Remembering Unity

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By Doug Creamer

Remembering Unity

            Today, as I sit at my computer, it is September 11th. Every reader who is over 30 will remember what they were doing on that day in 2001. We all remember how we first heard the news. We all remember the disbelief. We all remember how the news did not stop for several days. We had to turn it off at some point to allow our minds to rest.

            Every year I have talked with my students about what they experienced. I ask how they felt as they watched the events of that tragic day. I always tell my story and what I experienced. They listen patiently and have always treated the stories and experiences with respect.
            I have also told my students my sister’s story. She was flying back from England and her plane was diverted to Gander, Canada. This little town opened their hearts and homes to people from all over the world while we waited for planes to fly again. If you have never heard or read about it, take some time and research what the little town of Gander did on that terrible day. The story will lift your heart and spirit.

            Recently, I have reflected quite a bit about the days following 9/11. I remember driving to and from work noticing there were no plane trails in the sky. There were no planes flying over our country. I also remember seeing the American flag flying everywhere. People had them in front of their homes and businesses had them flying or displayed in front.

            One of the things I especially remember in the days following 9/11 was the unity in our country. We were Americans and that spirit that unites us rose up in such a powerful and profound way. I imagined it was the same thing that our country felt during the World Wars. People came together. We didn’t see the differences. It didn’t matter which political party you were in, we were Americans.

            Americans always pull together to help in times of need. When Americans put their mind to accomplish something, everything is possible. Nothing is impossible. After 9/11, everyone wanted to do their part to help those in need. Firefighters, EMS workers, and rescue workers were our heroes. People were voluntarily signing up to join the military. We, as a country, wanted to fight for our honor and integrity. We stood shoulder to shoulder and were willing to do whatever it took to recover from that tragic day.

            We were unified, the United States of America! United! Nothing could separate us. Yet…here we are twenty-plus years later living in a very divided country. Politicians lead the way in dividing us into two camps. The major media no longer deliver unbiased news but their own flavor of commentary on the events of the day. Social media tracks the things we like to see and only delivers information that fits with our point of view.

            We are living in a very fractured country. Even in our churches, we are divided. I do believe that many churches have unity within their own walls, but there are others that are divided. Certainly there are divisions between churches. If a church down the street is struggling or has been through a tragic event, other local churches rarely step up to help. Shouldn’t other local churches, other brothers and sisters in Christ, be there to help in times of need?

            I believe that we as THE CHURCH need to demonstrate unity to our country. We can stand up and demonstrate to the world through love, kindness, generosity, caring, and being there for each other how unity of the spirit looks. I believe we can turn the tide on division and help heal the brokenness in our country. I believe when we become shining examples of love and unity we will change our communities and the world around us.

            I want to encourage you to pray for the unity of THE CHURCH. Pray that we become united in heart, mind, and spirit. Our nation and the church need a fresh outpouring of the Spirit. God can heal our differences and restore our unity. God can help us find ways to help our neighbors whether they are families or churches. When any kind of tragedy strikes Americans come together. I hope THE CHURCH can come together without a tragedy to move us and develop a unity that is infectious. I pray that the unity will exemplify the love in our hearts, the compassion through our actions, and a kindness that comes from the heart of God. Father, help us to love and live in unity.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Seasons of Life

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By Doug Creamer

            While out for my walk recently, I reflected on how thankful I am for my neighbors and the peaceful community we live in. Everyone waves. I like seeing people’s flowers and landscaping as I walk. I have stopped to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of my neighbor’s flowers or blooming shrubs on more than one occasion. I also appreciate the shade that trees provide, especially on warm summer days.

            The calendar turned to September and I was enjoying a few cooler days after the hurricane pulled away last week. I heard someone mention that Labor Day signaled the arrival of fall, but I chuckled because that person doesn’t realize that we have many false starts to fall around here. After those couple of cooler days last week we are right back into the mid 90’s this week. Fall is still down the road!

