Is God Testing Us

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By Doug Creamer

Is God Testing Us?

            I taught school for 34 years, and for the last couple of years I have been teaching Chinese students online. I love being a teacher and having the opportunity to help people learn something new. Sometimes I use props to get my point across. Often, I tell stories; I love to tell stories. I will spend hours working on a Sunday school lesson or a sermon, trying to figure out the best way to get my points across.

            One of the things I learned early on is that it is important to test your students in the learning process. If you don’t hold your students accountable, they will not apply themselves to learn. Students have asked me hundreds of times, “Is this on the test?” before they “wasted” their time taking notes.

            Testing occurs in every classroom to ensure that students are learning. Most students take the routine tests to the best of their ability. For the teacher, it is a barometer to determine if the students really learned the curriculum. I strongly believe that tests can be more than just paper and pencil; they can also be the application of the skills acquired. I wanted my students to demonstrate what they had learned through projects and presentations.

            Most students performed very well on the projects and presentations. What bothered me the most was when students gave no effort during final exams. One smart student explained the 50 she earned by telling me that she only answered every other question. She said she didn’t care what she earned because she was going to pass my class, regardless. I gave another student the answer sheet and by the time I came back around to give him his test booklet, he handed me his answer sheet completely filled out. I was frustrated beyond belief.

            Testing is a part of all of our lives, whether we like it or not. I imagine the worst kind of testing is when the doctor sends us for tests and we have to wait for the results. Many jobs today require additional training and testing to maintain and keep a job. I prefer not to face any more tests. The trouble is that God is in the testing business, too.

            The Bible tells us in first Corinthians that we all face common temptations. Being tempted is a test! Sometimes I pass them and walk away, other times I fall flat on my face. But the important thing that first Corinthians teaches us is that God always provides a way to pass the test. God is on our side and rooting for us. That’s good news! I just need to learn to cooperate with Him.

            Temptations don’t come from God because He cannot be tempted with evil and won’t tempt us with evil. So does God test us? Yes, He really does test us. He wants to see if the character of Jesus is growing within us. He wants us to see for ourselves that we are really getting stronger.

            Are there people in the Bible who were tested? Yes. Abraham was tested when he was told to sacrifice his son Isaac. He passed. David was given two opportunities to kill King Saul and take the throne. David did not believe in killing God’s anointed leader. David passed his tests. Joseph, Jacob’s son, was tested many times. He passed his tests and was instrumental in saving not only the people of Israel, but also the Egyptians. Peter wasn’t so lucky. He failed his test in denying that he knew Jesus. But Jesus tenderly restored him after He rose from the dead, and Peter was instrumental in spreading the gospel on the day of Pentecost and beyond.

            What I like about Peter’s story is that Jesus was there to help him back onto his feet and to restore him. We have all failed God in many ways and there is nothing we can do to fix it. Jesus went to the cross to fix all the things that were impossible for us to fix. Through Jesus we now have a right standing with God and access to the resurrection power to live a better life.

            I want to encourage you if you feel discouraged because you have failed God. We are broken people and God knew we were going to fail. That’s why He provided a way for us to be restored to Him in good standing. It is a free gift, but we have to accept it. I don’t like tests, but I do like knowing that God is on my side, cheering for me to succeed.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A New Adventure

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By Doug Creamer

            The dream to write has been a driving force in my life. Each time I sit down to write my column I am excited by the opportunity to fulfill the dream. I have also dreamed of putting together a magazine and writing books. I am a storyteller at heart; I love telling a good story.

            A number of years ago I circulated a monthly newsletter. We had a good group of writers and we put out well over a hundred copies a month. Computers were not as advanced back then and I was using Microsoft Publisher. We had lots of fun for about five years, but it became cost-prohibitive and ate up lots of time.

            As the internet grew and websites became easier to create and maintain, I jumped back into the creative process. I found other writers who were looking for the opportunity to get their creative work out. We came together to create We have been growing slowly and having fun in the process.

