A Personal Testimony

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By Jim Howard

A testimony from today.“Give and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.””

Luke 6:38 ESV

I am going to share an experience from today. In sharing it, I will mention skin pigmentation. The only reason that has any bearing on this story is that possibly it will help someone see things through a different light. Here’s the story: Wanda and I were eating at a local cafeteria. I saw a gentleman who was probably 15 years younger than me but looked older. He had skin darker than mine, and he was walking with a cane as he headed toward the cash register. As he passed our booth he was fumbling with a couple things that he was carrying. In the process, his ticket fell to the floor. I saw it and got out of my seat to pick up the ticket for him. My decision to do that was not influenced, one way or the other, by pigmentation. Compassion in me saw someone who could use help and I responded. I knew immediately that I was going to pay for his lunch. He had spotted the Navy cap I was wearing and showed me his Marine Corps ring. I thanked him for his service, as he did me, and I told him that I was paying for his lunch and he thanked me as he left.

When we finished our meal, Wanda spotted, across the room, a young family of father, mother, and a daughter that appeared to be about 6 years old. The parents were probably the age of our grandchildren and their skin, ie. their outer covering, was darker than ours. They were not present to witness my earlier experience. We walked over to say what a lovely daughter they had. During our conversation the dad asked for our ticket because he wanted to pay it. Our ticket was more than twice the amount of the one I was paying for the marine (good measure, pressed down, etc). In just a few minutes we all knew that we had made a divine connection. We knew that we had met some kinfolks from the family of God. We spoke God’s blessings on each other. I gave them a signed copy of “If You Don’t Get Offended You’ll Get Blessed” and the dad asked if he could hug me and he did. We hated to go our own ways.

I’ll share an old expression of mine that can be a Jim-ism when I can abbreviate it enough to fit a little green box. “We are not all children of God. Jesus said to some religious folks, “you are of your father the devil”. A whole lot of the people you meet tomorrow will be the devils kids. God has been trying to adopt them but they are not willing. There are two families on the earth. You are in one of the other. You’re either a sinner or a saint, you are saved or you ain’t. Being a Christ follower locates me in a family and gives me family relationship with all other Christ followers. Skin pigmentation does not necessarily indicate family relationship. I know a lot of people with skin that is colored about like my Scotch Irish covering, (a little pinkish and real light brownish), that I claim no kinship to and don’t want to. I also know a lot of people who would identify as black, brown, red, or yellow, and we know, without a doubt, that we are kin. We all need to be careful who we call brother or sister. You might be claiming the devil as your daddy”.

Wanda and I were blessed to meet some family members today. We recognized some strong family resemblances. The Bible calls them the fruit of the Spirit. For a little extra blessing on our giving, we stopped at the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and the lady handed it out the window and said, “we took care of the co-pay. Have a nice day”. I love this family I live in. If you are not a member The Father is waiting to welcome you.

Romans 8:16-17 ESV – The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.