Are You Ready?

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By Doug Creamer

            It’s almost Christmas…are you ready? We have been working on some last-minute details around here. I have a few errands to do and one final run to the grocery store. I always leave the wrapping until the end. Now, where is the baby Jesus? He has to be around here somewhere.

            It is hard to get everything ready on time. I think it takes me longer to do things as I get a little older. I am semi-retired; I should have more time. It seems like there is more to do than there is time to get it all done. Sometimes I sit down by the Christmas tree to catch my breath.

            I have attended a few gatherings this year and I determined ahead of time that I was going to be present in the moment. Sometimes we allow our schedules to drive us and the clock to determine where we need to be. I have purposefully slowed down to be with friends and family. I want to enjoy and remember the moment. I want to live and be present in the moment.

            I think about the craziness of my schedule and how I am inching my way through the list of things that I must get done. Then I begin to consider what it must have been like for Mary, the young mother of Jesus. All the craziness that I am enduring does not compare to what this young mother must have gone through to bring Jesus into the world.

            We have to remember she was only a teenager. I taught teenagers for over thirty years. A number of my students had babies through the years. In my mind, they were children having children. It’s challenging to raise a child today. Can you imagine what it must have been like in Nazareth?

            Can you imagine the challenge that Mary and Joseph faced trying to take a four day journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem because Caesar ordered a census? I am sure they would have preferred to wait for a more convenient time. Can you imagine their desperation, wanting to find a place to have the baby after the long journey? She had the baby in a dark, damp, and smelly cave where animals were put on cold winter nights.

            I imagine Mary struggled as she dealt with people thinking she was a morally lose girl who couldn’t wait for her wedding night. She knew she was a virgin, but who would believe her story? We know Elizabeth believed her, which had to be comforting. We hope that Joseph trusted and believed her, but he may have struggled with doubts of his own.

            I wonder if Mary and Joseph struggled with feelings of failure for the way they welcomed Jesus into the world. The best they could do was a cave? Yet God wanted them to know that He was more than proud of them by sending shepherds to congratulate and welcome His Son into our world.

            Sometimes we might feel like failures. Sometimes we think that maybe we missed God and His plans for our lives. We look around and think that maybe we didn’t accomplish enough for God. We wonder if maybe God might be just a little disappointed for trading His Son for someone like us.

            I want to be perfectly clear…God is absolutely proud to call you His son or daughter. You please Him just by being yourself. You didn’t miss God! Your heart has been in love with Jesus, His Son. Your desire has been to serve Him. You may wonder if you chose the wrong profession, but God needs representatives in EVERY profession to be lights for Him. He needs people where you are to let those walking in darkness see the light of His love. You are that beacon of light. You are that wellspring of hope. You are God’s love to them.

            I imagine that Joseph and Mary worried about every aspect of Jesus’ birth and upbringing, but God was with them, helping them every step of the way. I believe that God is with you, too. I want to encourage you to open your heart to God’s love this Christmas. He still offers peace on earth for you, if you will accept Him. He has answers for all that you are going through in life. It may not be easy…remember, Mary and Joseph didn’t have it easy bringing Jesus into the world…but I promise you He will help you each step of the way.

            Behold…the Savior of the world has come. Welcome Him. Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you this holiday season.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Faith Prevails

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By Doug Creamer

            Have you ever struggled with doubt? Yeah, I have too. No one wants to struggle with doubt, but it’s a natural human tendency. This struggle began in the Garden of Eden. Satan came to Eve and asked her, “Did God really say…” He created doubt in Eve’s mind. If it worked back in the garden, he will use it on us today.

            There is a big difference between doubting God and struggling with thoughts of doubt. When we doubt God we don’t trust Him or His word. However, when we find ourselves struggling with doubt, that can be a good thing, because that is when our faith is growing. When we wrestle with doubt we are fighting or wrestling with our logical minds to bring us into a greater trust in God.

