One Final Harvest

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By Doug Creamer

            With the arrival of the really cold air, the gardening season has come to a close. I had already cleaned out most of my vegetable garden before the cold arrived, but I had left a few things that were still growing. So before the cold hit, I harvested some butter beans, a cucumber, some raspberries, and some green cherry tomatoes.

            It was a real treat getting the November harvest. The deer have been trying to take my harvest from me, but a plastic fence has kept them away. My neighbor said he saw a dozen deer in his front yard the other night. Those rascals have been foraging through this area.

            The devil’s job is to find ways to keep us from getting a spiritual harvest. Like the deer, he will devour us with discouragement, disappointment, becoming offended, and distractions. He will do anything to keep you from producing fruit in your life. One tool is to convince us that we are too old or too young to be any good in God’s Kingdom.

            One of the ways that we can fight back is through the power of prayer. Our prayers are having an impact that we can’t see. When we add faith to our prayers, the impact far surpasses anything we can imagine. Prayer always precedes a harvest.

            Another example that comes to mind relates to my former pastor. He contacted me a while back and said he was working on a book and wanted some advice. We met and talked about the process several times. He sent me a few chapters along the way and I provided some feedback. He contacted me recently and said he was ready to get the book published. I have worked with him to get it ready to go to Amazon. Since I have been through the process, he was relying on my help to get it done.

            What is amazing to me is that this former pastor, who is older than me…I won’t say how much lest I get myself in serious trouble…is still working hard to have a positive impact on the body of Christ. He is retired and should be enjoying long walks on the beach and other things he enjoys, yet he is still working for the Kingdom. He is still looking for a harvest in his golden years. He hasn’t given up and won’t give up until he arrives at heaven’s door.

            God wants a harvest out of our lives. It’s not a suggestion, it doesn’t matter how we feel, it doesn’t depend on whether it is convenient or not, it is an expectation. He is looking under our leaves to see if we are producing fruit for His kingdom. He has left us here to have an impact on the world around us. We are here to carry His essence, His presence, to a lost and hurting world.

            The question becomes, what can I do to produce a harvest for His kingdom? It doesn’t matter if you are twelve or one hundred, God can still use you and your testimony about Him to help others. The older you are, the more stories you have of how God has seen you through the difficult circumstances of life. The younger you are, the more energy, enthusiasm, and passion you can bring to your walk with God.

            It is God’s heart that every person comes to know Him. He needs people to do that work. He will use each of us uniquely to reach people in our sphere of influence. People are watching us to see if Jesus makes a difference in our lives. If they can see evidence of the power of God working in our lives, they will want it. It’s our job to shine like beacons for those living in darkness. We have the hope and the joy that they need. We have the answer to the problems that they face. God is watching to see if we will give Him away thereby producing fruit for His Kingdom.

            I want to encourage you not to give up on producing fruit for His Kingdom. Don’t stop praying for loved ones, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and people you run into on a daily basis. People need the Lord, and many are just waiting on you and me to invite them into a personal relationship with a loving Heavenly Father. You don’t have to have special skills or be a specific age, just make yourself available to the leading of His Spirit within you. God is looking for a harvest. Let’s be ready every day to share our love for Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Do Prayers Work?

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By Doug Creamer

            I had my annual physical this summer with the accompanying bloodwork. I like to look through the results of bloodwork and compare this year to previous years. There are some numbers that are close to needing medication and I want to make sure they stay in line. My brother reminded me the other day that we are getting older and that the possibility exists that we might have to start taking some medications.

            My doctor told me that one of my numbers had crossed the line. I needed to start taking some medication. He agreed to give me 3 more months before we started the medication. The caveat was that if I observed changes in several areas I would agree to take another test earlier. I agreed.

            I asked my family and several friends to pray for me. I prayed for myself numerous times. Besides all the prayers, the symptoms I was supposed to keep track of continued a downward trend. I went online to several medical websites to look for additional symptoms. Why do we ALL do that? Everything was pointing to the need for this medication.