            I was enjoying my walk, thinking about fall. Suddenly I looked up at a neighbor’s house and saw that they were completely decorated for fall. Flags, wreaths, and signs welcomed fall. They have even planted mums, the official flowers of fall. Everything was beautifully executed, but all I could think was, “No, it’s not fall yet!” While I am looking forward to cooler evenings and days that are not in the 90’s, I am not ready for the arrival of fall.

            We did some much needed weeding in our yard over Labor Day weekend. We also planned some fall chores. I planted some beans and peas in my garden a few weeks ago and they are up and looking pretty. I was talking to a gardening friend the other day as we considered other vegetables we might try to sneak in for a second harvest from our gardens. We are trying to grow some more tasty treats before the real arrival of fall.

            Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to slam fall. I like fall’s refreshing weather after a long, hot summer. I truly enjoy watching the leaves change and taking in their spectacular beauty. I also enjoy being outside with lower heat and humidity. I just want to enjoy watching things grow before winter’s rest rolls around.

            There are things to enjoy from each season of the year. I love late winter as the bulbs begin to bloom, announcing the arrival of spring. Spring is wonderful, as everything comes back to life and I get to work in the garden. Summer is wonderful because we get to enjoy fruits, vegetables, and beautiful flowers. Fall arrives with cooler weather and the changing of the leaves. Winter is wonderful because we celebrate Christmas and hopefully, see some snow. Each season has something to appreciate and things we must also endure.

            I think when it comes to our spiritual lives we always want to live in spring and summer. It is a natural desire to want to be growing and producing fruit in our lives. I think God takes great pleasure in seeing us put on a flush of new growth, followed by a season of great fruitfulness. God wants us to be fruitful and to multiply. God wants to see us expand our horizons and explore new and wonderful things.

            God also knows that for plants to continue to be fruitful they have to be pruned. Plants also need a season of rest to rejuvenate. God knows the need we all have for seasons of quiet reflection, a time to deepen our roots and strengthen our inner core. These seasons are necessary in order for a new season of fruitfulness to emerge.

            Jesus took time away from the crowds to rejuvenate and spend time with His Father. He demonstrated the need to pull away and rest. Most of us struggle with the idea of slowing down because we live in a society with its pedal to the medal. But God works through those quiet times to refresh us and prepare us for a fruitful season ahead.

            I want to encourage you if you feel like you are in a season of fall. I know your season of fruitfulness is quietly coming to an end, but that is okay. God is providing for you a season of rest to rejuvenate you and prepare you for an even greater season of fruitfulness in your life. Rest, reflect, draw closer to God, and drink deeply from His presence, because He is all about refreshing you and preparing you for the great opportunities He has just ahead. Imagine that, the God of the whole universe wants to draw you closer to Himself. This will be a great season for you if you will rest in Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            My sister hosted a family gathering at her house last week. The gathering centered around her children, who were home from across the country. There were people from my sister’s extended family and our family at the gathering. We were quite a group and we all had a great time.

            My brother-in-law pointed out that there were four generations gathered that day. His dad was there, as were my parents. My sister and her husband were the grandparents. There were three of their seven children at the gathering. Then there were nine grandchildren. Between our family and his family we had quite a crowd gathered together.

            I talked with many of the adults that were there, but few conversations reached any depth. I didn’t get to connect with everyone. I reflected on who I connected with and who I missed while driving home. It’s hard to believe that I am related to everyone who came.

            I chuckled as I walked my mother to the car. I told her that I was confused about which child belonged to which set of parents. She explained that it was easy to be confused because any time a child cried or whined one of the closest adults took care of the child in need. That adult may or may not have been that child’s parent. Those great-nieces and nephews are going to grow up being close to each other.

            I had a delightful conversation with the oldest great-niece. She sat down next to me and we talked about school. She told me about the math she was learning and I quizzed her. She could add and subtract very well. Then I asked her about reading. I don’t know what kinds of books seven-year-olds like to read. She mentioned a few books she liked, and then told me that her lessons were about Dick and Jane. I asked her if Dick and Jane had a dog named Spot, and she said yes and wondered how I knew that. I chuckled and told her that I remembered reading those books when I was in school.