            If I doubt you and turn my back on you that means I have come into agreement with the doubts. I have decided you are wrong and will not consider another option. That is the kind of doubt that is dangerous. It is especially bad when I allow those kinds of doubts to enter my relationship with God. When we have decided that we are right and God is wrong, we are in serious trouble.

            If you find yourself struggling with doubt you are in some good company. Abraham struggled with doubt. How could God bring forth a child from Sarah and him? Sarah laughed at the thought she would become pregnant at her age. But Abraham chose to trust God even though his logical mind tried to lead him away in doubt. That’s a faith-growing good battle.

            Sometimes we have to pay a price for our struggle with doubt. When the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah he doubted God’s word that he would become a father at his age. His doubt brought about the consequence that he was deaf and mute until John the Baptist was born. We need to learn to engage faith to fight our doubts and thus grow stronger spiritually.

            At this time of year I often think about Joseph and wonder how often he struggled with doubts about the origin of Jesus. Mary knew she was a virgin. Up until that point in history no one had ever experienced a virgin birth. I imagine Satan planted doubts in Joseph’s mind.  

            I believe the shepherds were sent to help Joseph. Their story would silence his doubts and stir up his faith. Later when Joseph and Mary take Jesus to the temple to present Him to the Lord, there is the respected leader Simeon who takes Jesus and declares that He is the long-awaited Messiah. Then Anna comes along and shares Simeon’s excitement. I believe these events encouraged Joseph’s faith.

            Joseph must have had a strong faith because we know of four specific times that God gave Joseph a dream and in each case he was immediately obedient to the instructions in the dream. Yet this man of great faith, the man who was entrusted with raising the Messiah, probably struggled with doubts. But Joseph raised his shield of faith and overcame the doubts.

            If you meet someone with a strong faith then I can assure you that the individual has fought and overcame many doubts. When we meet doubt in our spiritual journey we have a choice. We can come into agreement with the doubt and walk away from faith in God, or we can choose to fight the doubts and come into agreement with God and trust Him and His word. We have to choose to believe. In spite of what we see, we choose to trust God.

            Each of us is struggling with something in our lives. It’s something that is calling us to believe that God is bigger than our circumstances. Doubts are floating around in our minds about God’s love and faithfulness. God is calling us to choose. He wants us to choose faith in Him, trust in Him, hope in Him in spite of the situation.

            I want to encourage you to stir your faith in God. Believe. In spite of the circumstances believe that God loves you and knows all the details you are facing at this moment. Have faith that He is at work in your situation. Trust that He will do what is best for all that are involved. Pray that God will take your mustard seed of faith and help you overcome. Doubt is not bad if we engage it and grow a stronger faith because of it. I pray God blesses you and helps you as you walk through the trial you are facing.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Character & Choices

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By Doug Creamer

            I have talked with several guys recently who were trying to get a new job. The conversations quickly turned me back into a teacher. I started to pour into these guys all the knowledge I have about the job search process. While there are some basic things that still hold true about the job search process, I have not kept current with all the new methods. So the teacher was doing a little learning in these conversations.

            One thing we can all agree on is that employers are seeking candidates with some character. I would like to clarify here. There are some guys that I know whom I might describe as characters in a fun and joking manner. These are the kind of men you want around you in both good and bad times. They will be right there to help you whatever you might be going through. But you better have some thick skin because they will pick on and tease you and keep you laughing. Some people might call them characters, but I prefer to call them friends.

            In the job search process, character refers to the way you live. A former principal and the faculty I worked with at East Davidson worked tirelessly to instill moral character in our students. It’s doing the right thing regardless of the circumstances. It’s giving your best every day. It’s being an employee that an employer can trust. It’s being faithful to your job and your employer. It’s working hard with a strong work ethic. If you have character you are the employee every employer wants working for them.

            People with strong, moral character make good choices. We all have opportunities every day to make choices. Sometimes we make the good and right choices, and sometimes we make the wrong choices. Why is that? Simply because we live in a fallen world and we are only human. We are going to make the wrong choice sometimes. Someone with good character strives to make the right choices in life.

