A Warning that Changed her Life

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Have you ever seen those blue lights in your rear view mirror? This young lady did and the encounter with the State Trooper changed her life. Steve Hartman shares their story and I encourage you to listen and be blessed!

Saying Good-bye???

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I never experienced many things, parenting is one of them. So I don’t know how you help your child give up their pacifier. This guy went all out…I mean he went ALL OUT to help his child say…Good-bye to the pacifier. Enjoy Steve Hartman’s story….

A Pair of Shoes

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I can’t imagine what it must be like to be homeless. I have been approached by the professional beggars. Many I do not help, some I have, but this story will grab your attention. Could you help a homeless person in this way? Here is Steve Hartman’s story of a bus driver who goes above and beyond to help a homeless stranger… Enjoy!


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It might be easy to forgive someone for the little things they do that hurt us. BUT… what do you do when someone does something…unforgivable! You have to turn to God and discover a way to forgive… Here is an incredible story of just that. Steve Hartman shares a story of HOW you MUST learn to forgive…. WATCH!

Lessons in Kindness

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Steve Hartman teaches us that anyone can do acts of kindness. It’s when we take a moment and stop thinking about ourselves and we think about someone else. As a teacher, I like to share his lessons with others. Watch today’s lesson…


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Steve Hartman tells a story of how one word impacted so many people…WOW! Wait to you hear it, I promise it will impact you too! WOW…Steve Hartman, thank you for sharing it.

Do you need a laugh?

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We lost a true comedy legend the other day…Bob Newhart. I have some comedy records…yes, I mean real records, of Bob Newhart. They are absolutely funny. Here are two clips to give you a laugh and lift your spirits…. ENJOY!

Here is another one that is just audio…. Listen and enjoy!

High Fives Matter!

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Have you ever given someone a High Five? Many people will fist bump now. It’s all the same. Two friends meet and they High Five! This is a great story about why it is important to have such good friends by Steve Hartman… High Five!!!!

We Must Remember!

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Here is a story about a young man who is willing to listen to an old lady tell her story of the Holocaust. She is an actual survivor of that horror. We MUST remember what happened and as the young man says make sure we never do it again! Listen as Steve Hartman shares a great story…..

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