Thanks Part I

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By Doug Creamer

            I am not a very big fan of Halloween and am glad when the decorations people put out have been taken down for another year. When I went out to pick up dinner on the first Friday of November I noticed that some people were putting up their Christmas trees. I couldn’t believe it. I knew stores were going to push Christmas but I thought people would hold off until around Thanksgiving.

            When I was a small child, Santa set up our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. As I grew older, we started setting the tree up about a week before Christmas. I typically decorate the outside of our house during the Thanksgiving break and still hold off on the inside until the first week of December.

            This push that marketing gives us often causes us to glaze over a very important holiday, Thanksgiving. It’s not important because we get to enjoy some great food, although I do enjoy the traditional treats on the table. It’s important because it’s a time to reflect on the many blessings in our lives. Life can sometimes get crazy and distracting. We have to consciously stop and reflect on the good things in our lives.

            Thanksgiving, if we would give it the space in our lives that it deserves, is a great opportunity to help us refocus on all the good things in our lives. I enjoy walking on a regular basis. Sometimes when I leave the house I feel like a gray cloud is hanging over me. If I will turn my heart towards thanking the Lord for His many blessings in my life, then by the time I get home the gray cloud has vanished. Thanksgiving changes our thought patterns and improves our outlook and mood.

            If you feel that there is little in your life that gives you a thankful heart then let me help you consider a few basic things. Consider your health. Maybe it’s not perfect, but there are many things in your body that are probably working very well. I hope you can still walk, use your hands, think, talk, and enjoy a tasty good Thanksgiving meal. All of us have probably had some health issues this year, but if we are in pretty good health then we have a reason for giving thanks.

            Have you considered your family and friends? We are blessed to have good siblings on both sides of our family. We enjoy spending time with our many nieces and nephews. Many of them have started families and made me into a great uncle. I consider myself lucky to have some great friends. My friends have stood beside me through my trials and I have been there for theirs. I am so blessed to have some great friends.

            Have you ever walked through your home and considered the many ways God has blessed you? He has provided for all your needs. We can all look and see things that need replacing, but if we stop and think about it, God has truly blessed us. There are so many people around the world in such desperate need and we have been given so much.

            I thank God that I am living in America. I thank God that I am not living in Russia, Ukraine, Israel, or Palestine. I don’t have to worry about bombs dropping on my house or the military destroying my peace and safety. Most of us live in neighborhoods that are safe and we have good neighbors. I am thankful for mine.

            I am thankful for my church family. We are a close-knit group. We are there to celebrate each other’s victories and to console each other when we experience losses. We are there to pick each other up and to help each other through the trials and challenges of life. I smile every time I think of my church family and how blessed we are to have each other.

            I find myself at the end of my column and there is so much more I want to share with you. I am considering a part two for next week. In the meantime, I want to encourage you to spend some time this week reflecting on the many blessings of God in your life. I have only touched on a few today. We have a God in heaven who loves us, watches over us, cares for us, meets our needs, and has blessed us in more ways than we can count. Take some time to give Him thanks. I promise it will change your perspective on your situation and your life. Happy Thanksgiving!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

It Requires Faith

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By Doug Creamer

It Requires Faith

            Some people say that having faith is easy or it’s a crutch for the weak. They don’t understand what is required if you want to be a follower of Jesus. It requires surrendering your will for God’s will. I have never met a person who found it easy to give up his or her own will to be obedient to God’s. In my experience, I have found that God requires me to have faith, to believe and trust in Him for everything.

            Faith in God is built on having a relationship with Him. Relationships require communication to be successful. I have to believe that God listens to my prayers and acts upon them. He’s not like Santa Claus granting things on my wish list. But I do believe that because I have a relationship with Him, my prayers carry weight in heaven. If we don’t believe that, then why do we pray?