            Making the right choice affects every area of our lives. How we treat our supervisors and co-workers reflects on us. The way we interact with customers or sales staff says a lot about who we are to the world, which watches us closely. Many people will not go to church, but they will interact with you, and they will base their decision on whether to become a Christ-follower on your interactions with them. I have heard it said that you are the only Bible some people will ever read.

            I gave the sermon at our church on Sunday because our pastor was traveling. In the message I told our congregation that God chose Mary and Joseph based on their character. Joseph was a man of integrity who didn’t cheat his customers. God was looking for a good man who made right choices to raise His Son. Mary was also chosen to help raise Jesus in a loving family. Both Mary and Joseph had to be people of great faith who could be trusted with the highest calling I can imagine, raising Jesus.

            I still believe that God is in the business of looking for people with great character that He can trust to carry out His work on the earth. We are His ambassadors to the world. We are called to carry His message of salvation and hope to a world lost in darkness. You may never know the impact of your warm smile or a simple word of encouragement. God is looking for people who will be light and hope. God is looking for people with integrity of character that He can trust to do His will today.

            I want to encourage you to carefully consider your choices. My pastor often tells our congregation that the way we live our lives matters. Many people are watching your life to see if Jesus makes a difference in your life. How does He affect you? Are you a contagious Christian? Are people hungry for the Jesus they see in you? Do they see Jesus as your Savior and your friend? We are in the season of giving; you have the opportunity of sharing the best gift of “Good News” with the disconnected or disenchanted. You can offer Jesus as Savior, friend, deliverer, healer, forgiver, and life preserver of hope. There are people around you who need to hear this message of love and hope, especially at this time of year with its many challenges. I know God is looking for people like you and me, people of character, to carry His light into the world.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Preparing for Christmas

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By Doug Creamer

            It is always nice to have a few days off, even when one is semi-retired. The holidays are a busy time and there is always more to do than time to get it all done. The couple of days off last week were welcome. The list to get done was longer than I cared to complete. But I was grateful for the time to chip away at the things that needed my attention.

            I am not sure how fall slipped away so quickly. There always seem to be leaves that need to be collected. I hadn’t planted the pansies and violas yet, so I went to the garden center on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and got the best ones I could find so late in the season. They are an interesting mix of colors and over the long weekend I found the time to get them out. We like the joy they offer through the long winter season.

            It was a strange combination of outside activities over the weekend. I planted the flowers and worked on putting up the outside Christmas lights and decorations. Our street is festive; most of my neighbors put out some Christmas decorations. We try to get things up sometime over the Thanksgiving weekend. It felt crazy doing both of those things over the weekend.  

            I spread out the decorating over several afternoons. I don’t have a yard that screams Christmas. I just tend to work on other things at the same time. The afternoons fill up quickly, especially with the shorter days.

            Thanksgiving weekend ended up being busy doing some outside work and getting the outside looking like Christmas. We haven’t started working on setting our tree up or decorating inside the house yet. Preparation can be lots of work.

            There is so much preparation that goes into the holidays. I won’t list all the things that have to get done because that can be overwhelming to see in print. But each of us will chip away at the long list of things that need doing before the big day. The question that floats around in my mind is will we do the preparation necessary to get our hearts ready to receive the Christ child? It is so easy to be distracted by all that HAS to happen that we can sometimes forget or miss the significance of celebrating Christmas.

            Sometimes Jesus can get lost in all the decorating, Christmas shopping, and food preparation. It’s not that we mean to leave Him out of our celebrations. It’s simply that we allow other things to press in. So here we are, finding ourselves at the beginning of the holiday season and the opportunity to prepare our hearts for the real meaning of the season.

            How do you prepare? How do you keep your focus on Him? I think one place to begin is reading. Obviously, it is good to read the various accounts written in scripture about the birth of Jesus. Three of the gospels share different aspects of the story that offer ample opportunity for reflection. Take time to meditate on what Mary and Joseph went through in agreeing to be Jesus’ parents. Reflect on their circumstances and how all the details fell into place.