            When I told my wife about this conversation with my great-niece she was immediately transported back to her childhood and remembered exactly where she was sitting in her classroom when she read the Dick and Jane books. As my wife shared her memories I remembered where I was sitting in the circle around my teacher as we read about Dick and Jane and especially… “See Spot run. Run, Spot, run.” I can actually remember the picture of the dog running in my book.

            It was a great family gathering. I enjoyed hearing how these new parents were coping with the responsibilities of parenthood. One of my nieces brought her two-week-old baby to the family gathering to meet everyone. She and her husband enjoyed the opportunity to be with family, but you could tell they were a little tired from all the demands of a new baby.

            I have reflected on my time spent at this family gathering. Not many families are lucky enough to get four generations together at one time. It made me wonder what it will be like to get all our generations together in heaven. One great thing is that everyone will be in good, strong, and healthy bodies. I wonder how long some of the gatherings might last? I mean, time won’t constrain us there, so a gathering could last for days at a time in heaven. Also, everyone will be there. No one will be left out or missed. I imagine the intimacy and closeness will be incomparable. I can almost hear the laughter as we share stories from here and what we will be doing there. Heaven will be one of the greatest family reunions of all time.

            I want to encourage you to make the most important decision in your life, to join the family of God. That way you will attend that great family reunion in heaven. God can’t make that decision for you. It’s up to you to ask Him into your life. Once you have asked Him in, you can be assured of a place at the table when we all go to that great family reunion. I want to see you there, share some laughs and hear some of your stories. My mouth is watering for the good food and my spirit longs for the time we can all be together in healthy bodies, healed souls, and glowing spirits. I am just hoping I will know and remember all the family connections!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Church Conferences

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By Doug Creamer

            I like going to church; it’s my Father’s house and I like being there. I have sat alone in many church sanctuaries in my life. I enjoy the peacefulness of just being in His presence. When I can quiet my spirit in His house I can often hear His sweet whispers. I can also feel His love for me in ways that are hard to experience in any other place.

            The beach is another very special place to experience God’s presence. Most people can experience God’s presence while sitting near the water listening to the crashing waves. I can spend hours talking with Him while on vacation at the beach.

            I know you are going to think this is a crazy thing to say, especially in the middle of August, but I can experience His presence while walking through a snowstorm. I love to get all bundled up and go for a walk while it is snowing. It is so incredibly peaceful when the snow is falling all around me. His presence feels tangible to me in those moments.

            Another time I can feel God’s presence is at a church conference. I really enjoy gathering with the family of God as we hear the word of God from a gifted minister. Many years ago Pastor Greg Laurie, who produced the movie The Jesus Revolution, came to Winston-Salem for a conference. I received training to be one of the counselors on the floor when people came down to receive prayer. It was a very special and exciting time to be a part of that conference.

            I have attended many conferences through the years at different churches. Some speakers are better than others. Some I have heard multiple times and look forward to their next visit as soon as the conference is over. Some have an anointing to teach and I can’t write notes fast enough. Others have a powerful anointing to pray with you and stir within you something that changes your life. Still others come and offer individuals encouraging words to strengthen the participants’ faith for their journey. These speakers have a way of letting us know that God knows and cares for each one of us in a very special way.

            Last weekend our church had a conference that I had looked forward to for several weeks. Our speaker had been at our church a couple of times before and I really enjoy him. Our speaker travels the world holding conferences. He is a unique individual who can offer incredible teaching and individual encouraging words to those who come to his meetings.

            He has lived in Israel, so when he teaches a Bible story he describes the location and the circumstances in incredible detail, thus making the Word of God come alive. He also has a Jewish background, which makes him better able to explain the culture and the context of the Bible stories. He sponsors tours to Israel so as he describes a location in the Bible story you are instantly transported there in your mind.