            This is why I firmly believe that prayer changes circumstances. When the people of God pray it can change the outcome of specific events. No, I do not believe prayer will help one sports team win over another, but I do believe that God will step in because people have prayed for His intervention. I hope this encourages you to pray as you consider your influence through prayer in the circumstances of your life.

            I have been reading in the Old Testament lately and I have read story after story where God put the people of Israel in impossible situations. They might be outnumbered in battle. They might be out of food or water. They might be broke. Time and time again the people were in trouble and hanging on by a thread. That’s when God would intervene. He would wait until the circumstances looked dire and then He would move, proving His love and faithfulness.

            I think God works this way so we can build our faith and trust in Him. He wants us to know that He is watching out for us and that He cares about us. He wants us to know that He will meet our needs. He allows the dark clouds to build and the winds to blow so we will turn our hearts toward Him. He will demonstrate His love and faithfulness to us. He will protect us and be with us through our circumstances.

            My pastor recently shared a story of a time when God allowed his family to be in a very tight place financially. God was testing them to see if they would trust Him. They did, and God came through for them in a big way. It reminded me of my own financial tight spot at the beginning of this year. I couldn’t imagine how it would work out, but God came through for us in a big way too. He is always faithful if we will trust Him.

After reflecting on these stories, I think it would be a good idea to keep a journal of the many ways God comes through for us. Maybe He has healed you. Maybe He has restored a broken relationship. Maybe He has done a miracle in your finances, too. These stories create testimonies of God’s faithfulness. We could read them when we are faced with new challenges and remind ourselves how He came through in the past for us. It would build our faith and trust in Him for our current situations.

            I believe God allows challenging situations to come our way because He wants to prove Himself to us over and over again. If we never faced any difficult situations, why would we need God? Challenging situations require us to stir up our faith. In the Psalms you can see David is facing unbeatable odds, but then he reminds himself of God’s faithfulness. It’s important to remember God’s faithfulness so we can trust Him in our current troubles. He promises to see us through. There is no situation that is bigger than God. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus he sank into the waves. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and trust Him.

            I want to encourage you to stir your faith in God and to trust Him with everything. The Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith. God wants to see our faith and He wants to see our faith grow. Remember that God has been faithful in the past and you can trust Him with today’s troubles and with the future. No matter how difficult your circumstances might look at this moment, don’t forget there is nothing impossible with God.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Be Prepared and Ready

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By Doug Creamer

            I love fall and spring weather. The nights are cool and the days are comfortably warm. One thing these seasons include is lots of outdoor chores. The spring chores are exciting because everything is coming alive and I am looking forward to the gardening season. Fall chores include cleaning up all the leaves. We have a couple of gumball trees in the lot next door that give us plenty of gifts that require cleaning up.

            My least favorite fall chore is putting our tropical plants into the garage. I love sitting on the porch surrounded by plants. There is just something about the plants that makes me feel good. When they are inside for the winter, I feel empty and miss them. The other problem with moving the plants in is that they have grown and filled out all summer. The garage fills up quickly with these large plants. While I do enjoy seeing the plants when I pull in and out of the garage, I would rather sit with them on the porch with a good book and a glass of tea.

            The big fall chore is getting up the leaves. It starts close to Halloween and it continues until sometime after Christmas. I use the bag on the lawnmower to pick up my leaves and put them in the vegetable garden. It helps the soil and the worms love it.

            The fall color is beautiful but it is followed too closely by winter. My biggest issue with winter is that we have so many cloudy days. I miss the sunshine and the longer days of summer. But I know we need the colder temperatures to bring on my favorite part of winter, snow!

            As the seasons change I am reminded of many lessons. God wants us to understand that life moves in cycles. We can be assured that bad times will pass and that we should strive to enjoy the good times. We can also learn that nothing will last forever in this life. We are only passing through this life. How we live this life matters. God wants to see our faith shine.

            Life is like the changing seasons. My frosted beard is evidence that I have entered the fall of life. A friend reminded me that it is important to finish strong. I don’t want to be like Solomon who lost his focus of faith in his later years and followed other religions. It’s easy to wander away from faith so I want to be diligent and keep my faith strong to the end.