            These are good places to begin. There are many books and devotionals for this season that can help focus your heart and mind. Go beyond the reading and think about what it was like to live in that day and time. Imagine yourself meeting the family.

            I have already suggested the need for reflection and mediation, now allow your thoughts to lead you into thanksgiving and praise for all that Jesus accomplished coming to earth for us. Allow your heart to express your gratitude for all that He has done. Allow your thanks and praise to guide you as you pray for family and friends during this holiday season.

            I want to encourage you to commit to yourself that you will spend some quiet time with Jesus this holiday season. Allow His presence to fill your heart so you can receive the Christ of Christmas. Preparing yourself as we approach the day will make your heart ready. Truthfully, we all need to work to be ready, not only for Christmas but for His return. Many believe that His return is imminent. Many people missed His first coming in Bethlehem even though there were signs pointing to His arrival. I hope we are all ready for His second coming because there are signs pointing to it. It’s time to prepare for Christmas and the second coming. Are you ready?

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Thanksgiving Part 2

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By Doug Creamer

            Last week I wrote about being thankful. I thought at the time I had more to write about it.  I know this will appear in the paper after Thanksgiving, but I am writing it before Thanksgiving. That means that you have enjoyed the delicious meal that I am still anticipating. So, with my tummy growling for the tasty meal, let me continue with a few thoughts about giving thanks.

            I am thankful for a good part-time job. I teach at the community college and I still love being a teacher. In the nearly two years I have been there, I have met some wonderful students. I have great colleagues and a wonderful supervisor. I am so thankful for this opportunity.

I enjoyed being a teacher for thirty-four years, but I am thankful to be retired. I enjoyed my job most days. I worked with many great professionals and enjoyed teaching most of my students. I occasionally run into some of my “kids” and love hearing what they are up to now. I will never forget my students suggesting we print t-shirts to wear that said, “Creamer’s Kids.” We never printed the shirts, but the memory has been something I treasure.

             I am thankful for good books. I enjoy reading on my front porch when the weather cooperates. I am thankful for more time now to be able to read. I am thankful for the opportunity to write. I wish I had more time to write books. I have several great ideas in my head; I just don’t have time to get them on paper. Reading and writing mean so much to me.

            All of my readers know that I love gardening. I am thankful for the opportunity to grow some fresh vegetables and some beautiful flowers. I love and appreciate every opportunity I have to be outside in the fresh air. I love going for walks and feeling safe in my community. Walking is so good for me mentally, physically, and spiritually.

            I am thankful for the Bible, which is full of great stories to encourage me in my walk of faith. There are so many people in the Bible who struggled and even failed. Yet the Bible tells us that they got back up and God had mercy and helped them to overcome. It is so encouraging to know that God does not give up on us. There are so many examples of God’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness. I am thankful for the relatable people in the Bible. They are the heroes of our faith, but their sins, flaws, and weaknesses are there for all to see.

            I am also thankful for the many promises found in the Bible. Many of the promises are conditional…if we do this, God will do that. There is a promise to help us through almost every situation in our lives. God knows the walk of faith will challenge even the best of us. He gives us promises to help us, to encourage us, to sustain us through the trials of life. The best part of those promises is that God will never fail us. He will keep His promises to us.

            I want to remind you that it is good for our minds and spirits to review and remember the many blessings of God. It is easy to get bogged down in the negative because we are all dealing with problems and troubles. It is easy to allow the news headlines to discourage us and cause us to question God. When we allow our thoughts to drag us down a negative path we have to stop ourselves and refocus on the many blessings we have from God.

            God is good. The devil is bad. We are going to have both good and evil things happening to us and around us all the time. We have to make a choice. We can focus on all the evil and bad and allow questions to fill our minds, or we can choose to focus on the good, lovely, and beautiful. I believe it is critical to our good mental health to focus on the goodness of God and His many blessings. God loves us so much. We can’t allow the darkness to quench His glorious light.

