Watch this video on grit. Steve Hartman shares an inspirational story about a key to success… WATCH and see…
Hannah’s Musing. Reflection. Hope.
Watch this video on grit. Steve Hartman shares an inspirational story about a key to success… WATCH and see…
This is a message my pastor taught about finding a “home.” Finding a church home. You can choose to enjoy our worship or just skip ahead and listen to the message. It is well worth your time. ENJOY!!!
Listen to Dr. David Jeremiah talk about how to be calm when things are going crazy in the world. Jesus told us that he OVERCAME the world. Jesus promises us a PEACE beyond understanding… LISTEN….
Steve Hartman shares some great Halloween stories….. couldn’t resist posting the link to this one, thought you might enjoy it.
Listen to Bill Johnson share on how to pray. This is a sermon clip about the power of prayer… Be encouraged to PRAY…
My Dad was a member of the group that was flown to Washington DC as a part of the NC Honor Guard. The trip was paid for by local sponsors to honor the men and women who have served in our armed forces. They got the opportunity to tour the memorials in DC. I want to thank all the people who made this trip possible for my Dad and the 95 others who were honored. Here is a news clip about the story…. ENJOY!
Listen to Bill Johnson share on the importance of waiting on God. Listen….
Watch Steve Hartman talk with his kids about compassion. These four stories will touch your heart. Enjoy….
Here is a great video about producing a harvest. I hope you enjoy it.
Here are four stories about patriotism from Steve Hartman…or should I say from his kids. Better get the box of tissues before you watch… these stories are that good!!!