            The Boy Scout moto is “Be Prepared.” I always prepare for storms like hurricanes or winter weather, but I also try to prepare for life’s changes. I want to be prepared for spiritual challenges I face. I want to be an overcomer, not be overcome. I want to run the race with perseverance.

            Jesus warned us of the importance of maintaining our faith through all the seasons of life. In a parable, He tells of the ten virgins who go to meet the bridegroom. He was late in arriving and they fell asleep. When the call went out that he had arrived only five of the virgins were prepared for him. They had extra oil for their lamps. God wants us to be prepared for His return.

            No matter what stage or season of life you are in, God wants you to be prepared. He wants you to be ready to share your faith and hope with others. He also wants you to make sure that your heart is ready for His return. We recognize the signs of the changing seasons. We should recognize the signs that are pointing to His return. Pay attention to what is happening in Israel because scripture is being fulfilled. We need to make sure we are ready.

            I want to encourage you to be ready for His return. Watch the signs of our times and trust God to keep His eye on you. He will keep you safe. He will guide you through life’s trials and challenges. Whatever you are facing is only for a season. He will see you through to the other side. Consider the squirrels who are working very hard to prepare for the winter. God wants you working hard right up until the day He comes back for you. No one knows the day or the hour, but we need to live ready and prepared. I want to be faithful in every season until the very end. Join me as we persevere so He will find us faithful until He comes.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            I went to the store to buy some Halloween candy and noticed that the Christmas candy was out, also. I don’t think the kids would like to have candy canes for Halloween. There were rows of gifts already out and it’s not even Halloween yet.  When I was a kid Christmas candy or gifts were not out until after Thanksgiving. Things have changed.

            Speaking of change, the leaves have given us a beautiful show this year. The weather seems to be stuck on warm. I saw some scattered frost this morning but it turned out to be a beautiful day. The calendar says that November is arriving soon, but the weather is giving us a nice treat. I just hope it doesn’t pull a trick on us.

            We all know that colder weather is on the way, but I really don’t mind if Mother Nature wants to continue these 60-to-70-degree days. I know that frost will soon arrive and then we will be faced with whatever weather winter brings our way. But I think we have some nice fall days ahead and I plan to enjoy them.

            Some friends have asked for my winter predictions. I have been looking at many websites which put out long-range forecasts and it looks like they all agree on a wet winter. The big question is will there be cold air in place to give us snow. My personal prediction is that we will see some winter weather this year but I am afraid it will be the old Carolina mix of freezing rain, sleet, and snow. It is hard to get pure snow here, but only time will tell what really happens.

            When it comes to predicting winter weather there are so many variables. Sometimes a storm is only a day or two away and we are unsure about what to expect. Sometimes even with our advanced technology forecasts fall apart at the last minute, as most of us know from storms in the past. The storm moves in a slightly different direction, changing everything.

            Making any kind of prediction about weather is challenging. We all know what is happening right now, but what happens tomorrow or next week is up for grabs. The same can be said about our current events. Some of my favorite radio and TV preachers are talking about the end times. They are making predictions about when Jesus might be coming back.

            All the news networks are talking about the war going on in Israel. The unprovoked attack against Israel is unforgivable. What the enemies have done to women and babies is despicable. Israel is more than justified in defending itself and its borders.

            Are the preachers right? Is this war the one that prophets spoke about thousands of years ago? Can we expect Jesus to return for His church soon? The answer to that question is like trying to predict a snowstorm; there are many variables. Every person who has studied end times has a different opinion about what to expect, much like the weather forecasters. The truth is that no one knows for sure.

            We do know that Jesus is returning for the church because the Bible says He will return for us. We can’t live in fear because of the news. We have to put our faith in Jesus and let Him handle all the details. We must persevere in our faith while we wait for Him. We can also be in prayer for the lost and reach out to them as the Spirit leads us.