            I want to encourage you to remember that God is good and He is filled with love, peace, joy, mercy, forgiveness, wonder, beauty, and patience. Turn your heart back to God. Let His bigness and goodness overwhelm whatever negative thing has distracted you. Spend some quality time this weekend thanking Him for your many blessings. Enjoy some good food and fellowship. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Thanks Part I

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By Doug Creamer

            I am not a very big fan of Halloween and am glad when the decorations people put out have been taken down for another year. When I went out to pick up dinner on the first Friday of November I noticed that some people were putting up their Christmas trees. I couldn’t believe it. I knew stores were going to push Christmas but I thought people would hold off until around Thanksgiving.

            When I was a small child, Santa set up our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. As I grew older, we started setting the tree up about a week before Christmas. I typically decorate the outside of our house during the Thanksgiving break and still hold off on the inside until the first week of December.

            This push that marketing gives us often causes us to glaze over a very important holiday, Thanksgiving. It’s not important because we get to enjoy some great food, although I do enjoy the traditional treats on the table. It’s important because it’s a time to reflect on the many blessings in our lives. Life can sometimes get crazy and distracting. We have to consciously stop and reflect on the good things in our lives.

            Thanksgiving, if we would give it the space in our lives that it deserves, is a great opportunity to help us refocus on all the good things in our lives. I enjoy walking on a regular basis. Sometimes when I leave the house I feel like a gray cloud is hanging over me. If I will turn my heart towards thanking the Lord for His many blessings in my life, then by the time I get home the gray cloud has vanished. Thanksgiving changes our thought patterns and improves our outlook and mood.

            If you feel that there is little in your life that gives you a thankful heart then let me help you consider a few basic things. Consider your health. Maybe it’s not perfect, but there are many things in your body that are probably working very well. I hope you can still walk, use your hands, think, talk, and enjoy a tasty good Thanksgiving meal. All of us have probably had some health issues this year, but if we are in pretty good health then we have a reason for giving thanks.

            Have you considered your family and friends? We are blessed to have good siblings on both sides of our family. We enjoy spending time with our many nieces and nephews. Many of them have started families and made me into a great uncle. I consider myself lucky to have some great friends. My friends have stood beside me through my trials and I have been there for theirs. I am so blessed to have some great friends.

            Have you ever walked through your home and considered the many ways God has blessed you? He has provided for all your needs. We can all look and see things that need replacing, but if we stop and think about it, God has truly blessed us. There are so many people around the world in such desperate need and we have been given so much.

            I thank God that I am living in America. I thank God that I am not living in Russia, Ukraine, Israel, or Palestine. I don’t have to worry about bombs dropping on my house or the military destroying my peace and safety. Most of us live in neighborhoods that are safe and we have good neighbors. I am thankful for mine.

            I am thankful for my church family. We are a close-knit group. We are there to celebrate each other’s victories and to console each other when we experience losses. We are there to pick each other up and to help each other through the trials and challenges of life. I smile every time I think of my church family and how blessed we are to have each other.

            I find myself at the end of my column and there is so much more I want to share with you. I am considering a part two for next week. In the meantime, I want to encourage you to spend some time this week reflecting on the many blessings of God in your life. I have only touched on a few today. We have a God in heaven who loves us, watches over us, cares for us, meets our needs, and has blessed us in more ways than we can count. Take some time to give Him thanks. I promise it will change your perspective on your situation and your life. Happy Thanksgiving!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

It Requires Faith

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By Doug Creamer

It Requires Faith

            Some people say that having faith is easy or it’s a crutch for the weak. They don’t understand what is required if you want to be a follower of Jesus. It requires surrendering your will for God’s will. I have never met a person who found it easy to give up his or her own will to be obedient to God’s. In my experience, I have found that God requires me to have faith, to believe and trust in Him for everything.

            Faith in God is built on having a relationship with Him. Relationships require communication to be successful. I have to believe that God listens to my prayers and acts upon them. He’s not like Santa Claus granting things on my wish list. But I do believe that because I have a relationship with Him, my prayers carry weight in heaven. If we don’t believe that, then why do we pray?

