Church Conferences

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By Doug Creamer

            I like going to church; it’s my Father’s house and I like being there. I have sat alone in many church sanctuaries in my life. I enjoy the peacefulness of just being in His presence. When I can quiet my spirit in His house I can often hear His sweet whispers. I can also feel His love for me in ways that are hard to experience in any other place.

            The beach is another very special place to experience God’s presence. Most people can experience God’s presence while sitting near the water listening to the crashing waves. I can spend hours talking with Him while on vacation at the beach.

            I know you are going to think this is a crazy thing to say, especially in the middle of August, but I can experience His presence while walking through a snowstorm. I love to get all bundled up and go for a walk while it is snowing. It is so incredibly peaceful when the snow is falling all around me. His presence feels tangible to me in those moments.

            Another time I can feel God’s presence is at a church conference. I really enjoy gathering with the family of God as we hear the word of God from a gifted minister. Many years ago Pastor Greg Laurie, who produced the movie The Jesus Revolution, came to Winston-Salem for a conference. I received training to be one of the counselors on the floor when people came down to receive prayer. It was a very special and exciting time to be a part of that conference.

            I have attended many conferences through the years at different churches. Some speakers are better than others. Some I have heard multiple times and look forward to their next visit as soon as the conference is over. Some have an anointing to teach and I can’t write notes fast enough. Others have a powerful anointing to pray with you and stir within you something that changes your life. Still others come and offer individuals encouraging words to strengthen the participants’ faith for their journey. These speakers have a way of letting us know that God knows and cares for each one of us in a very special way.

            Last weekend our church had a conference that I had looked forward to for several weeks. Our speaker had been at our church a couple of times before and I really enjoy him. Our speaker travels the world holding conferences. He is a unique individual who can offer incredible teaching and individual encouraging words to those who come to his meetings.

            He has lived in Israel, so when he teaches a Bible story he describes the location and the circumstances in incredible detail, thus making the Word of God come alive. He also has a Jewish background, which makes him better able to explain the culture and the context of the Bible stories. He sponsors tours to Israel so as he describes a location in the Bible story you are instantly transported there in your mind.

            He offered many people encouraging words while he was speaking. It was fun to be in the room as he encouraged people. You could almost see people’s hearts being healed and strengthened as he spoke to them. As he expressed God’s heart for each person, you could almost imagine Jesus walking up to them and giving them a bear hug. The speaker has a way of sharing God’s love that melts hearts and refreshes the soul.

            The weekend came with the same anticipation that I have for Christmas and it passed by so quickly. Now our job as a church is to steward the deposit that our speaker made in our lives. Both the teaching he offered and the encouragement he gave need to be treasured. The enemy wants to steal the seed he planted in our lives. The daily grind of life can push out all the good that was imparted to us unless we guard and savor it.

            I know that many churches have special conferences in the fall. If your church has one, then I encourage you to attend. Pray and prepare your heart to hear God’s Word. Then, when the conference is over, review what you learned and guard that which the Lord planted in your heart. Whether you attend a conference or not, remember that God loves you far more than you can imagine. He wants to strengthen and encourage you in your walk with Him. He is watching over you, caring for you, cheering you on as you walk the straight and narrow path that leads to His heart.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or