            Several weeks ago I decided it was time for the new test and the medication. Before I took the test, I wanted to ask for prayer at church on Sunday. At the end of the service, I went up for prayer. I hate to admit this, especially in writing, but I was not stirred by great faith to ask for prayer. My attitude was, if God heals me, great. If God chooses not to heal me, then I will start the new medicine.

            While I was waiting for prayer, I overheard some of the other requests. Some of the people had huge requests which made me feel like, “God, please take care of their requests. Mine, I only have to take a pill and I will be OK.” My turn came and I expressed my desire to those praying and to God. After we prayed I didn’t feel any different. I did decide that I would push the test off for several days to see if I noticed anything different in the symptoms I was observing.

            Several days later with no observable changes, I took the new test. The next morning I woke up feeling better than I had in a while and worked most of the day outside. The following day I felt better and again worked outside most of the day. Then that afternoon I received a text from the doctor’s office. I went right away into the patient portal to see when the doctor wanted to see me and start the medicine.

            I saw a message from the nurse. I opened it and read, “Everything is fine. The doctor will see you next year.” I read the message several times. The lab results didn’t get posted until later in the evening. I read them in disbelief. My results were better than they had been for the past two years.

            My Daddy in heaven had decided to heal me. Please know that I am a strong believer in God’s healing power. I have seen it in my life and in the lives of many family and friends. I know God heals, but in this case, I thought he would just use the medicine to heal me.

            I was reminded of something so important. No matter how big or small your problem is, take it to your Heavenly Daddy. Ask Him first and see if He wants to intervene for you. In spite of the fact that my faith was not stirred, my Daddy wanted to display His great love for me.

            This is why I want to share this story with you. I want to encourage you to ask God to intervene for you. If we don’t ask, how can we ever expect that He will do anything for us? We do have to understand that sometimes we will end up taking the medicine, but let’s open the door for Him. Daddy loves us more than we can ever understand.

            So I want to encourage you again to ask your Heavenly Daddy to intervene in your situation. He loves us so much. God wants to be involved in every detail of your life. He wants to help you with your struggles and doubts. He wants to touch your life and create a testimony to His great love for you. So stir up that mustard seed of faith in your loving Heavenly Daddy and see what happens. I believe there will be many stories just like mine.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Rock Star

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By Doug Creamer

            Since I retired in June I had not ventured back to East Davidson. Well, I couldn’t stay away any longer. I wanted to see my former colleagues and the students. I also wanted to see my old classroom. I was warmly greeted by everyone. It was definitely a deja vu experience.

My old classroom is being used for students who are working independently on computers. It was not set up the way I had it for most of the time I was there. There were no eagle pictures on the walls. It was a very odd feeling to step inside my former classroom.

It was so good to see my former colleagues. I was glad to hear what was happening in their lives and how things were going for them this year. Everyone wanted to know how retirement was going. “AWESOME,” was the answer they got back. I told them that I highly recommend it.

What I was not prepared for was the “rock star” status I felt from the students. Students were calling out to me from everywhere. I got hugs and handshakes galore. I had to laugh when a few students asked if they could now call me by first name. I let them know that they were still students and that “Mr. Creamer” was the proper way to address me.

            It was college application day while I was there. That gave me the opportunity to ask students about their plans beyond high school. I also got the chance to encourage them in their career choices. It was exciting to talk with the students about their future plans. I was so excited to hear from one of my students who decided that she is going to study marketing in college. I am so proud of her and excited to follow up with her as she pursues her dream.

            It was a fun day getting the chance to spend the day with people I care so much about. I miss being around my colleagues and having the opportunity to talk on a daily basis. Public school teachers make a difference. Most teachers pour their lives into the students, hoping to encourage and influence them to make good choices that will lead to a fulfilling life.

