The Overcomer

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By Ann Farabee

Without a doubt, the columns I have received the most messages and emails about have dealt with going through difficult circumstances in life. The Lord has certainly allowed me to go through many trials — and my tests have become my testimonies.

I love the promise in John 16:33: “These things have I spoken unto you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

How much tribulation must we deal with that needs to be overcome?

In most of our lives, the answer to that question is: a lot!

But we can be of good cheer! Not only can we be of good cheer, but we can have peace. Not only can we be of good cheer and have peace, but we also have an overcomer! His name is Jesus!

To overcome means to prevail over, to defeat, to overpower or ascendancy. The word ascendancy is a noun that means to occupy a position of power or influence.

The Lord is our overcomer! He prevails over our lives. He defeats and overpowers our enemies. He occupies the position of power and influence in our world. This knowledge surely can bring peace in our lives.

It seems way too often that my husband and I have to look at each other with a sigh and a head-shake as we say, “It’s always something!”

It is always something, isn’t it? I mean — that’s a promise, right? We will have tribulation. The meaning of tribulation is great trouble. Yes, great trouble comes quite often.

I like to repeat this often: Jesus is my overcomer.

• Health problems? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Financial needs? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Anxiety? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Spiritual weakness? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Emotional problems? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Children struggling? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Marriage problems? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Fear? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Problems at work? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Loneliness? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Grieving? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Failure? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Ice cream in a cone melting over my hand? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Need to get a flying bug out of my house? Jesus is my overcomer.

The last two were to see if you were paying attention, but also remind us that Jesus is not only our overcomer in times of life’s big problems, but also in our everyday lives.

Jesus is my overcomer!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

Weak But Strong

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By Ann Farabee

On an early March morning in 1995, my family gathered around the bedside of my mother. She was on her final earthly journey, as she was heading to see her savior face-to-face.

All we knew to do as a family was to be present, to hold on to her, to pray and to sing.

This is a song I remember us singing to her that day:

Jesus loves me — this I know.

For the Bible tells me so.

Little ones to him belong.

They are weak — but he is strong.

I wonder how Anna Bartlett Warner felt when she wrote these words. Surely they brought tears to her eyes. It was set to music by William Bradbury, who also added the chorus. She taught it to cadets at the U.S. Military Academy. Soldiers sang it on the battlefield. It became even more well known through a picture of a dying child being comforted by the words. Anna could never have had any idea of the hope and peace that song would bring to the world for generations to come.

The words are so simple: Jesus loves us. We know that because the Bible tells us. We are his little ones. We belong to him. We are weak. He is strong.

When my mother breathed her last breath, I never thought I would regain my strength. I was too weak. But when we are weak, we can become strong. How do I know?

Second Corinthians 12:10 says, “For when I am weak, then am I strong.”

Psalm 73:26 says, “My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my life.”

Isaiah 40:29 says, “He gives strength to the weak.”

We all go through times of being weak. Some of those times may have been in seasons of difficulty: the death of a loved one, pain, sickness, disappointment, depression, discouragement, financial loss, fear, anxiety or a broken heart.

I am so thankful God has provided a way to give us strength in our times of weakness. How can we find that strength?

1. Pick up God’s word. Open it. Turn the pages. Read the words. The Holy Spirit will give our weakness strength through those words, for God’s word is alive and active, and still speaks to our hearts today.

2. Talk to the father. We may feel weak and weary. Our flesh and heart may fail us. But — we are his little ones. We belong to him. He wants us to talk to him.

Weak but strong?

Yes, we are.

Because God is our strength.

Because God gives us strength.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

Help from Haggai

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By Ann Farabee

• Consider our ways.

How can we consider our ways? To consider means to think carefully about something. Ways means our way, our journey, or our manner. As we consider our ways, we could ask ourselves this question, “During my time on this earth, am I more concerned with my own needs than I am with fulfilling God’s will for my life?

Lord, help us to understand that we belong to you. Help us to consider our ways and make serving you our top priority.

Repeat as needed: Consider my ways.

• God is with us.

This is powerful. To even begin to understand that God is always with us is more than the heart can take. We are a friend of God. Do we deserve to be? No. But we are.

Lord, help us to truly grasp that You are surrounding us and that the Holy Spirit is living inside us. When we begin to understand, we will never be the same.

Repeat as needed: God is with me.

• We can be strong.

How can we be strong when we are so weak? We can be strong because God is with us. God gives us strength. Psalm 29:11 says that the Lord will give strength to his people. That’s who we are — his people.

Lord, help us to see that we do not have to toil or labor for our strength. Help us to remember that you give strength to us. It is a gift from our heavenly father.

Repeat as needed: God will make me strong.

• In this place God will give peace.

How can we have peace when our lives are not peaceful? Peace is inside us. God gives it to us. Psalm 29:11 says that the Lord will bless his people with peace.

Lord, help us to remember that you have blessed us with peace. Not just tomorrow’s peace, or yesterday’s peace, but peace in the place we are today — this place.

Repeat as needed: God will give peace in this place.

• The glory of the latter house will be greater than the former.

Haggai spent much time encouraging the people to make the work of rebuilding the temple their top priority. It can be so easy to falter and without even realizing it not put God as our top priority — even though he makes us a top priority.

Lord help us to remember that this life is not about our earthly home — but is about the glorious kingdom not built by man. Thank you for the promise that you will make all things new and that the end will be better than the beginning.

Repeat as needed: The glory of the latter house will be greater than the former.

This has been brought to you from the book of Haggai.

Read it.

It is only two chapters.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

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