            He offered many people encouraging words while he was speaking. It was fun to be in the room as he encouraged people. You could almost see people’s hearts being healed and strengthened as he spoke to them. As he expressed God’s heart for each person, you could almost imagine Jesus walking up to them and giving them a bear hug. The speaker has a way of sharing God’s love that melts hearts and refreshes the soul.

            The weekend came with the same anticipation that I have for Christmas and it passed by so quickly. Now our job as a church is to steward the deposit that our speaker made in our lives. Both the teaching he offered and the encouragement he gave need to be treasured. The enemy wants to steal the seed he planted in our lives. The daily grind of life can push out all the good that was imparted to us unless we guard and savor it.

            I know that many churches have special conferences in the fall. If your church has one, then I encourage you to attend. Pray and prepare your heart to hear God’s Word. Then, when the conference is over, review what you learned and guard that which the Lord planted in your heart. Whether you attend a conference or not, remember that God loves you far more than you can imagine. He wants to strengthen and encourage you in your walk with Him. He is watching over you, caring for you, cheering you on as you walk the straight and narrow path that leads to His heart.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Freedom Comes at a Price

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By Doug Creamer

            My boss set up a field trip for the students to a museum that I didn’t know existed. This museum is located out in the country but it is well worth the trip. It’s called the Price of Freedom Museum. It was started by one fellow who collected military memorabilia. He started displaying the collection in his business until he ran out of space.

            I really don’t know how it went from being in his business to its current location, which is an old school. The collection now represents 20th century American military history and covers all branches of the armed services. I was especially struck by a uniform that had been worn by a soldier during World War I.

            The guys who led our tour through the museum shared so many great stories, which helped to make everything we were seeing come to life. They explained why the early gas masks were not effective. They showed us examples of field rations. They talked about how heavy the packs were that our servicemen had to carry. They also explained the roles of women in the various wars and how those roles changed over time.  

            One of the things that caught my attention is the pictures of the groups of men as they prepared to go off and fight. Some of the groups were larger than high school class pictures. There were tables covered with these pictures of so many men being sent off to war. As I looked at the pictures I wondered how many of those guys didn’t come home. I thought about the fact that these men were someone’s sons, fathers, brothers, or husbands. The more I looked at the pictures the more I wanted to thank these men and their families for such an incredible sacrifice so that I could live in freedom.

            I guess that is the point of this museum; freedom comes to us at a very high price. Freedom isn’t free at all. Unless someone is willing to stand up for it, we could lose the freedom that we enjoy every day. I grew up in Virginia Beach, where there where many servicepeople living in the area. If I see a person wearing their uniform while I am out, I try to make an effort to thank them for their service to our country.

            I realize that I have another freedom that someone paid a very high price for me. I was lost in sin, shame, doubt, and fears, and Jesus came and paid the price so I could be free. He willingly laid His life down for all of mankind so we could freely have a relationship with God our Heavenly Father. His blood washes us clean; our debt is paid in full. There is no need for us to struggle with guilt and shame, His blood paid for that, too.

            He died not only to present us clean before God but to set us free from all the things that would hold us back from the Father. We don’t have to worry about our future because God has it in His hands. There is no reason to struggle with doubt or fear because the God who made everything is watching out for you and me.  

            When I sit and think about it I realize that many men and women gave their lives so I could hear the Good News of the gospel. Most of the disciples were martyred for the faith. There have been many people down through history who were willing to give their lives to share the Good News with the lost. There are people today who are willing to give their lives to share the gospel of hope with the world. The price of sharing the Good News continues to be anything but free.

            I want to encourage you to consider the price that has been paid for you to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus paid it all for each one of us. He thought about us when He died on the cross. He knew it was the only way to purchase us and to set us free. The Son of God died so we could live in freedom. I am thankful for the high price He paid. I am also thankful for all those who also had to pay with their lives so I could hear the Good News. I also want to honor those who lived out their faith and endured to the very end. I am so thankful for my freedom and the price so many have paid for me!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Taking Care of Yourself

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By Doug Creamer

            Have you ever had more to do than time to get it done? We all have times when our calendar is so full that we feel overloaded. Many people get overloaded during the holiday season, but that isn’t the only time that we allow life to overwhelm us. Sometimes the pressures come from work, while other times it comes from our personal lives.