            This is why I firmly believe that prayer changes circumstances. When the people of God pray it can change the outcome of specific events. No, I do not believe prayer will help one sports team win over another, but I do believe that God will step in because people have prayed for His intervention. I hope this encourages you to pray as you consider your influence through prayer in the circumstances of your life.

            I have been reading in the Old Testament lately and I have read story after story where God put the people of Israel in impossible situations. They might be outnumbered in battle. They might be out of food or water. They might be broke. Time and time again the people were in trouble and hanging on by a thread. That’s when God would intervene. He would wait until the circumstances looked dire and then He would move, proving His love and faithfulness.

            I think God works this way so we can build our faith and trust in Him. He wants us to know that He is watching out for us and that He cares about us. He wants us to know that He will meet our needs. He allows the dark clouds to build and the winds to blow so we will turn our hearts toward Him. He will demonstrate His love and faithfulness to us. He will protect us and be with us through our circumstances.

            My pastor recently shared a story of a time when God allowed his family to be in a very tight place financially. God was testing them to see if they would trust Him. They did, and God came through for them in a big way. It reminded me of my own financial tight spot at the beginning of this year. I couldn’t imagine how it would work out, but God came through for us in a big way too. He is always faithful if we will trust Him.

After reflecting on these stories, I think it would be a good idea to keep a journal of the many ways God comes through for us. Maybe He has healed you. Maybe He has restored a broken relationship. Maybe He has done a miracle in your finances, too. These stories create testimonies of God’s faithfulness. We could read them when we are faced with new challenges and remind ourselves how He came through in the past for us. It would build our faith and trust in Him for our current situations.

            I believe God allows challenging situations to come our way because He wants to prove Himself to us over and over again. If we never faced any difficult situations, why would we need God? Challenging situations require us to stir up our faith. In the Psalms you can see David is facing unbeatable odds, but then he reminds himself of God’s faithfulness. It’s important to remember God’s faithfulness so we can trust Him in our current troubles. He promises to see us through. There is no situation that is bigger than God. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus he sank into the waves. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and trust Him.

            I want to encourage you to stir your faith in God and to trust Him with everything. The Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith. God wants to see our faith and He wants to see our faith grow. Remember that God has been faithful in the past and you can trust Him with today’s troubles and with the future. No matter how difficult your circumstances might look at this moment, don’t forget there is nothing impossible with God.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Be Prepared and Ready

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By Doug Creamer

            I love fall and spring weather. The nights are cool and the days are comfortably warm. One thing these seasons include is lots of outdoor chores. The spring chores are exciting because everything is coming alive and I am looking forward to the gardening season. Fall chores include cleaning up all the leaves. We have a couple of gumball trees in the lot next door that give us plenty of gifts that require cleaning up.

            My least favorite fall chore is putting our tropical plants into the garage. I love sitting on the porch surrounded by plants. There is just something about the plants that makes me feel good. When they are inside for the winter, I feel empty and miss them. The other problem with moving the plants in is that they have grown and filled out all summer. The garage fills up quickly with these large plants. While I do enjoy seeing the plants when I pull in and out of the garage, I would rather sit with them on the porch with a good book and a glass of tea.

            The big fall chore is getting up the leaves. It starts close to Halloween and it continues until sometime after Christmas. I use the bag on the lawnmower to pick up my leaves and put them in the vegetable garden. It helps the soil and the worms love it.

            The fall color is beautiful but it is followed too closely by winter. My biggest issue with winter is that we have so many cloudy days. I miss the sunshine and the longer days of summer. But I know we need the colder temperatures to bring on my favorite part of winter, snow!

            As the seasons change I am reminded of many lessons. God wants us to understand that life moves in cycles. We can be assured that bad times will pass and that we should strive to enjoy the good times. We can also learn that nothing will last forever in this life. We are only passing through this life. How we live this life matters. God wants to see our faith shine.

