Day 5

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By David Freeze

Comeback from yesterday’s adversity

  I knew it would take all I had to get across the desert yesterday, especially with the predicted high temp of around 113. As mentioned yesterday, something happened near the end of the ride. Although I have been in slightly warmer temperatures, the ride through the Mojave Desert didn’t seem as bad as yesterday. I caught a couple of fortunate breaks to get ice water but that same refreshing water becomes very hot quickly, bath water hot. Drinking that water did nothing for me and I could barely get it down. I stopped at the first farm I saw at the end of the desert and was given ice and water. It took a while to come around, mostly the ability to stand and purposely walk.

    Riverview County Sheriff Deputies responded, and after they saw I was Ok, took me and my bike to my planned motel. I was severely dehydrated and possibly overcome by the sheer heat index. My promise to everyone was a half day of riding today and the rest off to rejuvenate after the incredibly challenging first few days of the trip.

    With that, I left America’s Best Value Inn about 7am, only deciding to go at all about 6am. I planned a 37 mile ride and rest in the afternoon. I crossed the beautiful Colorado River and into Arizona, no regret leaving the bad road state and on into Ehrenburg.

    God rode with me for sure this morning on I-10 as low clouds and light drizzle cooled the air. The next town was Quartzite, where I called the motel in Brenda that I wanted to stay in tonight. Closed for the summer I was told and that extended my ride to 61 miles and a 4pm dismount. Four steady climbs made the day tough, but I’m feeling good now and cool, made better by the rain and a high of about 95. Well off yesterday’s official 114. Also made better by my first egg, cheese and tomato breakfast sandwich at Subway. And I now have an affinity for ice, looking for it all the time out here.

    The sun came out in early afternoon warming the air just ahead of the last climb that took me to Salome, Arizona and Sheffler’s Motel. This is a small town of a little over 1,000 but with a convenience store, a very important Family Dollar and two motels. My ride totaled 61 miles.

  I am back up at more than 1800 feet elevation and will go slightly higher tomorrow, before a welcome descent into Phoenix, probably day after tomorrow.

    Father and Son Produce has been sponsoring my trips since the first one. Stop by and pick up some of the fruits and vegetables soon. Linda has access to all my books too.

    Thanks for riding along!