            I remember when I was teaching and we approached the end of the semester how stressful it would get trying to wrap things up. There was always a pile of papers that needed to be graded and recorded. I had to go check on my work-release students. I also had to prepare for class each day. I was always sleep-deprived and I would drink lots of caffeine, forcing myself to push through. 

            When everything was done, I would collapse. Your body will allow you to push the limits for a while, but then it will require some catch up. I know that I have been guilty of pushing myself many times in the past. You have to do what you have to do. Deadlines have to be met and you have to dig deep to make it happen.

            We can also find ourselves drained when life comes at us from too many directions.  It’s okay when one thing goes wrong and we can focus on solving that one thing. We fix it and we move on. But when five, six, or seven things are all calling our name at the exact same time and needing immediate attention…those moments create undue stress.

            It’s often during these crazy times that we neglect to take care of ourselves. We put ourselves on the back burner. We forfeit sleep in order to try and get something off our plate. We neglect exercise or fail to give ourselves some down time. We add one more thing to our calendar. We lean on the energy from caffeine and chocolate, expecting our bodies to respond.

            When we neglect to take care of ourselves we can’t perform at our best. When our stress level is through the roof, how can we expect ourselves to get it all done? When time pressures are pressing us, something has to give. The result is poor performance, hurting people we love, or possibly health issues because we are failing to take care of ourselves.

            I don’t believe that God expects us to be super-human. In fact, God tells us that we need a Sabbath rest. God spent six days creating our world and universe and then He rested on the seventh day. He tells us in His word that we need to rest, too. Some things are going to have to be put off until next week. We are going to have to learn to say “no” to other things. I have a hard time saying no because I don’t want to disappoint people.

            God puts the responsibility to take care of ourselves squarely on our shoulders. That means that we have to get proper rest…take a day and unplug from the demands. That also means that we need to exercise our body. My doctor has made it clear to me that I need to walk. Walking is great for the heart, legs, mind, and spirit. I have found that when I skip walking because I need to get things done, I suffer for it. Some people swim, run, ride bikes, or lift weights…whatever you choose, do it for yourself.

            Some people may argue that acting this way is selfish. The opposite of that is true. When we take care of ourselves by getting proper rest, eating good food, and getting some exercise, we will be healthier in body, mind, and spirit. Then we will be better equipped to serve God’s Kingdom and our families and our employers. Being stressed out and pulled in too many directions leaves us drained and unable to be the blessing God intends in all areas of our lives.

            I want to encourage you to focus on taking care of yourself so you can be ready to serve Him in whatever capacity He needs you. God can do great things through us, but He needs us to take care of our bodies (His temple). That means get proper rest. That means feed your body good food, your mind with good thoughts, and your spirit with God’s word. That means get the exercise and take the medications your body needs to be healthy and strong. Then you will be ready to serve Him to the best of your ability.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Doug Creamer

            I had lunch with a good friend this week. He doesn’t live nearby but we try to catch up twice a year. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to get together much through the pandemic. It was nice to slow down and catch up with my friend. The conversation flowed back and forth with ease. We are close in age and we grew up with similar values.

We both were involved in Boy Scouts. Our experiences were positive and the memories run deep. The Boy Scouts help many boys become good young men. It can help boys develop strong character…something we could use in our society today. We were talking about a number of things we learned in the Boy Scouts and one of the keys was: Be Prepared!

            We have both lived through some challenging things, his much more than mine, and have developed strong faith tested by the fire. When you walk through something and make it out the other side your faith becomes genuine and attractive to others. It is encouraging to spend time with people whose faith burns bright.

            I had lunch with another friend and former colleague a few weeks ago. Our conversation flowed like water and the time evaporated quickly. He caught me up on what was happening at my former job. He asked me if I missed teaching. I told him that I still teach at the community college and that I love being a teacher. I admitted that I missed my colleagues and the comradery, but I didn’t miss working full-time.  

