Things Creep In

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By Doug Creamer

            I recently wrote about a lightning strike at my neighbor’s house which had some affects at our house. What I didn’t know immediately was that my garage door opener was affected by that strike, too. The control board got fried and I had to buy a new garage door opener. Buying one and installing one are two different things. I needed help installing it.

            I called my brother and he agreed to come and help me. Basically, that means he did most of the work. I handed him tools and the parts so he could put it together and install it. We had fun doing the work and spending time together.

            He brought his chainsaw with him, and after we got the garage door installed, we decided to do some cutting. When the big tree fell a while back, it damaged some other trees that needed to come down. So he helped cut them down and get them into manageable pieces for me.

            While he was here, he pointed out that many little trees had grown up along the property line. I really hadn’t noticed because I see them every day and hadn’t picked up on the changes. There were some trees that were touching my house and others were leaning towards my house.

            He pointed out that the leaning trees would never really grow right because they would always be reaching for the sun and leaning towards my house. In fact, he said that if we got a good wind storm they might fall onto my house. We took a few of those trees down before he left but he warned me that more trees needed to come down to protect my home.

            I walked along the property line the other day and took note of how many trees have been growing my way. The grass has always been thin on the side of my house, but I now have no grass over there because of the trees. The more I look, the more I realize that the woods have been creeping over on me.

            When I stop and think about it, I never realized how the woods were creeping over into my yard. It is a slow process and if you aren’t watching, they will take over. I remember cleaning up one area several years ago so I could see into the woods really nicely. I looked over there the other day and I can’t see into the woods at all. When did that happen?

            All this got me to thinking about how things can creep into our lives. I am at the age where I can add a few pounds of weight easily without even noticing. Bad habits can start as something small and insignificant and before you know it they have taken over. A sin can slip under the radar and it might be so insignificant that we even forget to repent for it. But that sin is like a seed. Once it gets planted in our mind, attitudes, and actions, then it can take over. That simple, unnoticeable sin and turn into a habit.

            Negative attitudes and thoughts can easily slip into our minds. If we don’t deal with them quickly, they will take root and become more difficult to fix. Bitterness, anger, and un-forgiveness can grow into huge trees if they aren’t dealt with when the problem is small. The Bible tells us to bring all our struggles and sins to Jesus quickly because He knows how to handle them. He wants to help us eliminate the saplings before they become trees.

            I have to admit I can become lazy and not notice an attitude or thought as it slips in. I have even excused things that I needed to repent from. The Bible talks about those sins that so easily entangle. We all know our own areas of weakness. Jesus promises that if we give our weaknesses to Him, He will grow strong in those areas. Do you know what that tells me? I can’t do it alone. I need to call for help and let the Master, who knows what He is doing, fix it.

            I want to encourage you to look around in your life. Do you see areas where some little saplings have grown to become trees? I know a great tree man. He is a carpenter, but He is a Master at cleaning up messes. He doesn’t care how it got there; He just wants to help you clean it up. He loves you and He loves doing the work. Life is cleaner, freer and better when we let the Master do His job.            

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer


            We have been enjoying getting some delicious treats from our garden. We have enjoyed some green beans, squash, raspberries, and a few blueberries. The squirrels have been eating more blueberries than we have. We need a cold winter to get rid of a few of them. We are anxiously waiting for the tomatoes and corn to come in. We got some corn from a friend the other day and it was wonderful.

            The watermelons have begun to flower and the cucumbers had a late start. The butterbeans had to be replanted because a rabbit got into them. I am not sure I am going to get many, if any, potatoes this year because of all the heavy rain we had early in the season. The weeds are growing well. I will have to get out there and work on them soon. I am already plotting what I want to plant in order to get a fall harvest.

            It’s been a little dry lately, but the forecast is giving us better chances of getting some rain in the next couple of weeks. I am hoping we get some showers because we know that August tends to be hot and dry. Between the animals, rain, and weeds, gardening can be a challenging hobby, but it remains one that I really enjoy.

            One of the things that give us great joy from late May through mid-July are our daylilies. We have quite a collection with the desire to get more. It is amazing to me that God creates such beautiful flowers that only last for one day. Every day from mid-May through mid-July we go out to see what has bloomed.

