Faith Prevails

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By Doug Creamer

            Have you ever struggled with doubt? Yeah, I have too. No one wants to struggle with doubt, but it’s a natural human tendency. This struggle began in the Garden of Eden. Satan came to Eve and asked her, “Did God really say…” He created doubt in Eve’s mind. If it worked back in the garden, he will use it on us today.

            There is a big difference between doubting God and struggling with thoughts of doubt. When we doubt God we don’t trust Him or His word. However, when we find ourselves struggling with doubt, that can be a good thing, because that is when our faith is growing. When we wrestle with doubt we are fighting or wrestling with our logical minds to bring us into a greater trust in God.

            If I doubt you and turn my back on you that means I have come into agreement with the doubts. I have decided you are wrong and will not consider another option. That is the kind of doubt that is dangerous. It is especially bad when I allow those kinds of doubts to enter my relationship with God. When we have decided that we are right and God is wrong, we are in serious trouble.

            If you find yourself struggling with doubt you are in some good company. Abraham struggled with doubt. How could God bring forth a child from Sarah and him? Sarah laughed at the thought she would become pregnant at her age. But Abraham chose to trust God even though his logical mind tried to lead him away in doubt. That’s a faith-growing good battle.

            Sometimes we have to pay a price for our struggle with doubt. When the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah he doubted God’s word that he would become a father at his age. His doubt brought about the consequence that he was deaf and mute until John the Baptist was born. We need to learn to engage faith to fight our doubts and thus grow stronger spiritually.

            At this time of year I often think about Joseph and wonder how often he struggled with doubts about the origin of Jesus. Mary knew she was a virgin. Up until that point in history no one had ever experienced a virgin birth. I imagine Satan planted doubts in Joseph’s mind.  

            I believe the shepherds were sent to help Joseph. Their story would silence his doubts and stir up his faith. Later when Joseph and Mary take Jesus to the temple to present Him to the Lord, there is the respected leader Simeon who takes Jesus and declares that He is the long-awaited Messiah. Then Anna comes along and shares Simeon’s excitement. I believe these events encouraged Joseph’s faith.

            Joseph must have had a strong faith because we know of four specific times that God gave Joseph a dream and in each case he was immediately obedient to the instructions in the dream. Yet this man of great faith, the man who was entrusted with raising the Messiah, probably struggled with doubts. But Joseph raised his shield of faith and overcame the doubts.

            If you meet someone with a strong faith then I can assure you that the individual has fought and overcame many doubts. When we meet doubt in our spiritual journey we have a choice. We can come into agreement with the doubt and walk away from faith in God, or we can choose to fight the doubts and come into agreement with God and trust Him and His word. We have to choose to believe. In spite of what we see, we choose to trust God.

            Each of us is struggling with something in our lives. It’s something that is calling us to believe that God is bigger than our circumstances. Doubts are floating around in our minds about God’s love and faithfulness. God is calling us to choose. He wants us to choose faith in Him, trust in Him, hope in Him in spite of the situation.

            I want to encourage you to stir your faith in God. Believe. In spite of the circumstances believe that God loves you and knows all the details you are facing at this moment. Have faith that He is at work in your situation. Trust that He will do what is best for all that are involved. Pray that God will take your mustard seed of faith and help you overcome. Doubt is not bad if we engage it and grow a stronger faith because of it. I pray God blesses you and helps you as you walk through the trial you are facing.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or