            This friend also has a strong faith, which shines through him light a lighthouse. He coaches at school and his students are lucky to have someone with his dedication and commitment as their coach. He leads with integrity and always has great stories. We like to encourage each other in our faith and spur each other on to a deeper walk with God.

            Both of these men, in different ways, challenge me to live out my faith in a greater way. They love God and have been there for me as a friend. I hope and believe that I have been there for them when they were walking through difficult times. Christianity is about being there for each other as we walk through the ups and downs of life. It’s about being able to ask and answer the tough questions without judgement. It’s about demonstrating the love of Christ to the imperfect parts in each other.

            Whenever I read stories about Jesus interacting with people I always see love and compassion. He never leaves a person in a broken place. He was always about the business of helping them restore their relationship with God the Father. He didn’t excuse their sin but encouraged and challenged them to live up to God’s standards. He poured out His unconditional love and lifted people out of the circumstances that seemed to have them trapped.

            Jesus reserved His harshest words for those who kept people from reaching out to God. Jesus made God accessible to all who would come. There was no one who was too far gone. When religious leaders communicated any other message to the discouraged, downtrodden, or broken people, they were met with Jesus’ rebuke. Jesus made it clear that God cares about each and every person and wants a personal relationship with them.

            When we demonstrate that to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, God is pleased. When we show His love and compassion to the lost, God is deeply pleased. That is the whole purpose for the church, to be a hospital for those who have been beaten up by life. We are all broken, whether we know Him or are lost, and we need each other to find the healing and restoration that God wants to impart to us all. The purpose of the church is to restore the disconnected and to strengthen and encourage those who already know Him.

            I want to encourage you to do your part in helping the church fulfill its purpose in this day and time. God needs us to reach out to those who don’t know Him and help bring the prodigals home. He also needs us to help those inside the church to find the strength and courage to continue their individual walks of faith. It’s not easy to follow and live like Jesus, but we can do it if we stand together with each other. None of us is perfect, so let’s share God’s grace, mercy, and compassion with all that we meet, thereby being the light and hope that we all need.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Life Interrupted

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By Doug Creamer

            On Friday nights we like to get some takeout food and watch a movie. This began because of the pandemic. We have watched so many great movies and I really look forward to our time together. My wife likes some old black and white movies and I have come to really enjoy them, too. Actually, I enjoy most movies as long as I get to watch them with her.

            I was really looking forward to last Friday night because we had picked a movie I have really been wanting to see. We had just dished up our dinner and were sitting down when the power went out. I try to remain positive and hopeful in most situations. I said that we should just start eating and wait for the power to come back on. It had gone out earlier in the evening for about fifteen minutes and I figured we would get lucky again.

            All my positive thinking came to nothing. The power did not come back on. What bothered both of us was that there wasn’t a storm or any logical reason why our power would go out. Being an Eagle Scout, I got out our lanterns so at least we weren’t sitting in the dark. Some friends heard we had no power and invited us over, but I kept thinking it would be back on any minute. It didn’t come back on until the middle of the night.

            While I was disappointed we didn’t get to see the movie, it will wait until next Friday night. I did get to enjoy a nice evening catching up with my wife. Sometimes life gets busy and you forget to tell each other about things that are going on. We all lead busy lives and slowing down is a good thing, even when your plans get interrupted.

            We have two Sunday school teachers who share the responsibility of teaching our class. One of them has been teaching us about divine interruptions. There are times that God intervenes in our lives. I firmly believe that God interacts with us every day. But I also believe that there are special moments when God moves in our lives. Sometimes His interaction is to save us, heal us, or set us free. Other times His interaction could be considered the testing of our faith. In those moments He wants to reveal Himself to us in a new way.

            We have all read the stories in the Bible of people being healed. The stories are in both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus performed many miracles, as did the disciples. I have seen people get healed, know people who were healed, and have heard stories of people who were healed. Those are divine interactions. God still moves in our world today.