We both take lots of pictures of the beautiful flowers God created for our enjoyment. I am so glad we live in a digital age where we can take lots of pictures and aren’t limited by the cost of film. Sometimes I secretly wonder if God walks through the daylily beds and enjoys seeing all the flowers too. I hope He does.

God is such a creative being He must take time to enjoy the beauty He makes. The other day a shower passed to our east and the sun hit the falling rain just right to create a beautiful rainbow. I came out of the grocery store a few weeks ago to a double rainbow. I sure hope God enjoyed seeing it as much as I did.

The last couple of weeks I have seen some stunning sunrise and sunset pictures on Facebook. All the dust from the Sahara has created some beautiful sights. I saw some thunderstorms go by over the last couple weeks and watched the lightning dance around in the clouds. I hope God enjoys these sights.

            Maybe I should wonder if we are enjoying His creation as much as He is. When you bite into a fresh, juicy peach and the juice runs down your chin, do you praise Him? When you smell the bacon frying, slice your garden-grown tomato, and make that delicious BLT, do you give Him thanks? When you smell and taste a fresh cucumber or take your first bite of cobbler that was made from fresh fruit, do you remember Him who gave it to you?

            When you see the flowers blooming around your home, does it cause you to remember the beauty of His grace? Have you ever stood in the shade under a big tree, enjoying a cool breeze off a thunderstorm on a warm summer day? Have ever enjoyed a slice of cold watermelon during the dog days of summer? Can you imagine Jesus sitting with you, laughing and enjoying it too?

            God has created a beautiful world that surrounds us. I am afraid people get so busy or wrapped up in what is going on in their lives that they fail to notice God’s beautiful creation. There are so many reminders around us of His goodness, faithfulness, kindness, and love. We are so distracted that we don’t take a moment to stop and thank Him, to express our appreciation for all He has done for us. He takes good care of us and deserves our thanks.

            I want to encourage you to stop for just a minute and look around. There are so many things surrounding you that God has blessed you with. Consider your home, your family, pets, flowers, vegetables, His provision… I hope I am giving you a good start. God really does look after us and gives us so much. In these trying times, we need to nurture a heart filled with gratitude. This is the day He has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Happy 4th of July

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By Doug Creamer

            I can smell the grills already. My mouth is watering just thinking about all the good food that we will be enjoying this weekend. My family will gather at my brother’s house for the annual Fourth of July celebration. In this crazy time, we need family gatherings to help us remember what is really important in life.

            There will be hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, salads, and so much more to enjoy around a table with our family together. There will be laughter, joking, and lots of stories shared. There will be various games played and if there were any sports on TV, they would be watched, too.

            I usually head for home when the family heads out to the fireworks. I am not sure if there will be any fireworks this year. I usually get home and watch the Capital Fourth of July celebration on PBS. I am looking forward to this Fourth of July tradition.

            One thing I am hoping can happen this Fourth of July is that we can all come back together and realize that we are all Americans. It doesn’t matter where we have come from, we are united as Americans. One of the great things about our country is that we can think differently about various topics, but in the end we are Americans. We unite and come together to solve our problems and compromise on our differences.

            It seems to me that we have lost our way on the values of compromise recently. We have forgotten that critical lesson from childhood that we can’t always have our own way. We seem to have forgotten that people see things from different points of view. Your point of view and mine can be complete opposites and we can still come together and celebrate that we are Americans.

            We can have different political, religious, and social views and still come together as Americans. It seems we have forgotten how to celebrate our differences in love. When we speak in love towards each other, even though we think differently on various subjects, we are speaking God’s language. God is love. When we speak hatefully, as many have been prone to do lately, we are not speaking God’s language.

            I recently watched a great TV series called “The Chosen,” which you can stream for free. I strongly encourage you to watch it. I love their depiction of Jesus and all the biblical characters that surround Him. In the series, Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. Jews of His day were supposed to hate Samaritans, yet Jesus talked to her. Jesus not only talked to her, but revealed Himself as Messiah to her and offered her the gift of salvation.