            It’s important to stay connected to your church family. Many people have not returned to church since the pandemic. Jesus wants us to be in fellowship so we can encourage each other. It is also very important to continue reading your Bible and praying to your Father in Heaven every day. Be a faithful follower and maintain your faith in these troubling times.

            I want to encourage you to stir up your faith, especially if you have allowed it to wane in recent years. Find ways to connect with other believers and encourage each other. Challenge each other to persevere in spite of the news. Live fearless because you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, and you can depend on Him. He has His eye on you! You can trust Him to come back and take you to be with Him. Heaven is far greater than any of us can imagine. It is a place of wonder, beauty, joy, and peace, which is available to all who call upon the name of Jesus.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Listening for a Whisper

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By Doug Creamer

Listening for a Whisper

            Some days are busier than others. Take Wednesdays; I go hard from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning until I lay my head down at night. Other days allow time for reading and a nice afternoon nap. The pace of life varies depending on what I have on my plate to get done on a particular day. I try to enjoy each day and live in the moment.

            Walking has become a part of my routine. Most days the walks mean walking in my community, but on Fridays my walking is done behind my lawnmower. Saturday walks are usually confined to my yard too, and can include working in the garden. There are a few occasions that I miss walking, sometimes because of the weather and other times because my plate was too full that day.

            One day recently we were quite busy getting things done around the house. The day was quickly melting away. There was this little whisper that floated through my mind and could have easily been missed. “Go for a walk.” I hadn’t done anything physical all day and the thought was very appealing. I needed to move and I quickly obeyed.

            It was a beautiful fall day. The air was crisp and it felt great to move around. My thoughts wandered as I walked. It was good to get the cobwebs out of my brain. I waved at some neighbors, glad to be out in the fresh air.

            I slowed as I was passing one neighbor’s house and we naturally engaged in conversation. It only took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t walking that day because I needed it but because He needed me. That little whisper was because God knew that a neighbor needed a little boost of encouragement.

            Some people refer to these situations as God Moments. You know, a doctor just happens to be at the restaurant when another patron has a heart attack. An ambulance happens to be riding down the road when an accident occurs. I could continue, but you get the point. It is something that happens that only God can orchestrate. We see His fingerprint on a moment of time. That’s what I felt the other day when I had the high privilege of being in the right place at the right time.

            Have you ever noticed how the enemy shouts and the Lord whispers? When doubts, fears, or temptations come our way they attack our thoughts in loud and boisterous ways. Those thoughts grab our attention and demand our focus. They seek to distract and belittle us and keep us from what God has planned for us.

            God comes to us peacefully and gently. If we aren’t careful we could miss Him. He doesn’t push or force us. He encourages and sometimes challenges us to come with Him. He leads us to where He needs us. Sometimes it’s not easy; in fact, sometimes it is downright difficult. Paul was led to go to Jerusalem, where he was put in prison. How could that be part of God’s plan? Paul wrote most of the books of the New Testament from prison.

            It is hard to understand God’s purpose, His plan, and His timing. But what is not hard to understand is that He needs us to be lights in the darkness. That means that He will send us to places that seem dark because He needs us to be light. How will the lost know the hope you have unless you tell them? He sends you because He needs you to share His love with those who don’t know Him. He needs you to be you, a real person struggling with everyday problems but living in faith.

            I want to encourage you to listen for His quiet whispers and then to do what He tells you to do. He’s probably not calling you to be a missionary to a third world nation, but He is calling you to be a missionary to your corner of the world. There are people in your sphere of influence who need to know about the love and mercy of God. They need to see your example of what it means to follow Jesus. They need someone who will listen and pray for them. Many people will never come to church, but they will talk with you. That’s why you have to listen for His whisper and let Him give you the words that will let them know there is a God in heaven who loves them. Listen for His whisper and let Him work through you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

The Opportunity

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By Doug Creamer

            I started a painting project over the weekend. Our front door was a stained wood. At one time it was a beautiful door but over the years the sun has faded its beauty. We have a wood storm door that I sanded and stained a number of years ago. Time and the sun have faded my work on the storm door, too. It’s time for a fresh look. The trouble is deciding which color to paint the door when you are looking at a computer screen or a small sample.

