Freedom Comes at a Price

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By Doug Creamer

            My boss set up a field trip for the students to a museum that I didn’t know existed. This museum is located out in the country but it is well worth the trip. It’s called the Price of Freedom Museum. It was started by one fellow who collected military memorabilia. He started displaying the collection in his business until he ran out of space.

            I really don’t know how it went from being in his business to its current location, which is an old school. The collection now represents 20th century American military history and covers all branches of the armed services. I was especially struck by a uniform that had been worn by a soldier during World War I.

            The guys who led our tour through the museum shared so many great stories, which helped to make everything we were seeing come to life. They explained why the early gas masks were not effective. They showed us examples of field rations. They talked about how heavy the packs were that our servicemen had to carry. They also explained the roles of women in the various wars and how those roles changed over time.  

            One of the things that caught my attention is the pictures of the groups of men as they prepared to go off and fight. Some of the groups were larger than high school class pictures. There were tables covered with these pictures of so many men being sent off to war. As I looked at the pictures I wondered how many of those guys didn’t come home. I thought about the fact that these men were someone’s sons, fathers, brothers, or husbands. The more I looked at the pictures the more I wanted to thank these men and their families for such an incredible sacrifice so that I could live in freedom.

            I guess that is the point of this museum; freedom comes to us at a very high price. Freedom isn’t free at all. Unless someone is willing to stand up for it, we could lose the freedom that we enjoy every day. I grew up in Virginia Beach, where there where many servicepeople living in the area. If I see a person wearing their uniform while I am out, I try to make an effort to thank them for their service to our country.

            I realize that I have another freedom that someone paid a very high price for me. I was lost in sin, shame, doubt, and fears, and Jesus came and paid the price so I could be free. He willingly laid His life down for all of mankind so we could freely have a relationship with God our Heavenly Father. His blood washes us clean; our debt is paid in full. There is no need for us to struggle with guilt and shame, His blood paid for that, too.

            He died not only to present us clean before God but to set us free from all the things that would hold us back from the Father. We don’t have to worry about our future because God has it in His hands. There is no reason to struggle with doubt or fear because the God who made everything is watching out for you and me.  

            When I sit and think about it I realize that many men and women gave their lives so I could hear the Good News of the gospel. Most of the disciples were martyred for the faith. There have been many people down through history who were willing to give their lives to share the Good News with the lost. There are people today who are willing to give their lives to share the gospel of hope with the world. The price of sharing the Good News continues to be anything but free.

            I want to encourage you to consider the price that has been paid for you to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus paid it all for each one of us. He thought about us when He died on the cross. He knew it was the only way to purchase us and to set us free. The Son of God died so we could live in freedom. I am thankful for the high price He paid. I am also thankful for all those who also had to pay with their lives so I could hear the Good News. I also want to honor those who lived out their faith and endured to the very end. I am so thankful for my freedom and the price so many have paid for me!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or