            America is known as the melting pot: many different people from many different backgrounds all as one people: Americans. Christianity is similar. Every person who is alive on earth is invited into a personal relationship with Jesus. If we are working to fulfill the Great Commission, then we want to reach all people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

            Do we do that by speaking hateful things to each other? I think it goes back to that old hymn, “They’ll Know We are Christians By Our Love.” How can we say that we want everyone to get saved in one breath, and then speak hatefully towards that same person because they have different beliefs or commit certain sins that we find offensive?

            The Jesus that I read about in the Bible ate with tax collectors and prostitutes. He spent three days with the Samaritans. He healed the Roman soldier’s servant, the government that oppressed the Jews. The only people whom Jesus spoke harshly towards were the religious leaders who were making it difficult for people to connect with God. That should remind us to be careful that our words and actions should not hinder people from a relationship with God.

            I want to encourage you to consider the things you say, whether it is on social media or to the cashier or waitress that serves you. Are your words and actions loving, and do they encourage people to have a relationship with Christ? None of us is perfect; I’ve blown it more than once. But I want to live my life so that people will know that I am a Christian by my love. A good place to begin is in our home towns. When we meet someone who looks, acts, or thinks differently, will we respond to them with the love of God? I hope we will. Happy Birthday America! I hope you enjoy your Fourth with your family and friends…at a safe distance!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

I haven’t Got Time…

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By Doug Creamer

I haven’t got time…

            I had a wonderful great-aunt and uncle. They were almost like an extra set of grandparents and we traveled to see them several times a year. My uncle was a jokester. He had lots of fun pulling pranks on me and the memories he created have lasted a lifetime.

            They had an above-ground pool and we used to like going there for a few summer days. My uncle would take my brother and me fishing on his small boat. Sometimes we would get a bushel of crabs and eat them at the picnic table under a tree. At night we would gather around the table and play games. There was always laughter and lots of fun.

            My aunt kept us well fed. There was always something good to eat; we especially enjoyed her homemade applesauce. She kept full candy dishes around the house and I know I snuck more candy than I was allowed. Some nights we would get a huge watermelon and we would wipe it out.

            If you asked my aunt, “Is today Saturday?” She would always answer, “All day.” I remember thinking how good life looked for them in retirement. I would make some wide-eyed comment about how wonderful old age and retirement looked and she would say to me, “Douglas, old age doesn’t come alone.”

            I didn’t understand what she was trying to tell me. My mom tried to explain to me that there are aches and pains with old age. I looked at them and they didn’t act like they were in much pain. They were active, laughing, having fun, and enjoying life.

            I thought of my aunt the other day. I woke up thinking about all the things I wanted to get done. I lay in bed a few extra minutes, enjoying the comfort. When I finally rolled over I noticed I was feeling a little stiff. I stumbled out to breakfast and thought that when I got something to eat, I would feel better and be ready to go.

            Before breakfast was over, I was beginning to have some sharp pains in my lower back and hips. I did some stretching exercises that usually help. I applied an icepack. My wife found me on the floor with a pillow under my back. When I finally reach for Advil, I’m in trouble. It took most of the day for the pain to finally settle down. The list did not get done.

            I talked with a friend who told me his back went out when he was playing with his child, and he is much younger than I am. One time mine went out while I was washing my hands. I guess my aunt was right, older age doesn’t come alone.

            In moments like that, we all learn to pray. Lord, we need a miracle. I know people who have experienced a touch from God in that kind of moment. More often than not the answer comes back, “My grace is sufficient for you.”

            I believe in the miracle power of God. I have witnessed it and experienced it. I know God can and will move to bring about the miraculous. That’s why I firmly believe in the power of prayer to make a difference in our lives.

            Sometimes God chooses to walk with us through our pain. This is when we lean on the promises in the Bible, such as: “He will never leave or forsake me.” There are many scriptures that teach us that God is our healer, comforter, and friend. A friend stays with you through the difficult times in life. They listen to you whine and complain and they are still there.

            Isaiah 43 promises that we will walk through the river and the fire and we will get through to the other side. Jesus took His disciples on a boat where He slept. A terrible storm blew up and they thought they weren’t going to make it, but they got through to the other side. He keeps His promises and walks with us THROUGH the storms of life.