            When I think about the many different careers the students were considering, it makes me realize that God needs good Christian men and women in every career field. As a former teacher, I hope I lived my faith in the classroom. I know I wasn’t perfect, but I hope I demonstrated Godly values to them.

            When it comes to career choices God needs people to represent Him in every career area. I hope that doctors and nurses pray every day before working with their patients. I hope a firefighter and policeman turn to God before heading out the door. Imagine the difference an EMS worker could make if they offered prayers for the people they transport to the hospital.

            We have all called repair people to our homes. Wouldn’t you like to have a godly person enter your home and do their work with integrity? We have all taken our cars to repair shops. Wouldn’t it be great if the mechanics were in love with Jesus and were playing Christian music on their radios?

            My point is that we need to encourage our children to follow career paths that interest them. We all have to work, wouldn’t it be great if we loved what we do? Just because we profess faith in Jesus, it doesn’t limit our career choices to the ministry. God wants every person to be reached with the Good News. He will use us wherever we are if we will make ourselves available to Him. As we excel in our career fields, we have the opportunity to give God the glory because we know He is working through us.

            If you are in the process of choosing a career, I want to encourage you to find something you love and be the best you can at that job. If you are raising children, I want to encourage you to help them choose fields they will enjoy and where they can have a positive impact on their colleagues. If you are currently working, I want to encourage you to remember that people are watching you. They want to see if God really makes a difference in your life. God’s wants us to be light and hope, especially to those who live in darkness. I believe God wants us to give faith, hope, and love away. Look around, I imagine someone needs to hear from you today.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Creative Trek

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By Doug Creamer

            We took our annual trip to Asheville last week. I wasn’t expecting to see any fall colors, but we did see some up in the highest mountains. There were just a few trees up close that had color. I noticed up there what I was noticing around here, many trees are losing their leaves without changing color at all. I think that is a result of all the dry weather.

            We picked a beautiful sunny day and I still enjoyed seeing the mountains. I can understand why so many people want to live in Asheville. It is so beautiful… fall colors or not.

            Our trip to Asheville was to attend the annual Southern Highland’s Craft Guild show. This is not your grandma’s craft show; these artisans are juried members of the guild who create fine crafts. We both like to walk through the show and see all the beautiful creations.

            My wife is drawn to the jewelry and specifically to one designer who uses glass beads. Her creations, including necklaces and earrings, are all unique. She has been doing her craft for many years. While my wife looks at all her beautiful creations, I enjoy talking to the artist. I like to talk with her about the marketing of her products (surprise, since I taught marketing for 34 years.)

            I like the pottery and the woodworking. The woodworking reminds me of my friend from Sparta, whose work sits around me here at my computer. I can’t say that I like one piece better than another because each one is unique. I will admit that I am partial to the one we made together. He taught me how to use the lathe and we worked on a bowl one day when I was up in his shop. He finished the bowl after I went home and then mailed it to me with a note that says, “Sometimes the value of an object can be determined by its uniqueness.” He signed both our names and it has been on my desk for ten years.

            I also like to look at the pottery. My favorite potter no longer displays at this show. I have a number of her pieces and I miss seeing her each year. I have several of her large mugs and drink my tea from one of them each week. So I decided that I would try to find another artist whose work spoke to me this year.

            I found one who had something unique, but it was only coffee-mug size. I looked at his work several times while I was there but decided not to buy. I found another artist who had a very tall mug. I asked if they were for drinking and she said yes, holding up hers. She said she was an iced tea drinker and liked a tall mug. She had two designs and both were in colors that I like. I held both in my hands for a while.

            The one that ultimately won had a vine with leaves growing along the side. It is totally unique and I don’t have anything like it. I told the potter that I look for something that speaks to me. She said she liked watching me as I connected with her art. I don’t believe in positive energy, but I do believe that being around creative people and their created things can spur one onto creativity. When artists exercise their creative gifts, they are allowing His creative Spirit to work in and through them.

