Day 13

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By David Freeze

A most enjoyable day

  After a very pleasant sleep at the Black Range Lodge in Kingston, New Mexico, I headed down the mountain for almost nine more miles to Hillsboro. Hillsboro has a restaurant that thrives and a lot of beautiful older homes, but it was very quiet as I rode through.

    Then on to Caballo, where there is a huge reservoir and a nice convenience store. The store clerk told me that in September and October there will be several hundred cyclists stopping by his store on my same route. Next came Arrey, the first store with ice for my drinks, then Derry, Garfield and Salem.

  Next was Hatch, where I could spent lots of time. There was plenty to see, sort of a reminder of a Route 66 town. Hatch is the Chili Capital of the World and it was booming. Then Radium Springs was less exciting, but that was just after Joe Myers joined me for the last 19 miles into Las Cruces. I am staying in Joe’s daughter’s house tonight. Joe is from La Luz, New Mexico and his mother, Catherine, lives in Statesville. Joe’s aunt, Margaret, and her husband, Bob Harris, live on High Rock.

  This is my last night in New Mexico. Today highlights included lots of crops planted along the Rio Grande, including peppers, soybeans, corn and vast amounts of pecan trees. I saw one man screen for gold from a creek, something I would like to do. Something I didn’t see was the town of Truth or Consequences after the route veered away from it. Sounds like a great name for a town.

    Today’s ride totaled 91 miles, but finished with a tailwind, clouds and the pleasant ride with Joe. My legs felt terrible this morning but came around in the afternoon.

    I’m excited to head for Texas tomorrow, although it will make up nearly 1,000 miles of the whole trip. The heat wasn’t as bad today, but will return. Keep riding along and sending those prayers!