            Over the weekend I worked on sanding, repairing damaged spots, and priming the door. It is also important to properly clean and prepare the surface. My least favorite part of painting is the taping. I don’t understand why I dislike taping so much because in the end it saves so much cleanup work. In the end, I think it took more time to prep the surface than it did to actually prime it.

            We are on our way to a fresh new look for our front door. I am excited to see how it turns out. I believe we are going to like it. There are some other painting projects that need attention around here. I am hoping this motivates me to get going on some of them.

            I have been thinking about the significance of doors recently. I read a book where the author asked the reader to consider the color of the door of their heart. I have never considered such a thing and have imagined several colors for my heart’s door. I am not sure what each color signifies but I hope the Lord finds the color pleasing and the door open for Him.

            I enjoy going for walks in my community, and not just because my doctor thinks I need to walk. Often my neighbors will be out working in their yards or just sitting out enjoying the beautiful day. We exchange pleasantries, which is nice. Sometimes, if I have a few moments, I will stop and meet the people who live in my community. We are lucky to have such great neighbors in our community.

            As I meet more and more neighbors on my walks, I have been thinking about doors of opportunity. I wonder if God is opening doors of opportunity to share my faith with people I meet. It is important that we be sensitive to God’s leading and look for those opportunities to be light in this dark world.

            I will ask people if they have a church they call home. Some people light up talking about their church family and their pastors. By the way, thank you to all the pastors out there serving and loving your flocks. Your members love and appreciate you more than you realize. Anyway, these people who light up about their church will invite me to join them.  

            I will invite others who don’t have a church home to come to mine. I love my church family. We are always open to adopting new members. Being connected to a church family is important to spiritual growth. God wants you to be receiving, giving, and serving in a local church body. You have important spiritual gifts that are needed in the Kingdom.

            More important than being connected to a church is your personal connection to your Father in Heaven. Is the door of your heart open for Him to come in? Have you established and built a relationship with your Heavenly Father through Jesus? He wants to know you and wants you to know Him. You are invited to Heaven and to be in the family of God, but you have to accept the invitation and welcome the Creator into your heart. Otherwise you will miss being in the heavenly community when your time comes.

            I want to encourage you to open the door of your heart today and receive the invitation into the family of God. He has a place and a purpose for you. It is the most critical decision you will ever make. Please don’t put it off. When I go for a walk around heaven, I want to stop at your house and meet you. Heaven will be a far greater community than any of us can imagine. The door will soon close and the opportunity will be over; open the door of your heart and invite Him in while there is still time. Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Fall Beauty

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By Doug Creamer

            As a teacher at the community college, my goal is to help my students pass the reading and language arts portion of the GED test. Much of the material I knew, but some of it I had to re-learn because I had forgotten over the years. I had some great teachers in high school. I have grown to have a deeper appreciation for their deposits in my life.

            One topic we cover in class is symbolism. Writers include certain images or words because they are symbolic to the reader. In old westerns, the guys in black hats were the bad guys and the guys in white hats were the good guys. Red roses symbolize love. You get the idea.

I have been struggling with one particular symbolic interpretation. Spring is a new beginning, a fresh start. I understand that one. But why does fall have to signal the end? A character’s health is declining, and the leaves are falling off the trees. We all know that the writer is telling us the character will soon depart. Even worse, the character departs as the first snowflakes begin to fall. I think symbolism is giving fall and winter a black eye.

            I love fall. I am so glad when summer’s relentless heat finally gives way to some cooler air. When fall arrives I feel rejuvenated and enjoy being outside working in the yard. I look for ways to extend the gardening season. I have some of the best looking beans I have ever grown…please don’t tell the deer or rabbits.