            Life is like the changing seasons. My frosted beard is evidence that I have entered the fall of life. A friend reminded me that it is important to finish strong. I don’t want to be like Solomon who lost his focus of faith in his later years and followed other religions. It’s easy to wander away from faith so I want to be diligent and keep my faith strong to the end.

            The Boy Scout moto is “Be Prepared.” I always prepare for storms like hurricanes or winter weather, but I also try to prepare for life’s changes. I want to be prepared for spiritual challenges I face. I want to be an overcomer, not be overcome. I want to run the race with perseverance.

            Jesus warned us of the importance of maintaining our faith through all the seasons of life. In a parable, He tells of the ten virgins who go to meet the bridegroom. He was late in arriving and they fell asleep. When the call went out that he had arrived only five of the virgins were prepared for him. They had extra oil for their lamps. God wants us to be prepared for His return.

            No matter what stage or season of life you are in, God wants you to be prepared. He wants you to be ready to share your faith and hope with others. He also wants you to make sure that your heart is ready for His return. We recognize the signs of the changing seasons. We should recognize the signs that are pointing to His return. Pay attention to what is happening in Israel because scripture is being fulfilled. We need to make sure we are ready.

            I want to encourage you to be ready for His return. Watch the signs of our times and trust God to keep His eye on you. He will keep you safe. He will guide you through life’s trials and challenges. Whatever you are facing is only for a season. He will see you through to the other side. Consider the squirrels who are working very hard to prepare for the winter. God wants you working hard right up until the day He comes back for you. No one knows the day or the hour, but we need to live ready and prepared. I want to be faithful in every season until the very end. Join me as we persevere so He will find us faithful until He comes.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            I went to the store to buy some Halloween candy and noticed that the Christmas candy was out, also. I don’t think the kids would like to have candy canes for Halloween. There were rows of gifts already out and it’s not even Halloween yet.  When I was a kid Christmas candy or gifts were not out until after Thanksgiving. Things have changed.

            Speaking of change, the leaves have given us a beautiful show this year. The weather seems to be stuck on warm. I saw some scattered frost this morning but it turned out to be a beautiful day. The calendar says that November is arriving soon, but the weather is giving us a nice treat. I just hope it doesn’t pull a trick on us.

            We all know that colder weather is on the way, but I really don’t mind if Mother Nature wants to continue these 60-to-70-degree days. I know that frost will soon arrive and then we will be faced with whatever weather winter brings our way. But I think we have some nice fall days ahead and I plan to enjoy them.

            Some friends have asked for my winter predictions. I have been looking at many websites which put out long-range forecasts and it looks like they all agree on a wet winter. The big question is will there be cold air in place to give us snow. My personal prediction is that we will see some winter weather this year but I am afraid it will be the old Carolina mix of freezing rain, sleet, and snow. It is hard to get pure snow here, but only time will tell what really happens.

            When it comes to predicting winter weather there are so many variables. Sometimes a storm is only a day or two away and we are unsure about what to expect. Sometimes even with our advanced technology forecasts fall apart at the last minute, as most of us know from storms in the past. The storm moves in a slightly different direction, changing everything.

            Making any kind of prediction about weather is challenging. We all know what is happening right now, but what happens tomorrow or next week is up for grabs. The same can be said about our current events. Some of my favorite radio and TV preachers are talking about the end times. They are making predictions about when Jesus might be coming back.

            All the news networks are talking about the war going on in Israel. The unprovoked attack against Israel is unforgivable. What the enemies have done to women and babies is despicable. Israel is more than justified in defending itself and its borders.

            Are the preachers right? Is this war the one that prophets spoke about thousands of years ago? Can we expect Jesus to return for His church soon? The answer to that question is like trying to predict a snowstorm; there are many variables. Every person who has studied end times has a different opinion about what to expect, much like the weather forecasters. The truth is that no one knows for sure.