            He isn’t limited to healings. Some people have been saved from perilous situations. Others have been divinely protected. Some people have interacted with angels. Some experience God through deliverance from a life of sin or drug addiction. They know the power of God because chains have been broken and prison doors opened.

            Many of us have experienced God as we have gone through various trials, temptations, and challenges that seemed bigger than life. I imagine Daniel spending the night in a lion’s den. I just read the story of Joseph, who spent 13 years in servitude and in a dungeon. Everyone knows the story of Job and how he lost everything. Experiencing God in these ways will challenge a person’s faith. But we have a God who helps to see us through and that makes all the difference.

            A divine interruption calls us to have faith in a great big God. His desire is to help see us through circumstances. Sometimes He will rescue us and other times He chooses to leave us in a situation and walk with us through that situation. He wants us to know Him as helper, sustainer, and friend. He wants us to know we can depend upon Him and draw strength from Him. He is a good, loving Father who is always there for us. He is a God who keeps His promises to us.

            I want to encourage you to welcome divine interruptions in your life. Whether it is good or challenging, God will be there for you. We can celebrate the good interruptions and pray together through the challenging ones. We can believe that God is going to be with us through the challenges and we will make it to the other side. God loves us more than we will ever understand so we can trust Him with everything that comes our way.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Weeds Again!

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By Doug Creamer

Weeds Again!

            I was determined that this year would be different. I wanted to keep my vegetable garden in better shape. I knew that by late August the weeds would probably get ahead of me, but I was determined early this year to stay ahead of them. Things were going well even through May and early June. The cooler weather was working in my favor.

            An uncle on my wife’s side of the family once told me that the best way to keep weeds out of my garden was to not plant them. I must have looked at him like he was crazy. “Who would plant weeds in their garden on purpose?” He didn’t answer me; he just looked intently at me, waiting for it to sink in. If you pull weeds when they are small, they can’t make seeds. Don’t plant weeds!

            I was keeping a close watch on things and keeping the weeds in check. I had an uncle on my side of the family teach me how to properly use a hoe. This year I have been using my hoe to effectively control weeds, but the weeds took advantage of my absence while we were traveling.

            After returning from our trip, I was distracted and the weeds kept growing. We celebrated the 4th and the weeds kept growing. Summer’s heat and humidity kicked in and I can’t handle working outside. I prefer air conditioning. Sadly, the weeds continued to gain a stronghold.

            Last weekend we did not get much rain but we did get some cool air from some storms. I got out there and attacked those weeds. I only had one little scare. I was on my hands and knees pulling the weeds when something swished by me, actually bumping into me as it passed. I will admit to an odd sound coming from me as I jumped back, unsure of what had happened.

            The culprit must have considered me an intruder to his home. It was a baby rabbit. It was about six or eight inches long. He zoomed by me so quickly I didn’t get a good look at him. I am only figuring that it was the little rabbit because we have seen one (or a few) hanging out near the garden. I think they have a nest in the garden someplace.

            So, the weeds are back under control in the vegetable garden. There is definitely some weeding that needs to be done in the daylily beds. Hopefully another thunderstorm breeze will ease the temperatures enough for me to get out there and weed those beds. The constant battle with weeds had me thinking about the weeds that can infect our thinking, which in turn affects our spiritual lives.

            Sometimes we spend time thinking about things that really don’t deserve the time they squander. We worry about things which can fill our minds with anxious thoughts. These weed-like thoughts are not always easy to remove, but if we allow them to monopolize our minds then we become less productive. God encourages us to lay our worries down in prayer and to leave them with Him. That’s not easy, but it will help declutter our thoughts and free us to think about better things.

            Many struggle with news overload. The 24-hour news stations don’t share positive and uplifting stories. They are filled with disasters and tragedies that fill our minds with bad news weeds. No wonder people are discouraged and depressed after so much negative news. We need to turn the news off and find something positive to meditate on.