            Fall is a wonderful time. I admit I don’t like putting the garden to bed. I understand that winter is coming. But there is still plenty of work to do outside, including planting flowering bulbs for next spring. I walked through a garden center today and was captivated by the aroma of pansies and violas. There is still so much to enjoy outside, especially since we don’t have to put up with the heat and humidity.

            I am anxiously waiting for the changing of the leaves. I love seeing the beauty of nature as the leaves turn such spectacular colors. Many times I have stopped and taken in the breathless beauty. I do admit that I am not too much of a fan of raking all the beautiful leaves once they fall to the ground. But walking through crunching leaves is another joy of fall.

            I know that the tasks of fall are all in preparation for winter. I don’t like the shorter days. I can also get the winter blues with the best of them. I know there are some tasks I don’t want to do: rake the leaves, clean out the gutters, clean the weeds out of the vegetable garden, and rake more leaves. But there is so much to enjoy in the cooler temperatures and the beauty of nature that I don’t want to miss. Fall, like each season, has its beauty and wonder.

            The trouble is we can’t escape the correlation between seasonal fall and the fall of our lives. I look in the mirror and realize that I am entering the fall of life. The white beard and the salt and pepper on my head are inescapable. Time is creeping…I mean speeding by. But I really don’t think we need to look at the fall of our lives in a negative way.

            With age comes wisdom. Hopefully as I age I have also escaped the mistakes and pressures of youth. I am a more seasoned person and hopefully a more seasoned Christian. I am not suggesting that I don’t make mistakes, I make plenty of them. I am suggesting that age gives us wisdom about how to handle situations, an understanding that setbacks and problems will come and go, and to savor the good things in life like friendships, love, faith, joy, and the beauty of the changing of the season.

            I want to encourage you to embrace whatever season of life this column finds you in. Youth is great because our energy seems boundless. The prime of life is sweet except it goes by so quickly. The fall of life offers us the opportunity to take in the beauty all around us. Yes, we are going to have to adjust to some changes, but don’t let them stop you from living and enjoying life. The final season, our golden years, are not reached by all of us. It’s our opportunity to treasure life and those we love. Some trees are beginning to show their color and I am choosing to watch the glory and splendor of nature each and every day.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Supporting Each Other

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By Doug Creamer

            I taught high school for 34 years. Then I taught Chinese students online for a little over two years. I am fast approaching two years of teaching at the community college. You could say that I have been teaching for a long time. After all these years, I still love being a teacher. Teachers see it as more than a job. We teach because we want to make a difference in people’s lives. I had a great opportunity today to talk with some colleagues. It’s always good to catch up with one another. But let some teachers have some time to talk and before you know it they are asking each other about how you teach such-n-such to your students. Teachers love to swap resources and share good ideas with each other.

            “Have you ever tried this resource?” “I found that this is the best way to teach this particular concept.” “This resource is FREE.” “Can you send me…” I came home with a list of websites I need to visit and glean some new material for my students. I will sift through my new finds and incorporate some of them into my lessons.

            I met a “new” experienced teacher today. She recently joined our team so the material is new to her. Another colleague and I shared some helpful resources with her. When you have to teach something new, it takes time to learn the material. Teaching is one skill, but learning the new content is a whole different thing. Our new colleague will do a great job.

            I remember when I received new curriculum guides from the state for one of my subjects. I used to dread learning the new curriculum. The first time through requires so much research and planning to get ready for class each day. It can sometimes be overwhelming. You have to remind yourself that the second time you teach a new curriculum it is much easier.

            Each time you teach a curriculum you often change your approach to the material. Good teachers are always looking for new ways to get the material across to their students. What worked last year may not be effective this year. This is why it is so important to talk with colleagues and see how they teach specific topics. Their approach might be better or some resource you use might help them in their classroom. Each teacher uses different methods. What works great for me might not work for you. Having a variety of resources allows a teacher to choose what works best for them.