            When God, our Creator, created each one of us, He made us unique. There is no one exactly like you out there in the world. When He made you, He endowed you with a unique combination of talents, skills, and abilities. Now He wants to see what you are going to do with what you have received. When you use these gifts from God, you reflect His creativity. I told the potter I bought the mug from that I couldn’t throw pottery like her. I don’t have the skills. I create with words. That’s how I reflect my Father’s creativity.

            I want to encourage you to explore the gifts God has placed in you. Some people are great with numbers, others with words, and still others using their hands to create things. Others have gifts to repair things, and still others the gift to manage people. God gave you special abilities; how are you using those gifts to honor Him? God is powerfully creative and when we exercise the gifts He gave us, we are being like our Father in Heaven.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            I love to pray and talk to my Father. Sometimes, it is a little more talking to Him, and if you know me, you know I like to talk. Sometimes it is listening. There is so much God wants to tell me, I have to learn to be quiet and listen. His love is so profound that I really don’t think we grasp how deeply He loves us. I love spending time with Him.

            I have a number of friends who are going through some big things in their lives. There are six specific friends who are getting prayed for multiple times a day. I think of them often and when I do, I lift them up in prayer. We don’t always know the power of our prayers or how they are impacting the individual on our hearts. I believe they make a huge difference, and for some people it is what gives them to strength to carry on.

            I think about when I have asked for prayer, I know the impact prayer has on my life. The prayers reinforce areas that are weak in me. The prayers bring health and healing to my body, mind, and spirit. The prayers and support help me to get up, brush myself off, and to begin walking again. We all fall down and we need each other to get back up.

            When I receive prayer I feel the power to persevere rise within me. Think about it, the enemy’s job is to accuse, hinder, and destroy our faith. When the battle is raging around us, we need our brothers and sisters to join our battle, strengthen our faith, and help us win the victory. The enemy doesn’t fight fair. He attacks when we are weak. He throws doubt, discouragement, fear, condemnation, or whatever he can find at us.

            Each Sunday I begin our worship service at church with a scripture. This past Sunday it came from Isaiah 43. It says in verse one, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine!” Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit all know each one of us by our name. We are His! I know God watches over His people. He wants to help us win our battle. In fact, He will send us the resources of heaven to help us in our fight.

            Recently, I asked God to help me look over my life. What did He want to work on? One day I discovered Him digging around one of the foundational truths of the faith. “What are you looking there for?” I asked. He kept digging and exposing the area. I did some reading, praying, and even developed a statement of faith about this area. I read the statement daily for a period of time. Each day I felt the impact that simple statement was making in my life.

            BOOM! The attack came. That’s right, Jesus exposed this foundational area and the enemy made a full frontal attack on me. How could this foundational area be weak? I have loved and walked with the Lord for a long time. Back to reading the statement and more prayer. Meanwhile Jesus found the cracked bricks in my foundation and began to remove them. We had created better bricks and we were now in the process of putting them in place. Jesus stepped back, examined His work and then showed me the new and improved foundation.

            I am not sure the concrete is set yet so I think I might keep reading my statement. I have thanked the Lord for His work, but I asked Him why He did it. I read a little farther in Isaiah 43 and saw this, “Because you are precious and honored in My sight, and because I love you…” Imagine that, I am precious in the creator of the universe’s sight. When I walk into His presence, He honors me! He loves me. The God of all creation loves ME! He loves YOU, too! God wanted to fix something so it would NEVER again become an issue between us.

            I want to encourage you to be brave enough to ask God to look into your life and ask Him if there is anything that needs work. I had no idea this area needed work. I imagine this is going to open the door for further inspection of other areas of my life. That’s a good thing, right? The goal is to grow closer to God, to become mature in our faith. Growth and maturity are going to require work. I have a heart for God and want all He has for me, even if that means working on a simple foundational truth that needed repair.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            I love to pray and talk to my Father. Sometimes, it is a little more talking to Him, and if you know me, you know I like to talk. Sometimes it is listening. There is so much God wants to tell me, I have to learn to be quiet and listen. His love is so profound that I really don’t think we grasp how deeply He loves us. I love spending time with Him.

