Character & Choices

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By Doug Creamer

            I have talked with several guys recently who were trying to get a new job. The conversations quickly turned me back into a teacher. I started to pour into these guys all the knowledge I have about the job search process. While there are some basic things that still hold true about the job search process, I have not kept current with all the new methods. So the teacher was doing a little learning in these conversations.

            One thing we can all agree on is that employers are seeking candidates with some character. I would like to clarify here. There are some guys that I know whom I might describe as characters in a fun and joking manner. These are the kind of men you want around you in both good and bad times. They will be right there to help you whatever you might be going through. But you better have some thick skin because they will pick on and tease you and keep you laughing. Some people might call them characters, but I prefer to call them friends.

            In the job search process, character refers to the way you live. A former principal and the faculty I worked with at East Davidson worked tirelessly to instill moral character in our students. It’s doing the right thing regardless of the circumstances. It’s giving your best every day. It’s being an employee that an employer can trust. It’s being faithful to your job and your employer. It’s working hard with a strong work ethic. If you have character you are the employee every employer wants working for them.

            People with strong, moral character make good choices. We all have opportunities every day to make choices. Sometimes we make the good and right choices, and sometimes we make the wrong choices. Why is that? Simply because we live in a fallen world and we are only human. We are going to make the wrong choice sometimes. Someone with good character strives to make the right choices in life.

            Making the right choice affects every area of our lives. How we treat our supervisors and co-workers reflects on us. The way we interact with customers or sales staff says a lot about who we are to the world, which watches us closely. Many people will not go to church, but they will interact with you, and they will base their decision on whether to become a Christ-follower on your interactions with them. I have heard it said that you are the only Bible some people will ever read.

            I gave the sermon at our church on Sunday because our pastor was traveling. In the message I told our congregation that God chose Mary and Joseph based on their character. Joseph was a man of integrity who didn’t cheat his customers. God was looking for a good man who made right choices to raise His Son. Mary was also chosen to help raise Jesus in a loving family. Both Mary and Joseph had to be people of great faith who could be trusted with the highest calling I can imagine, raising Jesus.

            I still believe that God is in the business of looking for people with great character that He can trust to carry out His work on the earth. We are His ambassadors to the world. We are called to carry His message of salvation and hope to a world lost in darkness. You may never know the impact of your warm smile or a simple word of encouragement. God is looking for people who will be light and hope. God is looking for people with integrity of character that He can trust to do His will today.

            I want to encourage you to carefully consider your choices. My pastor often tells our congregation that the way we live our lives matters. Many people are watching your life to see if Jesus makes a difference in your life. How does He affect you? Are you a contagious Christian? Are people hungry for the Jesus they see in you? Do they see Jesus as your Savior and your friend? We are in the season of giving; you have the opportunity of sharing the best gift of “Good News” with the disconnected or disenchanted. You can offer Jesus as Savior, friend, deliverer, healer, forgiver, and life preserver of hope. There are people around you who need to hear this message of love and hope, especially at this time of year with its many challenges. I know God is looking for people like you and me, people of character, to carry His light into the world.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or