Steve Hartman tells the story of what a student gave to her teacher. It wasn’t an apple! Kindness and love exist! Watch and see for yourself…. ENJOY!
Hope Will Always Win!
If you have heard of all the destruction in western North Carolina, then let me share a story of hope! It reveals the kindness of people in the midst of tragedy. People can be very amazing especially after horrific events. Steve Hartman found one of those stories and I encourage you to watch it. It will lift your spirit.
What is Love?
How do you define love? Is it a feeling? How do you know when you have it? Steve Hartman shares a beautiful story about love. Get the tissues…watch it and enjoy!
Kindness from High School Students
When you watch the news you begin to lose your faith in mankind. Then you watch a Steve Hartman story about high school students who show to someone most people may not even notice… Gotta watch it to believe it….
Just One Person…
We all have moments when we are down and in a bad place. Maybe we did it to ourselves, maybe something happened to us. It is in those moments that we need someone to help us up. We need a friend. We need just one person to believe in us. Watch this story by Steve Hartman about one person who makes a difference…
Jesus has Plans for Your Future
Listen to Graham Cooke share a powerful word for you about what Jesus sees for your future. Listen and be blessed….
Saying Good-bye???
I never experienced many things, parenting is one of them. So I don’t know how you help your child give up their pacifier. This guy went all out…I mean he went ALL OUT to help his child say…Good-bye to the pacifier. Enjoy Steve Hartman’s story….
A Pair of Shoes
I can’t imagine what it must be like to be homeless. I have been approached by the professional beggars. Many I do not help, some I have, but this story will grab your attention. Could you help a homeless person in this way? Here is Steve Hartman’s story of a bus driver who goes above and beyond to help a homeless stranger… Enjoy!
It might be easy to forgive someone for the little things they do that hurt us. BUT… what do you do when someone does something…unforgivable! You have to turn to God and discover a way to forgive… Here is an incredible story of just that. Steve Hartman shares a story of HOW you MUST learn to forgive…. WATCH!
Lessons in Kindness
Steve Hartman teaches us that anyone can do acts of kindness. It’s when we take a moment and stop thinking about ourselves and we think about someone else. As a teacher, I like to share his lessons with others. Watch today’s lesson…