            I don’t know what you are facing; pain, sickness, loss of a loved one, financial stress, a child who has gone wayward, a loved one suffering from dementia, whatever you are facing…I want to encourage you that God will walk with you through your situation. I know it is hard and you might be struggling with doubt, but I promise God is right there with you. You are not alone. I know His eye is on the sparrow and I know He is watching you and me. Lean on Him because I know you are going to make it.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            I have moved a lot in my lifetime. It’s not fun. It may be exciting because you are buying a new house, but it’s still not fun. When you are young and energetic it can be manageable. As you get older and have collected more stuff, moving can be a challenge.

            Last week my pastor moved out of his house and I offered to give him a hand. Thankfully, he hired movers to take care of all the heavy lifting. A number of members of our congregation showed up at different times to offer help.

            The family is not moving directly into a new place. They are moving into a house temporarily until they can find where God is sending them. Part of the reason for the move was to downsize. They moved most of their stuff to storage and only took the bare necessities to the temporary place.

            My pastor’s wife, like my wife and I, loves to grow things. She has quite a few plants in pots that she didn’t want to lose in the move. My wife and I decided that we would adopt her plants while they are in transition. A few more plants here are no big deal. As I was packing the plants up, I heard a sound. I jumped back as something moved. There was an old toad among the plants.  I had to stop and take a picture. The toad was not invited to come along.

We know they will be moving again soon. There is a wish list for their next place and hopefully the Lord will open those doors quickly. They know God has a purpose for this temporary stop and they want to discover and fulfill it. Waiting on God and being obedient are never easy things.

            As I was driving a load of plants to my house, I was thinking about the high cost of obedience. Abraham was called to leave his home and travel a long distance. God showed him the Promised Land, but Abraham never got to own any of it. He had to trust the Lord and live in obedience so that one day his descendants would possess the Promised Land.

            The Bible calls us to a life of surrendered obedience. When we invite Jesus into our hearts, we no longer live, but Christ lives in us. If we allow Christ to fully live in us, we might do things sometimes that seem illogical. Jesus is looking at the whole kingdom and may need us to play a role in a place for a period of time to reach a lost or discouraged soul. Consider the lengths God went for you. Sometimes He might need us to go the distance for one of His lost sheep.

            My pastor has been teaching us about being inconvenienced. When we are about Kingdom business, we are going to be inconvenienced at times. Jesus was inconvenienced when He left heaven to come to earth to provide the way for salvation. It’s not hard to conceive that He would inconvenience us in order to take His message of love to a lost and dying world.

            Following Jesus often involves waiting. I hate to wait on God. He seems to move slower than molasses at times. But sometimes God’s plans involve waiting as He works out all the details. That means that He has to work on people’s hearts to get them to the place where they will walk in obedience. He is patient with people, giving them the opportunity to come around, which means that other people are forced to wait on God.

            God is always working behind the scenes to bring about His purposes and plans. We can’t always see His hand at work because He has to do the delicate work of changing someone’s heart. He is patient, kind, gentle, and willing to work slowly with us as He is with others. That’s why we have to wait. That’s why we might be inconvenienced. That’s why it is so important for us to be obedient. Someone’s eternal destination could depend on it.

            If you feel like God is calling you to obedience, to be inconvenienced, or to wait on Him, I want to encourage you to hang in there. God is doing something marvelous. The details often take some time to work out. Trust Him with every area of your life and He will do great things in you, through you, and for you. You may have to wait a little, be inconvenienced, and you will definitely have to be obedient if you plan to enter in. I believe God has a great future for you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer


            A little over a week ago I was enjoying a quiet morning on my front porch. It was overcast and the temperature was nice. A light rain began to fall. I went into the house for something and when I opened the door to return to my quiet sanctuary…it happened… KABOOM! With no warning, lightning struck CLOSE!

            The intensity gives you the shakes. I closed the front door and decided I was fine in the house. A few minutes later I heard the siren start. I listened to determine what direction they were heading. The siren kept getting closer until I looked out the front door and saw the fire truck parked on my street.