            We do know that Jesus is returning for the church because the Bible says He will return for us. We can’t live in fear because of the news. We have to put our faith in Jesus and let Him handle all the details. We must persevere in our faith while we wait for Him. We can also be in prayer for the lost and reach out to them as the Spirit leads us.

            It’s important to stay connected to your church family. Many people have not returned to church since the pandemic. Jesus wants us to be in fellowship so we can encourage each other. It is also very important to continue reading your Bible and praying to your Father in Heaven every day. Be a faithful follower and maintain your faith in these troubling times.

            I want to encourage you to stir up your faith, especially if you have allowed it to wane in recent years. Find ways to connect with other believers and encourage each other. Challenge each other to persevere in spite of the news. Live fearless because you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, and you can depend on Him. He has His eye on you! You can trust Him to come back and take you to be with Him. Heaven is far greater than any of us can imagine. It is a place of wonder, beauty, joy, and peace, which is available to all who call upon the name of Jesus.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Listening for a Whisper

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By Doug Creamer

Listening for a Whisper

            Some days are busier than others. Take Wednesdays; I go hard from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning until I lay my head down at night. Other days allow time for reading and a nice afternoon nap. The pace of life varies depending on what I have on my plate to get done on a particular day. I try to enjoy each day and live in the moment.

            Walking has become a part of my routine. Most days the walks mean walking in my community, but on Fridays my walking is done behind my lawnmower. Saturday walks are usually confined to my yard too, and can include working in the garden. There are a few occasions that I miss walking, sometimes because of the weather and other times because my plate was too full that day.

            One day recently we were quite busy getting things done around the house. The day was quickly melting away. There was this little whisper that floated through my mind and could have easily been missed. “Go for a walk.” I hadn’t done anything physical all day and the thought was very appealing. I needed to move and I quickly obeyed.

            It was a beautiful fall day. The air was crisp and it felt great to move around. My thoughts wandered as I walked. It was good to get the cobwebs out of my brain. I waved at some neighbors, glad to be out in the fresh air.

            I slowed as I was passing one neighbor’s house and we naturally engaged in conversation. It only took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t walking that day because I needed it but because He needed me. That little whisper was because God knew that a neighbor needed a little boost of encouragement.

            Some people refer to these situations as God Moments. You know, a doctor just happens to be at the restaurant when another patron has a heart attack. An ambulance happens to be riding down the road when an accident occurs. I could continue, but you get the point. It is something that happens that only God can orchestrate. We see His fingerprint on a moment of time. That’s what I felt the other day when I had the high privilege of being in the right place at the right time.

            Have you ever noticed how the enemy shouts and the Lord whispers? When doubts, fears, or temptations come our way they attack our thoughts in loud and boisterous ways. Those thoughts grab our attention and demand our focus. They seek to distract and belittle us and keep us from what God has planned for us.

            God comes to us peacefully and gently. If we aren’t careful we could miss Him. He doesn’t push or force us. He encourages and sometimes challenges us to come with Him. He leads us to where He needs us. Sometimes it’s not easy; in fact, sometimes it is downright difficult. Paul was led to go to Jerusalem, where he was put in prison. How could that be part of God’s plan? Paul wrote most of the books of the New Testament from prison.

            It is hard to understand God’s purpose, His plan, and His timing. But what is not hard to understand is that He needs us to be lights in the darkness. That means that He will send us to places that seem dark because He needs us to be light. How will the lost know the hope you have unless you tell them? He sends you because He needs you to share His love with those who don’t know Him. He needs you to be you, a real person struggling with everyday problems but living in faith.

            I want to encourage you to listen for His quiet whispers and then to do what He tells you to do. He’s probably not calling you to be a missionary to a third world nation, but He is calling you to be a missionary to your corner of the world. There are people in your sphere of influence who need to know about the love and mercy of God. They need to see your example of what it means to follow Jesus. They need someone who will listen and pray for them. Many people will never come to church, but they will talk with you. That’s why you have to listen for His whisper and let Him give you the words that will let them know there is a God in heaven who loves them. Listen for His whisper and let Him work through you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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