            I have a number of friends who are going through some big things in their lives. There are six specific friends who are getting prayed for multiple times a day. I think of them often and when I do, I lift them up in prayer. We don’t always know the power of our prayers or how they are impacting the individual on our hearts. I believe they make a huge difference, and for some people it is what gives them to strength to carry on.

            I think about when I have asked for prayer, I know the impact prayer has on my life. The prayers reinforce areas that are weak in me. The prayers bring health and healing to my body, mind, and spirit. The prayers and support help me to get up, brush myself off, and to begin walking again. We all fall down and we need each other to get back up.

            When I receive prayer I feel the power to persevere rise within me. Think about it, the enemy’s job is to accuse, hinder, and destroy our faith. When the battle is raging around us, we need our brothers and sisters to join our battle, strengthen our faith, and help us win the victory. The enemy doesn’t fight fair. He attacks when we are weak. He throws doubt, discouragement, fear, condemnation, or whatever he can find at us.

            Each Sunday I begin our worship service at church with a scripture. This past Sunday it came from Isaiah 43. It says in verse one, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine!” Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit all know each one of us by our name. We are His! I know God watches over His people. He wants to help us win our battle. In fact, He will send us the resources of heaven to help us in our fight.

            Recently, I asked God to help me look over my life. What did He want to work on? One day I discovered Him digging around one of the foundational truths of the faith. “What are you looking there for?” I asked. He kept digging and exposing the area. I did some reading, praying, and even developed a statement of faith about this area. I read the statement daily for a period of time. Each day I felt the impact that simple statement was making in my life.

            BOOM! The attack came. That’s right, Jesus exposed this foundational area and the enemy made a full frontal attack on me. How could this foundational area be weak? I have loved and walked with the Lord for a long time. Back to reading the statement and more prayer. Meanwhile Jesus found the cracked bricks in my foundation and began to remove them. We had created better bricks and we were now in the process of putting them in place. Jesus stepped back, examined His work and then showed me the new and improved foundation.

            I am not sure the concrete is set yet so I think I might keep reading my statement. I have thanked the Lord for His work, but I asked Him why He did it. I read a little farther in Isaiah 43 and saw this, “Because you are precious and honored in My sight, and because I love you…” Imagine that, I am precious in the creator of the universe’s sight. When I walk into His presence, He honors me! He loves me. The God of all creation loves ME! He loves YOU, too! God wanted to fix something so it would NEVER again become an issue between us.

            I want to encourage you to be brave enough to ask God to look into your life and ask Him if there is anything that needs work. I had no idea this area needed work. I imagine this is going to open the door for further inspection of other areas of my life. That’s a good thing, right? The goal is to grow closer to God, to become mature in our faith. Growth and maturity are going to require work. I have a heart for God and want all He has for me, even if that means working on a simple foundational truth that needed repair.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Traveling Back

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By Doug Creamer

            My wife and I decided to take a trip back to our Alma Mater, James Madison University in Virginia. We had a nice drive up. Our intention was to visit a very dear friend and my niece, who is now a freshman at JMU.

            Our dear friend is living in a retirement community, which offers an apartment for visitors. It was a beautiful place and we were blessed to enjoy staying close to our friend. She gave us a royal welcome and treated us like family. While we talk on the phone and exchange cards, we haven’t seen each other for many years.

            We took a wonderful tour down memory lane. We saw the dorms where my wife stayed when she was at JMU. Then we drove by the places I stayed off campus. We shared stories about our first date and places we liked to go. The campus has more than doubled in size since we left.

            We drove by the home where my friend lived when I stayed with her and her husband for a semester. Then she took us by another home they lived in later, and her daughter’s home. Finally, we drove out to where her husband has been laid to rest. It is such a beautiful location.