            Another mind weed comes from social media. It’s fun to check in on family and friends and even to post our own updates, but to spend hours scrolling fills our minds with time-wasting weeds. Surfing TV stations can also steal valuable time and create more mind weeds. Learning to distinguish between weeds and needed rest and relaxation is important.

            I want to encourage you to clear the weeds from your mind. We all need to relax and disconnect from our busy lives, but we need to be careful what seeds are sown in our minds. Fill your mind with thanksgiving for God’s blessings. Enjoy a beautiful flower or an amazing sunset. Savor reading a good book or spending some quality time with a friend. Engage your mind with beautiful music. Focus your minds on the positive, encouraging, and uplifting thoughts. Tell a story that spreads joy and laughter. Remember and reflect on the good times with family, friends, and your spiritual life. It takes effort and intention, but the blessings will free your mind and minister to your spirit.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Going Through

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By Doug Creamer

            Do you believe in miracles? I do. I have seen them firsthand. A miracle in my book is when something happens that can only be explained by God’s intervention. We see something as impossible but God shows us that He is still doing the impossible. I believe that miracles are happening all around us every day as a direct answer to prayer.

            You will never be able to convince me that God can’t change a situation and turn things around. The Bible is full of stories of God’s intervention and I know too many stories of my own. God is a good Father and He is still active in our lives.

            I firmly believe God is still in the miracle business. Sometimes, however, He will not intervene because He wants to walk with us THROUGH a situation. The end result will be the same…the situation will be resolved, but when God walks us through the fire He wants to reveal a part of Himself to us.

            We rarely learn new things about God on the mountain top. It’s in the valley that we learn to trust Him. Going through a process will teach us more about His character, His faithfulness to us. He promised to never leave or forsake us. He wants us to know that He keeps His promises to see us through to the other side.

            Personally, I would rather see the miraculous, but God sometimes prefers that I press in to know Him as I walk through the trials and tribulations. God wants me to know Him better so He will allow some things that I would prefer not to go through in order to draw me closer to Himself. He is my sustainer, my ever present help in time of need.

            The disciples learned this firsthand when they got into the boat with Jesus. He told them to go to the other side and promptly fell asleep in the boat. He intended for them to get to the other side but a wild storm tried to stop them. These were experienced fishermen who had experienced plenty of storms in their lives; why did they panic in the middle of this one? Jesus told them they were going to the other side…and they made it in spite of the storm.  

            Joseph, Abraham’s son, faced a long journey to fulfill his purpose. Joseph’s brothers sold him to traveling merchants, who in turn sold him to Potiphar. Is that God’s path to leadership through serving others? Then Joseph endured the false accusation of Potiphar’s wife, which landed him in a dungeon. He spent multiple years serving faithfully in that dungeon before God opened the doors to fulfill His purpose.

            Joseph had to learn that God takes us through things that we don’t understand so we can learn more about Him. He spent thirteen years in servitude before rising to power, where he was still serving Pharaoh. Joseph had to learn to use his talents, skills, and abilities where God placed him to prepare him for the huge job of saving many people through the famine. I am sure there were times that Joseph cried out to God for deliverance, but then he got up and worked hard and showed great integrity.

            The Bible tells us that God caused His favor to shine on Joseph during those thirteen hard years. Joseph’s integrity and hard work plus God’s favor allowed Joseph to rise through the ranks at Potiphar’s house and in the dungeon to be the one in charge. He served where God placed him, which prepared him to serve God in saving so many people.

            We don’t always get to understand God’s purposes, plans, or His ways, but we can trust Him with our lives. He sees us every hour of every day. He knows our wants and needs. He is our great defender. We can trust Him as we go through the fiery trials and temptations. He will stand with us. He will come through for us. We can depend upon Him. He is always faithful. He loves us.

            I want to encourage you to put your trust in God. Whatever you are facing, I promise God sees you and He is walking with you through the process. Press into Him as you go through it with Him. You are not alone. Find a few close brothers or sisters who can stand with you and help you to stand as you go through your process. Never doubt God’s love for you. I believe He is building a story of His faithfulness through you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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