            I went out to saw the firemen walking around my neighbor’s house. The lightning had struck a tree in his backyard. My neighbor used to have a light attached to that tree. The lightning rode the wire down into the ground, exploding the soil, and then rode the wire into his house. He had multiple breakers pop and was naturally concerned that there might be a fire. The firemen checked everything thoroughly and his house was fine.

            In all the excitement, I didn’t realize that I had a few breakers pop in my house, too. When I noticed some lights not working, I went out and flipped the tripped breakers. Then our wired smoke detector went off. I went over and asked one of the firemen if he would mind checking things out for us. He determined that the lightning had just fried our smoke detector. We were fine and safe, too.

            We had more fun that day when we found out the lightning had messed up the cable in our community. Evidently, when lightning strikes the ground it runs into the cable lines. The cable guy said that all kinds of parts were destroyed in our community. They had to change a part on our house, too. My neighbor needed new cable parts inside and outside his house. One lightning strike did a lot of damage. Thankfully, our homes are safe.

            The lightning strike changed things instantly. This got me to thinking how quickly things can change. The phone rings and you receive bad news. You are doing everything right while you are driving your car and a deer runs out, or someone hits you and you have an accident. It only takes a second and everything changes.

            In those crazy moments in our lives, it is hard to imagine that God is in control. We naturally ask, if He is in control, how could this happen? One of the first things we need to understand is that there is an enemy out there who hates us, who wants to destroy us and our faith. He has a bag full of tricks to ruin us. He is the master of doubt, worry, and fear, and he loves to give us all big helpings of discouragement. He is the architect of terrorism. He infects people with hate and jealousy. His mission is to kill and destroy.

            God, on the other hand, loves us. He wants the best for us. He wants us to live in harmony, peace and prosperity. He wants to encourage your soul and offers shelter from the storms of life. He wants to protect us and has a plan of escape from the enemy. He is our Father who is filled with faith, the author of hope, the giver of perfect love.

            So when you have a KABOOM in your life, run to God. He will keep you in the palm of His hand as long as you don’t run away. He sees the best in you and knows how to turn every situation around for His glory. There is nothing you are facing that is too difficult for Him. He promises to walk with you through your circumstances. Sometimes God calms the storm around us. Other times He gives us supernatural peace so we can walk through the storm with Him.

            I want to encourage you to give God your KABOOM moments. Trust Him to see you through it. Know that there is not one detail that has escaped His attention. There is no room in the boat for fear when you are in the boat with God. Turn your eyes on Jesus and let the circumstances disappear in His wonderful presence. He knows how your story ends, trust Him with every detail. Let His peace and love envelop you and guide you. God’s got you and He’s got it all in control.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Heavenly Perspective

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By Doug Creamer

            CBS has given us a nice summer treat. They are running old movies on Sunday night. My wife and I have really been enjoying seeing these movies from our past. I was particularly looking forward to the one last Sunday night. They were showing “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.” Naturally, there were lots of commercials, but we endured them because we wanted to see Harrison Ford and Sean Connery.

            There was five minutes left in the movie when our local station, WBTV, decided to cut in with breaking news. Naturally, we were concerned. When the reporter appeared she said that the streets of Charlotte were quiet tonight. They cut to another reporter who was at the police station and told us that the situation was much calmer than it had been the night before.

            With five minutes until their news broadcast, WBTV broke in to tell us that the streets were quiet in Charlotte. I am grateful that we had a quiet evening after all the unrest, but they couldn’t wait five minutes to tell us that during their regular newscast?

            Our country is struggling right now because an officer of the law, someone we trust to keep us safe, did the unthinkable. That act should spark outrage among all of us. That behavior cannot be tolerated and should be prosecuted. The world and heaven are watching to see how we handle the situation. I hope justice will prevail in this situation.

            The truth is that there are bad people in every profession. I saw it as a teacher. The majority of my colleagues gave their best every day in the classroom and during all the various afterschool activities. But there were some whose behavior was unacceptable. When the public puts their trust in a group of people’s hands, we cannot misuse that trust. We must live up to a higher standard.

            The same kind of problem is occurring with COVID-19. In some places the truth about the number of cases is concealed to make things look better. Different agencies report different numbers. The situation is complex and confusing and it is difficult to know what to believe.