            We shared several meals, old memories, and lots of laughs. The weather was perfect and the time flew by. Now we can picture where she lives and reflect on our wonderful time together.

            My niece is just beginning her college experience. I am so proud of her. I met her for coffee and we shared lots of stories. She told me about her classes, what life is like living on campus, and a lot about how things have changed since I attended JMU. She told me about organizations she is joining and budding new friendships. I am so excited for her next four years and told her to enjoy every moment. She is going to do great!

            We had such a great trip that we talked about making it an annual tradition. Both my niece and my dear friend would welcome us warmly and there are still some things we would like to rediscover.

            It’s good to reflect on good times and examine the foundations in our lives. My wife and I were blessed to get good educations that led to good jobs. But I believe it is important to examine our spiritual foundations and look at how we have grown in the Lord.

            We both grew up going to church and knowing the Bible stories. We learned to believe and trust in the Lord at an early age. Life has a way of testing faith. There are always challenges that seem bigger than life that we all face. The question in those moments is will we turn to God or will we run from Him?

            The truth is that there is no challenge in our lives that God can’t help us through. It may look impossible, but we serve the God of the impossible. If may look dark, but He is the light of the world. It may seem frightening, but He is the God who promises never to leave or forsake us.

            When life challenges you, look back at the past. Look back on all the other times that God has come through for you. He didn’t fail you in the past; He will not fail you now. Our lives are full of stories of God’s faithfulness to us. When we reflect on previous trials, we will remember how He came through for us. Those testimonies to His goodness can comfort and guide us through the storms of today.

            God is good, loving, and kind. He sees the best in you and believes that you will make it through to the other side of whatever challenge you face. The God of heaven is rooting for you. He has sent His angels to guard and protect you on your journey. He knows you will stumble and make bad choices along the way, but when you turn back to Him you can be sure He will be there for you. He is there for you. Your past proves it.

            I want to encourage you to reflect back on your life. Look for God’s hand as He guided you along life’s way. Look for the provision He gave you. Look at the friends He sent at just the right moment for you. He is and always has been there for you. Let your faith rest on the rock of your past experiences with God. I believe He has good things for us in the future.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

I Got A Job?

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By Doug Creamer

                Someone asked me the other day if I was enjoying retirement. “Are you kidding me? YES!” He laughed, because he knew I would love it. The truth is, I really do love it. But the fact remains that I am going to have to do something. I need something in my life. I tend to be a creature of habit and routine. It would also be nice to make a little spending money.

                Trying to find the right thing, a part-time job, is challenging. Before I retired, I didn’t know about any opportunities. Since I retired, there are lots things that have become options. I am glad that I didn’t have to be in a big hurry to get something. It has afforded me the opportunity to prayerfully consider what God wants me to do.

                It is my biggest desire to please my Father in heaven. The good news about that is that no matter what I do, God still loves me. I am pleasing in HIs sight. I am His son. I also know that there are things that He wants me to do. Like a good son, I want to be about my Father’s business.

                Some might immediately think that the only place we can be about His business is at church. Granted, there are some very important things that need doing in every church and I plan to do more at mine. But it is my firm belief that not everything God wants us to do revolves entirely around the church.

God wants us to be the salt of the earth. In order to be a preservative, salt, we have to be active in our community. We have to be in places that need His presence. Jesus told His disciples to go and win the lost and to make them into disciples. We have to be out where the lost are to win them. 

I believe sometimes God’s plans includes us doing things outside the four walls of the church. God needs people in every profession to be a light in the dark world. I always felt like I was a missionary teaching in the public schools. So if your job is a plumber, imagine how many non-church people you can bring the light of the gospel to in your job. God needs each of us to bring His light into our workplace.

