Dairy Ice Cream?

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Dairy Ice Cream, No Cow Needed: These Egg And Milk Proteins Are Made Without Animals – Earlier today, I ate a scoop of chocolate ice cream – creamy and pleasantly fatty feeling in my mouth. This would hardly seem newsworthy, except for the high-tech ingredient that made my frozen treat go down so smoothly: dairy proteins produced in a lab, no cows needed. (WFDD – Public radio story)


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Josh Duggar’s Wife Anna Shares New Family Photo With Husband: ‘Redemption Is a Beautiful Thing’

Anna Duggar is proud of working it out with her husband, Josh.

The former 19 Kids and Counting couple recently took a family trip to the Saint Louis Zoo, which 31-year-old Anna documented on her Instagram on Wednesday. When one fan referenced Anna’s “journey” with Josh being a difficult one in a comment, Anna replied that she felt Josh has been redeemed. (from Entertainment Tonight)

Drugs from Canada?

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Drug industry lashes Trump for Canada importation plan – The Trump administration jumped into a fight with drugmakers Wednesday by promising to allow importation of cheaper drugs from Canada and other countries, advancing an idea the pharmaceutical industry and many members of the president’s party have long opposed. (From Politico.com)

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