            The problem comes down to our perspective. No one thinks what the officer did in Minnesota is right. But when it comes down to COVID-19 there are so many different perspectives. Some believe we should close the country down, crushing the economy and many people’s lives. Others want the economy open and say let the virus do its thing. Some firmly believe in masks, others refuse to wear one. Who’s right? It depends on your perspective.

            God has been challenging me to consider my perspectives on many issues this week. I am looking at the world from my point of view. That’s natural, we all do that. But God has been challenging me to take on His heavenly perspective. That’s difficult. My priorities are not His, my ways are not His ways, and my thoughts are not His.

            God hates injustice. God hates verbal, mental, physical, and sexual abuse. God hates when one person thinks they are better than another for any reason. God loves grace, mercy, forgiveness, and peace. God hates sin because it separates us from Him. God loves a humble and broken heart. God hears our plea for mercy even when we don’t deserve it. God’s love covers over a multitude of sins and failures.

            God loves every human being from the moment of conception until their final breath. He always hopes and believes that people have the capacity to repent and come home to Him. God desperately wants a relationship with each person alive, from the vilest sinner to those that think they are saints. He wants every person to be saved from their sin.

            I want to encourage you to pray for our county. Pray for our leaders to have wisdom in knowing how to deal with the civil unrest and COVID-19. Pray that truth will prevail in our criminal justice system and in the news. Pray for peace and that our fractured communities will find ways to heal. Pray that the Gospel will spread like wildfire and that people will discover the faith, hope, and love that they need from their Father in heaven. What we really need right now is for the love of God to wash over us, cleanse us, and to renew our hearts and minds. Peace to you, your household, your city, your state, and this great nation of ours. 

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

God’s Got it all in Control

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By Doug Creamer

God’s Got it All in Control

            The other night I woke up in the middle of the night. I am a deep sleeper; usually nothing wakes me. But I remember dreaming about a terrible smell. As I rolled over, I noticed the smell was in the bedroom. I sniffed the air and thought – “skunk.”

            I have only smelled a skunk once in all the years I have lived in this house. My sleep addled brain couldn’t process the foul odor. I quietly eased myself from bed so I could investigate. Stepping into the hall the pungent odor had my attention. I walked through the house assessing the situation; the overwhelming smell was everywhere.

            As I was heading back, I thought about the fact that the gas hot water heater is right outside our bedroom door. Could that be gas? My sleepy brain didn’t know. I decided to go outside and see if I could smell the skunk. The air was fresh and clean.

            I walked back in the house and the smell seemed to be stronger. That’s when I thought I would search the internet. Natural gas can smell like rotten eggs or possibly have a skunky smell. That was it. I became convinced that I was smelling gas. I woke my wife and we agreed that something didn’t smell right.

            I decided to call the gas company. The lady who answered was very kind and patient. I explained the situation and she decided that they were going to come and check for us. I felt bad, but she said if it woke me up, it was worth checking out.

            The young man that arrived was professional and polite. He came in and smelled the odor too. He said it smelled more like skunk to him, but he stayed and checked everything for us. He took me outside and opened the gas line so I could smell what natural gas smells like…rotten eggs. Neither of us knows why we got that smell in our house, but thankfully we were okay.

            As I reflect on this crazy event I realize one very important thing…God is in control. No matter what happens in life, we serve a God who has everything under control. I have been thinking about Joseph, who was thrown into a well and then spent several years in a dungeon. I imagine he wondered if God was in control. Then you have to consider Paul, who was imprisoned for preaching the gospel. The governing authorities didn’t see why he should be in prison, but God did some of His greatest work through Paul during that time.

            When Jesus hung on the cross, God was in control. When Daniel was tossed into the lion’s den, God was in control. When Stephen was martyred, it’s hard for me to believe, but God was in control. When Mary gave birth to Jesus in an old cave, God was in control.

            When Egypt enslaved Israel for several generations, God was in control. People suffered and died. Even during tragic times when people suffer and die, God remains in control. By the time you read this, we will have surpassed 100,000 deaths from COVID-19 in America. I can’t imagine the sorrow and suffering that some families have endured during this time. Surely God is weeping with those families.