After seeking the Lord, I believe He has guided me to a new adventure. I just completed the process of becoming an online teacher. Granted, that isn’t a big stretch from being a public school teacher. There is a catch…I will be teaching English to Chinese students. The truth is, I am excited about teaching  the students. They will be younger than I am used to teaching and I will have to be a little more energetic and animated to do a good job. The biggest catch for me is that it will be very early in the morning. I mean long before I am used to getting up. I will adjust and I think it will be fun.

The cool thing is that God is opening a door for me to continue to speak into young lives. It will be different, but God has faith in me. I am excited to get started. I have a few more things to do before I see my first student on the computer screen. This is a whole different way of teaching, hopefully proving this old dog can learn some new tricks.

God has good plans for your life and mine. We don’t always know where the adventure will take us, but we can be sure He will be with us. Will everything be perfect because we are following His plan? No. There will be some bumps along the road, but I know that He will help me along the way.

I believe that some of you are heading down a new road. Maybe yours is a new job, a new house, or maybe a new relationship. Whatever your new experience is, God will be with you. The road may be bumpy and curvy, that only keeps the adventure interesting. He wants us to trust Him and to be ready to share an encouraging word and our faith with those we meet along the way.

I want to encourage you to look at your life and circumstances through God’s eyes. God needs you to shine brightly. Be ready, because sometimes He will move you to a new place where you can let His light shine through you. One thing I know, it never gets boring  with God. Grab ahold of Him, the ride will be a great adventure.  

By Doug Creamer – PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

We Need Rain

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By Doug Creamer

            I make the daily trek to get the mail. Normally, there is some kind of catalog, some junk mail, and a few bills. I know the catalog count is going to increase, especially as we enter the holiday season. No one can stop the monthly bills. I did think about inventing a recycle box to connect to the mailbox so the mailman could toss all the junk mail in automatically for me. I think that it’s a million-dollar idea.

            I opened the water bill the other day and almost passed out. It was sky high. How could the water bill be higher than the electric bill?  It’s been a hot month and I know the air conditioner has been running a lot.

            All I have to do is walk around my house and I quickly realize why the water bill is so high. We love our outdoor spaces and they are covered in beautiful plants…plants that require watering. Then, there is the vegetable garden, which has a few things going. And I can’t forget the red raspberries, which are producing a wonderful fall crop for me. I love going out every other day and picking some for my cereal.

            Several weeks ago we were getting some pretty regular rain showers but it has stopped again. I think the recent hurricanes off the coast zap all the energy that might give us a shower or two up our way. Whatever the cause, we have been dry. When it is dry, I need to keep things watered, and that watering leads to higher water bills.

            It won’t be long now and we will start to get some fronts coming through the area. Actually, I am looking forward to some cooler weather. It’s been a hot, dry summer and I am looking forward to the change in seasons. I have lots of work that I want to do outside, but I am waiting on the change in the weather.

            Some nice fall rain would be welcome, not that I am asking for the remnants of a tropical system to come our way. I would prefer the cooling fronts from Canada. The main thing is, I believe we could use some rain. In fact, I am praying for some rain. The prayers have become a cry not only for the natural rain, but I am also asking for some spiritual rain.

            I hear stories of churches that are closing. I see that many people are doing other things on Sunday besides going to church. There hasn’t been a decrease in our population, so why are churches closing and why is church attendance down?

            I know I live in the Bible belt. In the south, it seems our faith has always been a part of our hallmark. We are believers. The trouble is not church buildings. There are plenty of those around. There is a church in every town to meet every style. Some churches work hard at reaching out, while others could do a little more. I really don’t think that is the problem.

            I think we have a spiritual apathy in our society. It’s not unusual; there were plenty of times in the Bible where the children of God became apathetic. Look around, people have filled their lives with all kinds of things. God isn’t one of them. They would rather do other things besides seek God’s face.

            That’s why we need some heavenly rain. We need a visitation of God’s Spirit to awaken the disconnected. We need renewal within our churches and revival for those who are lost and not seeking the Lord. Every one of us knows people who don’t attend church and who do not seek a relationship with their Heavenly Father.

