Why The Measles Surge Could Open The Door To A Host Of Other Diseases

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With measles making a comeback in many upper-income countries including the United States and still rampant in some poorer nations such as Democratic Republic of Congo and Madagascar, a leading measles expert is warning of a danger beyond the spread of the disease itself: There’s mounting evidence that when a person is infected with measles, the virus also wipes out the immune system’s memory of how to fight off all sorts of other life-threatening infections – ranging from gastro-intestinal bugs that cause diarrhea to respiratory viruses that trigger pneumonia. From WFDD Radio

Meet a Therapy Horse

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When Heidi Weston had a serious accident with her horse, she thought she’d never have horses in her life again… until she met Trusty the miniature horse.

The first time Trusty, a miniature horse, went to a memory care facility, he went over to a woman with dementia. From KUOW.ORG

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