, strength, compassion, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. It is a book filled with hope.

            I want to encourage you to read. There is something for every interest out there. Each of us enjoys different things. Find what interests you and find the joy and pleasure of reading. I also want to encourage you to read your Bible. Start in the New Testament and read about Jesus. I hope you discover that God is talking to you, wanting to help you and guide you through this crazy thing we call life. If you will excuse me, I have got to go see how the book I am reading ends….

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Care for Body & Spirit

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By Doug Creamer

            My annual physical is always in the dead of summer. I remember getting my physical every other year because I was healthy and well. But one summer day my doctor told me that I was of a certain age and he wanted to start seeing me every year. I didn’t like being told I was of a certain age, but I have complied with his request.

            I always take a list of things to discuss with him, because otherwise I will forget something and have to wait another year to find out about whatever was on my mind. My doctor works through the list and then goes over anything that’s on his mind. Overall, I feel very fortunate to be in good health.

            Since I retired from the public schools I have been teaching Chinese students online. I love my job. I roll out of bed and in a few minutes I am talking with my students. This teaching job, unlike teaching in school, requires that I sit in front of my computer…sitting being the crucial word. I am not moving as much as I did when I walked the halls at school.

            I needed to start moving, exercising in some fashion. I explained to the doctor that I don’t like going outside in ninety-plus temperatures and two hundred percent humidity. He said I needed to find a way to start moving more…don’t tell him, but he was right. In spite of the summer heat, I started walking.

            I must admit that I wasn’t very good at the beginning. The walks were short and took more out of me than I cared to admit. As cooler weather has kicked in and my endurance has improved, I am doing much better walking. I walk longer, farther, and I feel better. A nice walk can help to clear the mind and the spirit, too.

            I look forward to my walks now. We have a great community for walking. There are a number of people who walk in our community. We always greet each other, whether I am out there walking or watching from the front porch. Some folks like to walk in the morning, I like an evening walk. Some folks walk their dog while others are walked by their dog. I find people of all ages out there walking. We have a few runners in our community, too. I have also seen one full-fledge sprinter, but he is in the minority.

            While my neighbors will wave as we pass each other while driving our cars, walking has given me the opportunity to speak with many of my neighbors. For some neighbors it is the regular pleasantries. For other neighbors, walking has opened a door to a conversation. I have met and heard people’s story and shared my own. I like connecting with people.

            There are many quiet moments when I am walking. While I enjoy watching birds flit around and seeing the leaves change color, I want to talk with my Father. Some days I have lots I want to talk with Him about, while others it seems like we are walking together in silence. Some days I pray for family and friends, while others I just want to hear something from Him.

            Walking is very good for the body, but it can be equally as good for the spirit. When we can find a quiet place without the distractions of everyday life, we can hear things from God’s heart. It’s nice to know that God loves us, but to feel the warmth of His presence in our hearts can change us in ways we cannot imagine. I am accepted in His eyes. The God of the whole universe is proud of me…His son. I am God’s child!

            Quiet reflection and meditation can make us strong in the spirit. Life is full of many challenges and difficulties, so we need to ground ourselves in God’s love and favor. We don’t face any challenge or walk through any trial alone. Sometimes we have to get alone to know that we aren’t alone. God is not only with us, but He is on our side. We will overcome!

            I want to encourage you to exercise your body and your spirit. We need to take care of the temple God gave us. We need to invite Him into our temple. We need to allow His Spirit to infuse our spirit, to refresh us and renew us. There is a world out there that needs to know God’s love. God wants to flow in us and through us to reach those around us.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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