Steve Hartman has a special way of telling a story. A young boy needed someone to become a stabilizing force in his life. To find out more, watch the story. ENJOY!
Steve Hartman has a special way of telling a story. A young boy needed someone to become a stabilizing force in his life. To find out more, watch the story. ENJOY!
Steve Hartman tells a story of a police officer who changed the life of a young lady. He didn’t give her a ticket, but he listened and then gave her some advice… Watch what happens….
Steve Hartman always tells a great story. How do you create one out of key fobs? Wait until you see… ENJOY!
Steve Hartman goes on the road…literally for this great story about sacrifice and love. It’s worth the ride… ENJOY!
Steve Hartman tells a great story of how one family discovered what happened to their family member during the war. ENJOY!
Only Steve Hartman could turn the chore of collecting the leaves into a story about love, fun, laughter, and joy! Oh, and there is a dog in the story too! Enjoy!!
Steve Hartman tells a story that reveals something we all long for…love and acceptance. This is a special story of one young man’s journey to find it and how it changed everyone around him. ENJOY!
When it comes time to name a school building we all look for an inspirational person. Many want to choose someone famous… Others want to choose someone who accomplished something great… Steve Hartman tells us a story of a community that chose a wonderful role model for their school… Listen…. & Enjoy!
Steve Hartman tells the story of a SUPER fan for one local high school. Being a loyal fan can mean more to the players then you might imagine. Listen to this great story….
If you have heard of all the destruction in western North Carolina, then let me share a story of hope! It reveals the kindness of people in the midst of tragedy. People can be very amazing especially after horrific events. Steve Hartman found one of those stories and I encourage you to watch it. It will lift your spirit.