            We decided to create a book of our writing for Christmas last year, “An EncouragingU Christmas.” It was a blast to create and so much fun to share with family and friends. We felt so good about it that the idea to create a summer book almost seemed natural. We kicked the idea around for a couple of days, and before you knew it, we were all writing summer stories in the middle of winter.

            Our hard work has paid off in a new book to take wherever you like to travel in summer. The book is called, “EncouragingU: Summer Stories.” We now have six writers who contributed a variety of stories. There is a summer topic for every reader. Both books are available through Amazon or by contacting one of the writers.

            This is my fifth book, all of which are available through Amazon. Working with Amazon to create a book is an interesting process. One might think it looks easy, only a few decisions and steps before you, too, can have a book in print. Don’t be fooled. They want things in a very specific way before they will agree to print it. It took me several days to get everything in the exact order for them to accept and print.

            I haven’t held the first copy yet—I hope it comes tomorrow. It is an exciting, fun, and yes, challenging process to get six writers to turn in their work. Each of us is refining and rewriting up until the last minute, and even then, catching a comma here or a wrong word there. We want our book to be perfect. The artist that created the cover feels the same as the rest of us. He wants his work to look great because he understands that first impressions can make it or break it.

            The main thing we all hope is that everyone will enjoy our new book: “EncouragingU: Summer Stories.” Some of the stories are just fun, relatable tales that will keep you dreaming of summer days. I tried my hand at writing a summer love story. Some of the stories are adventures that will take you around the country. Many of the stories will renew and refresh your spirit. We can’t wait to share our little treasure with you.

            I think some of our stories are like parables. Most of what Jesus taught His followers were parables. They were lessons about life, spiritual principles to guide His listeners to a better and a more fulfilling way to live. Being a teacher, I often wondered why He didn’t just teach the principles straight out. In plain language, just tell us how to live. I think the reason is that principles are easy to forget, but stories can be carried with us for a lifetime. If I mention the parable of the sower or the prodigal son, most of you could probably retell the story without looking it up in the Bible. The story sticks with you. I also believe that the lessons Jesus intended for us to learn can continue to speak to us long after we have heard the story.

            I want to encourage you to reflect on the stories of your life, the lessons you have learned, and how you can pass on those lessons to others through your stories. I love a good story and I love listening to someone tell a good story. Parables and stories are powerful, especially when we reflect on them and meditate on them. I hope you will be touched by the many stories in “EncouragingU: Summer Stories” and at our website,  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

To the Class of 2021

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By Doug Creamer

To the Class of 2021

            My nephew graduated from high school in May. He will head off to Virginia Military Institute in the fall. He has a passion for the military and enjoys reading military history. I think he will do great things for our country. I am thankful for him and the many others who choose to serve our country.

            I feel bad for the class of 2021 because so many of the graduates who attend public schools have missed much of the fun stuff from their junior and senior year due to the COVID pandemic. I hope they understand this has been a world-wide event and they have not been singled out. Hopefully, things will improve going forward.

            The graduating seniors did miss out on some of the fun senior traditions. Many schools did not have their prom last year or this year. I did hear that some schools were able to have their prom this year. I also saw where some schools had their senior awards day. Maybe some things are beginning to return to normal.

            Many school systems are having or just had their final exams. Exams always signaled that the end was within reach. It was a busy time, but I always knew I was almost there. I have to admit that I do not miss the absolute exhaustion I always felt at the end of the year.

            I do think I miss…a little…going to the graduation ceremony. It’s not the ceremony itself that I miss, but saying good-bye to the graduating seniors. I liked walking through the crowd and seeing my students, shaking their hands, and wishing them good luck.

            I also miss the graduation speeches. While many of them had similar content, I always heard some unique thoughts that often inspired a new column. I have often wondered what I might say if I was given the chance to speak to a group of graduating seniors. I would have to keep my thoughts short.

            So here are my thoughts to the Class of 2021: Congratulations graduates! You have had a very unique journey to this day. None of us could have imagined what we have experienced over the last two years. The best thing to learn from the situation is that life can be very uncertain. No one knows what tomorrow holds, so live each day to its fullest.