            No one knows how this pandemic will play out. I have read some staggering numbers from past pandemics and hope and pray that God will intervene. I am hoping that all we have done around the globe has helped to stem this awful plague. There has been so much suffering economically and health-wise, not to mention the grief that so many have experienced.

            What we have to remember is that God is with us no matter what we are facing. He has not forgotten us. He is holding us in His right hand. Sickness is not from God. He loves each one of us and wants to draw us close to Himself. He longs to comfort us and to lift our spirits. God is for us. God is bigger than COVID-19. No matter how crazy the world gets, God is still in control.

            I want to encourage you to lift your cares and concerns before God. He hears your prayers. Run into your Father’s arms where you will find the comfort and love you desperately need. We serve a God who is in control and who will see you through whatever you are facing. There is nothing too difficult for Him. He is our hope and strength during this time of trial. There are still many difficult days ahead, but I believe we will get through. I have faith that God is going to bring good things out of all that we have and will endure.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Peace & Joy

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By Doug Creamer

My wife and I love gardening. I focus on planting and growing the vegetable garden. She loves to create planters with beautiful plant combinations. She has a number of perennials that come back every year. Our back patio and front porch are filled with beautiful plants which makes spending time outside like being in an oasis.

            I like to sit outside among the plants and enjoy the peacefulness. Our street is generally quiet and I can always hear some birds singing when I am outside. I enjoy walking around the yard and looking at all the beautiful flowers and vegetables. Each plant has its season which I anticipate with great joy. There is always something to see in our yard.

            I finished planting the vegetable garden the other day just before all the rain hit. Everything is looking good and I am excited about the new growing season. There are still more flowers to plant and I am always scheming about how I can get a second planting in my vegetable garden. I just love having my hands in the dirt and seeing what I can get to grow. I often talk about working in the garden, but it doesn’t feel like work. Being out in the yard gives me such great pleasure.

            We have some fruit growing out back, too. I love red raspberries and have a good sized bed full of them. We also have some blueberry bushes, although I want to plant more of them. I can eat blueberries all year long. I would like to grow some strawberries one day. There is nothing like eating something you grew.

            I am fortunate; I find peace and joy in many things. Gardening or just being outside around things that are growing ministers to my spirit. I also find joy in teaching my Chinese students. I also experience joy and peace when I am writing.

            There are so many things that can steal our peace and joy. Some people are working overtime on their jobs, especially in the health care field. Imagine the UPS, FEDEX, Amazon, and US mail employees who are delivering packages to our houses since we can’t get out and go shopping. Then you have to consider the retail that is open, grocery stores, pharmacies, and the restaurant workers who are all working hard to provide goods and services for us. I wonder if they are able to disconnect from their work and find the peace and joy they need.

            Then you have to think about all the people who aren’t working because of Covid-19. They want to work, but the stay-at-home orders have kept them from their jobs. The financial stress and worry that these people are facing has got to be stealing their peace and joy.

            As a retired teacher, I think about schools. Teachers get such great joy out of imparting knowledge, skills, and abilities to students. There are no students in physical classrooms now. Students are missing athletics, clubs, and all the after school activities. They are missing their friends at lunch and in the halls. They are missing milestone moments like prom and graduation. It’s easy to lose your joy and peace when you are missing a major part of your life.

            Finding your joy and peace comes back to two main things. First, our main source of joy and peace comes from being in our Father’s presence. God is the source of perfect peace. He longs to fill your heart with joy. Sometimes we don’t have it because we don’t ask for it.

            The second source of joy and peace is a little more challenging because we have to analyze ourselves. What can we do that gives us joy and peace? For some it is found in music. For my little sister, it is going for a run. For others it might be doing something artistic. Many enjoy working on their vehicles. Each of us enjoys doing something that brings pleasure to our lives. Discovering your pleasurable activity and participating in it can help to restore your peace and joy.

            I want to encourage you to spend time with God who is our source of peace and joy and allow Him to stir that up within you. I also want to encourage you to spend some time on yourself. You know what brings you peace and joy. Take time to do those things. Allow the Lord to renew your spirit so you can share your new found peace and joy with your family and friends. We all need a refreshing dose of peace and joy. I pray God will restore yours.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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