            One thing I can say is that engaging learners has changed dramatically since I began teaching. I started off with a blackboard and chalk. We had purple ditto machines. If you aren’t using technology to teach students today you probably won’t reach them. We all carry computers in our pockets (our phones). Students have access to so much more than we ever did so teachers have to change their approach to engage students.

            We have to help each other. We have to learn to share resources if we hope to stay current and effective in the classroom. These same truths apply to our spiritual lives. God did not intend for any of us to walk out our faith alone. I need you to help me through situations that I can’t seem to navigate. You can help me because you have been where I am now and you know how to make it to the other side. I in turn can help you with the struggles you are facing.

            It is very important that we listen to solid biblical teaching. But that is not the only path to spiritual growth. Brothers need to get together so iron can sharpen iron. Sisters need to get together to support and encourage each other. We need to gather around when someone has fallen down. We don’t gather to point fingers but to lift them back up and help them back onto their feet. No one can be effective by themselves.

            I want to encourage you to find ways you can support and encourage others. You have a testimony, a story that can help someone else make it through their storms of life. I also want to encourage you to open your heart and receive the help you need for the struggles you are facing. God is with you and wants to send reinforcements through your brothers and sisters in Christ. We need to be there for each other through fellowship and the sharing of our knowledge and experience to help one another in our Christian walk. Together we are stronger!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Boring Day

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By Doug Creamer

            Have you ever longed for a boring day? You know what I mean;a normal, run-of-the-mill day. I am thinking of the kind of day when everything goes boringly smoothly. You accomplish much because everything you work on goes exactly right. All of your customers, co-workers, and supervisors are in pleasant moods and things just flow. At home, the kids are all well-behaved, nothing is broken, and the tasks that must be completed are done with ease.

            I am thinking about the kind of day that from the moment your feet touch the floor in the morning until you lay your head on the pillow at night, not one thing goes wrong. There is no crisis. I love those days when the honey-do list might seem long in the morning but by the evening all the items have been checked off. You got a lot done!

            I am old enough to know that life is full of many ups and downs. There are going to be problems that we must face and handle. While I love life and tend to see the good in most situations, I know that the storybook ending of, “they lived happily ever after” is reserved only for books. That’s okay with me and it’s not what I am talking about here.  

            We all get the kind of day that I am describing. The problems you do encounter are met with simple solutions. Negative encounters with individuals are met with easy resolutions. You find yourself humming a song as you work. Any minor irritation is easily brushed away. The day flows like a lazy river carrying you sweetly along.

            I think we don’t appreciate those days until…we encounter those days when everything seems to go wrong. Sometimes those days all gather into weeks. You keep trying to turn the day or days around, but the harder you try the more it feels like you are just spinning your wheels. You try to maintain your positive attitude. You remind yourself that you are an overcomer but you feel like you have been overcome.

            That’s when we find ourselves longing for a boring day. We wish and pray for them. We want one of those days where everything just goes our way. But the problems pile up at work and when we get home to what we hope is our refuge…things are falling apart there, too.       Sometimes in those moments when it seems like everything is going crazy around us, we might begin to wonder, where is God? Did He forget about us? Is He too busy caring of a major crisis in the world to notice that things have gone a little crazy in our lives?

            I don’t believe that He has left us. He hasn’t deserted us. I think it is like when Jesus was with the disciples in the middle of the storm. Do you remember that story? The disciples had just witnessed some miracles and heard Jesus’ teaching. He told them that they were going to go to the other side of the lake. He promptly falls asleep and then they encounter the storm. These were seasoned fishermen who had experienced plenty of storms. Somehow this particular storm seemed overwhelming.

            Where was Jesus when they were struggling in the storm? He was right there with them! Nothing was going to overwhelm them. They were not going to drown. They were going to make it to the other side because He was with them. He wanted to see their faith and trust in Him grow stronger. The trouble was they put their focus on the storm and not on Jesus who was with them.