            I encourage you to love the people in your life and let them know your love by your words and your actions. Love lasts forever and heals many wounds. People may not remember all that you accomplish, but if show them love, they will never forget you.

            Look for the good in life. Everyone has plenty of bad days, days you wish you had never gotten out of bed. Even on the bad days there is always something good in your life. Look for it, embrace it, and share it with others.

            Be thankful every day. Be thankful for your family, friends, job, place to live, and all the many possessions that you acquire in life. A thankful heart is joyful and contagious. A thankful heart builds within you an appreciation for all that is good in life.

            Always show appreciation to others. No one is successful on their own. It only takes a moment to thank someone. Honor people in your life who have helped you and encouraged you along the way. Don’t forget your teachers, parents, and pastors.

            Take good care of your physical body; it’s the only one you get. Life is full of ups and downs, so tend to your emotions. Give yourself the time, space, and permission to deal with them. Make it a priority in your life to grow spiritually. That includes praying and talking to your Heavenly Father. Reading books is great for the mind, but don’t neglect reading the Good Book. It is so important to stay connected with people, especially in spiritual matters. People can be there to lift you up on the bad days, challenge you to be the best you God made you to be, and encourage you when life is tough.

            I want to thank you for taking time to listen to my words. I want to encourage you to apply them to your life. You have learned so much in school, now comes the time to apply what you have learned so you can reach for the stars. God has made some great plans for your life, an exciting and wonderful adventure. Put your faith and trust in Him and see where the adventure takes you. Congratulations to the Class of 2021! We are proud of you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Is it Summer?

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By Doug Creamer

            It has been a hot week. Does that mean summer has arrived? It is unusual to have such hot weather this early in the year. Hopefully, the rains that are coming will bring the temperatures back to late spring weather. Summer doesn’t officially arrive until late June.

            With all the hot, dry weather I have been out watering quite a bit lately. It’s early for things to look dry and wilted. We are working to keep things watered and the flowers and vegetables are looking good. I finally finished getting everything in the vegetable garden last weekend. Now I just have to keep the bunnies out and take care of the watering.

            We have been enjoying local strawberries for several weeks now. That season will soon be ending and it won’t be long before the blueberries and raspberries start coming in. We have our fingers crossed that we will get a good local peach crop this year. We enjoy eating all the fresh fruit and berries, especially over some pancakes.

            We’ve been firing up the grill some this spring. The grill needed some new parts. The grates were almost completely worn out. When I replaced them, I noticed that the burners were not functioning well, either. I got those parts installed, so now I am ready to go for the summer.

            I like being outside as much as possible. That’s why I am a big fan of the warm spring days and the cool fall days. I don’t care much for the humidity-filled, oppressive summer days, or the freezing winter days. I guess you could call me a weather moderate. I will confess that I am a fan of hurricanes and snowstorms, but I like all kinds of exciting weather.

            I like being outside on nice days. I like the peacefulness of sitting on the front porch whether I am thinking, praying, or reading. I like working in my garden, where I am alone with my thoughts. I like working with my wife on her flowers and tropical plants. It is so peaceful and we are both in our happy place. We both enjoy working on plants together.

            It’s in those quiet places that I can hear from heaven. I firmly believe that God wants to talk with us, but we have to give Him room and space to reach us. We also have to remove all the mental distractions and the worries of the day. When we can do that, we can hear Him.

            I have been reading in Romans recently. I have been going slow and am thinking of going even slower. There are so many good gems hidden in that book. Take, for example, the first couple of verses of chapter 5. When we ask Jesus into our lives to be our personal savior, God transfers His righteousness to us. He then declares that we are faultless. I don’t know about you, but I can assure you that I am not faultless. Regardless of that, God, the creator of the universe, declares me to be faultless because of what Jesus did for me.

            There is also the gift of peace. There is peace between God and me. Jesus’ blood covers all my sin, creating the open relationship with God. The peace God gives me guards my heart no matter what is going on in the world around me. The peace He offers can also invade my mind if I open the door.