            People need the Lord. He is the author of hope, mercy, forgiveness, the peace that goes beyond understanding, and the One who provides a purpose for our lives. Jesus is the answer. People are seeking the answer through material possessions, drugs, alcohol, and worldly pleasure. The answer is seeking the Lord and knowing who we are in His eyes. We are His children and He is our Father. He loves us beyond words.

            I want to encourage you to join me in praying for some spiritual rain. Pray that the lost will receive their sight and see their Savior. Pray that the broken-hearted will find comfort in their Father’s arms. Pray that the hungry and thirsty will find their satisfaction in the Spirit of God. Pray for heavenly rain, the kind that will renew our hearts and bring the lost home.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Knowing My Purpose

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By Doug Creamer

            I have been sitting here reflecting on what I did last week. That’s how I always begin a column, what happened and how that impacted my faith. I am not sure I want to admit how much time I spent last week following Hurricane Dorian. I follow any major weather story that could affect me. It could take months for officials to figure out all the damage from Dorian.

            Someone asked me if I follow the Weather Channel. I go straight to the models. There are several websites that make the major models and the famous spaghetti models available. I watch them closely to make my own determinations about possible paths for the storm. I also follow a weather blogger and vlogger out of Florida whom I find entertaining and informing. To say that I am obsessed might be an understatement.

            I also spent quite a bit of time last week considering and preparing for a new job. I know that I just retired, but I am too young to do nothing for the rest of my life. Don’t misunderstand, I am enjoying the extra time. But the job I have been looking into is teaching children in China how to speak English.

            My sister has been doing this for a while now and she loves teaching the kids. It’s like tutoring children, but they are on the computer, not sitting right beside you. I have watched a lot of videos about how it works. It looks very interesting and rewarding. The only catch is the hours. You have to teach late at night or very early in the morning.

After lots of thought, prayers, and consideration, I think I am going to go through with it. Some of my time last week was spent setting up my virtual classroom. I have been thinking about what the student will see when I am on camera. Also, I have been spending some time practicing videotaping myself. Even though I have made a number of YouTubes, this is very different. It makes me feel very self-conscious. Thankfully, I have a few more weeks until I finish the hiring process and have my first students.

If it works out, I will still get to do something that I am passionate about…teaching. It will also help to keep our budget on track. But the most important thing is that it will still allow me to have more free time. That in turn will cause me to seek the Lord for how He wants me to use that time to further His purposes in my generation.

            I want to serve God and I want to give my life to fulfill His purposes. From a business standpoint, I want to make investments that will pay off in eternity. Having more time gives me an opportunity to seek His face, to get to know my Heavenly Father better. I hope to learn more about Him and how I can invest my talents, skills, and abilities into His purposes.

            Many people struggle to figure out their purpose in life. Our purpose is to know God, love His Son, and welcome His Holy Spirit into our lives. What we do with the time we have here on earth depends highly on what He shows us. God needs people in every occupation, in every place, to be light in the darkness. He may send us to places we don’t understand, but He may be trying to reach someone and we are the perfect person for the job.

            If I go and do everything He tells me, will life be easy? Absolutely not. God will put challenges in front of us to make us grow and become more dependent on Him. How can we trust God if we haven’t proven that He is faithful? You can’t grow muscles (physical or spiritual) until you stretch and tear them. God will allow things that will cause you to run back to Him so He can and will meet your needs. He wants you to know Him as Father, Daddy, the one who loves and protects, the one who leads you and grows you into the man or woman of God that He made you to be.

            I want to encourage you to consider your God-given purpose. He made you and He delights in you. You make Him smile and laugh. He can’t wait until you wake up each morning. He wants to spend time with you. He wants you to get to know Him because He already knows everything about you. Open your heart and discover who you are and your purpose in His eyes.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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