            When you find yourself wishing for a boring day because life has gone crazy, stop and look around, because I am convinced that Jesus is right there with you. He hasn’t overlooked you or missed one thing about your crazy day. He wants to help you solve those problems and be the overcomer He created you to be. He wants you to remember that there is nothing too difficult for God your Heavenly Father.

            I want to encourage you to hang in there if you are going through a difficult patch. God is with you. It’s okay to lean on Him. It’s okay to cry out to Him like the disciples did in the boat that day. He will get up and either quiet the storm or He may quiet you as you walk through the storm. He is the God of all comfort. Run to Him! The storm will pass soon. I hope and wish for you a boring day really soon!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Remembering Unity

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By Doug Creamer

Remembering Unity

            Today, as I sit at my computer, it is September 11th. Every reader who is over 30 will remember what they were doing on that day in 2001. We all remember how we first heard the news. We all remember the disbelief. We all remember how the news did not stop for several days. We had to turn it off at some point to allow our minds to rest.

            Every year I have talked with my students about what they experienced. I ask how they felt as they watched the events of that tragic day. I always tell my story and what I experienced. They listen patiently and have always treated the stories and experiences with respect.
            I have also told my students my sister’s story. She was flying back from England and her plane was diverted to Gander, Canada. This little town opened their hearts and homes to people from all over the world while we waited for planes to fly again. If you have never heard or read about it, take some time and research what the little town of Gander did on that terrible day. The story will lift your heart and spirit.

            Recently, I have reflected quite a bit about the days following 9/11. I remember driving to and from work noticing there were no plane trails in the sky. There were no planes flying over our country. I also remember seeing the American flag flying everywhere. People had them in front of their homes and businesses had them flying or displayed in front.

            One of the things I especially remember in the days following 9/11 was the unity in our country. We were Americans and that spirit that unites us rose up in such a powerful and profound way. I imagined it was the same thing that our country felt during the World Wars. People came together. We didn’t see the differences. It didn’t matter which political party you were in, we were Americans.

            Americans always pull together to help in times of need. When Americans put their mind to accomplish something, everything is possible. Nothing is impossible. After 9/11, everyone wanted to do their part to help those in need. Firefighters, EMS workers, and rescue workers were our heroes. People were voluntarily signing up to join the military. We, as a country, wanted to fight for our honor and integrity. We stood shoulder to shoulder and were willing to do whatever it took to recover from that tragic day.

            We were unified, the United States of America! United! Nothing could separate us. Yet…here we are twenty-plus years later living in a very divided country. Politicians lead the way in dividing us into two camps. The major media no longer deliver unbiased news but their own flavor of commentary on the events of the day. Social media tracks the things we like to see and only delivers information that fits with our point of view.

            We are living in a very fractured country. Even in our churches, we are divided. I do believe that many churches have unity within their own walls, but there are others that are divided. Certainly there are divisions between churches. If a church down the street is struggling or has been through a tragic event, other local churches rarely step up to help. Shouldn’t other local churches, other brothers and sisters in Christ, be there to help in times of need?

            I believe that we as THE CHURCH need to demonstrate unity to our country. We can stand up and demonstrate to the world through love, kindness, generosity, caring, and being there for each other how unity of the spirit looks. I believe we can turn the tide on division and help heal the brokenness in our country. I believe when we become shining examples of love and unity we will change our communities and the world around us.

            I want to encourage you to pray for the unity of THE CHURCH. Pray that we become united in heart, mind, and spirit. Our nation and the church need a fresh outpouring of the Spirit. God can heal our differences and restore our unity. God can help us find ways to help our neighbors whether they are families or churches. When any kind of tragedy strikes Americans come together. I hope THE CHURCH can come together without a tragedy to move us and develop a unity that is infectious. I pray that the unity will exemplify the love in our hearts, the compassion through our actions, and a kindness that comes from the heart of God. Father, help us to love and live in unity.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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