            These verses also tell me that I have permanent access to the kindness of God. He is a good, good Father. As our good Heavenly Father He wants to pour His love in us. He will take very good care of us. He will meet our needs and bring healing to our broken lives.

            On top of all that, He wants to fill our hearts with His contagious joy. This joy will spring forth from us in spite of the circumstances around us. If we find ourselves in difficult places He promises to give us hope for a brighter tomorrow. The hope He gives will help us to hang on through the tough times until our help comes from heaven to rescue us.

            I want to encourage you to open your Bible and begin reading. God has hidden some wonderful promises and great stories to encourage our faith. Look what I found in two verses. Imagine what you might discover as you begin to read more of God’s love letter to you. God has a bright future planned for you. You can trust Him and depend on Him if you open your heart to Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Garden Pests

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By Doug Creamer

            I looked out the window at my vegetable garden the other morning, enjoying all the seedlings that were growing and producing their first leaves. Joy flooded my soul. I breathed in peace. But that peace suddenly evaporated at the sight of a rabbit in my garden. He was eating my precious vegetables.

            I ran outside and TRIED to scare him. He froze. I was close enough to pet him before he moved; he didn’t want to leave the breakfast table. I chased him back into the woods. There was a little damage, but I thought we would be alright.

            One evening my wife looked out the window and saw THREE small bunnies jumping and playing in my garden. Off I ran to chase them away. One other evening I saw the cutest little baby bunny in the yard eating clover. I walked over and explained to the bunny he was allowed to eat all the clover he wanted, but he better stay out of the garden. He was a good bunny.

            I put some fences up around my vegetable gardens last year, which helped keep the deer out of the garden. I know they visit the yard, as they nibble other things and leave some little presents in the grass for me. The squirrels aren’t deterred by the fences. They can crawl over or under them.

            While there are some pests in the garden, there are also some good bugs and critters in the garden. I never chase a ladybug away because they eat bad insects. We are all dependent on bees or we wouldn’t get any fruits or vegetables. Butterflies, besides being beautiful, also help to pollenate plants. Even the neighborhood bat helps to keep the mosquito population down.

            I have been teaching my Chinese students about the benefit of worms. They do a lot of work in the garden to help loosen the soil, and create great fertilizer. I once had a friend tell me I was like a worm in his life. I was quite offended by his comment, but he said that he meant it as a compliment. He said that I helped him go through the tough places in his life and I helped to break up the fallow ground. I jokingly told him that I would prefer to be called a roto-tiller, it sounded better and stronger.

            If we think of our lives like vegetable gardens it might help us understand the dynamics of our spiritual walks. Being in fellowship with our brothers and sisters is like having the good bugs in the garden. They will help us break up fallow ground. They won’t let us be lazy. They will encourage us to be fruitful and productive in our lives. Probably most importantly, they can help us get plugged in to where we can serve in the kingdom.

            There are many bugs and pests that can keep us from being productive in our Christian walk. We all know that sin keeps us out of God’s presence and makes us unproductive. We all also know the solution. We have to confess our sins and turn away…repent. I believe that sin is not the major thing that keeps us unproductive.

            It’s all the things that distract us and keep us from being about the kingdom business. Many of the things are not bad or sinful things. Watching TV is great and relaxing, but sometimes we keep watching instead of doing kingdom business. Social media is fun and helps us keep up with family and friends, but it can also be a huge time waster. Exercising is very important for the physical body, but some people will spend hours on workouts and never lift the cover of their Bibles.

            There is always yardwork and housework that needs to be done. We will never be done with either one. They have to get done, but we can use them as an excuse to keep us from doing kingdom business. It’s important to do good deeds and help others, but we need to ask God what He wants us to do for others.

            I want to encourage you to honestly evaluate how you are spending your time. It’s not a guilt trip. There are so many pests that can pull you away from the purposes and plans of God. Ask God what’s on His priority list for you today. Do that first and you will have a more fulfilling day. God wants you strong, fruitful, and productive in all areas of your life. Make choices to spend time with Him and to serve Him, then you will produce a harvest for Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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